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Why is India and its BS Media doing propaganda against CPEC?

Let them bark mate...that's all they can do. The more they bark, the better it is because we are not hearing, the world is not hearing. Just keep your focus and keep developing the project.

If you really were not hearing, you would have not commented on this thread and neither would this thread have had 3 pages worth of comments.
infrastructure and power are two key areas for investments and returns..i still dont get it what you mean..i guess i cant bring my self to your level of thinking

why do you say even india doesn't have advantage why will india have advantage, it has nether the knowledge base nor the skill

pakistan is looking to take advantage of its labour being 4-5 times cheaper and better and close acess to gulf and middle east

Infrastructure and power are the very basic of requirements if you want to be a manufacturing powerhouse.

But to become a manufacturing powerhouse, your second statement is key: "why will india have advantage, it has nether the knowledge base nor the skill"

Once you have infra and power, you need knowledge and skill, which basically means you need to be able to attract people with knowledge and skill, which means companies with knowledge and skill have to move to Pakistan, which directly translates to investments. So you need foreign companies coming in to setup their production centers in Pakistan.

India will get knowledge and skill the same way China did. Companies will be forced to relocate via regulatory hurdles in order to remain competitive in a very large market. Like Apple's new factory or AMD's intention to manufacture processors, and so on. So what is Pakistan's ability to attract such investments? That's the question that you need to ask your lawmakers. Getting infra and power is only the basic minimum requirement.

What's more, Pakistan needs forex to pay back the Chinese loans. Infra and power won't generate forex on their own. Since the loans are big, Pakistan will need to attract a lot of investments. And these companies should not just focus on producing for the domestic market, but for exports also, that's the only way to earn forex in a sustainable way. Or else you will be forced to take loans from the IMF just to pay back the Chinese debt.

Now, you tell me why China will give up their industries and their employment for your sake? Will China setup a factory in Pakistan and import the produce back into their own country, or will China sell their own produce to to 200 million Pakistanis? You are even importing coal from China now.

And with such a huge Chinese influence in Pakistan's policy making, why will western companies move their factories to Pakistan where they will see unfair competition and biased regulatory hurdles that has driven them out of China in the first place?

The "better" access to Gulf doesn't exist. UAE doesn't like the Gwadar investment. They have been working with India to reduce the influence of Gwadar. More importantly, trade with the ME is irrelevant, India will control trade with them, not China, not Pakistan. Not to mention, India has access to far superior infrastructure via Iran, Turkey and Russia towards Europe than Pakistan does through CPEC. China has alternate routes through Russia and Central Asia.

Compared to Gwadar, Iran is a much better access point towards the Central Asian region for pretty much all the countries. Just look at the map and look up Iran's infrastructure, there's no comparison with Pakistan there. And Iran's domestic investment plans are much more than CPEC.


The point is the Chinese are least interested in the development of Pakistan's economy, a poor Pakistan is good for them. What they really want is total control over Gwadar and controlled access from mainland China to Gwadar, nothing else. And they will use the debt trap to get what they want.

CPEC is not an economic corridor, it's a transport corridor. That China will get 91% of all revenues from Gwadar is testament to that fact. If you really want to see what an economic corridor looks like, google India's DMIC, you will get an idea.

china wants india and every country to join its projects, even we want india to join CPEC

CPEC can't succeed without India. The Chinese recognize that. It's because India is creating alternate routes to OBOR with Japan and the US in order to challenge China.


And if India doesn't join in, other countries won't either.
We are happy because soon Islamic republic of Pakistan will soon became peoples republic of Pakistan after Chinese take over.less radicalized, modern Pakistan good for India .
You have plenty of people like me already, but their voices have been drowned out because your own establishment threatens them.

Thank you for the invite, but unfortunately there is no place for someone like me in Pakistan. You have surrendered your country to the wrong people.

