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Why is My Hijab Your Problem?

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If that is the case why dont you canvass pakistan government to shut down all madrassa and religious teaching should be done only after the child is made aware of the choices he has like Xianims,islam ,judaims hinduism,sikhism,jainism,zorastrianism buddhism ...etc etc...so he can choose his once in a life time chance :azn:

I have read enough Islam and seen it in reality to stay what iam .
Classify Hinduism as belief system or anything else....i dont care.......for me thats my religion

fairytale ???........If Theophilosophy goes over your head....next time please ignore it............also since u love fairytale...there is a wonderful story of how to cut the moon....read and enjoy it

Sadly, ALL your posts suggest otherwise...

Either you have not read at all and just say so

OR you have read with a closed heart meaning not to understand or want to know it but just to satisfy your hate towards it

OR you have just read it from anti-Islamic sites!
Did i go around preaching hinduism to others who did not ask for it ??
Did i go around insulting other religions and the misquoting verses to show them in bad light?
Did i drag hindusim into this topic or anyother topic...supporting hindus irrespectice of who was right ??

Must I show you your posts or were you asleep when you said A LOT of what you are denying!

If someone doesnt agree with me...its just a point of difference...If someone quotes nonsense and expects me to agree, hell with it .So how the heck am a a hindu mullah !!!
BTW, I have said in my post a MULLAH is one who preaches hatred and pretends he knows his religion well...

iam sure you have google and youtube. Do google about ZN and his misquotes.Yes Zn said the there is only One God in the Vedas and everything is God but ins Islam everything is God's.he also mentioned kalki is Prophet muhammed ,and his mother or father too is present and that Allah is mentioned .and then so many craps about how women is suppressed or similar rubbishes with the sole purpose of either showing that Islam is what vedas prophesised or else Vedas is utter nonsense....taking verses out of context, mistranslatiing

Well go to arya samaj or find a Hindu who reads Upanishads or vedas..ask them....they will gladly clear your doubts.It was not ZN's advent that Hindus started admitting there was only one God.......even before ZN arya samaj was there...so was various other schools of thought. Iskon believes only in one God...............And also since if you dont understand what polytheism represents in Hinduism and prefers to look at it from the muslim theology....its understandable you wont find it interesting

You see, I am not in India so we do not have Hindus who read their religious books on speed dial! In fact many will try to wiggle out of ANY discussion or turn it into a politically crazy situation!

Praying to many god aspects is ok when you know there is only one God............and for being a good human ,the number of gods,Gods or no Gods does not matter .i know many good atheist who are by far better than any religious person i have met . Vedanta followers accept differences..hence can accomadate and be open to diffferent philosophies.......By religion there is no compulsion only the the choice.

I am not talking about atheist...They deny god altogether! They do not play mathematics games 1 can = 100 or 1 can = 10 or 20 whatever you like?! That is like doing business...Just please the customer?

I do not have any problem with Hindus, Christians or anyone else! I have never insulted your gods nor you..But I do not walk away if you snort at my religion ESPECIALLY when you do not know it!

Norway : intentional homicide rate .6 /100 000
incarceration rate 70/100 000
Prisoner Recidivism rate 20 %

Please top that with a religious nation or .....a moral nation measured with your stick

Dont try to Judge Norway with one incident...which they themselves consider as a shock.......unlike our nations where gunmen , rapes, honour killing, tribe killings, suicide bombs and ied bombs are daily news

They dont follow our culture nor our standard for moral...........they have their own and they have as i said before become neither corrupt nor immoral nor is the crime rates soaring...................Dont use our stick for morals and ethics on somebody else culture .......they didnt come to pakistan or india to impose it on ours neither did they judge us like you do

There you go again making everything into a measurable game! I am tired of repeating myself and since you are here just to pick at certain points and have made up your mind about everything and refuse to let new knowledge of any sort in...then there is no use to DISCUSS ANYTHING!

As I have said few posts and in different threads - LA KUM DEENU KUM WALEE YADIEN!
Sadly, ALL your posts suggest otherwise...

Either you have not read at all and just say so
OR you have read with a closed heart meaning not to understand or want to know it but just to satisfy your hate towards it

OR you have just read it from anti-Islamic sites!

The Quran i have read is mostly what people showed me while arguing with me about goodness of it and why i should convert ...hence my viewpoint is of one from critical stance ...not biased

I dont hate Islam...none of my action here or anywhere else has proved otherwise.......But iam follower of vedic theology , So i understand the limitations and differences of Islam compared to mine.........therefore i prefer what iam

But rest i assured , I hate mullahism....i am its victim and seen the hatred it spreads.. the discrimination it sows and the superiority nd rage it grants ....so i hate it
I am not saying that Islam is bad, I am just saying that worst thing practice by Muslims is "Not questioning"? I have heard many time elders preventing there curious kids from asking question....

I TOTALLY AGREE...You would be surprised as to how many times the Quran says PONDER...yet lazy people rely on MULLAHs to translate...thats where WE SCREW UP!

Talon, back from work, so early? :pop:

Still at work...No idea where supervisor is :(
Yes he did , and gave us both choices of good and evil ... But the main question is " Did he order you to force his choice on everyone ? " ... Something which your lot is always interested in ... I have no problem with any women wearing Hijab , just do not force others to wear it ! ... There was a interesting demonstration by Jamat-Islami in which hijab wearing women were carrying play cards with " Hijab is my choice , not compulsion " ... The very fact that those women overlooked conveniently that they were actually trying to make it a compulsion on others ! :azn: ...

