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Why is China opening so many fronts ?

Taking advantage as fast as possible before US recovers.
And ofcourse ingressed in no mans land on India's borders
It was a so called Indian Land.
And it's India opening two many fronts at a same time despite facing severe internal issues. Pakistan,China, Bangladesh,Nepal ,Bhutan and sri Lanka not a single one is happy from India.
this is scientifically-proven, its not prejudice.


Sniffing out cultural differences
Olfactory perception influenced by background and semantic information
November 21, 2016
McGill University
When two people smell the same thing, they can have remarkably different reactions, depending on their cultural background. Researchers have found that even when two cultures share the same language and many traditions, their reactions to the same smells can be different.

a prominent example is the smell of durians.

to me, my family, relatives and most of my chinese friends- the smell is HEAVENLY.


every1 else in the world, particualrly, Indians, whites, blacks seems to find the smell pungent.
In Chinese dominated Singapore, prominent signs banning carrying of durian in the metro.
In Chinese dominated Singapore, prominent signs banning carrying of durian in the metro.
That's becos there r alot of tourists here, n not all of them finds the smell agreeable
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