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Why Islam took a violent and intolerant turn in Pakistan

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The use of religion in every sphere of life for materialistic gains caused a great deal of damage to our society.
Dont say use of religion. Say use of Islam.
Whatever wrong is happening in Pakistan today is certainly not becoz of the overdose of religion, but overdose of Islam.
Here in India i have seen people having overdose of Hinduism and Jainism. and trust me, they dont kill each other for that.
at most what can we see a hardcore Hindu do ? he might worship a rat, a phallu a cow or a cockroach. thats it.
you see, howsoever foolish it may look to us, but it is absolutely fine.
religious overdose is absolutely fine. people are free to believe in all sort of absurdities, unless they force their belief on me.
and this is where the problem comes in Islam.
People believe in all sorts of things with sincerity. They are so sure of their beliefs that they are willing to sacrifice their lives for what they believe.
But Islam is not a personal religion. Islam plans to take over the world and impose the Sharia everywhere.
In India here are thousands of religions, some worship snake, some rats, some monkeys, some cows and some phallus. That is none of my business. None of these religions threaten me. They are not trying to impose their beliefs by killing the infidels and convert everyone to their way of thinking.

Pakistani's kill each other because since the 80's, they only know one way of proving themselves to be right, that is by killing the other.
Again u missed the most important point.
Pakistanis before 80 didnt kill each other becoz they were not following Islam literally.
why cant u see this ?
And who gave them this idea that by killing each other they are doing god's work ?
didnt they get this idea from Islam. ?
The reason Muslims are so afraid of criticism is because they are aware of the vulnerability of Islam.
Please don’t harp on anecdotal occurrences. Look at the general scenario, where is violence springing from?
What are the causes of ignorance?
If all the apples on a tree are good and only one or a few are bad, it is unfair to say the tree is bad. However, if you see that the tree produces nothing but bad apples, year in year out, then it is fair to say that the problem is with the tree.

Bad people exist in all religions. Nonetheless they are often the exceptions and they are bad because they do not follow the good teachings of their religion. In Islam bad people are the majority.
Just read a few verses from the “words of God” and you’ll have millions of fools pouring into the streets, foaming their mouths and committing all sorts of atrocities so you can achieve your goal.
Mirza Malkam Khan (1831-1908), an Armenian who converted to Islam and together with Jamaleddin Afghani launched the idea of an “Islamic Renaissance” (An-Nahda), had a slogan of unrivaled cynicism: “Tell the Muslims something is in the Qur’an, and they will die for you.”

Please tell me why is it that those Muslims who dedicate years going to madresas and read sharia are more prone to become terrorists?
Shouldn't it be the reverse?
Please tell me why all Islamic countries have barbaric practices such as stoning, maiming, child abuse, etc. are poor and uncivilized compared to the rest of the world?
Shouldn't it be the reverse?
Why ungodly nations have all the science, technology and knowledge and the godly Islamic nations are so ignorant?
Doesn't this raise the red flag that something is wrong with Islam?
You may say that its becoz Muslims countries don't follow correct interpretation of Islam. Then what about non-Muslim countries, that dont follow Islam at all.
Wouldn't it be correct to say that Islam is a dangerous belief which if not followed correctly, can turn people of a society into brain-dead zombies ?
No, it is not mentioned in the scriptures. It is a part of Ayurveda.

Urine therapy has been advocated in Islamic scriptures.

Maybe you should read up.

Are vedas not part of your holy text?

I agree with urine therapy... but not as tonic for healthy people... one can understand taking a disgusting substance when unwell (many medicines taste bad)... but not as some sort of health supplement... YUK this is so gross... :(
a) Sake of Ideology - Can you please tell me what is the ideology? To save Islam? To stop the spread of Paganism, as your Maujlvis would tell you?

So, what was the Ideology of Nadir Shah or Bakhtiyar Khalji? What was Aurangzeb Alamgir doing with destruction of the Vishwanath Temple of Kashi?

To save Islam? To stop spread of Paganism?

Most will say Islamic Iconoclasm. And religious bigotry.

b) Hassan Nisar says in one of his interviews "Gaddar Islam" me paida hote hain" There is some truth to it, it requires a special atmosphere if "Distrust" and "Mischief"..

People, who do not know history, particularly in India, would be astonished to know that Shah Jahan, one of the most benevolent of all Sultans also conspired against his own kinsmen.

Aurangzeb killed Murad Baksh, Shah Shuja and Dara Shikoh....throughout annals of human history, we can find these examples.

What were they fighting for? Against Infidels? Saving Islam? Stopping the spread of Paganism?

Islam does not need to be saved... it does need to spread however... all ideologies by their very nature desire a spread and greater influence... why do you think the Russians and now the Americans bother with a place like Afghanistan?

As for your other examples... people are people... some will be more ideological than others... Mahmood also destroyed the temple of Somnat... this despite the fact that Muslims are supposed to protect other places of worship... I guess to answer that you need to understand that war is war... If you dont treat your opponents as humans, they will react sometimes with similar brutality as yours... as an example Salahuddin once ordered the killing of hundreds of crusader prisoners only in retaliation for King Richard killing Muslims because he could not pay for their release and did not allow time to secure the funds... a tit for tat response against the enemy is permissible in Islam however physical torture is not permitted at any cost...
Still does not change the fact Hindus consume Cow urine on daily bases and also consider it holy.
Prophet Mohammed PBUH prescribed cow urine for those who had no medicine at that time and for specific condition. One still has the choice to consume it if he she has no other option and knows it will cure his problem. Today modern medicine will cure every problem which Cow and camel can do.
Btw its amazing for me to know that our prophet knew about the treatment even though he was not a doctor and only today modern science in India proved this.

