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Why is India and its BS Media doing propaganda against CPEC?

If Your Countrymen Are Screaming As Hell Then It Is Definitely A Good Idea

That's not how it works. CPEC is politically definitely a good idea for India. China will start gaining a lot of control over Pakistan's polity, which means instances of terrorism will decrease.

But the bigger threat for us is a Chinese military presence in Pakistan. So the threat of a two front war will only increase.
Pak has $78B in external loans which is separate from the $60+B and rising through CPEC, and only $19B in forex which is falling every month. Is this a good idea?

It is a fantastic idea because the net return will easily surpass he loans.

That's not how it works. CPEC is politically definitely a good idea for India. China will start gaining a lot of control over Pakistan's polity, which means instances of terrorism will decrease.

But the bigger threat for us is a Chinese military presence in Pakistan. So the threat of a two front war will only increase.

You mean Indian sponsored terror will cease? That sounds fantastic for Pakistan.

India is a loser in all instances as far as CPEC is concerned. Hence the whining.
Pak has $78B in external loans which is separate from the $60+B and rising through CPEC, and only $19B in forex which is falling every month. Is this a good idea?
Pakistan is not getting any loan. Most of the projects are private investment which are not loans.
They are only few loans and loans at interest rate neglible low at 2% is far far better.than floating bonds and.that too for purely development projects

Pakistan isbnot Communist country
Foreign investments are welcomed
If you notice only the last 3/4 days news, the indian media is spreading so much negative and false propaganda news against CPEC.

Even their desparation is so high that CPEC is stuck down to India’s gullet. It refuses to reconcile to the advent of CPEC because it knows that once the mega project is complete, Pakistan’s economy is likely to spiral upwards. There are countless headlines that make Indian's sleep nightmare but Just look at some of the headlines, and you can clearly see their desparation.

China stops funding CPEC road projects over graft issue, Pakistan 'stunned.

CPEC turns into challenge for China; entire One Belt One Road project could be at stake

Blind trust in China is sending Pakistan hurtling down the Zimbabwe way

I agree here, Indian Newspapers don't have any business in publishing such reports regardless if there is any truth or not.They should always remember Napoleon golden words Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.

Frankly more Chinese gets control of Pakistan its better for us, we would like to deal with country like China who would still like to do business instead of fight duel to death
It is a fantastic idea because the net return will easily surpass he loans.

How will investments into roads and power get you returns?

There are no net returns from infrastructure investments unless you begin manufacturing. The only way you will get returns is if you start exporting this manufactured stuff.

And you will have to compete directly with China in manufacturing, where you have zero advantage. Even India does not have an advantage, forget Pakistan.

You mean Indian sponsored terror will cease? That sounds fantastic for Pakistan.


India is a loser in all instances as far as CPEC is concerned. Hence the whining.

Is that why China is desperately trying to get India into CPEC?

“We can change the name of CPEC [China Pakistan Economic Corridor]. Create an alternative corridor through Jammu and Kashmir, Nathu La pass or Nepal to deal with India’s concerns,” said the envoy in a speech at the Centre for Chinese and South-East Asian Studies in the School of Language, JNU, on Friday.


The Chinese are desperate to get India to accept OBOR or else OBOR will fail completely.

China and India can create a "mega- scale regional market" to tap the huge demand of over 2.5 billion people living in both the countries, a top Chinese planner said today.

Pakistan is not getting any loan. Most of the projects are private investment which are not loans.
They are only few loans and loans at interest rate neglible low at 2% is far far better.than floating bonds and.that too for purely development projects

Pakistan isbnot Communist country
Foreign investments are welcomed

Pretty much all of it is loans. Loans to private Chinese companies but with sovereign guarantees.

For the volume, even 2% is a lot. But CPEC loans are more than 4%.
How will investments into roads and power get you returns?

There are no net returns from infrastructure investments unless you begin manufacturing. The only way you will get returns is if you start exporting this manufactured stuff.

And you will have to compete directly with China in manufacturing, where you have zero advantage. Even India does not have an advantage, forget Pakistan.


Is that why China is desperately trying to get India into CPEC?

“We can change the name of CPEC [China Pakistan Economic Corridor]. Create an alternative corridor through Jammu and Kashmir, Nathu La pass or Nepal to deal with India’s concerns,” said the envoy in a speech at the Centre for Chinese and South-East Asian Studies in the School of Language, JNU, on Friday.


