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Why is Israel So Successful Against Arab Armies

Then you make overtures to have meetings to sit down and talk. You don't make obviously unacceptably conditions from the onset that you know will most certainly be refused.

All this led to the October War. They needed to be hit hard and grounded from the high of 1967 they were on so that they can start talking reality, not fantasy.

It is well known that making outrageous demands in the beginning,
improves the end result. Basic game theory.
Okay son, come back to us when you liberate Iraq and Syria from the Turks and all the other invaders, will talk then. Go free your country troll.

@bsruzm, @Hexciter , @xenon54 , @Sinan , @Turanicwarrior not sure if serious or just retarded, they couldn't defeat tiny Israel who thought against the odds and think they could take on Turkey lol.

Fenasi couldn't handle it anymore, calls for others to help out.

But even then, what I said is still true. Iran in 1980 wielded a more powerful military than Turkey in 1980, meaning Turkey would've been an easier opponent. Correct?
Fenasi couldn't handle it anymore, calls for others to help out.

But even then, what I said is still true. Iran in 1980 wielded a more powerful military than Turkey in 1980, meaning Turkey would've been an easier opponent. Correct?

No I wanted the other Turks to see your trolling, otherwise i've held some of them off from ripping you from another hole.

Now the lowly Arab whose country is being raped is hiding behind the Persians and trying to flame a Turkish - Iranian debate. Nice try, but both countries have a mutual respect for each other and they both mock Arab armies lol.

Turkey and Iran, would both wipe the floor with any Arab country, especially Iraq, correct? Just like Israel wiped the floor with Arabs
Fenasi couldn't handle it anymore, calls for others to help out.

But even then, what I said is still true. Iran in 1980 wielded a more powerful military than Turkey in 1980, meaning Turkey would've been an easier opponent. Correct?

All you just keyboard warriors. You know that you never had testicles to do what you claimed to be! There is old definition what you do; "Ajam bragging". Your braggings nothing to do with us! And let's see your masters, not an iraqi pawn!
Fenasi couldn't handle it anymore, calls for others to help out.

But even then, what I said is still true. Iran in 1980 wielded a more powerful military than Turkey in 1980, meaning Turkey would've been an easier opponent. Correct?
You guys are always doing the same mistake by believing that fancy toys alone win wars, thats the whole point of this thread actually.
No I wanted the other Turks to see your trolling, otherwise i've held some of them off from ripping you from another hole.

Now the lowly Arab whose country is being raped is hiding behind the Persians and trying to flame a Turkish - Iranian debate. Nice try, but both countries have a mutual respect for each other and they both mock Arab armies lol.

Sneaky Arab fueling the FITNA

Turkey and Iran, would both wipe the floor with any Arab country, especially Iraq, correct? Just like Israel wiped the floor with Arabs
Turkey despite having the opportunity has not done so in Syria, OP ES showed that the Turkish army is not capable of wiping floors, very bad commanders who make use of classic tank battle strategies against IS, imagine the mistakes they would make in large urban warfare such as Raqqa or Mosul. They would resort to flattening the city such as in those towns in Turkey that were taken by the PKK, they were flattened. That whilst the PKK is not comparable to IS, does not use VBIED's and has no ATGW, not as aggressive in its offensive OPS.

Let's leave Israel out of the equation. Iran had a war with Iraq, I think the outcome is more authentic than something written by you.

You guys are always doing the same mistake by believing that fancy toys alone win wars, thats the whole point of this thread actually.

I think your mistake is you don't read through the thread, as you made the same mistake in your last quote to me


I don't believe in rating capabilities in any field of any people based on their nationality, ethnicity or religion. Meanwhile your fellow Turks here believe they are superior to Arabs due to ethnic/national differences, how do you explain that?

Argue this logic instead of arguing countries, let's see how this unfolds.
I think your mistake is you don't read through the thread, as you made the same mistake in your last quote to me
Sry that i dont have time to read 25 pages but didnt you say Turkey would have been easier opponent than Iran solely based on gear?
Apart from that you say pkk is laughing at Turkey, you sure? Because they loose 40-50 fighters per week in Turkish airstrikes, @Sinan can show you where to find the pictures on twitter if you dont believe me. They lost their ability to do major terror attacks inside Turkey compared to last year.
Apart from that 1980 was 37 years ago, a lot changed since then, im not sure whos the one living in a bubble.

