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Why is Israel So Successful Against Arab Armies

Nope but ok. Are you sure that only democracies can win wars?

They defeated Nazis, Soviet Union, Japanese empires....I mean of they were a sports team you would be stupid to bet against them.

Also, do you know why they?
Are you a retard or what?...

Turkey and Israel have never had an open military confrontation. Stay on topic troll.
Way, you have real short memory! The attack of the peace flotilla, how many of your countrymen were killed? Didn't your prime minister got dressed down by a lowly Israeli foreign staff? And you great MB president settled in a countainer for $80M that Obama paid..
Israel dresses you down every time they chose..Turkey is that obedient women everybody looks for..
Way, you have real short memory! The attack of the peace flotilla, how many of your countrymen were killed? Didn't your prime minister got dressed down by a lowly Israeli foreign staff? And you great MB president settled in a countainer for $80M that Obama paid..
Israel dresses you down every time they chose..Turkey is that obedient women everybody looks for..

Have Turkey and Israel ever had a war or military conflict? Yes or no?

Really you just confirmed you are a retard.
You people forgot the mentioned. They are traitors and lions when it comes to fight each others:-). Well they wher winning against israel back, if egypt didn't sell out syria for a cheap price.Maybe today it would be different. They have made shitty israel, when are these arabs going to learn from ther mistakes?


James Morris, editor of America-hijacked.com, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Saturday while commenting on the former director of the US Defense Intelligence Agency’s statement in which he said the rise of the ISIL terrorist group in Syria was the result of a “willful decision” made by Washington.

Michael Flynn has told Al Jazeera TV that it was a “willful decision” by the US to support an insurgency and “to do what they’re doing.”

“The entire agenda in the Middle East is based on the Israeli Likudnik Oded Yinon strategy for Israel in the 1980s which the neoconservatives, which are the upper echelons of the Israel lobby in America, have put into play in the Middle East beginning with Iraq,” Morris said.


He stated that “the Zionist, neocon-inspired invasion of Iraq… resulted in al-Qaeda in Iraq — of course there was no al-Qaeda in Iraq until the US invaded Iraq for Israel — [and] that spun off into ISIS, or ISIL.”

“But you also had the same Israeli Likudnik Oded Yinon neocon plan in play in Syria, and that was encouraged, of course, by the US government, including President Obama,” he added.

He went on to say that Obama “was ready, and he was being pressured by the same neoconservatives, to bomb Syria for Israel, and if it wasn’t for the UK parliament vote against doing that, [he would have bombed Syria.]”

“The US government is using the ISIS, or ISIL, as the reason to invade Syria, basically attack Syria, with airplanes from Incirlik Air Base now in Turkey,” he explained.

The US Defense Department announced on Thursday that American fighter jets would be flying over the Syrian territory within days in the wake of the Turkish government’s green-light to the Pentagon to fly manned aircraft out of the Incirlik Air Base.

“Keep in mind [that] the US had basically trained Syrian rebels to go up against the Assad government,” Morris said.

“This is all the Zionist, Likudnik Oded Yinon’s plan for the Middle East, and that started with Iraq, it was put into play against Gaddafi in Libya, it’s in play now in Syria, in Lebanon, Yemen,” he observed.

“It’s basically to divide and conquer the enemies of Israel in the Middle East by creating sectarian and ethnic strife, and it couldn’t be going better for the neoconservatives,” the analyst concluded.

The ISIL terrorists, who were initially trained by the CIA in Jordan in 2012 to destabilize the Syrian government, now control large parts of Iraq and Syria.

They have been carrying out heinous crimes against all communities in both neighboring Arab states.

US warplanes have been conducting airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq since early August 2014. Some Western states have also participated in some of the strikes in Iraq.

Since late September 2014, the US and some of its Arab allies have been carrying out airstrikes against ISIL inside Syria without any authorization from Damascus or a UN mandate.

Read More: http://smoloko.com/?p=7112
And 36,000 NATO troops are enough to make Arab Armies freeze in panic...
Sounds plausible - not....
NATO is an example of unification of countries.
EU is not a military organisation.
Membership of one does not affect membership of the other.
If You are looking for Your tin foil hat, it is on Your head...
Ignorance is a bliss. Go check, nearly 36,000 US & British troops are stationed in Mid East from Kuwait to Bahrain and else where. One objective is to ensure region remains fractured and in perpetual chaos !

