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Why is Pakistan assumed to be the only saviour of the entire Islamic world?

I'm 99% sure that no one has ever assumed that Pakistan is the only savior of the Islamic world. No offense to Pakistanis and Pakistan.

Pakistan is behind Jordan and Turkey in refugees hosted. A lot of nations have helped more than you, of course, I and many other people have no problem with that and it's up to your government to make the decisions.

the UN High Commission of Refugees (UNHCR) itself, which notes that over 4,000,000 refugees have been registered by the UNHCR in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey.

With Saudi Arabia’s non-signatory status, the Syrians residing in Saudi Arabia are classified as “Arab brothers and sisters in distress” instead of refugees covered by UN treaties. According to Nabil Othman, the UNHCR regional representative to the Gulf region, there were 500,000 Syrian refugees in Saudi Arabia at the time of his statement. The government itself of Saudi Arabia has stated that it has, over the past five years since the start of the conflict hosted 2.5 million refugees.

Saudi Arabia and the Middle East have been hosting millions of Syrians, do we go crazy and make a thread about how the west is a bunch of liars when they come up with such bull like "what has Middle Eastern countries done for Syrians". The answer is NO, we don't care. You should take up the same attitude. Whenever someone brings up why Pakistan isn't helping, simply ignore them and rest easy in the knowledge that your country has done more than enough.

This is where I disagree, you have sold Jf-17s to the Burmese military and I certainly don't fault your government for that but saying you are doing the most when it's clear that's it's Bangladesh who is the doing the most is being a bit unfair.
Call to Pakistan from Masjid e Aqsa!
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Help is near. We Will inshallah.
But trust me the arabs are more responsible for Palestine while we are not.
what is happen to jordan egypt et .........

we will take revenge inshallah.
The Palestinian-Israeli issue is the Palestinians's problem.

We cannot fight their wars or problems.

EXACTLY.............Not our business or that of any Pakistani. When the Palestinians and Arabs start caring about Kashmir and the 1 million innocent Pakistanis genocided by the sikhs in 1947 then we too shall start caring about them. Till then, I don't care about the Palestinians or other Muslims. Their problem, not ours. We should only care about making Pakistan an advanced and powerful nation. Besides the only 2 countries that mean anyrhing to us are China and Turkey. All others are irrelevant.

Help is near. We Will inshallah.
But trust me the arabs are more responsible for Palestine while we are not.
what is happen to jordan egypt et .........

we will take revenge inshallah.

Not our problem. Couldn't care less. It's a Middle Eastern issue not a Pakistani one. Where were all the Palestinians/Arabs when we were being genocided by the sikhs in 1947 or when we were attacked by the indian creatures in the last 70 years?
Sorry, it's THEIR problem not that of us Pakistanis. Funny that he's asking us to help them but says nothing of Kashmir. Only foolish gullible Pakistanis believe such nonesense...........:lol:
I agree with you, what about the Kashmir dispute!
I think they should [Rohingya] come to UK. Better living standard. Better place for Muslims.
Will White Saxons accept 1 million Darkie Muslims in their Land ?

Even i felt uneasy in some dark corners of london despite my light skin and high muslim population.

Looking back today, i can put blame pubs/bar for that.

Many of these muslim lands you claim were never muslim to begin with! They are simply returning to their former identities before Islam was forced onto them. You can shove it down their mouth, murder ppl, rape innocent women and children, but you can never erase the past. People are awake and realize certain things to be rectified and corrected.
Are u saying that all Muslims are converted by the sword ? Including me (ancestors) ?

Sad to see pakistani muslims are also turning their back to Muslims of Canan after India and Arab world.

Is there any Ummah left in the world ? Or we all are just puppets of modern world ?

Tum Pakistani ho, tum turki/irani/indian/chinse/arab ho but kya tum musalman aur ek insaann bhi ho ?
Not our problem. Couldn't care less. It's a Middle Eastern issue not a Pakistani one. Where were all the Palestinians/Arabs when we were being genocided by the sikhs in 1947 or when we were attacked by the indian creatures in the last 70 years?

