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Why is My Hijab Your Problem?

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He doesnt know sanskrit...yet he quotes from Vedas,that too verses out of context , and them give wrong meaning just to show Islam in good light and that the Prophet is mentioned as kalki..................youtube any videos and see his sankriti expertise:hitwall:,.............that guy is th scum among indian muslims.........good for fanatics and those who want some ego boost or feeling of self righteousness

Verses out of context? Maybe that's the karma stuff coming to bite you, i mean you guys do that all over the internet and this forum, i mean quoting the Quran out of context is practically the only way your arguements even survive
Must I show you your posts or were you asleep when you said A LOT of what you are denying!

Pleae do...if it is so i will correct myself . give the post number ....so i can see in what contect i wrote such a comment

BTW, I have said in my post a MULLAH is one who preaches hatred and pretends he knows his religion well...

So where did i spread hatred or pretend i know my religion well !!! i know my religion but i have never boasted that i know it moer than anyone or that i know every thing !!!!....so how the heck am i a hindu mullah !!

You see, I am not in India so we do not have Hindus who read their religious books on speed dial! In fact many will try to wiggle out of ANY discussion or turn it into a politically crazy situation!

Most of my post were replies to double master and Zarvan.......starting with misquotes of ZN..... all newbie muslim fanatics get enamoured by it ...and starts speaking ill of my religion ........this i speak from experience...hence i prefer to nip the bud early............Please take my post in relation to the post iam replying to

I am not talking about atheist...They deny god altogether! They do not play mathematics games 1 can = 100 or 1 can = 10 or 20 whatever you like?! That is like doing business...Just please the customer?
I do not have any problem with Hindus, Christians or anyone else! I have never insulted your gods nor you..But I do not walk away if you snort at my religion ESPECIALLY when you do not know it!

I have no idea when i told you that u insulted my religon or believes..rather i find that you are a well balanced muslim........and please point out where i insulted you religion........so far in this thread i have not quoted any Quranic verses,hadiths or anything similar...just to mock or reply to mockeries !!....so please point them out........if indeed was mockery or something out of context to the post i am replying...i would correct myself
Athiest are also humans....and most of them are good humans.....If our morals and ethics are born out of religion...theirs are born purely out of logic,science and local culture..........hence they too are part n parcel of our talk .......

There you go again making everything into a measurable game! I am tired of repeating myself and since you are here just to pick at certain points and have made up your mind about everything and refuse to let new knowledge of any sort in...then there is no use to DISCUSS ANYTHING!

I brought un norway .no North european countries to show that they have stable culture and low chaos...compared to us..the religious people......it was you who brought in the Mass shooting incident of norway to prove otherwise...........hence i wrote the above post to show that one incident is not the marker to judge them .

What knowledge am i not letting in ???
Must I show you your posts or were you asleep when you said A LOT of what you are denying!

Pleae do...if it is so i will correct myself . give the post number ....so i can see in what contect i wrote such a comment

BTW, I have said in my post a MULLAH is one who preaches hatred and pretends he knows his religion well...

So where did i spread hatred or pretend i know my religion well !!! i know my religion but i have never boasted that i know it moer than anyone or that i know every thing !!!!....so how the heck am i a hindu mullah !!

You see, I am not in India so we do not have Hindus who read their religious books on speed dial! In fact many will try to wiggle out of ANY discussion or turn it into a politically crazy situation!

Most of my post were replies to double master and Zarvan.......starting with misquotes of ZN..... all newbie muslim fanatics get enamoured by it ...and starts speaking ill of my religion ........this i speak from experience...hence i prefer to nip the bud early............Please take my post in relation to the post iam replying to

I am not talking about atheist...They deny god altogether! They do not play mathematics games 1 can = 100 or 1 can = 10 or 20 whatever you like?! That is like doing business...Just please the customer?
I do not have any problem with Hindus, Christians or anyone else! I have never insulted your gods nor you..But I do not walk away if you snort at my religion ESPECIALLY when you do not know it!

