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Why is My Hijab Your Problem?

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Sir their is only one Islam which government has to implement and sooner or later it will get implemented you have seen revolutions slowly taking place in other Muslim countries and you will soon see it take place in Pakistan and liberal shits will be thrown in the sea

Hijab - a shared responsability - YouTube

This shows your ignorance and Jahiliat when it comes to Islam and Quran Sir Islam is from ALLAH and ALLAH has clearly said Muslims need Islam Islam doesn't need Muslims and even if Muslims betray Islam ALLAH knows how to destroy them and replace them a with those group of people who will love ALLAH and his PROPHET SAW and fight in his way so first read Quran Mr than come and talk **** which you always do

Hijab & Modest Sh. Yusha Evans - YouTube

While you sit in a cage waiting for your mahdi or whatever, the progressive ones are somewhere in a lab making the most advanced weapons and training for asymmetrical warfare. You think Allah SWT will give you victory for raping boys in cave cave, nouzubillah, NEVER! Those work hard for ALlah's cause(not the fake liberals of Pakistan) will win not you mulla brains

Please leave women alone and let them decide what they like to wear be it any attire whether conservative men like it or not whether liberal men like it or not
tha's a fallacy, i think your knowledgel of english is limited, liberal is just an attitude, doesnt mean to encourage nudity - i wont mind if my wife wears niqab or jeans, but can u fundos say the same?

Sir their is only one Islam which government has to implement and sooner or later it will get implemented you have seen revolutions slowly taking place in other Muslim countries and you will soon see it take place in Pakistan and liberal shits will be thrown in the sea

Hijab - a shared responsability - YouTube

This shows your ignorance and Jahiliat when it comes to Islam and Quran Sir Islam is from ALLAH and ALLAH has clearly said Muslims need Islam Islam doesn't need Muslims and even if Muslims betray Islam ALLAH knows how to destroy them and replace them a with those group of people who will love ALLAH and his PROPHET SAW and fight in his way so first read Quran Mr than come and talk **** which you always do

Hijab & Modest Sh. Yusha Evans - YouTube

While you sit in a cage waiting for your mahdi or whatever, the progressive ones are somewhere in a lab making the most advanced weapons and training for asymmetrical warfare. You think Allah SWT will give you victory for raping boys in cave cave, nouzubillah, NEVER! Those work hard for ALlah's cause(not the fake liberals of Pakistan) will win not you mulla brains
Pleae do...if it is so i will correct myself . give the post number ....so i can see in what contect i wrote such a comment

So where did i spread hatred or pretend i know my religion well !!! i know my religion but i have never boasted that i know it moer than anyone or that i know every thing !!!!....so how the heck am i a hindu mullah !!

Most of my post were replies to double master and Zarvan.......starting with misquotes of ZN..... all newbie muslim fanatics get enamoured by it ...and starts speaking ill of my religion ........this i speak from experience...hence i prefer to nip the bud early............Please take my post in relation to the post iam replying to

I have no idea when i told you that u insulted my religon or believes..rather i find that you are a well balanced muslim........and please point out where i insulted you religion........so far in this thread i have not quoted any Quranic verses,hadiths or anything similar...just to mock or reply to mockeries !!....so please point them out........if indeed was mockery or something out of context to the post i am replying...i would correct myself
Athiest are also humans....and most of them are good humans.....If our morals and ethics are born out of religion...theirs are born purely out of logic,science and local culture..........hence they too are part n parcel of our talk .......

I brought un norway .no North european countries to show that they have stable culture and low chaos...compared to us..the religious people......it was you who brought in the Mass shooting incident of norway to prove otherwise...........hence i wrote the above post to show that one incident is not the marker to judge them .

What knowledge am i not letting in ???

Yes, I do agree that you were respectful in this thread.

But you are still saying zakir naiak. Trust me

"The religious reforms of (Raja Ram) Roy contained in beliefs of the Brahmo Samaj expounded by Rajnarayan Basu[19] are: Brahmos believe that the fundamental doctrines of Brahmoism are at the basis of every religion, followed by man; Brahmos believe in the existence of One Supreme God, and worship Him alone. Brahmos believe that worship of Him needs no fixed place or time."

This is was propogated even before ZN was born. He only quotes from Books which was translated
you mocked mine....did i respond by mocking yours in the same way........but i cant say the same for other trolls who may mock yours.......hence keeping in mind that there are trolls and genuine people on all subjects and with the intention of not hurting the genuine ppl to reply to the trolls.........lets keep it to mocking the mocker

God does not go shapeshifting neither does we believe so ... please state what you mean by it...i will correct it

Go through the thread AGAIN.
Please leave women alone and let them decide what they like to wear be it any attire whether conservative men like it or not whether liberal men like it or not
tha's a fallacy, i think your knowledgel of english is limited, liberal is just an attitude, doesnt mean to encourage nudity - i wont mind if my wife wears niqab or jeans, but can u fundos say the same?

