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why not Come under US-Nuclear Umbrella ?

EMO you are kidding right i answer what you what you wrote
About Strong Convt Army is need of time Nop Strong Economy is and the development of Pakistan when this happens you can buy all the goodies from whoever you want :D You need Money Which Pak currently doesn't have

no sir i disagree ... even if your economy is stand on its feets again in coming 5 years, you still cant test a ICBM , cause it will be considered a threat to US , and EU ... not to mentioned the old theory that taliban can take over Pakistan Nuclear weapons .. right now you are save because none of your missile can reach US or any EU counrty
nor did india ... but india is not investing in anything positive .. their most of the investment directly go to pockets of Insurgents ..
India isnt i think you havnt seen indian news yet , and News about LOC
Yes, but that would be true if Indian leaders were decidedly incompetent. So far, I have reason to believe that at the very worst case every decade (or two), a competent Prime Minister comes along to push things.

You see 'Tea Party' ideals cut both ways. Its a double edged blade. It can make us stronger or it can act negatively. These very same fears have been expressed before and the results have (in India) always shown that they have made India stronger. The very same Indian companies that feared foreign competition have become MNC's. They are beating American corporations not just in India but also in third countries. The very same talent that joined these foreign MNC's leaves them after learning their business and setup their own ventures.

And secondly, when a market as big as India wants something, what makes you think that these same American/Western MNC's will not lobby with US government to do what India wants - so as not to lose a market. This is already happening.

Thirdly, since you live in the US - you would know how many of major corporations in US have Indians in key positions. These Indians in general exert enormous pressures to ensure that their companies put more and more investment in India. Eventually you have corps that have 60% of their entire workforce in India - from their basic tech support to their entire R&D centers but are US corporations only in name(to obtain benefits that come with being an American company).

The blade cuts both ways.

Agreed, but then again.. while the US has been using that blade for a while now.. India is only just beginning to realize its potential. Unless strict tempering is done to ensure that the very leadership on top of the MNCs and hence their influence on Indian government is not compromised.. the blade will generally end up bleeding India more.
I agree with that F 35 would be a game changer.But FGFA would again change that for our favour.I have a confidence about that because we are competing with PRC.
Sorry no more off topic

Like I said before, its a long discussion.. and lets agree to disagree on the final statement that in my view your confidence is misplaced.
no sir i disagree ... even if your economy is stand on its feets again in coming 5 years, you still cant test a ICBM , cause it will be considered a threat to US , and EU ... not to mentioned the old theory that taliban can take over Pakistan Nuclear weapons .. right now you are save because none of your missile can reach US or any EU counrty
ICBM ICBM ICBM what makes ICBM so special please en light me Pakistan isnt Testing or Making ICBM Cz It Will Make people nervous if testing ICBM or making ICBM is so bad why did india created one and tested one than why didnt the mighty Uncle Sam stopped them ?
and you think they will let Pakistan stand on their feet ??
a strong and stable Pakistan is not in favor of India , which they hate most to see ..
and today war are fought in proxies form .. since when you are starting to realize that we are able to remove this Taliban factor from our Country ??
yesterday it was Al-qaeda , today its TTP and tomorrow it will be ISIS ...

That situation existed since creation of Pakistan, that is why India is our enemy. Currently to handle any cold start type of thing from India we need to boost our air defense capability on sea and land based assets. We need 3 tier air defense on sea and ground assets so load on PAF can be reduced and if on a battle field they can't provide cover those ground troops could handle enemy on their own.

Afghanistan will be play ground of India and Pakistan proxies and India will try to make that border unsafe so more pressure on economy and military can be inserted.

Pakistani foreign office have to play well for safeguarding interest of the nation in international community, Russia must become strategic partner of the future, sooner or later they will separate from India if they don't divorced.
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ICBM ICBM ICBM what makes ICBM so special please en light me Pakistan isnt Testing or Making ICBM Cz It Will Make people nervous if testing ICBM or making ICBM is so bad why did india created one and tested one than why didnt the mighty Uncle Sam stopped them ?

ICBM is a example to explain you ... and Uncle sam has no issue with India missile because india is not suffering from the WOT .. and india have no fear of any Taliban taking over their Nuclear weapons .. ( at least this what US and west think )
topic is never about Kashmir .... did you even read the OP ?

I did read and thats why wondered. If you don't use nuclear blackmail option against India then not in 100 years pakistan can fight any conventional war. So for pakistan nuclear blackmail is only option against India and it won't let it go under the US umbrella.
That situation existed since creation of Pakistan, that is why India is our enemy. Currently to handle any cold start type of thing from India we need to boost our air defense capability on sea and land based assets. We need 3 tier air defense on sea and ground assets so load on PAF can be reduced and if on a battle field they can't provide cover those ground troops could handle enemy on their own.

Afghanistan will be play ground of India and Pakistan proxies and India will try to make that border unsafe so more pressure on economy and military can be inserted.

sir in order to buy more birds , having 3 layer Air defense , you need $$ . and right now we are wasting money on building nukes , which are just resting in rust ..
ICBM is a example to explain you ... and Uncle sam has no issue with India missile because india is not suffering from the WOT .. and india have no fear of any Taliban taking over their Nuclear weapons .. ( at least this what US and west think )
UNCLE SAM HAS SAID Thousand Times Pak Nukes are safe
Alright, fair enough. But what if that check is provided by China in general? Keeping India under a mirror of its "Tea Party" ideals only helps the US make sure India takes decisions where its immediate business lies and not what may benefit the nation 10-20 years down the line. Eventually, MNCs moving most of Indian foreign policy may end up being the reality of American influence on India.

What about a reverse scenario?
You know MNCs have only one religion .Profit.Nationalism.is not an issue in there.Americans learned it in hard way during recession time their own Vice President company shifted their quarters from revession hit US to Dubai.
Most likely scenario would be a strainful effort MNC to keep a good relation with US.Because they know what would hapoen for their profits if one favoured against other.
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