I have no idea when i told you that u insulted my religon or believes..rather i find that you are a well balanced muslim........and please point out where i insulted you religion........so far in this thread i have not quoted any Quranic verses,hadiths or anything similar...just to mock or reply to mockeries !!....so please point them out........if indeed was mockery or something out of context to the post i am replying...i would correct myself
Athiest are also humans....and most of them are good humans.....If our morals and ethics are born out of religion...theirs are born purely out of logic,science and local culture..........hence they too are part n parcel of our talk .......

There you go again making everything into a measurable game! I am tired of repeating myself and since you are here just to pick at certain points and have made up your mind about everything and refuse to let new knowledge of any sort in...then there is no use to DISCUSS ANYTHING!

I brought un norway .no North european countries to show that they have stable culture and low chaos...compared to us..the religious people......it was you who brought in the Mass shooting incident of norway to prove otherwise...........hence i wrote the above post to show that one incident is not the marker to judge them .

What knowledge am i not letting in ???
Yes he did , and gave us both choices of good and evil ... But the main question is " Did he order you to force his choice on everyone ? " ... Something which your lot is always interested in ... I have no problem with any women wearing Hijab , just do not force others to wear it ! ... There was a interesting demonstration by Jamat-Islami in which hijab wearing women were carrying play cards with " Hijab is my choice , not compulsion " ... The very fact that those women overlooked conveniently that they were actually trying to make it a compulsion on others ! :azn: ...

Ever read the verse in our holy book " Let there be no compulsion in religion " and understood its essence and very purpose of being there ? :azn: ... You wouldn't be talking like that just like the rest of your lot , contradicting yourself in every other post if you understood it !

Could you please explain the part in bold? How did some demonstrators having play cards compel others to wear Hijab? There was something you did not write; or do you want to take away their right to demonstrate. :pakistan:
Ya Rabbi! Does every man on this forum have to put a NO and then repeat what I just said? Please read WHAT I WROTE:

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/205983-why-my-hijab-your-problem-40.html#ixzz25v9ZD8Nh

Let's see: Prophet's life MAKES the Sunnah plus hadith is the Prophet's saying or doing reported
Before spread of Islam there was none of them ACTUALLY covered their heads and Bosom- Where did they get this? Before Islam indicating after Islam they did...Meaning ISLAM brought it!

Islam came with the Quran or Quran came with Islam whichever

no no, i've read that even pagan arabs covered their faces or sometimes heads only, but the left their titties bare ;) So first the order came for covering them, it's important to cover face for Allah's pleasure
He doesnt know sanskrit...yet he quotes from Vedas,that too verses out of context , and them give wrong meaning just to show Islam in good light and that the Prophet is mentioned as kalki..................youtube any videos and see his sankriti expertise:hitwall:,.............that guy is th scum among indian muslims.........good for fanatics and those who want some ego boost or feeling of self righteousness

Verses out of context? Maybe that's the karma stuff coming to bite you, i mean you guys do that all over the internet and this forum, i mean quoting the Quran out of context is practically the only way your arguements even survive
Sadly, ALL your posts suggest otherwise...

Either you have not read at all and just say so

OR you have read with a closed heart meaning not to understand or want to know it but just to satisfy your hate towards it

OR you have just read it from anti-Islamic sites!

Ohh the fairytale part regarding cutting the moon.........If you read the post i was replying to ...you would see that he found my explaination for Brahman..a fairytale...therefore it seemed necessary to remind him....if we can believe in cutting moon or parting of seas...then its not tough believe what i said.........it was his hypcrisy i was mocking.............please take my post in context to what i was replying to
The Quran i have read is mostly what people showed me while arguing with me about goodness of it and why i should convert ...hence my viewpoint is of one from critical stance ...not biased

I dont hate Islam...none of my action here or anywhere else has proved otherwise.......But iam follower of vedic theology , So i understand the limitations and differences of Islam compared to mine.........therefore i prefer what iam

But rest i assured , I hate mullahism....i am its victim and seen the hatred it spreads.. the discrimination it sows and the superiority nd rage it grants ....so i hate it

The religious reforms of (Raja Ram)Roy contained in beliefs of the Brahmo Samaj expounded by Rajnarayan Basu[19] are: Brahmos believe that the fundamental doctrines of Brahmoism are at the basis of every religion, followed by man; Brahmos believe in the existence of One Supreme God, and worship Him alone.