I agree with you,
but we should not forget Bait ul Muqadas
i see many ahadiths in this regard
that prophet PBUH what advised about Baitul muqadis.

secondly i explain already that for every piroun there is a Mosa.
if ALLAH Made us capable of hiting Israel we will do,not in the current situation,
we should upgrade ourselves as much as possible,
Hazrat Muhammad Saw used to say AYATUL KURSI every night but he also kept his sword near him.

and for MUslims
Imam mehdi A.S is a basharat.
I suggest you ignore the Islamaphobes that make all this stuff up.
Dont worry bro. I just wanted to hear "yes" from him.I wanted to prove him wrong as i am a convert/revert :lol: i have done that countless times before.

I have learned to ignore that as i am a lost asset for some thugs as they see a "high caste brahmin"/light skinned Hindu worshipping evil Arabic god will cause brain damage in theur mind lol.

Thank you for your support brother. :)
I agree with you,
but we should not forget Bait ul Muqadas
i see many ahadiths in this regard
that prophet PBUH what advised about Baitul muqadis.

secondly i explain already that for every piroun there is a Mosa.
if ALLAH Made us capable of hiting Israel we will do,not in the current situation,
we should upgrade ourselves as much as possible,
Hazrat Muhammad Saw used to say AYATUL KURSI every night but he also kept his sword near him.

and for MUslims
Imam mehdi A.S is a basharat.

So when are the Arabs or other Muslims going to hit and destroy india for us? Do we have to do all the work while they sit around giving us orders? We are Muslims but not Arab slaves. To make matters worst, the biggest threat to Pakistan ATM is not india (as we have permanently nullified the indian threat) but 5-10 million legal and illegal Afghan Muslims living in Pakistan who have ill intentions towards us.
So when are the Arabs or other Muslims going to hit and destroy india for us? Do we have to do all the work while they sit around giving us orders? We are Muslims but not Arab slaves. To make matters worst, the biggest threat to Pakistan ATM is not india (as we have permanently nullified the indian threat) but 5-10 million legal and illegal Afghan Muslims living in Pakistan who have ill intentions towards us.

I know arabs cant but when time came you will have some help may be it should be in the form of ration or whatever.

secondly If afghans feels to be a threat it would only take one week to expel them what you think military is sleeping?
i my self have every corner of information about the area i live. i feel no hesitate to provide it to military and i never trust on a stupid civil institute.

and you cant let the proxy destruct as you must have also control on every side.
Why is Pakistan assumed to be the only saviour of the entire Islamic world?
By Shehroz Kaleem Published: September 14, 2017

Rohingya refugees looks on through barbed wire as they wait for a boat to cross the border in Maungdaw, Myanmar on September 7th. PHOTO: REUTERS

Many individuals have been crying hoarse over how the Pakistan Army should be sent to Myanmar to help out the Rohingya Muslims that are being brutally massacred. I would like to ask the said individuals to reconsider their stance.

Yes, we are truly upset and shocked at what is happening in Myanmar, but we already have enough going on in our own country and we have to protect our people first. Our soldiers are constantly on their feet on the Line of Control (LoC) as well as the Durrand Line, especially given the recent skirmishes.

Moreover, our soldiers are valiantly fighting against militants in North Waziristan, via anti-militancy programs such as Raddul Fassad, and our soldiers have been deployed to assist the construction of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) projects, owing to the security threat the Chinese face. Furthermore, our soldiers are curbing militancy in Karachi, which has been facing increasing crimes and militancy.

Additionally, the Army was even called in to deal with rain-related issues, given provincial government’s ineptness in dealing with natural disasters. The situation was so terrible that Karachi’s Mayor Wasim Akhtar outrightly said that the situation was out of control of the authorities under him.

Currently, more than 2,000 soldiers are deployed in Punjab for the anti-militancy campaign, while 600,000 soldiers are stationed at the LoC. Moreover, 15,000 soldiers have been deployed in CPEC-related projects.

What more can they be expected to do? Is this not enough already?

If individuals advocating for our forces to be deployed in Myanmar think we are not doing enough, they should do their research.