You still seem naive to not know the difference between EU and NATO ! In one sentence, NATO is the military arm of the political entity called EU. NATO is not unification of any political/monetary entity, EU is !
No-one is talking about membership. Seems tin foil hat in on your head. Political/monetary entity called EU is led by French-German alliance, which Brits wont accept. In a world dominated by Washington-Moscow no-one wants to see rise of another power in Brussels. Read !
Have Turkey and Israel ever had a war or military conflict? Yes or no?

Really you just confirmed you are a retard.
If Israel and Turkey had a military conflict, you won't here talking to me..
The questions you should ask yourself, did Israel attack the. peace flotilla of Turkish ships, yes or no? Did they assassinate a dozen of Turks yes or know? Did they dress down our diplomate, yes or now? Did Israel paid $ 80 millions for the Turkish dead? Did Turkey after the dressing down and the execution of a dozen of her citizen went back other knees pleading and begging Israel to give her part for the F16. We understand now, that you and the bird share the same DNA.
Ignorance is a bliss. Go check, nearly 36,000 US & British troops are stationed in Mid East from Kuwait to Bahrain and else where. One objective is to ensure region remains fractured and in perpetual chaos !

You still seem naive to not know the difference between EU and NATO ! In one sentence, NATO is the military arm of the political entity called EU. NATO is not unification of any political/monetary entity, EU is !
No-one is talking about membership. Seems tin foil hat in on your head. Political/monetary entity called EU is led by French-German alliance, which Brits wont accept. In a world dominated by Washington-Moscow no-one wants to see rise of another power in Brussels. Read !

You need to learn more about Europe.
We, like Finland, Austria, Ireland are a member of EU, but we are not a member of NATO.
Norway, the US, Canada and soon U.K. are not members of EU, but are members of NATO.
They are two separate organisations with many shared members.
The EU is already a power.

Any chaos in the Middle East is caused by the inhabitants struggling for power.

The objective of the troops in the Middle East is primarily to get rid of ISIS.
I guess You are very annoyed that ISIS are not successful in uniting the Middle East
under a Caliph, murdering everyone that does not share their particular brand of Islam.


James Morris, editor of America-hijacked.com, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Saturday while commenting on the former director of the US Defense Intelligence Agency’s statement in which he said the rise of the ISIL terrorist group in Syria was the result of a “willful decision” made by Washington.

Michael Flynn has told Al Jazeera TV that it was a “willful decision” by the US to support an insurgency and “to do what they’re doing.”

“The entire agenda in the Middle East is based on the Israeli Likudnik Oded Yinon strategy for Israel in the 1980s which the neoconservatives, which are the upper echelons of the Israel lobby in America, have put into play in the Middle East beginning with Iraq,” Morris said.


He stated that “the Zionist, neocon-inspired invasion of Iraq… resulted in al-Qaeda in Iraq — of course there was no al-Qaeda in Iraq until the US invaded Iraq for Israel — [and] that spun off into ISIS, or ISIL.”

“But you also had the same Israeli Likudnik Oded Yinon neocon plan in play in Syria, and that was encouraged, of course, by the US government, including President Obama,” he added.

He went on to say that Obama “was ready, and he was being pressured by the same neoconservatives, to bomb Syria for Israel, and if it wasn’t for the UK parliament vote against doing that, [he would have bombed Syria.]”

“The US government is using the ISIS, or ISIL, as the reason to invade Syria, basically attack Syria, with airplanes from Incirlik Air Base now in Turkey,” he explained.

The US Defense Department announced on Thursday that American fighter jets would be flying over the Syrian territory within days in the wake of the Turkish government’s green-light to the Pentagon to fly manned aircraft out of the Incirlik Air Base.

“Keep in mind [that] the US had basically trained Syrian rebels to go up against the Assad government,” Morris said.

“This is all the Zionist, Likudnik Oded Yinon’s plan for the Middle East, and that started with Iraq, it was put into play against Gaddafi in Libya, it’s in play now in Syria, in Lebanon, Yemen,” he observed.