This was preached even before Zakir Naik was born. You are really ingoring these things only because it was said by ZN.
I TOTALLY AGREE...You would be surprised as to how many times the Quran says PONDER...yet lazy people rely on MULLAHs to translate...thats where WE SCREW UP!

Still at work...No idea where supervisor is :(

May be not because they are lazy, There is bit difficulty in translating it. You must know the context while translating. Like what was the buning issue, where prophet was that time. and why it was revealed.
That is not reading a thing about ISLAM...I could pick up some Hindu extremist and say look what Hinduism has to say...Would that be Hinduism? No, I have a brain, an internet website...I would go to those who don't force it down others throat and learn because I don't learn from extremists!

We are going round and round.....................Ok the fairytale part i have explained....so what else is it about my post that is irking you ?? ..All i did is defend My belief ,not by misquoting others but quoting mine .how is that being forceful or being exteme ??

did i quote any verse or hadiths here ??

I said , i know enough of Islam and seen more in reality to stay what iam.......i never said that in the bad way.....hene i dont understand ...how is this a mockery or any insult ......if you find it so...please tell how so

Instead of you learning Islam and correcting them...You joined the band wagon? I am sorry this part is your fault...The Muslims who tried to shove things down your throat probably wanted you to hate Islam OR were just desperate to convert people (No idea why people do that!)

whose bandwagon did i join !!!!!!.........Iam an hindu ...i know enough islam to know the differences,what to respect for i have muslim friends and the etiquette....and the major differne btwn Hindusim and Islam...............why should i know more than that.i dont go around canvassing ppl to convert to hinduism nor do i go around maligning Islam for the express purpose of it !! ......did i generalise what i said about muslims !!!....i never lumped all for the deeds of few !! i know anough good ones and the bad ones to know the difference...and seen how the fanatics can use strong words to even shut the good ones out.....Traitor ,going against Quran is common tactics
I dont hate Islam...none of my action here or anywhere else has proved otherwise.......But iam follower of vedic theology , So i understand the limitations and differences of Islam compared to mine.........therefore i prefer what iam [/quran]

Well, I won't try to change you...We have enough nutjobs to deal with ;)

ok whatever........
Sir their is only one Islam which government has to implement and sooner or later it will get implemented you have seen revolutions slowly taking place in other Muslim countries and you will soon see it take place in Pakistan and liberal shits will be thrown in the sea

Hijab - a shared responsability - YouTube

This shows your ignorance and Jahiliat when it comes to Islam and Quran Sir Islam is from ALLAH and ALLAH has clearly said Muslims need Islam Islam doesn't need Muslims and even if Muslims betray Islam ALLAH knows how to destroy them and replace them a with those group of people who will love ALLAH and his PROPHET SAW and fight in his way so first read Quran Mr than come and talk **** which you always do

Hijab & Modest Sh. Yusha Evans - YouTube

While you sit in a cage waiting for your mahdi or whatever, the progressive ones are somewhere in a lab making the most advanced weapons and training for asymmetrical warfare. You think Allah SWT will give you victory for raping boys in cave cave, nouzubillah, NEVER! Those work hard for ALlah's cause(not the fake liberals of Pakistan) will win not you mulla brains
Sir their is only one Islam which government has to implement and sooner or later it will get implemented you have seen revolutions slowly taking place in other Muslim countries and you will soon see it take place in Pakistan and liberal shits will be thrown in the sea

Hijab - a shared responsability - YouTube

This shows your ignorance and Jahiliat when it comes to Islam and Quran Sir Islam is from ALLAH and ALLAH has clearly said Muslims need Islam Islam doesn't need Muslims and even if Muslims betray Islam ALLAH knows how to destroy them and replace them a with those group of people who will love ALLAH and his PROPHET SAW and fight in his way so first read Quran Mr than come and talk **** which you always do

Hijab & Modest Sh. Yusha Evans - YouTube

While you sit in a cage waiting for your mahdi or whatever, the progressive ones are somewhere in a lab making the most advanced weapons and training for asymmetrical warfare. You think Allah SWT will give you victory for raping boys in cave cave, nouzubillah, NEVER! Those work hard for ALlah's cause(not the fake liberals of Pakistan) will win not you mulla brains
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