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Why is Iran upset with Pakistan?

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Using two times laughing emoji like a high school girl in your post shows you are not serious. Stick to praising Israel.

Ofcourse I am not serious, you literally have a leader called "supreme leader", its another Taliban show. What a joke. Can you imagine hundreds of years ago we would have to take these folk seriously, they struggle to be normal.
You are free to pick up a map of the Middle East and point at the places where we are not active. Pakistan is active in only one barren wasteland aka Afghanistan and can direct all her resources to that cause. Iran is in many other theatres.
And what have you achieved? Nothing except more bloodshed. No grounds made against Israel. No grounds made in Yemen. No grounds made in Iraq. Nothing to your name. Nada. Zilch.

You can have active proxies in a hundred countries, it wont matter if they arent successful. Mujahideen were successful against the soviets they took control of Afghanistan and stopped the soviets. What have your 'proxies' done?

Nothing except cause more innocent blood to be spilled. Not to mention how these proxies are directed against muslim nations as well cough cough Houthi rebels cough cough
Are you okay, son? Iran has not armed or funded Panjshir recently. Iran is the master of all proxy warfares, if it decides to do so no one will be able to stop Iran. The reason Iran ''abandonded'' Panjshir is because of the strategic understanding with Taliban (their leaders visited Iran frequently in the recent years).

You used proxies against weak small states otherwise you are only good in shooting down civilian plane which took off your capital in fear of retaliation.
You used proxies against weak small states otherwise you are only good in shooting down civilian plane which took off your capital in fear of retaliation.
Mistakes happen. Especially after you shoot Ballistic Missiles at a military base of the superpower. Those were very sensitive times.
And what have you achieved? Nothing except more bloodshed. No grounds made against Israel. No grounds made in Yemen. No grounds made in Iraq. Nothing to your name. Nada. Zilch.

You can have active proxies in a hundred countries, it wont matter if they arent successful. Mujahideen were successful against the soviets they took control of Afghanistan and stopped the soviets. What have your 'proxies' done?

Nothing except cause more innocent blood to be spilled. Not to mention how these proxies are directed against muslim nations as well cough cough Houthi rebels cough cough
Funny how you left out WHY Iran is in Syria. Why don't you criticize your fellow headchopping friends who were in Syria on CIA orders?
Number of rumours going on but does any one know why Iran is upset with Pak on Afghan government?

Were they looking for more role in new IEA government?

Reliable sources have claimed that Pak and US have had a detailed discussion on this and Pak agreed to US that they wont let Iran take advantage of situation in Afghanistan. Pak through a third country ( ? China ? US) agreed with Israel for no role of Iran in new Afghan government. Not sure what will Pak get in return for these favours, however things have been agreed upon, we ll see them in coming months.

Iranian are not stupid, every thing in Iranian media is tightly monitored and regulated , we can't simply ignore as an individual's opinion when Ahmedinijad spoke to Indian TV ( ? Why he chose India Television is also a strong signal of unhappiness with Pak) . They know that as a mater of fact that Pakistan had no role in Panjshir events. Also Iran has no sympathy with resistance, if they were sympathetic they would have given asylum to leadership of resistance. Expect some senior Indian leadership travelling to Iran or vice versa, to send strong signals to Pakistan.

There is defiantly something else going on .

Any sane opinions please?

IMO there is a much simpler explanation. They enjoyed around 3b trade with Afghanistan, and Pakistan was deliberately ignored by ghani regime ( Tariff imposition on Pakistani exports etc).

Moreover the chahbahar port is no longer as important as IEA has openly announced preference for CPEC ( Which is better both economically and logistically from Afghanistan point of view) Kabul is very close to peshawar, kandahar is very close to Quetta. Herat is close to Iran though.
IMO there is a much simpler explanation. They enjoyed around 3b trade with Afghanistan, and Pakistan was deliberately ignored by ghani regime ( Tariff imposition on Pakistani exports etc).

Moreover the chahbahar port is no longer as important as IEA has openly announced preference for CPEC ( Which is better both economically and logistically from Afghanistan point of view) Kabul is very close to peshawar, kandahar is very close to Quetta. Herat is close to Iran though.

Iran can trade too but I don't understand why they think its okay for their media to be insensitive. Its not okay, get that black book out and write it in, there are scores to settle and "relationships" to recalibrate.
Funny how you left out WHY Iran is in Syria. Why don't you criticize your fellow headchopping friends who were in Syria on CIA orders?
Funny how you didnt speak about the 'proxies' in yemen or Iraq.

As for syria...shia leadership. Simple as. Iran wants shia dominance. Its evident through the proxies. Just like those before you, you will try to topple the sunni kingdoms to install your own kingdom.

Just look at yemen.
Are you okay, son? Iran has not armed or funded Panjshir recently. Iran is the master of all proxy warfares, if it decides to do so no one will be able to stop Iran. The reason Iran ''abandonded'' Panjshir is because of the strategic understanding with Taliban (their leaders visited Iran frequently in the recent years).