But still you have so much worry for us. You can help us become the Super Power till 2024
If you inspect the Gwadar port from perspective of Chinese, you will relax. US has a series of military base along Persian Gulf, India has a series of military base along its western coast, what's the point for China to establish a military base surrounded by their bases? This will unavoidably escalate the confrontation between Pakistan and India. This is a rather stupid idea as you can see. Logic is the first thing you need, not illusion. This logic can be applied to port in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, they're in the accurate attacking surface of IN and IAF. If there's any meaningful military threat, India leadership won't softly react to such deals, they're just playing the victim card to obtain support from no-brain voters because the voters will ignore other affairs the government has no resource or interest to resolve, misdirection is a common practice in politics.

To ensure the security of shipments along existing routes, a Chinese naval presence at Gwadar could also patrol the Indian Ocean sea lanes. What upsets Washington and New Delhi is the Chinese naval presence near the Strait of Hormuz and its strategy of building a "string of pearls" presence on the Indian Ocean rim.

The US considers Chinese presence in Gwadar a threat to its fleet in the Middle East and also to the strategic oil trade to the Far East and Europe. The US military bases on the Arabian Peninsula expect an interception threat to their communications from Chinese bases in Gwadar.

You're too confident about the India's economy. If ASEAN and Pakistan and East Africa can develop their own manufacture base, the space left for India will be very limited, because India has not successfully establish its manufacture base, there's still about 10 years window for industrialization, along with the prevailing of intelligent machines, robotics, AI etc, your huge population will become a burden rather than an asset. Pakistan has a population enough to compete with India, just think about South Korea and Japan their population is less than Pakistan. Furthermore, it's easier for Pakistan to access ME, Central Asia, Iran market, of course their biggest target is India market. Again, India still have a very conservative and incompetent economic system, this gift other small nations an opportunity to develop before India seriously develop its industries, however the time window is gradually closing.

India has two major goals. First is to start manufacturing goods for India, so that way we don't have to waste money importing anymore. Second is to get other countries to open up their services sector to India. So we will start exporting people to other countries for short term work through Mode 4 services.

India's huge population will never be a burden simply because of our strength in services which is not easily replaced by AI.

Nearly 65% of India's GDP comes from services. The govt is hoping to increase manufacturing to 25% by 2022 from 17% today. We will actually save a lot of money if our investment is spent into higher education and export of educated manpower rather than skill development for factory jobs.

Check the map again, China is pouring big moneys in Pakistan, the eastern side of India, Bangladesh and Myanmar, the western side of India, East Africa (e.g. Ethiopia), this half circular region around Indian Ocean is the destination market India can trade with least transportation cost, if this region establish their own competitive economic system, India will become a dump bin of their goods, 'Made in India' will be a pipe dream for ever, you have only 10-20 years left to build your own industries. But I feel India will be late again.

India will allow this to happen if China, APAC, ME, Europe, US etc open up their services sectors to India.

India is the highest remittance earner in the world, more than China also. India can potentially earn $2T+ every year from services exports alone if Mode 4 services are opened up. So India will transition straight from an agriculture economy to a knowledge economy. If this happens, you can keep your manufacturing.

But most of this stuff is OT, let's stick to CPEC. India is not affected by CPEC itself, the investment is too small to even affect Mumbai, let alone all of India. CPEC is a political and military threat to India.

But still you have so much worry for us. You can help us become the Super Power till 2024

We can't choose our neighbours.
We can't choose our neighbours.

But you can choose more important issues or ignore your neighbour. I can understand its an Indian trait to peek through the neighbours windowpane but this is obsession of the highest order.
If you really were not hearing, you would have not commented on this thread and neither would this thread have had 3 pages worth of comments.
To advice our young mate... He is a Pakistani and my brother so it is none of your business...GTHOH
People who sponsor terrorism in Pakistan are all of sudden concerned that CPEC will hurt Pakistan. Funny isn't it.

We have take loans from Chinese , let us worry about the repayment. I see no point for Indians to figure out what Pakistan might or might not do to repay.
At one point indians are crying about Chinese influence in pakistan and in the same line they are happy about it . They are such confused souls that they do not even know whether they are happy or sad about CPEC.
But you can choose more important issues or ignore your neighbour. I can understand its an Indian trait to peek through the neighbours windowpane but this is obsession of the highest order.