“It’s basically to divide and conquer the enemies of Israel in the Middle East by creating sectarian and ethnic strife, and it couldn’t be going better for the neoconservatives,” the analyst concluded.

The ISIL terrorists, who were initially trained by the CIA in Jordan in 2012 to destabilize the Syrian government, now control large parts of Iraq and Syria.

They have been carrying out heinous crimes against all communities in both neighboring Arab states.

US warplanes have been conducting airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq since early August 2014. Some Western states have also participated in some of the strikes in Iraq.

Since late September 2014, the US and some of its Arab allies have been carrying out airstrikes against ISIL inside Syria without any authorization from Damascus or a UN mandate.

Read More: http://smoloko.com/?p=7112


The Security Council determined today that the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant/Sham (ISIL/ISIS) constituted an “unprecedented” threat to international peace and security, calling upon Member States with the requisite capacity to take “all necessary measures” to prevent and suppress its terrorist acts on territory under its control in Syria and Iraq.

So there is Your Mandate.

What is the meaning of:
He stated that “the Zionist, neocon-inspired invasion of Iraq… resulted in al-Qaeda in Iraq — of course there was no al-Qaeda in Iraq until the US invaded Iraq for Israel — [and] that spun off into ISIS, or ISIL.

It is true that the US invaded Iraq, but it is false that al-Qaeda in Iraq was the result.
Al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian, formed al-Tawhid wal-Jihad in the 1990s.
After the US invasion of Iraq, he moved the organisation to Iraq.
He decided later to have the organisation join Al-Qaeda,
so "Al-Qaeda in Iraq" was created by a simple name change.
Its recruits are losers and criminals from the Worldwide Muslim Communities,
that now mostly found their rightful place in hell.

The US has fought this organisation and ISIS since the start. They are bombed daily.
The number of times the US has attacked the Syrian forces is averaging 1-2 per year.

So much for the "Greater Israel plan".
If Israel and Turkey had a military conflict, you won't here talking to me..
The questions you should ask yourself, did Israel attack the. peace flotilla of Turkish ships, yes or no? Did they assassinate a dozen of Turks yes or know? Did they dress down our diplomate, yes or now? Did Israel paid $ 80 millions for the Turkish dead? Did Turkey after the dressing down and the execution of a dozen of her citizen went back other knees pleading and begging Israel to give her part for the F16. We understand now, that you and the bird share the same DNA.

I'd be asking your asking your mother why your so retarded. Tell her not to make anymore kids.

Thanks for answering the question, which is a big fat no they haven't had a conflict. Now get back on topic trolllll.
If Israel and Turkey had a military conflict, you won't here talking to me..
The questions you should ask yourself, did Israel attack the. peace flotilla of Turkish ships, yes or no? Did they assassinate a dozen of Turks yes or know? Did they dress down our diplomate, yes or now? Did Israel paid $ 80 millions for the Turkish dead? Did Turkey after the dressing down and the execution of a dozen of her citizen went back other knees pleading and begging Israel to give her part for the F16. We understand now, that you and the bird share the same DNA.
Weird logic you have there.

Same can be logic can be applied to Turkey downing Russian jet and can be said Turkey "dressed down" Russia.

The Security Council determined today that the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant/Sham (ISIL/ISIS) constituted an “unprecedented” threat to international peace and security, calling upon Member States with the requisite capacity to take “all necessary measures” to prevent and suppress its terrorist acts on territory under its control in Syria and Iraq.

So there is Your Mandate.

What is the meaning of:
He stated that “the Zionist, neocon-inspired invasion of Iraq… resulted in al-Qaeda in Iraq — of course there was no al-Qaeda in Iraq until the US invaded Iraq for Israel — [and] that spun off into ISIS, or ISIL.

It is true that the US invaded Iraq, but it is false that al-Qaeda in Iraq was the result.
Al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian, formed al-Tawhid wal-Jihad in the 1990s.
After the US invasion of Iraq, he moved the organisation to Iraq.
He decided later to have the organisation join Al-Qaeda,
so "Al-Qaeda in Iraq" was created by a simple name change.
Its recruits are losers and criminals from the Worldwide Muslim Communities,
that now mostly found their rightful place in hell.

The US has fought this organisation and ISIS since the start. They are bombed daily.
The number of times the US has attacked the Syrian forces is averaging 1-2 per year.

