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Why is Iran upset with Pakistan?

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I grew up with Iranians being treated like their sh*t don't stink whilst they funded Shia terrorist groups in Pakistan to spread sectarianism. Their actions are questionable, I do not trust.
Are you okay, son? Iran has not armed or funded Panjshir recently. Iran is the master of all proxy warfares, if it decides to do so no one will be able to stop Iran. The reason Iran ''abandonded'' Panjshir is because of the strategic understanding with Taliban (their leaders visited Iran frequently in the recent years).

Grow up! (re: son)

Iran's mullah brigade's biggest problem is hyper-sensitivity and foolishly reactive behaviour always looking at yourselves as victim or ones being persecuted! Ponder on this .... and if you don't get it, ponder some more until you do! Maybe it is a curse ..

Because of this you lot have failed to build strong lasting relationships with anyone let alone your closest neighbours. You want to have proxies everywhere to blackmail. Now you lot have got your knickers in a twist over Panjshir proxies or alliance being eradicated by Taliban, and it is hilarious listening to your dogs (including your current Foreign Minister, albeit indirectly) accusing and threatening Pakistan. A gentle reminder than you were harbouring Indian terrorists operating terror missions inside Pakistan and did jack-shit about it until we slapped your top leadership with hard facts of your military men involvement in providing such assistance.

Learn to be a good neighbour and learn some control over emotions!
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some facts to consider:

Taliban did not touch a single hair on an american soldier for a year and a half. in exchange the US legitimised them, and retreated and left the country to many of the leaders that were in CIA custody...

Iran would be stupid to not be a little suspicious of this..... (while ahmadi went full retard with it)

ALso pakistan is negotiating with the US and Britain to give them a a continued foothold/influence there at the expense of Iran. Iran is not going to sit around and let pakistan/taliban/US conspire against it.

it will take decisive action if it feels thats the case. thats probably the reason why Iran wasnt happy about the taliban with pakistani direct assistance murdering some top Afghan leaders like massoood.

Iran is highly suspicious.. so far Iran has in good faith accepted the taliban. but it will not sit around and let anybody conspire against it in afghanistan. if the Taliban want to hurt Iranian interests, Iran will hurt them back 10 fold.
Meanwhile of course,countries like pakistan have been good loyal little western vassals.........for all the good it did them,you know,like 14 years worth of us drone attacks on your civilian populace,the west turning a blind eye to indias annexing of its part of occupied kashmir,the us teaming up with your mortal enemy india.
I could go on and on,but really why bother.......
I`m sure that the west genuinely appreciates just how "constructive" pakistan has been.......at cutting its own throat.:sarcastic:
Just out of curiosity,are you guys ever going to get around to doing something genuinely constructive for pakistan,such as finally building your section of the ip pipeline?......nah,didnt think so.
I would not support Pakistan blindly nor criticize iran blindly.
Pakistan has serious social problems and discrimination. Economic problems are the result. For 20 years Pakistan was target of US-NATO-India plus " brother" countries played their role but Pakistan had withstood and saved itself from made an Iraq-Afghanistan-Syria-Libya example. There is chance with war ending in Afghanistan the resultant peace will help Pakistan to stabilize.
Iran on the other hand is a religious theology and they are limited people plus hubris of that we once were great Sassanid empire. Iranians have interfered in the region and ME which neither helped iran nor the regions. It only satisfied ego of iranian clergy and people.
I would not support Pakistan blindly nor criticize iran blindly.
Pakistan has serious social problems and discrimination. Economic problems are the result. For 20 years Pakistan was target of US-NATO-India plus " brother" countries played their role but Pakistan had withstood and saved itself from made an Iraq-Afghanistan-Syria-Libya example. There is chance with war ending in Afghanistan the resultant peace will help Pakistan to stabilize.
Iran on the other hand is a religious theology and they are limited people plus hubris of that we once were great Sassanid empire. Iranians have interfered in the region and ME which neither helped iran nor the regions. It only satisfied ego of iranian clergy and people.
Same as how the Turkish or the Arabs are after their interests in the region Iran is doing the same thing. Very natural if you ask me.
Ahmadinejad a liberal?

Morsi was dropping barrell bombs from helicopter on civilians in Syria???
And Israelis who coordinated with Egyptian military and US to overthrow Morsi, yet Morsi was working for Israeli..

Wow you lot are completely brainwashed....but not surprising considering the despicable lies you've concocted about the Prophet's companions and wives.

ISIS came to Syria only after Iranian proxies from all over the world including Pakistan came out of the woodwork to kill sunnis in Syria...
ISIS was pretty much all arabs. Rumors said they were being trained in arab countries
By the way eyeran is not important for us right now
"Iran is not important for us right now"- BUt Pakistanis like you have created this thread to TALK specifically about IRAN..talk is cheap.

You really arent
whose better?
Iran is upset because now recruitment is not possible anymore from Afghanistan to kill Syrian children.
ACtually its Saudi Arabia that is upset, because its been shunned. Iranian embassy in Kabul is 1 of 4 that was allowed to keep operating. lol..i think you're projecting....Iran already made its private peace deal with the Taliban ,and they've both followed it, so whats there really for Iran to get mad about? Iran already smartly is AFghanistan's top trade partner and supplier of hydrocarbons/oil and gas,so IRan actually has Afghanistan where Iran needs Afghanistan to be. done!
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So, if Iran is so much concerned about all Muslims than why don't start some proxies in kashmir and help kashmiri Muslims too? Why sitting on Indian laps despite that Indians ditched Iran several times on USA orders.
Maybe Iran thinks Pakistan isnt yet deserving of that level of "support"......and 2nd of all, Iran has historic, secure, bonds to INdia since centuries ago, and Iran also has ISlamic and cultural bonds with Pakistan, so Iran probably thought it best to stay out of such level of escalation when dealing with 2 sensitive, friendly countries for Iran.

Besides, this your point is relevant even, because its a distraction from the real main topic at hand., which is Iran and Afghanistan.
Iran isn't upset with Pakistan.
exactly...and if that is true, then that means this thread is a trollfest, with the swarms gathering...and eventually ths thread is 90% likely to get locked. just watch.
There maybe reasons to this, iran have lost something in Afghanistan. But if the official govt is not stating it publicly, then it means its something they r ready to let go. They may just show frustration through unofficial sources. I say we should not be too concerned about if for now and let it slide.
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