Ever read the verse in our holy book " Let there be no compulsion in religion " and understood its essence and very purpose of being there ? :azn: ... You wouldn't be talking like that just like the rest of your lot , contradicting yourself in every other post if you understood it !

Could you please explain the part in bold? How did some demonstrators having play cards compel others to wear Hijab? There was something you did not write; or do you want to take away their right to demonstrate. :pakistan:
Angrezi mein likha hai.

Lets take the lollypop crass chauvinistic analogy one step further.

Men are like kids. If its wrapped, it must be opened. Once opened, we lose interest pretty quickly.

The more wrapping you put on, the more the urge to unwrap.

You land up having both genders screwed big time.

Adopt the common sense middle path.

The one the rest of the world living in 2012 does.

By the way, Its women only issue. Go away pls...!!
The Quran i have read is mostly what people showed me while arguing with me about goodness of it and why i should convert ...hence my viewpoint is of one from critical stance ...not biased

That is not reading a thing about ISLAM...I could pick up some Hindu extremist and say look what Hinduism has to say...Would that be Hinduism? No, I have a brain, an internet website...I would go to those who don't force it down others throat and learn because I don't learn from extremists!

Instead of you learning Islam and correcting them...You joined the band wagon? I am sorry this part is your fault...The Muslims who tried to shove things down your throat probably wanted you to hate Islam OR were just desperate to convert people (No idea why people do that!)

I dont hate Islam...none of my action here or anywhere else has proved otherwise.......But iam follower of vedic theology , So i understand the limitations and differences of Islam compared to mine.........therefore i prefer what iam [/quran]

Well, I won't try to change you...We have enough nutjobs to deal with ;)

But rest i assured , I hate mullahism....i am its victim and seen the hatred it spreads.. the discrimination it sows and the superiority nd rage it grants ....so i hate it

Don't Worry I have openly expressed my hatred to Mullahs...I have seen how they come for their own brother's blood!
The Quran i have read is mostly what people showed me while arguing with me about goodness of it and why i should convert ...hence my viewpoint is of one from critical stance ...not biased

That is not reading a thing about ISLAM...I could pick up some Hindu extremist and say look what Hinduism has to say...Would that be Hinduism? No, I have a brain, an internet website...I would go to those who don't force it down others throat and learn because I don't learn from extremists!

Instead of you learning Islam and correcting them...You joined the band wagon? I am sorry this part is your fault...The Muslims who tried to shove things down your throat probably wanted you to hate Islam OR were just desperate to convert people (No idea why people do that!)

I dont hate Islam...none of my action here or anywhere else has proved otherwise.......But iam follower of vedic theology , So i understand the limitations and differences of Islam compared to mine.........therefore i prefer what iam

Well, I won't try to change you...We have enough nutjobs to deal with ;)

But rest i assured , I hate mullahism....i am its victim and seen the hatred it spreads.. the discrimination it sows and the superiority nd rage it grants ....so i hate it

Don't Worry I have openly expressed my hatred to Mullahs...I have seen how they come for their own brother's blood!
The Quran i have read is mostly what people showed me while arguing with me about goodness of it and why i should convert ...hence my viewpoint is of one from critical stance ...not biased

That is not reading a thing about ISLAM...I could pick up some Hindu extremist and say look what Hinduism has to say...Would that be Hinduism? No, I have a brain, an internet website...I would go to those who don't force it down others throat and learn because I don't learn from extremists!

Instead of you learning Islam and correcting them...You joined the band wagon? I am sorry this part is your fault...The Muslims who tried to shove things down your throat probably wanted you to hate Islam OR were just desperate to convert people (No idea why people do that!)

I dont hate Islam...none of my action here or anywhere else has proved otherwise.......But iam follower of vedic theology , So i understand the limitations and differences of Islam compared to mine.........therefore i prefer what iam

Well, I won't try to change you...We have enough nutjobs to deal with ;)

But rest i assured , I hate mullahism....i am its victim and seen the hatred it spreads.. the discrimination it sows and the superiority nd rage it grants ....so i hate it

Don't Worry I have openly expressed my hatred to Mullahs...I have seen how they come for their own brother's blood!
The point is simple. Like abortion, or the pill, or female condoms, or an IUCD, this is a woman only issue.

We have zero standing on it.

I am sorry if you are naive enough to believe that debating (or proselytizing) this over 50 or 100 pages is going to make a difference one way or the other.

Those on forums lie these in our parts of the world (and this is for Audio) represent the top 5% of our societies. I do not know whether that should make us happy or sad.

My point is, we are those who have had the benefit and luxury of a good education.

So 99% of us will anyways have a certain view on this. And the remaining 1%, in spite of being educated, having an opposing view, are not going to change.

Change of this nature in an Indian/Pakistani setting is driven not by men but by the women of the household. Because 9 times out of 10, a hijabi will force her daughter or daughter-in-law to be one as well.

So to affect a change, let the women speak and get a word in edgewise please.

ye ye i get it now.....but seeing as all Muslim countries are a patriarchal type, all change will have to be ultimately approved and sanctioned by men.
If women were to stand up, honestly what would happen? Man of the house would most likely beat her up for raising her voice and questioning centuries old "wisdom".
it might start with a woman but it will end with a man.

again, my 2 cents, imho and all that, not trying to be overly smart here.
Sorry for the double posts! Silly laptop hung!
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