Get off your high horse, there is no Iran presence in Afghanistan. Its pakistans backyard and Iran can't do shit about it. You are welcome to try. You will soon find out Afghanistan is not Syria or Yemen. You are lucky Pakistan spared your proxies in Yemen. You should be thankful to Pakistan.
Funny how you didnt speak about the 'proxies' in yemen or Iraq.

As for syria...shia leadership. Simple as. Iran wants shia dominance. Its evident through the proxies. Just like those before you, you will try to topple the sunni kingdoms to install your own kingdom.

Just look at yemen.
It gets even more funnier. You also left out why Iran is in Yemen.. i am sure you don't want me to post video's and pictures of Saudi airforces bombing Yemeni women and children.

More funny, you left out that Iran also helps Sunni Hamas and Palestinian sunni factions in the Gaza strip.
Get off your high horse, there is no Iran presence in Afghanistan. Its pakistans backyard and Iran can't do shit about it. You are welcome to try. You will soon find out Afghanistan is not Syria or Yemen. You are lucky Pakistan spared your proxies in Yemen. You should be thankful to Pakistan.
Afghanistan is a barren, landlocked wasteland. Iran has no real interest in there. You can play fake jihad there. The real stuff is happening at the left side.
Can Iran be a bad cop or like Luca brasi?
As its too naive to believe that Pak did something in Panjshir.
Iran's Ismael Shah was spared with Ahmed Masood and Saleh.
They opted fight. If Saleh/Massod were Iranian sympathiser, why didn't Iran stop them?
If Iran doesn't care, then why protest?
Mistakes happen. Especially after you shoot Ballistic Missiles at a military base of the superpower. Those were very sensitive times.
Funny how you left out WHY Iran is in Syria. Why don't you criticize your fellow headchopping friends who were in Syria on CIA orders?

In Syria, the US and its allies were defeated by Iran and Russia hands down. They did manage to divide the country into three parts, but not to severe the Resistance Axis, which was their foremost goal. As for the notion that Iran is playing second fiddle to Russia there, that's not the case. Because as much as Russia's air force contributed to the victory, we know that an air force alone does not win wars and therefore, Iran's presence on the ground represents the other half of the equation which Moscow knows there's no credible alternative to.

In Iraq, even if the current administration may tend not to be as close to Iran as preceding ones, there are pro-Iranian officials and civil servants at different levels of practically every state institution. Iraq's PMU, the pro-Iranian paramilitary force, is more cohesive than the Iraqi army itself. Want to know what the Iraqi army would look like without active US support? Just look at the Afghan National Army's recent performance against the Taleban. Heck, look at how the Iraqi army fared against a rag tag "I"SIS militia in 2014, when the latter took over half of the country in a sudden blitz.

In Lebanon, Hezbollah along with its coalition partners form the most powerful political and military block.

In Yemen, the mere fact that it's been 7 years since the Saudis launched their intervention and yet Ansarallah and the Yemeni government they participate in are still alive and kicking, is not just a testimony to the Houthis' own extraordinary resilience but also to Iran's prowess, especially considering the distance which separates Iran from Yemen, as well as the fact that northern Yemen is geographically encircled by adversaries.

- - - - -

Can Iran be a bad cop or like Luca brasi?
As its too naive to believe that Pak did something in Panjshir.
Iran's Ismael Shah was spared with Ahmed Masood and Saleh.
They opted fight. If Saleh/Massod were Iranian sympathiser, why didn't Iran stop them?
If Iran doesn't care, then why protest?

To placate domestic liberals who wield quite some influence on public opinion and have been harshly criticizing the new administration and the IRGC for their policy of normalization with the Taliban.
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This is true unfortunately.. There is not one country where Iran is solely ethablished by themselves example Iraq comes to mind there is Turkey and US who have higher level of share even in the government and now new players are there but Iran has non-state actors in Iraq not the Government which is US backed.. Syria they have handed over to Russia, Turkey and USA because you know why militarily it was unattainable and chose to play a minor role sidelined basically. The less said about Yemen the better everything that comes into the Houthi enclave is controlled by the Hadi government who controlled the port, no fly zone, oil and majority of cities aside from Sana which is Houthi heartland.. For me it seems like Iran is bogged in to many places on all fronts despite Iraq being the one where things looks promising but is the worst situation and the only way Iran can reverse that is if her miliatia topple the regime which is unlikely but aside from that Iran is happy to play second fiddle and third fiddle in some places. Syria is not Iran's problem it has handed over to others who decide it's fate. It wants to retreat from all this it is unsustainable for them. It accepts also to be sidelined in Iraq by the Americans etc etc or Turkey. Other players are making in roads on Iraq now.