The Chinese are desperate to get India to accept OBOR or else OBOR will fail completely.

China and India can create a "mega- scale regional market" to tap the huge demand of over 2.5 billion people living in both the countries, a top Chinese planner said today.

Pretty much all of it is loans. Loans to private Chinese companies but with sovereign guarantees.

For the volume, even 2% is a lot. But CPEC loans are more than 4%.

Come migrate over to Pakistan. I can do with such motivated and aware people over here. You clearly have a genuine worry which Pakistanis cannot grasp

Be a Pakistani if you are not a Pakistani already.

How will investments into roads and power get you returns?

There are no net returns from infrastructure investments unless you begin manufacturing. The only way you will get returns is if you start exporting this manufactured stuff.

And you will have to compete directly with China in manufacturing, where you have zero advantage. Even India does not have an advantage, forget Pakistan.


Is that why China is desperately trying to get India into CPEC?

“We can change the name of CPEC [China Pakistan Economic Corridor]. Create an alternative corridor through Jammu and Kashmir, Nathu La pass or Nepal to deal with India’s concerns,” said the envoy in a speech at the Centre for Chinese and South-East Asian Studies in the School of Language, JNU, on Friday.


The Chinese are desperate to get India to accept OBOR or else OBOR will fail completely.

China and India can create a "mega- scale regional market" to tap the huge demand of over 2.5 billion people living in both the countries, a top Chinese planner said today.

Pretty much all of it is loans. Loans to private Chinese companies but with sovereign guarantees.

For the volume, even 2% is a lot. But CPEC loans are more than 4%.

You're partly true. There're two stages of CPEC.
First, drag Pakistan out of electricity crisis, improve transportation and interlink across different regions, this will pave the way to further industrialization. You have stable supply of electricity, smooth transportation, enough young labors, except stable politics and security, all conditions are met to develop industries. That's why majority of fund are spent in power plants and transportation. Gwadar port in fact is not the major project if you calculate the portion of fund spent in Gwadar port which can be grouped into transportation.
Second, there will be many industrial parks constructed in Pakistan, this will attract many private capitals to open factories in the parks, majority of these investment will be manufacture, this is not necessarily *low end* as some people think, this is also not necessarily *relocate*. The business is changing toward e-Business, faster delivery to end customer. E.g. If an Arab customer place an order to buy an electronic toy for his kid on Alibaba, the toy is manufactured in Guangdong, the customer has to wait a week to get the package. Or this customer buy the toy from a retailer in his city, he has to pay more than 50% for the same product than from the internet. If the toy manufacture establish a factory in Pakistan, he will pay probably less than buy from Alibaba since the toy is manufactured in Pakistan in lower cost than China, furthermore, the toy will be delivered faster than shipping from China. This is only one possible scenario in today business. The toy producer is *expand*, not *relocate* its business in Pakistan. The machines required to produce toys are same as in China, not necessarily *lower end* compared with the factory in China.

Well, you're right that Pakistan need manufacture, this is the final goal of CPEC. If you check the map, from Middle East to East Africa, to South Asia, there're 2 best place to develop manufacture, the first is India, the second is Pakistan. So it's obvious that once Pakistan successfully establish its manufacture base, it will very conveniently distribute its goods to India, Middle East, East Africa, or even Europe. Of course, India will have to face competition from Pakistan, just like India will face competition from BD in garment industry. Indian traders will procure the products from Pakistan because it's cheaper than made in China and sell slightly cheaper than before to earn more money, is this a real threat to India?

CPEC is not a military threat to India, but a real economic threat.
Is IMF run by pakistan? Even IMF expressed concern about CPEC, so stop blaming India.
How will investments into roads and power get you returns?

There are no net returns from infrastructure investments unless you begin manufacturing. The only way you will get returns is if you start exporting this manufactured stuff.

And you will have to compete directly with China in manufacturing, where you have zero advantage. Even India does not have an advantage, forget Pakistan.


Is that why China is desperately trying to get India into CPEC?

“We can change the name of CPEC [China Pakistan Economic Corridor]. Create an alternative corridor through Jammu and Kashmir, Nathu La pass or Nepal to deal with India’s concerns,” said the envoy in a speech at the Centre for Chinese and South-East Asian Studies in the School of Language, JNU, on Friday.


The Chinese are desperate to get India to accept OBOR or else OBOR will fail completely.

China and India can create a "mega- scale regional market" to tap the huge demand of over 2.5 billion people living in both the countries, a top Chinese planner said today.