Sir their is only one Islam which government has to implement and sooner or later it will get implemented you have seen revolutions slowly taking place in other Muslim countries and you will soon see it take place in Pakistan and liberal shits will be thrown in the sea

Hijab - a shared responsability - YouTube

This shows your ignorance and Jahiliat when it comes to Islam and Quran Sir Islam is from ALLAH and ALLAH has clearly said Muslims need Islam Islam doesn't need Muslims and even if Muslims betray Islam ALLAH knows how to destroy them and replace them a with those group of people who will love ALLAH and his PROPHET SAW and fight in his way so first read Quran Mr than come and talk **** which you always do

Hijab & Modest Sh. Yusha Evans - YouTube

While you sit in a cage waiting for your mahdi or whatever, the progressive ones are somewhere in a lab making the most advanced weapons and training for asymmetrical warfare. You think Allah SWT will give you victory for raping boys in cave cave, nouzubillah, NEVER! Those work hard for ALlah's cause(not the fake liberals of Pakistan) will win not you mulla brains

fairytale ???........If Theophilosophy goes over your head....next time please ignore it............also since u love fairytale...there is a wonderful story of how to cut the moon....read and enjoy it
Firstly, that philosophy you talk about sounds fun on forums like tese or debate classes in soeme univversity, but i don't think it's pratical for this life or the after life. I mean it just turns out that so and so is an educated and good person, you can't say becaus ehinduism has no rules he became this way, likewise i could say the same for a criminal. So rules are neccesary, even if theyre not there good people will be good, and bad will be bad

And about the second part, we have a clear way of distinguishing dhaeef hadees and strong ones, do you have the same? Or you have no choice but to believe in flying chariots?

fairytale ???........If Theophilosophy goes over your head....next time please ignore it............also since u love fairytale...there is a wonderful story of how to cut the moon....read and enjoy it
Firstly, that philosophy you talk about sounds fun on forums like tese or debate classes in soeme univversity, but i don't think it's pratical for this life or the after life. I mean it just turns out that so and so is an educated and good person, you can't say becaus ehinduism has no rules he became this way, likewise i could say the same for a criminal. So rules are neccesary, even if theyre not there good people will be good, and bad will be bad

And about the second part, we have a clear way of distinguishing dhaeef hadees and strong ones, do you have the same? Or you have no choice but to believe in flying chariots?

fairytale ???........If Theophilosophy goes over your head....next time please ignore it............also since u love fairytale...there is a wonderful story of how to cut the moon....read and enjoy it
Firstly, that philosophy you talk about sounds fun on forums like tese or debate classes in soeme univversity, but i don't think it's pratical for this life or the after life. I mean it just turns out that so and so is an educated and good person, you can't say becaus ehinduism has no rules he became this way, likewise i could say the same for a criminal. So rules are neccesary, even if theyre not there good people will be good, and bad will be bad

And about the second part, we have a clear way of distinguishing dhaeef hadees and strong ones, do you have the same? Or you have no choice but to believe in flying chariots?
The religious reforms of (Raja Ram)Roy contained in beliefs of the Brahmo Samaj expounded by Rajnarayan Basu[19] are: Brahmos believe that the fundamental doctrines of Brahmoism are at the basis of every religion, followed by man; Brahmos believe in the existence of One Supreme God, and worship Him alone.

This was preached even before Zakir Naik was born. You are really ingoring these things only because it was said by ZN.

I never denied that there is only one God. ....and where did mohanroy misquote like ZN ??

Read post 705 to know how ZN misquotes
Firstly, that philosophy you talk about sounds fun on forums like tese or debate classes in soeme univversity, but i don't think it's pratical for this life or the after life. I mean it just turns out that so and so is an educated and good person, you can't say becaus ehinduism has no rules he became this way, likewise i could say the same for a criminal. So rules are neccesary, even if theyre not there good people will be good, and bad will be bad

And about the second part, we have a clear way of distinguishing dhaeef hadees and strong ones, do you have the same? Or you have no choice but to believe in flying chariots?

Every religion has philosophy .it has no practical purpose but for those who are pursuing higher levels of spirituality , they study theophilosophy....its the same irrespective of Religion........its the quest to understand God and existence better from the spiritual angle . Even learned imams ,mullahs or ayatollah...study and expound philosophy....

About believing in the flying chariot or flying weapons or the laser from lord shivas forehead.........rather i take all that with a ton of salt ....some acceptable,others exaggerations and some just misunderstanding........................Belief in these matters are not must not needed for hindu.....you choose to believe you believe....you dont ...then you dont !!

In the end either they are all fairytale or else all that is there is faith .

In whatever period/age, under whatever rules or religion....criminal and crime exist....Humans beings exist in both shades of light and dark......Social orders should be implemented through laws.....

human conscious has evolved with more understanding and science....hence we are better able to make laws to keep order ....