Are they unaware that Pakistan is the only Islamic nation in the world that has helped the most refugees and given them shelter? In comparison, no other Islamic nation has helped as much as Pakistan has. Rather than bashing our country to do more, how about we take pride in what it has already done?

Statistically, since the 80s, more than 0.3 million Burmese Muslims have immigrated to Pakistan and are complacent in their surroundings. We are, and have been, assisting the persecuted Rohingya Muslims since two decades.

Additionally, Pakistan has been putting pressure on other countries to do more to help the Rohingya Muslims. In a press conference, Foreign Minister Khawaja Muhammad Asif said the Rohingyas’ plight is “a challenge to the conscience”.

If individuals are rooting for us to do more, how can we do more? Pray, tell.

Furthermore, it is not only the Rohingya Muslims whom Pakistan has provided shelter for, as we have provided shelter for Afghan refugees as well. The number of Afghan refugees amounts to 600,000. We have always welcomed our Muslim brothers and sisters with open arms and never turned them away, because that is what one brother does for another, despite frayed relations.

Yes, the on-going Rohingya massacre is a genuine concern, there is no doubt about that. But I would like to reiterate that Pakistan is the only country in the region that is doing the most.

Where are our neighbouring countries and why have they not taken in refugees or provided aid? Especially India and Bangladesh, who are immediate neighbours with Myanmar. Narendra Modi’s silence on this matter is deafening. His actions stain the concept of humanity. Be it a Muslim, Sikh, Hindu or Christian, at the end of the day, we are humans and we should reach out to each other.

Even if we wanted our forces to be deployed on the ground in Myanmar or if we sent them for aerial action, it would be out of the question. This is because India would never allow Pakistan to use its airspace in order to save Muslims. That would be against Modi’s ethics and what his party stands for.

What about the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia, who are presumed the upholders of religion? These nations who have state-of-the-art defence systems and vast amounts of money reserves seem to be silent as well. This could be due to the fact that Rohingya Muslims are of no economic importance to them and the persecuted group mean nothing to them in terms of monetary benefits. Saudi Arabia, who established the Islamic military alliance, apparently under the name of Islam, surprisingly does not think it important enough to save their Muslim brethren, be it the Rohingya Muslims, the Palestinians, the Syrians or the Iraqis. Here, I would like to ask Saudi Arabia if this alliance was formed to protect the interests of only the rich and royal families, because it surely seems so. Is it not their rightful religious duty to help their Muslim brothers and sisters who are being beheaded and burnt to death?

Other than Pakistan, Turkey and Iran’s efforts are applause-worthy since they are doing their best to rescue and help the Rohingya Muslims. Turkey was the first country to get permission for supplying aid to the Rohingya Muslims and the Turkish government even announced its plans to distribute aid to the Rohingya refugees in Bangladeshi camps. Furthermore, Iran called for a united effort to put an end to the Rohingya massacre and it has also decided to send aid to the persecuted group.

But then again, how much can three countries do? Strength in numbers is what matters now.

Why is Pakistan the only assumed saviour of the entire Islamic world? Yes, the Rohingya Muslims need help and they need it now. But our Army cannot do more.
Because some of our leaders and religious groups giving this message to the world. Remember who gave this world " pakistan islam ka qila " ... since then this qila is under fire.

90% of the Muslim world can live with the fact of Pakistan being the leader of the Muslim world,the rest dont stand a chance.
No dude , Pakistani people love to give this chance or award to someone else. As of today , 84,546 civilian died due to terrorist attack and our security force casualty cross 5000. So, we are done , we Pakistani want to give a peaceful and progressive environment to our coming generation.
The map is bullshit. Nobody in the Middle East will accept those new borders.
Like Kurds are not accepting these lines?
See, first, conditions for this map were created from within the countries. Kurds were target of oppression by all three countries, with Turkey with less harsher on them. This all done by the agents within the establishments of these countries.
Then came the saviors:

Before that, ISIS was introduced, which was last nail in the coffin.
Lets see again back in time. Had the agents of these "saviors" from the establishments of these countries were prevented to start the first phase of this disintegration(i.e. oppression of these people within their respective countries), would that happen? The answer is: no.
Justice is the key for us. Injustice just creates a favorable environment for enemies.
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