Pretty much all of it is loans. Loans to private Chinese companies but with sovereign guarantees.

For the volume, even 2% is a lot. But CPEC loans are more than 4%.

Economic Times,B.Standard and The Hindu Just Proves The Point Of This Thread BS Media
Economic Times,B.Standard and The Hindu Just Proves The Point Of This Thread BS Media

Shoot the message, not the messenger. Look at who the articles quote first.

You're partly true. There're two stages of CPEC.
First, drag Pakistan out of electricity crisis, improve transportation and interlink across different regions, this will pave the way to further industrialization. You have stable supply of electricity, smooth transportation, enough young labors, except stable politics and security, all conditions are met to develop industries. That's why majority of fund are spent in power plants and transportation. Gwadar port in fact is not the major project if you calculate the portion of fund spent in Gwadar port which can be grouped into transportation.
Second, there will be many industrial parks constructed in Pakistan, this will attract many private capitals to open factories in the parks, majority of these investment will be manufacture, this is not necessarily *low end* as some people think, this is also not necessarily *relocate*. The business is changing toward e-Business, faster delivery to end customer. E.g. If an Arab customer place an order to buy an electronic toy for his kid on Alibaba, the toy is manufactured in Guangdong, the customer has to wait a week to get the package. Or this customer buy the toy from a retailer in his city, he has to pay more than 50% for the same product than from the internet. If the toy manufacture establish a factory in Pakistan, he will pay probably less than buy from Alibaba since the toy is manufactured in Pakistan in lower cost than China, furthermore, the toy will be delivered faster than shipping from China. This is only one possible scenario in today business. The toy producer is *expand*, not *relocate* its business in Pakistan. The machines required to produce toys are same as in China, not necessarily *lower end* compared with the factory in China.

Well, you're right that Pakistan need manufacture, this is the final goal of CPEC. If you check the map, from Middle East to East Africa, to South Asia, there're 2 best place to develop manufacture, the first is India, the second is Pakistan. So it's obvious that once Pakistan successfully establish its manufacture base, it will very conveniently distribute its goods to India, Middle East, East Africa, or even Europe. Of course, India will have to face competition from Pakistan, just like India will face competition from BD in garment industry. Indian traders will procure the products from Pakistan because it's cheaper than made in China and sell slightly cheaper than before to earn more money, is this a real threat to India?

You mean to say Pakistan will suddenly become more competitive than India? There is greater potential for India to create favourable trade rules with ASEAN through RCEP than with Pakistan. And I would recommend reading up on India's DMIC.

Why will manufacturing move to Pakistan? Who are the buyers of this stuff? You do realize Pak can afford CPEC only if it earns enough forex to pay back the loans as well as source raw materials from outside Pakistan, like oil.

Or is it possible that most of the projects are simply meant to be a debt trap? It becomes so much easier to manipulate Pakistan after, right? China will likely not allow the Pakistani industry to develop, Chinese goods will come streaming in once their hold over Pakistan due to the debt trap solidifies. Just look up the populations of Pakistan and Xinjiang/Tibet. Selling goods to 200 million people is better than only a few million.

The huge population is why China is now making the laughable assertion that China and India should merge their markets. In other words, the Chinese market is saturating, so they want to sell their goods to India. That's their goal with OBOR anyway.

China and India can create a "mega- scale regional market" to tap the huge demand of over 2.5 billion people living in both the countries, a top Chinese planner said today.

If China can say this to India, what makes you think it's any different for a practically helpless Pakistan? Obviously, India will refuse, but Pakistan will be forced to give in.

CPEC is not a military threat to India, but a real economic threat.

The opposite. CPEC is obviously not an economic threat to India by any standards. The entirety of Pakistan can't even compete with Mumbai, let alone all of India. But moving a PLAN CBG after 2030 or so to Gwadar is obviously a major threat to India.
Come migrate over to Pakistan. I can do with such motivated and aware people over here. You clearly have a genuine worry which Pakistanis cannot grasp

Be a Pakistani if you are not a Pakistani already.


You have plenty of people like me already, but their voices have been drowned out because your own establishment threatens them.

Thank you for the invite, but unfortunately there is no place for someone like me in Pakistan. You have surrendered your country to the wrong people.
How will investments into roads and power get you returns?

There are no net returns from infrastructure investments unless you begin manufacturing. The only way you will get returns is if you start exporting this manufactured stuff.