Ayurveda was there well before your Mohammed. It could be possible that he might have read it and said it is Allah's words.

Don't talk in logical way. Religion is just a believe.
Islam in Pakistan in current form is same as Christianiaty in Rome when it was used as tool. Islam is not a problem in fact No religion in the world is problem. The problem is approach towards religion. Everyone need to understand that religion is something which is very personal and allowing it as a tool for politics/diplomacy makes it more complex and give a chance to the people who wants to use it then whether it is Jamaat or whether it is political party.
I think all religions are getting decline except Islam which is creating fear in minds of those who don't follow Islam. Peoples even laugh on those muslims who practice islam by peaceful mean by offering prayers or observing fastings. They are also consider extremist muslims by many non muslim if they dont drink wine or keep beard or wear hijabs.. Peoples dont realize that everyone has different emotional attachment or dedication with his/her religion. Peoples here associate islam with wrong doings of muslims which is not right things to do as i gave details reply to Makro in previous post.

There will be always some propels who will misinterept the teaching of their religion or their idelogies. We should blame those peoples individually for their wrong doings instead of blaming islam.

How many muslims exist on this planet? How many muslims are following their religion peacefully without hurting anyone? I guess majority muslims are peace loving muslims

How many percentage of muslims go and start killings innocent without any reason ? i guess such muslims are very very limited but mentality of non muslims is that they will ignore the majority of peace loving muslims but will blame islam by looking at those muslims who are not following islam correctly. Why they think that terrorists are representative of islam? Why they don't count peace loving muslims?
May I please remind ALL that the thread is about how Islam is part of violence in Pakistan, and the article quoted has assigned 4 reasons which can be discussed. Please stay on topic. Thanks.

This post bears repeating here again.
Islam in Pakistan in current form is same as Christianiaty in Rome when it was used as tool. Islam is not a problem in fact No religion in the world is problem. The problem is approach towards religion. Everyone need to understand that religion is something which is very personal and allowing it as a tool for politics/diplomacy makes it more complex and give a chance to the people who wants to use it then whether it is Jamaat or whether it is political party.

Very true. Just as science can be used to make a nuclear bomb to kill millions or to make a nuclear reactor to bring prosperity to millions, Religion too can be wielded in multiple ways. Its the misguided interpretation of religion by some vested interests that creates a problem. Not the religion itself.
Ayurveda was there well before your Mohammed. It could be possible that he might have read it and said it is Allah's words.

Don't talk in logical way. Religion is just a believe.

Prophet Mohammed PBUH lived in Arabia where as Hindu religion was practiced in India only. Are you telling me he red Hindu mythological books to get his knowledge? :lol:
I think all religions are getting decline except Islam which is creating fear in minds of those who don't follow Islam. Peoples even laugh on those muslims who practice islam by peaceful mean by offering prayers or observing fastings. They are also consider extremist muslims by many non muslim if they dont drink wine or keep beard or wear hijabs.. Peoples dont realize that everyone has different emotional attachment or dedication with his/her religion. Peoples here associate islam with wrong doings of muslims which is not right things to do as i gave details reply to Makro in previous post.

There will be always some propels who will misinterept the teaching of their religion or their idelogies. We should blame those peoples individually for their wrong doings instead of blaming islam.

How many muslims exist on this planet? How many muslims are following their religion peacefully without hurting anyone? I guess majority muslims are peace loving muslims

How many percentage of muslims go and start killings innocent without any reason ? i guess such muslims are very very limited but mentality of non muslims is that they will ignore the majority of peace loving muslims but will blame islam by looking at those muslims who are not following islam correctly. Why they think that terrorists are representative of islam? Why they don't count peace loving muslims?

One hundred percent in agreement.. The answer to your question(in bold) is pretty simple and tragic though. Its always the vocal minority that gets more attention than the silent majority. No one in the world hears the peaceful muslims because they are peaceful. And only a small fraction of extremists capture all the eyeballs.

Just as when you think of Germany, the 1st thing you remember is Hitler..
I thought religious threads were prohibited "According to Forum out-lined what to do what not to do". So why are Moderators taking interest in this thread or similar religious thread.

Any Moderator out there close this thread.
I thought religious threads were prohibited "According to Forum out-lined what to do what not to do". So why are Moderators taking interest in this thread or similar religious thread.

Any Moderator out there close this thread.

Because the topic is "Islam took a violent and intolerant turn in Pakistan" get it ;)
I thought religious threads were prohibited "According to Forum out-lined what to do what not to do". So why are Moderators taking interest in this thread or similar religious thread.

Any Moderator out there close this thread.

This is not a religious discussion where we are cursing or praising any religion. What we are discussing is Social impact on a nation while Religion plays a major role on that.
This post bears repeating here again.

Vcheng, How can you enforce people to discuss only those points raised by you? There are different ppl with there POV who thinks that topic should their thinking as well and I dont see any issue out of that.
Because the topic is "Islam took a violent and intolerant turn in Pakistan" get it ;)

Actually, the topic are the four reasons that The Economist suggested as to why Islam took that tragic turn in Pakistan.
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