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Why is Iran upset with Pakistan?

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Pakistan should strongly condemns Irans interference in Iraqi Kurdistan. We need to look into arming the sunni kurds against Iran. Maybe Turkey can also assist in creating a moderate islamic kurd group.

Pakistan should strongly condemns Irans interference in Iraqi Kurdistan. We need to look into arming the sunni kurds against Iran. Maybe Turkey can also assist in creating a moderate islamic kurd group.
LoL.. Turkey will strike Pakistan first if Pakistan make this more. Iran interfere in Iraqi is to suppress Kurds rising which is in line with Turkey policy.

Pakistan should strongly condemns Irans interference in Iraqi Kurdistan. We need to look into arming the sunni kurds against Iran. Maybe Turkey can also assist in creating a moderate islamic kurd group.

Tell that to Turks, that's a great advice OHahah
Number of rumours going on but does any one know why Iran is upset with Pak on Afghan government?

Were they looking for more role in new IEA government?

Reliable sources have claimed that Pak and US have had a detailed discussion on this and Pak agreed to US that they wont let Iran take advantage of situation in Afghanistan. Pak through a third country ( ? China ? US) agreed with Israel for no role of Iran in new Afghan government. Not sure what will Pak get in return for these favours, however things have been agreed upon, we ll see them in coming months.

Iranian are not stupid, every thing in Iranian media is tightly monitored and regulated , we can't simply ignore as an individual's opinion when Ahmedinijad spoke to Indian TV ( ? Why he chose India Television is also a strong signal of unhappiness with Pak) . They know that as a mater of fact that Pakistan had no role in Panjshir events. Also Iran has no sympathy with resistance, if they were sympathetic they would have given asylum to leadership of resistance. Expect some senior Indian leadership travelling to Iran or vice versa, to send strong signals to Pakistan.

There is defiantly something else going on .

Any sane opinions please?
Nothing is moving in the wrong direction. Iran is meeting their patrol and energy requirements. Plus all airlines are using Iranian territory. Let's see what's come up once the interim govt dissolve.... if Taliban go for general elections or they implement the same old rule ... let the dust settle down.
Simple Answer is something the PDF don't like, Iran is extremists Shia which in itself is a different religion from Islam, Pakistan is majority Sunni which is widely practiced by Muslims around the world and closest to what we have from the times of Prophet, Shia Iran will always make disturbance in Sunni Countries as they are highly motivated by their own religion, Shiaism was created to divide Islam and make sure that Islam never unite every Part of Muslim around the globe.
Meanwhile of course,countries like pakistan have been good loyal little western vassals.........for all the good it did them,you know,like 14 years worth of us drone attacks on your civilian populace,the west turning a blind eye to indias annexing of its part of occupied kashmir,the us teaming up with your mortal enemy india.
I could go on and on,but really why bother.......
I`m sure that the west genuinely appreciates just how "constructive" pakistan has been.......at cutting its own throat.:sarcastic:
Just out of curiosity,are you guys ever going to get around to doing something genuinely constructive for pakistan,such as finally building your section of the ip pipeline?......nah,didnt think so.

enough please. Talk big when you boot out the IAEA trouncing around in your nation like a occupying force demanding access to all your facilities, and you oblige to all there requests. You quickly signed up didn’t you on all there terms like a frighten kids. Israel murders your scientist blows up your labs you do nothing. India passed decisive UN vote on you peoples few years back of your nuke program bringing in heavy sanctions and today u lick there balls giving them a port and other deals. nobody cares hindus internal politics on Kashmiris are disputed peoples does not change that status Armenia found out recently. The worst puppet states been you middle easterners through time not us. We got USA help to boot out ussr doesn’t make us 51st state of America does it. I’m glad the pipe line was never completed judging by your government officials over panjshiri loss makes you a very unreliable state and now go bomb more Syrian cities with Russians bombers you disgraceful Muslims
Because Islamic Republic of Iran likes to call itself as Axis of Resistance against great Satan America and in their mind every Muslim country is a slave of America or vassal state or client and only and only they are the resistance and only and only they can beat them someday.

And just so happens, Islamic Republic of Pakistan who they love to call as vassal/client/slave state of America defeated America with its so called proxy Taliban.

Now, it's a image/morale problem for Iran. To convince people otherwise (their own deluded citizens plus few super deluded fanboys around the globe) they have to resort to some media fuss which will(and is) lead to making comments like Taliban are American proxy/subservient and so is Pakistan and they(Iran) still is the only resistance against the great sheitan.
Their hearts were with Hazrat Ali r.a and ahle bayt but their swords were with muawiyah. Now these same folks mourn them.

This post will rightly be deleted as it should. Sectarianism harms Pakistan and muslims. But the whole thing is based upon baatil and fitan.

Exploiting sectarianism is downright evil. What is İran gaining by backing Houthis? Bombing Mekka and Medina?

Backing Palestinians makes sense or perhaps eliminating İSİS from Syria and İraq makes sense. Even though it is done to save shias.