And you will have to compete directly with China in manufacturing, where you have zero advantage. Even India does not have an advantage, forget Pakistan.


Is that why China is desperately trying to get India into CPEC?

“We can change the name of CPEC [China Pakistan Economic Corridor]. Create an alternative corridor through Jammu and Kashmir, Nathu La pass or Nepal to deal with India’s concerns,” said the envoy in a speech at the Centre for Chinese and South-East Asian Studies in the School of Language, JNU, on Friday.


The Chinese are desperate to get India to accept OBOR or else OBOR will fail completely.

China and India can create a "mega- scale regional market" to tap the huge demand of over 2.5 billion people living in both the countries, a top Chinese planner said today.

Pretty much all of it is loans. Loans to private Chinese companies but with sovereign guarantees.

For the volume, even 2% is a lot. But CPEC loans are more than 4%.
infrastructure and power are two key areas for investments and returns..i still dont get it what you mean..i guess i cant bring my self to your level of thinking

why do you say even india doesn't have advantage why will india have advantage, it has nether the knowledge base nor the skill

pakistan is looking to take advantage of its labour being 4-5 times cheaper and better and close acess to gulf and middle east

china wants india and every country to join its projects, even we want india to join CPEC
Shoot the message, not the messenger. Look at who the articles quote first.

You mean to say Pakistan will suddenly become more competitive than India? There is greater potential for India to create favourable trade rules with ASEAN through RCEP than with Pakistan. And I would recommend reading up on India's DMIC.

Why will manufacturing move to Pakistan? Who are the buyers of this stuff? You do realize Pak can afford CPEC only if it earns enough forex to pay back the loans as well as source raw materials from outside Pakistan, like oil.

Or is it possible that most of the projects are simply meant to be a debt trap? It becomes so much easier to manipulate Pakistan after, right? China will likely not allow the Pakistani industry to develop, Chinese goods will come streaming in once their hold over Pakistan due to the debt trap solidifies. Just look up the populations of Pakistan and Xinjiang/Tibet. Selling goods to 200 million people is better than only a few million.

The huge population is why China is now making the laughable assertion that China and India should merge their markets. In other words, the Chinese market is saturating, so they want to sell their goods to India. That's their goal with OBOR anyway.

China and India can create a "mega- scale regional market" to tap the huge demand of over 2.5 billion people living in both the countries, a top Chinese planner said today.

If China can say this to India, what makes you think it's any different for a practically helpless Pakistan? Obviously, India will refuse, but Pakistan will be forced to give in.

The opposite. CPEC is obviously not an economic threat to India by any standards. The entirety of Pakistan can't even compete with Mumbai, let alone all of India. But moving a PLAN CBG after 2030 or so to Gwadar is obviously a major threat to India.

If you inspect the Gwadar port from perspective of Chinese, you will relax. US has a series of military base along Persian Gulf, India has a series of military base along its western coast, what's the point for China to establish a military base surrounded by their bases? This will unavoidably escalate the confrontation between Pakistan and India. This is a rather stupid idea as you can see. Logic is the first thing you need, not illusion. This logic can be applied to port in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, they're in the accurate attacking surface of IN and IAF. If there's any meaningful military threat, India leadership won't softly react to such deals, they're just playing the victim card to obtain support from no-brain voters because the voters will ignore other affairs the government has no resource or interest to resolve, misdirection is a common practice in politics.

You're too confident about the India's economy. If ASEAN and Pakistan and East Africa can develop their own manufacture base, the space left for India will be very limited, because India has not successfully establish its manufacture base, there's still about 10 years window for industrialization, along with the prevailing of intelligent machines, robotics, AI etc, your huge population will become a burden rather than an asset. Pakistan has a population enough to compete with India, just think about South Korea and Japan their population is less than Pakistan. Furthermore, it's easier for Pakistan to access ME, Central Asia, Iran market, of course their biggest target is India market. Again, India still have a very conservative and incompetent economic system, this gift other small nations an opportunity to develop before India seriously develop its industries, however the time window is gradually closing.

Check the map again, China is pouring big moneys in Pakistan, the eastern side of India, Bangladesh and Myanmar, the western side of India, East Africa (e.g. Ethiopia), this half circular region around Indian Ocean is the destination market India can trade with least transportation cost, if this region establish their own competitive economic system, India will become a dump bin of their goods, 'Made in India' will be a pipe dream for ever, you have only 10-20 years left to build your own industries. But I feel India will be late again.
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