No i dont thing we have any clear way to differentiate like you do with hadees

Verses out of context? Maybe that's the karma stuff coming to bite you, i mean you guys do that all over the internet and this forum, i mean quoting the Quran out of context is practically the only way your arguements even survive

Are you talking to me or hindus in general ?......dont lump with the those who do so
Riteon, the splitting moon incident is perhaps the few miracles the Prophet Muhammed Pbuh did in his lifetime and Muslims don't ever overemphasize it, or try and use it as proof of our religion. Prophet Muhammed said "I have come with only one miracle and it is the Quran", and yet there are people who go on about "Water into wine", and "Walked on water" and "risen from the dead". So there's really no need to focus on this particular topic, which is in a hadith by the way, meanining it doesn't have the stamp of approval from Allah, and use it to be prejudice against Islam.
Are you talking to me or hindus in general ?......dont lump with the those who do so
No, i know a lot of nice hindus, and i respect them. I'm saying this to internet hindus athiests christians ZN fans and everyone else
At the end of the day, Allah won't care if a Muslim believes the Prophet PBUH did it or not, it is by no means a huge incident as to catch the attention of someone as smart as you.
No, i know a lot of nice hindus, and i respect them. I'm saying this to internet hindus athiests christians ZN fans and everyone else

I dont quotes verses from other religions.......i rather correct the misquotes done to mine

Riteon, the splitting moon incident is perhaps the few miracles the Prophet Muhammed Pbuh did in his lifetime and Muslims don't ever overemphasize it, or try and use it as proof of our religion. Prophet Muhammed said "I have come with only one miracle and it is the Quran", and yet there are people who go on about "Water into wine", and "Walked on water" and "risen from the dead". So there's really no need to focus on this particular topic, which is in a hadith by the way, meanining it doesn't have the stamp of approval from Allah, and use it to be prejudice against Islam.

I neither reject or believe in the miracles of islam..............all i have to do is respect the beliefs of the muslims.......thereby accepting that these are the miracles of islam

I made reference to this miracle in response to someone's post ,to remind him that calling the miracles or explainations in hinduism fairytale will be just a hypocrisy unless same is done to yours .................that was my only intention......see in that context only

My apologies, I began reading from page 55(although I have been reading earlier). Now regarding the Hindu scripture, it has become confusing to understand the viewpoint of Hindus on them when some Indian members here have openly called it "Hindu Mythology", so can you clarify what is your position? Do you accept all the events in the Hindu religous text as events that took place, and which texts do you believe in or reject?

Well dear all, Why have you changed this thread into debate thread on Islam and other religions? I had great temptation to write detailed replies to liberals and non-muslims here, but I refrain from it because:
1. This is irrelevant to this thread,
2. nobody converts after such discussions, and
3. to refrain from useless debate is the command of the Quran.

All enthusiastic muslims, please refrain from such debate. Conveying the message is the duty of every good Muslim, but others people's Yes or No is not your problem as your religion should not be their problem given that you do not break the law of their country.
This is my humble request!
In all honesty, We have all discussed the Hijab to the maximum already, and now we have moved on to other topics. I don't see why this thread should continue at the current rate....

My apologies, I began reading from page 55(although I have been reading earlier). Now regarding the Hindu scripture, it has become confusing to understand the viewpoint of Hindus on them when some Indian members here have openly called it "Hindu Mythology", so can you clarify what is your position? Do you accept all the events in the Hindu religous text as events that took place, and which texts do you believe in or reject?

There are many mythologies in hinduism

Mahabharath - i believe it took place . the historical references to places ,the number of temples in south having histories related to mahabharata are many

Weapon of Lord krishna - the chakra......huh dont believe its a chakra...but something mechanical that looked rather incredulous forthe that time . believes he is an Avatar .

the mystical arrows with varying powers.......... must be something scientic arrow tips.....

Ramayana: believes it took place ....sethusamudram link is a classic proof, and there are many temples in kerala where its said that Lord raman was present during his exiles.....and places named after events or situaions are also present in south india
hanuman - evolved monkey seeing the evolution chart........
Flying chariot........no i dont ...there is no explaination given anywhere, no science that allowed it continued existence.....

Lord shiva and his third eye.....well Lord shiva is the Destroyer aspect of God ...hence third eye and as such are symbolic representations of different qualities of the destroyers.......third eye ...which burned desires and greed
All Gods in Hinduism ...many hands, heads etc etc are symbolic of some quality but none understands it but rather believe what they see

Ravana - they say he has 10 head...which is humanly not possible.....He has only 1 head....but since he studied all the vedas and upanishads [ numbering 10 ] ,he was also called 10 headed ravanna ....

I dont believe in stories origination from puranas.........they sound like folktales to me that you tell your kids to impart morals or something about God.....
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