It's not an obsession if you are allowing dangerous people you can't control into your house.
I thought by your logic we are the dangerous people?

You forgot this bit: "you can't control".

Matters a lot. There was a time when you controlled TTP. Now that they are out of your control, you kicked them out. You keep the rest of Taliban out as well.

But the Chinese, they are not even close to being in your control and you will be allowing a whole lot of them inside your country. Hell, they might be controlling your leaders already.
Because they can't digest development of Pakistan, it's as simple as that. Why would a country wish development of another country which was formed by rejecting it in the first place?
Infrastructure and power are the very basic of requirements if you want to be a manufacturing powerhouse.

But to become a manufacturing powerhouse, your second statement is key: "why will india have advantage, it has nether the knowledge base nor the skill"

Once you have infra and power, you need knowledge and skill, which basically means you need to be able to attract people with knowledge and skill, which means companies with knowledge and skill have to move to Pakistan, which directly translates to investments. So you need foreign companies coming in to setup their production centers in Pakistan.

India will get knowledge and skill the same way China did. Companies will be forced to relocate via regulatory hurdles in order to remain competitive in a very large market. Like Apple's new factory or AMD's intention to manufacture processors, and so on. So what is Pakistan's ability to attract such investments? That's the question that you need to ask your lawmakers. Getting infra and power is only the basic minimum requirement.

What's more, Pakistan needs forex to pay back the Chinese loans. Infra and power won't generate forex on their own. Since the loans are big, Pakistan will need to attract a lot of investments. And these companies should not just focus on producing for the domestic market, but for exports also, that's the only way to earn forex in a sustainable way. Or else you will be forced to take loans from the IMF just to pay back the Chinese debt.

Now, you tell me why China will give up their industries and their employment for your sake? Will China setup a factory in Pakistan and import the produce back into their own country, or will China sell their own produce to to 200 million Pakistanis? You are even importing coal from China now.

And with such a huge Chinese influence in Pakistan's policy making, why will western companies move their factories to Pakistan where they will see unfair competition and biased regulatory hurdles that has driven them out of China in the first place?

The "better" access to Gulf doesn't exist. UAE doesn't like the Gwadar investment. They have been working with India to reduce the influence of Gwadar. More importantly, trade with the ME is irrelevant, India will control trade with them, not China, not Pakistan. Not to mention, India has access to far superior infrastructure via Iran, Turkey and Russia towards Europe than Pakistan does through CPEC. China has alternate routes through Russia and Central Asia.

Compared to Gwadar, Iran is a much better access point towards the Central Asian region for pretty much all the countries. Just look at the map and look up Iran's infrastructure, there's no comparison with Pakistan there. And Iran's domestic investment plans are much more than CPEC.


The point is the Chinese are least interested in the development of Pakistan's economy, a poor Pakistan is good for them. What they really want is total control over Gwadar and controlled access from mainland China to Gwadar, nothing else. And they will use the debt trap to get what they want.

CPEC is not an economic corridor, it's a transport corridor. That China will get 91% of all revenues from Gwadar is testament to that fact. If you really want to see what an economic corridor looks like, google India's DMIC, you will get an idea.

CPEC can't succeed without India. The Chinese recognize that. It's because India is creating alternate routes to OBOR with Japan and the US in order to challenge China.


And if India doesn't join in, other countries won't either.
just wow
You forgot this bit: "you can't control".

Matters a lot. There was a time when you controlled TTP. Now that they are out of your control, you kicked them out. You keep the rest of Taliban out as well.

But the Chinese, they are not even close to being in your control and you will be allowing a whole lot of them inside your country. Hell, they might be controlling your leaders already.

We are just as concerned about the Hindutva you guys can't control... now they have budgeted $500 million for terror activities.

Just saying... there are two sides
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