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Why is Pakistan assumed to be the only saviour of the entire Islamic world?

Pakistan will reach her destination, and so will the enemies of Pakistan.
On topic: I strongly feel that Kurdistan and other separatist movements and disintegration of Arab countries has everything to do with the current crisis in Burma. Ang San and her companions are 100% working on somebody elses agenda. If it is true then remember the following map:
The Project for the New Middle East.jpg

This will not end in Burma. This all map is all about looting and plundering. This map only shows muslim countries around Israel. How is this map beyond this region, is still unknown. It may further be noted that our friends, which we consider as our best friends, are basically part of the plan(as their hunger for more is ever increasing), and so are some of the establishment guys from these countries. Pakistan better step in middle east and let the cowardly approach towards international affairs go. Unite, organize, prepare our selves and destroy the enemies.
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Has any other Muslim country ever said that Pakistan is the saviour of the Muslim world?

Governments are not stupid enough to say that.

They are called the government for a reason.

It's those westernised educated kids giving us a tough time through their own internal corruption.

We relate ourselves with that as well as of today.

Pakistan is no fool to appeal to them when we can diplomatically help them still on government level.

We are just friendly and too friendly.

We cannot fight the same enemy everywhere in the world. Corruption.

The world's gathering military equipment. No body knows why lol.

It's just that the market is in demand. Help yourselves first before you help others. Strange enough its an advisory given in an emergency on board airplane not if you are Tom cruise in the mummy though.

Just distribute the financial aspects amongst each other and peace will prevail till some idiot raises a Doomsday slogan.

So we are one slogan away from either war or greater Pakistan or greater Israel or greater Atlantis. Stop taking conspiracy theories so seriously.
It is not. All over the Muslim world people have the same expectations of thier governments and thier governments are equally cowardly and inept.

These same articles will have been written by cowards in Libya, Syria, Iraq and today those people have enjoyed the fruits of putting number 1 first. If I were not Pakistani and if I did not fear Allah I would be inclined to wish that the cowards who write such things see the same fruits within thier own homes and thier own countries. However I do not. I love Pakistan and I fear the displeasure of Allah. The Prophet Muhammad (saws) said wish for your brother what you wish for yourself. I hope to see a day where our country is strong enough to heed the cries of the helpless InshaAllah.
Well said, Pakistan is the hope of all Mislim Ummah and we should do whatever we can to support our brothers, despite what else are doing.
Why is Pakistan assumed to be the only saviour of the entire Islamic world?

I'm 99% sure that no one has ever assumed that Pakistan is the only savior of the Islamic world. No offense to Pakistanis and Pakistan.

Are they unaware that Pakistan is the only Islamic nation in the world that has helped the most refugees and given them shelter? In comparison, no other Islamic nation has helped as much as Pakistan has. Rather than bashing our country to do more, how about we take pride in what it has already done?

Pakistan is behind Jordan and Turkey in refugees hosted. A lot of nations have helped more than you, of course, I and many other people have no problem with that and it's up to your government to make the decisions.

Statistically, since the 80s, more than 0.3 million Burmese Muslims have immigrated to Pakistan and are complacent in their surroundings. We are, and have been, assisting the persecuted Rohingya Muslims since two decades.

the UN High Commission of Refugees (UNHCR) itself, which notes that over 4,000,000 refugees have been registered by the UNHCR in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey.

With Saudi Arabia’s non-signatory status, the Syrians residing in Saudi Arabia are classified as “Arab brothers and sisters in distress” instead of refugees covered by UN treaties. According to Nabil Othman, the UNHCR regional representative to the Gulf region, there were 500,000 Syrian refugees in Saudi Arabia at the time of his statement. The government itself of Saudi Arabia has stated that it has, over the past five years since the start of the conflict hosted 2.5 million refugees.

Saudi Arabia and the Middle East have been hosting millions of Syrians, do we go crazy and make a thread about how the west is a bunch of liars when they come up with such bull like "what has Middle Eastern countries done for Syrians". The answer is NO, we don't care. You should take up the same attitude. Whenever someone brings up why Pakistan isn't helping, simply ignore them and rest easy in the knowledge that your country has done more than enough.

Yes, the on-going Rohingya massacre is a genuine concern, there is no doubt about that. But I would like to reiterate that Pakistan is the only country in the region that is doing the most.

This is where I disagree, you have sold Jf-17s to the Burmese military and I certainly don't fault your government for that but saying you are doing the most when it's clear that's it's Bangladesh who is the doing the most is being a bit unfair.
Well said, Pakistan is the hope of all Mislim Ummah and we should do whatever we can to support our brothers, despite what else are doing.