It also faces increasingly attacks from Israel where the attacks have increased significiantly over the period of Nethanyu's reign without replying to these violations. They have taken the restraint patience approach in that aspect.

You nailed it absolutely. It is extremely unsustainable it is like getting hit from everywhere. Iran doesn't have the economy nor the manpower to continue that which eventually could lead the state to it's own demise as a constiution either via an out-right invasion or just collapse on it's own. Being bogged down without attaining anything. But releasing Syria in 2015 was neccessary and going into second fiddle because it was unsavable and the same in Iraq they have been living on scraps from the US. The situation in Yemen is also worse.

The restraint patience against Israel is also strange and unsustainable either because there needs to be a defined red-lines against it. The Israelis you just have to bite them once they will go away but they failed to realize this and Nethanyu just kept going
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To some folks Pak has become like too much!! Why:
  • Afganistan: Pak has succeeded where others have miserably failed
  • Regional connectivity: Pak is the fulcrum
  • Friends: China, Turkey etc. with tons of 2-way benefits
  • 5th gen warfare (via proxy traitor/terrorists): Pak is successfully defending herself
  • Economy/finances: Pak is past the worst
  • Pak Military capability: the least the jealous folks think about it the better
  • Geo-politics: Pak is the "bridge" to the "Heart of Asia" coupled with nuclear regional rising power
  • Deep State: Pak is taking it to the next level
  • Deep Nation: Hakiki Paks offer Kurban without the blink of an eye. Eat grass but attain the "objective"
  • National motivation/objective/ambition: liberate Kashmir, make the economy better via technology, trade, investments etc.
  • Etc..
Number of rumours going on but does any one know why Iran is upset with Pak on Afghan government?

Were they looking for more role in new IEA government?

Reliable sources have claimed that Pak and US have had a detailed discussion on this and Pak agreed to US that they wont let Iran take advantage of situation in Afghanistan. Pak through a third country ( ? China ? US) agreed with Israel for no role of Iran in new Afghan government. Not sure what will Pak get in return for these favours, however things have been agreed upon, we ll see them in coming months.

Iranian are not stupid, every thing in Iranian media is tightly monitored and regulated , we can't simply ignore as an individual's opinion when Ahmedinijad spoke to Indian TV ( ? Why he chose India Television is also a strong signal of unhappiness with Pak) . They know that as a mater of fact that Pakistan had no role in Panjshir events. Also Iran has no sympathy with resistance, if they were sympathetic they would have given asylum to leadership of resistance. Expect some senior Indian leadership travelling to Iran or vice versa, to send strong signals to Pakistan.

There is defiantly something else going on .

Any sane opinions please?
Hadi mil gai tumhain. Bhoko ab apni mulk ke khilaf.
Wo tumhara saga hain na. I am repulsed by people like you. Akhir wo kaya diata hain jo bus wohi sahi hai. Koi nationalistic pride hai bhi ke nhn. Ya un ke pitho banna ho bus preffer kerta ho..
Pakistan should test pink salt.
It must be good for health but makes person spineless. Hamara namal main halali nhn hai shahid
Number of rumours going on but does any one know why Iran is upset with Pak on Afghan government?

Were they looking for more role in new IEA government?

Reliable sources have claimed that Pak and US have had a detailed discussion on this and Pak agreed to US that they wont let Iran take advantage of situation in Afghanistan. Pak through a third country ( ? China ? US) agreed with Israel for no role of Iran in new Afghan government. Not sure what will Pak get in return for these favours, however things have been agreed upon, we ll see them in coming months.

Iranian are not stupid, every thing in Iranian media is tightly monitored and regulated , we can't simply ignore as an individual's opinion when Ahmedinijad spoke to Indian TV ( ? Why he chose India Television is also a strong signal of unhappiness with Pak) . They know that as a mater of fact that Pakistan had no role in Panjshir events. Also Iran has no sympathy with resistance, if they were sympathetic they would have given asylum to leadership of resistance. Expect some senior Indian leadership travelling to Iran or vice versa, to send strong signals to Pakistan.

There is defiantly something else going on .

Any sane opinions please?
I mean our leaders are meeting with regional countries on a consistent basis

They must be stupid to be meeting these guys while they already made a deal with someone else?

Do something better with your time...

I don't think it's completely true, what I can see is that Afghan should not be used against US or Israel,

This is reasonable and expected and honestly public

But to not give any space in gov, I am not too sure about that, hell I don't even think it's sustainable tbh- but let's see

Hadi mil gai tumhain. Bhoko ab apni mulk ke khilaf.
Wo tumhara saga hain na. I am repulsed by people like you. Akhir wo kaya diata hain jo bus wohi sahi hai. Koi nationalistic pride hai bhi ke nhn. Ya un ke pitho banna ho bus preffer kerta ho..
Pakistan should test pink salt.
It must be good for health but makes person spineless. Hamara namal main halali nhn hai shahid
Why are you angry?
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