But why attack Pakistan, Afghanistan and Yemen/Saudi Arabia? Also supporting Armenia? Against shiite Azerbaijan?
enough please. Talk big when you boot out the IAEA trouncing around in your nation like a occupying force demanding access to all your facilities, and you oblige to all there requests. You quickly signed up didn’t you on all there terms like a frighten kids. Israel murders your scientist blows up your labs you do nothing. India passed decisive UN vote on you peoples few years back of your nuke program bringing in heavy sanctions and today u lick there balls giving them a port and other deals. nobody cares hindus internal politics on Kashmiris are disputed peoples does not change that status Armenia found out recently. The worst puppet states been you middle easterners through time not us. We got USA help to boot out ussr doesn’t make us 51st state of America does it. I’m glad the pipe line was never completed judging by your government officials over panjshiri loss makes you a very unreliable state and now go bomb more Syrian cities with Russians bombers you disgraceful Muslims
Guy, he is right. Pakistan has always been submissive to west even when they savagely bombed Pakistani civilians for no reason. They killed innocents and got away with it. They have done similar things to us whenevrr they could but they always received the Iranian reaction. Bombing Ain Al Assad airbase, bombing American warship after hitting Iranian airliner over Persian Gulf etc. We have always responded to their savagery unlike Pakistan. We have increased the uranium purity to 60 percent, we are using advanced centrifuges in spite of JCPOA commitments. We removed iaea spies from nuclear facilities etc

Pakistan has always made emotional decision and killing leaders of Panjshir is an example of it. It was actually pouring gasoline on Afghanistan's internal fire. It doesn't mean that Iran supports panjshir or something like that, Iran has always asked for intra Afghan talks to avoid civil war. Pakistan made it even harder to gather Afghans around a table. The bloodshed might increase and the silent cores of Panjshir and other areas might rise again as well. A dangerous move and an irresponsible act from Pakistani side.

It remains to be seen whether Taliban honors its commitments. We have to wait and see if there will be an other civil war in Afghanistan and anyone providing the ground for such a scenario would be responsible for the bloodshed in Afghanistan in this world or in the here after.

Pakistan should strongly condemns Irans interference in Iraqi Kurdistan. We need to look into arming the sunni kurds against Iran. Maybe Turkey can also assist in creating a moderate islamic kurd group.

It's time we take Irani Sistan/Balochistan province back from Iran. Balochis in Iran dress like Pakistanis, speak Balochi and are not congruent with the Irani state...

But we are idiots and rounded up gave all the Balochi resistors on ours side to Iran, in complete contrast to Iranis who not only launch anti Pakistan BLM and BLF but also facilitate Indian operations against Pakistan.
Iran criticizing Pakistan's role in Afghanistan meanwhile Iran:

Because Islamic Republic of Iran likes to call itself as Axis of Resistance against great Satan America and in their mind every Muslim country is a slave of America or vassal state or client and only and only they are the resistance and only and only they can beat them someday.

And just so happens, Islamic Republic of Pakistan who they love to call as vassal/client/slave state of America defeated America with its so called proxy Taliban.

Now, it's a image/morale problem for Iran. To convince people otherwise (their own deluded citizens plus few super deluded fanboys around the globe) they have to resort to some media fuss which will(and is) lead to making comments like Taliban are American proxy/subservient and so is Pakistan and they(Iran) still is the only resistance against the great sheitan.

Lets compare the morals/antics of "American Client State" Pakistan vs Axis of Resistance Iran and find the truth

Pakistan- Defeated the soviet union, defeated america, defeated India multiple occaisions, never engaged in war crimes against innocents, nor POV. Infact we are known to serve the best of tea's to POV enemies.

Iran- Never won a war in the last 100 years. Has butchered millions in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, and afghanistan. Has engaged in sectarian and ethnic genocide be in kurds, baloch, arabs, etc... Supported Soviets in Afghanistan, Supported American in Afghanstain/Iraq, Targets the holy cities of mecca/media, engaged in sending millions of children to fight in wars whether in iraq or in syria today. Resorted to mass execution of POVs in Iraq/syria/yemen.

You tell me which side is on the side of God and which side is on the side of Shaitan/Dajjail? Which side shows islamic morals even to its enemies and which side uses childrens as suicide bombers?

Mark my words the cult of dajjals time is limited. Good will prevail over evil. I have been warning Pakistanis for the last 10 years that the day will come when they will realize how much of an enemy Iran truly is.
To placate domestic liberals who wield quite some influence on public opinion and have been harshly criticizing the new administration and the IRGC for their policy of normalization with the Taliban.
Ahmed i Nijad is liberal? You really expect us to belive this bullshit that it was to placate liberals?
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I wouldn't call some newspaper headlines an ''official protest''. Media sources that are tied to Iran's establishment are for example farsnews.com or kayhan.ir
so you are saying that tehran times is not close to regime?
Are you okay, son? Iran has not armed or funded Panjshir recently. Iran is the master of all proxy warfares, if it decides to do so no one will be able to stop Iran. The reason Iran ''abandonded'' Panjshir is because of the strategic understanding with Taliban (their leaders visited Iran frequently in the recent years).
Iran On Pakistan Panjshir Attack: Iran Ex President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Warns Pakistan Will Face Consequences In Panjshir Afghanistan
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