Pakistanis may care about the Ummah but ALL other Muslim nations could not care less about Pakistan or the Ummah. As a result, the Ummah currently does not exist. As Pakistanis, our destiny is intertwinned with that of China and Turkey. All else is irrelevant and meaningless to us. I no longer care about the Palestinians, Iraqis, Afghans, Syrians, Libyans, Rohinga etc. Not our problem, not our business. When they start caring about Pakistanis & Pakistan then I'll start caring about them. But not until then.
Pakistanis may care about the Ummah but ALL other Muslim nations could not care less about Pakistan or the Ummah. As a result, the Ummah currently does not exist. As Pakistanis, our destiny is intertwinned with that of China and Turkey. All else is irrelevant and meaningless to us. I no longer care about the Palestinians, Iraqis, Afghans, Syrians, Libyans, Rohinga etc. Not our problem, not our business. When they start caring about Pakistanis & Pakistan then I'll start caring about them. But not until then.

That's an extremely cynical point of view my friend. You should lighten up a bit, lot's of countries care about Pakistan.
Pakistan isn't doing anything at the moment other than handling its own territory. Turkey has taken a bigger role IMO.
I'm 99% sure that no one has ever assumed that Pakistan is the only savior of the Islamic world. No offense to Pakistanis and Pakistan.

Pakistan is behind Jordan and Turkey in refugees hosted. A lot of nations have helped more than you, of course, I and many other people have no problem with that and it's up to your government to make the decisions.

the UN High Commission of Refugees (UNHCR) itself, which notes that over 4,000,000 refugees have been registered by the UNHCR in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey.

With Saudi Arabia’s non-signatory status, the Syrians residing in Saudi Arabia are classified as “Arab brothers and sisters in distress” instead of refugees covered by UN treaties. According to Nabil Othman, the UNHCR regional representative to the Gulf region, there were 500,000 Syrian refugees in Saudi Arabia at the time of his statement. The government itself of Saudi Arabia has stated that it has, over the past five years since the start of the conflict hosted 2.5 million refugees.

Saudi Arabia and the Middle East have been hosting millions of Syrians, do we go crazy and make a thread about how the west is a bunch of liars when they come up with such bull like "what has Middle Eastern countries done for Syrians". The answer is NO, we don't care. You should take up the same attitude. Whenever someone brings up why Pakistan isn't helping, simply ignore them and rest easy in the knowledge that your country has done more than enough.

This is where I disagree, you have sold Jf-17s to the Burmese military and I certainly don't fault your government for that but saying you are doing the most when it's clear that's it's Bangladesh who is the doing the most is being a bit unfair.
Rally at Al-Aqsa Mosque Calls on Pakistan Army to Liberate Jerusalem
Pakistan will reach her destination, and so will the enemies of Pakistan.
On topic: I strongly feel that Kurdistan and other separatist movements and disintegration of Arab countries has everything to do with the current crisis in Burma. Ang San and her companions are 100% working on somebody elses agenda. If it is true then remember the following map:
View attachment 428961

This will not end in Burma. This all map is all about looting and plundering. This map only shows muslim countries around Israel. How is this map beyond this map, is still hidden. It may further be noted that our friends, which we consider as our best friends, are basically part of the plan(as their hunger for more is ever increasing), and so are some of the establishment guys from these countries. Pakistan better step in middle east and let the cowardly approach towards international affairs go. Unite, organize, prepare our selves and destroy the enemies.
The map is bullshit. Nobody in the Middle East will accept those new borders.
That's an extremely cynical point of view my friend. You should lighten up a bit, lot's of countries care about Pakistan.

Truth is that all Muslims nations are atomised states who can barely look after themselves. How can they care about other Muslims when they can't take care of their own? The destruction of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, the Palestinians, Rohinga and Libya are evidence of this. Muslims should seek power and advanced sciences/ technologies. That is the ONLY way we can get ourselves out of our current predicament. All else is meaningless.
my words

if ALLAH ALMIGHTY has selected Pakistan
it is our good fortune.
Other wise ALLAH already warned that if you cant do for what i have send you I will select another nation.
In the current situation Arabs were sleeping, hit of iraq, iraq is now in recovery mode.Inshallah,
the other arabs are also in sleeping mode,
I dont think a muslim should be happy on other muslim loss,sorrows.
We know that many of muslim states are govern by a corrupt leaders,they for their own interest destruct their own nation.
But for every PIROUN there is Mosa.

we know on some basis we cant help a state but we should pray for them and have a good faith on ALLAH
for their best.

ALLAH in quran did not ask something from a Muslim out of his power.But within his power he/she shall
Rally at Al-Aqsa Mosque Calls on Pakistan Army to Liberate Jerusalem

Sorry, no can do. We are too busy and stuck defending ourselves from a blood thirsty enemy nation that is more than 7x bigger than us and has abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems whilst we are denied this privilege. Palestanians, you are on your own as are us Pakistanis.
Sorry, no can do. We are too busy and stuck defending ourselves from a blood thirsty enemy nation that is more than 7x bigger than us and has abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems whilst we are denied this privilege. Palestanians, you are on your own as are us Pakistanis.
The Palestinian-Israeli issue is the Palestinians's problem.

We cannot fight their wars or problems.
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