Meanwhile your fellow Turks here believe they are superior to Arabs due to ethnic/national differences, how do you explain that?
I dont think im able to explain why someone thinks the way he does.
Apart from that you say pkk is laughing at Turkey, you sure? Because they loose 40-50 fighters per week in Turkish airstrikes, @Sinan can show you where to find the pictures on twitter if you dont believe me. They lost their ability to do major terror attacks inside Turkey compared to last year.
Apart from that 1980 was 37 years ago, a lot changed since then, im not sure whos the one living in a bubble.
I'm aware about this ongoing dispute in this thread, however i don't wanna get involved.

I mean how can you argue with a guy who thinks that in 1980s Iraq could defeat Turkey.... Let's remember, which nation or country or alliance had been able to defeat Turks in Anatolia for the last 1000 years ? :what:
I'm aware about this ongoing dispute in this thread, however i don't wanna get involved.
Let's remember, which nation or country or alliance had been able to defeat Turks in Anatolia for the last 1000 years ? :what:

I'm arguing for the sake to show him that military capabilities do not rest upon ethnic or national background. But are you telling me Turks did not lose a battle for the last 1000 years in Anatolia? I thought Greeks controlled Izmir before 1922.

I mean how can you argue with a guy who thinks that in 1980s Iraq could defeat Turkey....
I didn't say defeat, it would be a stalemate similar to with the Iran-Iraq war. Though one has to take the geographics and other factors in consideration to back that up.

Sry that i dont have time to read 25 pages but didnt you say Turkey would have been easier opponent than Iran solely based on gear?
That's right. Other factors are hard to discuss, weaknesses in armies are only fully shown when that army goes to battle.

Apart from that you say pkk is laughing at Turkey, you sure? Because they loose 40-50 fighters per week in Turkish airstrikes, @Sinan can show you where to find the pictures on twitter if you dont believe me. They lost their ability to do major terror attacks inside Turkey compared to last year.
Congratulations with your airstrikes then, they're winning the political war against Turkey.

Apart from that 1980 was 37 years ago, a lot changed since then, im not sure whos the one living in a bubble.
Yet the thread started uses 'Why is Israel successful against Arab...' despite those wars being over 40 years ago. You just answered him.
Congratulations with your airstrikes then, they're winning the political war against Turkey.
They arent winning anything, the US supports their wing today but will drop them once they arent useful anymore just like they did with AQ, Turkey cant be replaced that easy.
I'm aware about this ongoing dispute in this thread, however i don't wanna get involved.

I mean how can you argue with a guy who thinks that in 1980s Iraq could defeat Turkey.... Let's remember, which nation or country or alliance had been able to defeat Turks in Anatolia for the last 1000 years ? :what:

Russia and Iran for starters.
Then the first Crusade kicked Turkish behinds at Nicea and Dorylaeum.
Mongols did what they pleased in Anatolia.
The Ottoman Empire surrendered when the British were close to Anatolia at the end of WW1.
Russia and Iran for starters.
Then the first Crusade kicked Turkish behinds at Nicea and Dorylaeum.
Mongols did what they pleased in Anatolia.
The Ottoman Empire surrendered when the British were close to Anatolia at the end of WW1.
We lost some battles and win some battles...but no one defeated us.

I thought Greeks controlled Izmir before 1922.
Greeks invaded Izmir in 1919, thx to Ottoman Sultan. Atatürk, organized defences and begin fighting. In 1922 we defeated entire Greek army.

Think about US invading from Basra, you began fighting them, stopping them before they arrive on Bagdat. Then drove them back all the way up to sea.
Greeks invaded Izmir in 1919, thx to Ottoman Sultan. Atatürk, organized defences and begin fighting. In 1922 we defeated entire Greek army.

Think about US invading from Basra, you began fighting them, stopping them before they arrive on Bagdat. Then drove them back all the way up to sea.

Yes I get it, but then you can't say undefeated in Anatolia. Otherwise the Mosul fall is no defeat either being back there 3 years after.

As for the US, their military might is unchallenged by any power in the region. If they dedicate the amount of firepower they did against Iraq in 1991 they would be able to destroy any military in the region. Not comparable to Greece, Cyprus or any similar foe.
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