So much for the "Greater Israel plan".
Greater israel project began since American fake 9/11 in 2001.

How on earth can these two 9/11s happen at the same day and the same time?!!

New York 9/11: 10 am 9/11/2001 (2 pm GMT)

Mecca 9/11: 5 pm 9/11/2015 (2 pm GMT)



The simpson cartoon published in 2001 show americans bombing Syrian Arab army:

3 million Muslims are killed since US invasion to Afghanistan and Iraq. Afghanistan and Iraq had no hands in 9/11. the attackers were saudi and then we understood 9/11 was fake freemasonry American-Saudi attack.

The whole fvcking thing is security of israel, and these three freemasonry regimes US, saudi and israel don't care about anything on earth but only security of israel.

Syrian civil war is made by Us and it is only US ambitions to change regime in Syria. US already changed regimes in Iraq and Libya by military force. If Russia and Iran weren't barrier against Us Us had bombed Syria and it had made a government-less wahhabi playground out of Syria which could be a way worse than Libya and Afghanistan.

Bleeding in Middle East began since American fake 9/11 and continued by Syrian wahhabi war and bombing of Yemen.

US is the worst terrorist regime on earth, probably even worse than british empire. We shouldn't forget Americans have killed more than 100 million natives in America in 400 years.
Greater israel project began since American fake 9/11 in 2001.

How on earth can these two 9/11s happen at the same day and the same time?!!

New York 9/11: 10 am 9/11/2001 (2 pm GMT)

Mecca 9/11: 5 pm 9/11/2015 (2 pm GMT)

View attachment 414001

View attachment 414000

The simpson cartoon published in 2001 show americans bombing Syrian Arab army:

3 million Muslims are killed since US invasion to Afghanistan and Iraq. Afghanistan and Iraq had no hands in 9/11. the attackers were saudi and then we understood 9/11 was fake freemasonry American-Saudi attack.

The whole fvcking thing is security of israel, and these three freemasonry regimes US, saudi and israel don't care about anything on earth but only security of israel.

Syrian civil war is made by Us and it is only US ambitions to change regime in Syria. US already changed regimes in Iraq and Libya by military force. If Russia and Iran weren't barrier against Us Us had bombed Syria and it had made a government-less wahhabi playground out of Syria which could be a way worse than Libya and Afghanistan.

Bleeding in Middle East began since American fake 9/11 and continued by Syrian wahhabi war and bombing of Yemen.

US is the worst terrorist regime on earth, probably even worse than british empire. We shouldn't forget Americans have killed more than 100 million natives in America in 400 years.

Most Muslims killed in the Middle East (97-98%?) are killed by other Muslims.
Iran, through its support for Syria and others are responsible for more killed Muslims than the US.

Afghanistan harboured Al-Qaeda, and refused to deport them after the first Al-Qaeda attacks
on the US. According to the Geneva convention, that gives Afghanistan the status of
an ALLY to Al-Qaeda, making the post 9/11 attack legal.
Usama bin-Laden has boasted about the attack, but tin foil hats like You keep fantasizing.

The Syrian Civil War was an branch of the "Arab Spring" and the dictator responded with violence. Initially reluctant, Barack Obama was pressured by Human Rights activist to
stop the massacre, he then provided support to the FSA, by sending TOWs.
The minimal program to train insurgents resulted in basically nothing.
A few dozen troops which defected to other rebels and/or handed over their equipment.

It was far, far off the support given to the Mujahedin in the war against the Soviets.
The majority of the support has come from KSA and the Gulf states.
If the US really wanted to overthrow the Syrian regime, why did it not invade?
The Russians only appeared years later, and their limited deployment would not stop
a determined USA. They would simply be told to stay away, and have no logistical way
of doing otherwise.

There are NO records indicating that millions of Indians died at the hand of White Americans.
The US records of the nineteenth century is supposed to be around 8,000 natives killed.
Plenty of Indians died from disease, primarily measles.
A large number were killec by other Indians.
At the beginning of the Indian Wars, the Sioux numbered a few thousands.
More fantasies without sources from the tin foil hat.

Iran is involved in both Syria and Yemen.
How many casualties are You prepared to claim responsibility for?
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