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Why is China opening so many fronts ?

The primary cause for the current China India tensions are due to India taking an anti-China posture. However, regarding the incident last week that caused 20 deaths on the Indian side, I doubt that was part of state policy, but rather passions overflowing between the local combatants and the Chinese side taking the conflict a step further by arming themselves with more weapons awaiting an Indian team that crossed the LAC thinking it would just be another shoving match. Quite unfortunate and short sighted, but I can't imagine that creating more tensions with India would be in China's interest.
The primary cause for the current China India tensions are due to India taking an anti-China posture. However, regarding the incident last week that caused 20 deaths on the Indian side, I doubt that was part of state policy, but rather passions overflowing between the local combatants and the Chinese side taking the conflict a step further by arming themselves with more weapons awaiting an Indian team that crossed the LAC thinking it would just be another shoving match. Quite unfortunate and short sighted, but I can't imagine that creating more tensions with India would be in China's interest.

Indians made the mistake of crossing into Chinese land and paid the price. Next time Indians would be careful not to cross into China.
Indians made the mistake of crossing into Chinese land and paid the price. Next time Indians would be careful not to cross into China.

Perhaps. But I think it was also very stupid for the Chinese side to use excessive force to even kill one person, let alone 3 and then causing 17 others to die from their injuries. But I doubt it was planned, instead, I think it was the result of passions running over.
Perhaps. But I think it was also very stupid for the Chinese side to use excessive force to even kill one person, let alone 3 and then causing 17 others to die from their injuries. But I doubt it was planned, instead, I think it was the result of passions running over.

I am sure it was not planned on the Chinese side but Indians came pre-planned. The Indians had entered China with evil intentions. They took Chinese patience as weakness. They initiated the fight and paid the price.
The primary cause for the current China India tensions are due to India taking an anti-China posture. However, regarding the incident last week that caused 20 deaths on the Indian side, I doubt that was part of state policy, but rather passions overflowing between the local combatants and the Chinese side taking the conflict a step further by arming themselves with more weapons awaiting an Indian team that crossed the LAC thinking it would just be another shoving match. Quite unfortunate and short sighted, but I can't imagine that creating more tensions with India would be in China's interest.
Mostly accurate but the presence of lethal nail studded clubs with the Chinese is not a local decision. And killing a senior unarmed officer who as per most versions came with a few men ,i cant explain that as a inadvertent shoving match gone wrong. No honour in this. All the videos i have seen of previous pushing matches, the Indians are even protecting a Chinese under a shield and offering water to the Chinese soldiers.
Some miscalculation, but at what level, not clear. The total underplaying in the controlled Chinese media points towards a desire to not escalate , but no Indian is going to accept these cold blooded murders and move on.
India will be intelligent to not escalate at this time ,when the Chinese might have some calculations in place but rearm and then escalate at its own pace. We will receive some force multipliers in the next year or so. And should be a interesting couple of years
Mostly accurate but the presence of lethal nail studded clubs with the Chinese is not a local decision. And killing a senior unarmed officer who as per most versions came with a few men ,i cant explain that as a inadvertent shoving match gone wrong. No honour in this. All the videos i have seen of previous pushing matches, the Indians are even protecting a Chinese under a shield and offering water to the Chinese soldiers.
Some miscalculation, but at what level, not clear. The total underplaying in the controlled Chinese media points towards a desire to not escalate , but no Indian is going to accept these cold blooded murders and move on.
India will be intelligent to not escalate at this time ,when the Chinese might have some calculations in place but rearm and then escalate at its own pace. We will receive some force multipliers in the next year or so. And should be a interesting couple of years

I doubt the central government wanted a situation where there were deaths on the Indian side. Obviously they are trying to calm down tensions. I do think the Chinese central govt has been made very vigilant about Indian intentions as the Modi govt has moved in the last few months towards joining the anti-China bandwagon and also removing article 370 which directly affects the border conflict with China.
I doubt the central government wanted a situation where there were deaths on the Indian side. Obviously they are trying to calm down tensions. I do think the Chinese central govt has been made very vigilant about Indian intentions as the Modi govt has moved in the last few months towards joining the anti-China bandwagon and also removing article 370 which directly affects the border conflict with China.

It is very clear that Modi played a key role in instigating this incident to please the US.
The primary cause for the current China India tensions are due to India taking an anti-China posture. However, regarding the incident last week that caused 20 deaths on the Indian side, I doubt that was part of state policy, but rather passions overflowing between the local combatants and the Chinese side taking the conflict a step further by arming themselves with more weapons awaiting an Indian team that crossed the LAC thinking it would just be another shoving match. Quite unfortunate and short sighted, but I can't imagine that creating more tensions with India would be in China's interest.

If that is the case it has backfired. The Indian sentiment, particularly of the common man has changed forever. This will lead to more aggressive China-specific weapons procurement and a stronger anti-China stance in world affairs. This does not make sense since one expects China to have known this unless this was some sort of gamble.

I certainly don't think this was the cause. There is more to this given the level of planning or there was a major miscalculation that India would hush hush the issue and let the sliced pieces be part of China. After Doklam, Chinese cannot afford another pull back and I don't think they can afford a war against a country like India given other pressures they are facing with relations with other countries.

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If that is the case it has backfired. The Indian sentiment, particularly of the common man has changed forever. This will lead to more aggressive China-specific weapons procurement and a stronger anti-China stance in world affairs. This does not make sense since one expects China to have known this unless this was some sort of gamble.

I certainly don't think this was the cause. There is more to this given the level of planning or there was a major miscalculation that India would hush hush the issue and let the sliced pieces be part of China. After Doklam, Chinese cannot afford another pull back and I don't think they can afford a war against a country like India given other pressures they are facing with relations with other countries.

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There are two sides to every coin. Modi chose to be an enemy of China as well. India was not without agency. India has chosen to go down the path of antagonizing China since the beginning of the year as it wanted to prove that it was a solid ally for the US.

So yes, while the unfortunate deaths of Indian soldiers have created massive anti-China sentiment in India, at the same time, Modi and India chose to enmity against China in order to curry favor with the Anglo world. So the situation is what it is. It's not like all of this just happened overnight, there has been a buildup through the past half year.
There are two sides to every coin. Modi chose to be an enemy of China as well. India was not without agency. India has chosen to go down the path of antagonizing China since the beginning of the year as it wanted to prove that it was a solid ally for the US.

So yes, while the unfortunate deaths of Indian soldiers have created massive anti-China sentiment in India, at the same time, Modi and India chose to enmity against China in order to curry favor with the Anglo world. So the situation is what it is. It's not like all of this just happened overnight, there has been a buildup through the past half year.

This was not the first incident that made India see China as the enemy. If by occupying some land, you thought India would change its stance or thought India could be taught a lesson, you and or China are very wrong. Relationships grow stronger with talks not by grabbing land at dark.
Unfortunately the brutal killings have made it very personal for Indians and will effect perceptions of Chinese at all levels, government and non government. Trust is gone for ever.
Previously China was a vague threat for an average Indian, not talking about us enthusiasts, who was a supplier of cheap products. The photographs circulating in the local newspapers and social media, of the head wounds to the soldiers, with deep gashes , are pretty graphic.
China has pushed India head first into the American camp.
Vietnam and India have become an allies of the US since the collapse of the USSR. India is part of Quad and Indo-Pacific.

Philippines and Japan have been allied with US since WWII

Indonesia is the only independent nation in your list. Indonesia has been leaning towards the US since the collapse of USSR.

Indonesia had leaning toward USA since 1948

And for Chinese commies here, came as you may and we Will help you to find your way toward your maker
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