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Why is Bollywood dominated by Khatris?

Yeah. That's why the most successful nation in the world, the US, is a cocktail of exactly those as well as many other ethnicities, and not just thrives but excels at setting an example.
I still don't get peoples obsession with homogeneity. Unity in diversity is what we Indians believe in, as does the US (of course you will have people like you in both countries like you that harp on homogeneity)
Diversity causes more harm and fracture to a society than homogeneity, the "unity" myth is a creation of the global marxist bourgeois elite.

You do not speak for the majority of Indians when you say "we"
Modern day , when I see indians .. They're apologetic amd respectable to Brits when even Brits killed millions of them , While acting irrational toward pakistanis just because they wanted a different homeland .

Well, when reading some replies to me. I can see who are fond of the Brits.
Who is acting irrational towards Pakistanis, India already accepted the creation of Pakistan rather there wasn't much we could do about it. It's the British who decided the rules, marked boundaries and you followed. The rest was discussed head to toe and vise versa in this forum.
Their was no such thing, it was individual princely states, the Brits unified them for their OWN interests, if you combine their entire wealth only then does the entity become somewhat wealthy, and who combined the artificial entity.........see below
There you go, I already told we were different entities. Read again. You can't predict how wealthy each of these princely states will be. Since their was a change in power.
Diversity causes more harm and fracture to a society than homogeneity, the "unity" myth is a creation of the global marxist bourgeois elite.

You do not speak for the majority of Indians when you say "we"

India as we speak is diverse and unified. so not sure who else I speak for if not the Indians who believe in the concept of India.
You want 30 different countries in India is it?
I mean we have problems with neighboring states on land and water issues. You think 30 states will pose any less problems?!
Yeah. That's why the most successful nation in the world, the US, is a cocktail of exactly those as well as many other ethnicities, and not just thrives but excels at setting an example.
I still don't get peoples obsession with homogeneity. Unity in diversity is what we Indians believe in, as does the US (of course you will have people like you in both countries that harp on homogeneity)

United States is New World, made by mostly Northern European settlers/colonizers while India is Old World. You cannot compare the two.
Two nations will stay separate. Pakistan will control india as British did through viceroy.

How about you start with trying to control Afghanistan first who is giving Pakistan the middle finger on a daily basis.
Learn to crawl first child. LOL!

United States is New World, made by mostly Northern European settlers/colonizers while India is Old World. You cannot compare the two.

The question isn't about whether its old world or new world.
The question is, can diversity flourish in a nation? The answer is YES. The US being the best example.
India with its problems can do the same. Of course, easier said than done, requires extremely efficient governance and rule of law, something which we lack. But there is no one recipe for nation building. And homogeneity does not guarantee unity either.
How about you start with trying to control Afghanistan first who is giving Pakistan the middle finger on a daily basis.
Learn to crawl first child. LOL!
Yes, that is why it important to take control of india...this way all the terrorism in the region will die and NDS will be bridled automatically.
Yes, that is why it important to take control of india...this way all the terrorism in the region will die and NDS will be bridled automatically.

Ok, and how are you going to take control of India?!
Militarily?! Culturally?! Politically?!

India dwarfs Pakistan in all those departments. Anyways, I'm not interested in giving air to your flights of fantasy.
You're allowed to dream and I wont be the alarm to wake you up from it. You can continue on your Gazwa hind project. Means little in the real world.
Well, when reading some replies to me. I can see who are fond of the Brits.
Who is acting irrational towards Pakistanis, India already accepted the creation of Pakistan rather there wasn't much we could do about it. It's the British who decided the rules, marked boundaries and you followed. .
The same was done with India, and no one is praising the British, just being realistic about it. If you ask me, British fked up South Asia big time by trying to homogenize it so bad.
What rule of justice? It was a series of collective punishment, massacres, killings and etc... 'to keep their peace'.

Much of the modern-day region of Pakistan had descended into banditry and looting due to the poverty the British had thrown us into. Most of it was lawless except for the major cities, the Western parts were especially bandit-infested.

Not to mention how the locals were treated by the British, like absolute shit.

Today you probably have a roof over your head, an abundance of food and water, necessities taken care of and etc... Back then you'd most likely be a servant for a British family or a debt-slave worker of a British landlord. As an azad country; a country populated by our own, defended by our own, ran by our own; i'm proud to call it my home. Although we still have some poverty and issues, we have improved dramatically and will continue to improve.

Our generation takes everything for granted. Many of our forefathers died, worked hard and punished trying to secure us a bright future.


Our ancestors have different stories about Brits ruling this area , just and fair was their moto.
You blame Brits of looting while when earthquake occurred , muslims were the one looting properties of the dead here. What these rulers have done good to this land , they sold the indus , the resources to their foreign Lords .. what are they different from those Brits you blame for stealing the wealth here .
Modern day has no slavery, I donot believe I would've been a slave. Slavery resides here in pakistan.

Just look at their country ! How are they ruling it with justice and fairness despite being rich , their rulers are down to earth .. and look at our rulers , we elected murderers for us to rule . Just think why do talented and skilled pakistanis run to UK, ? Because justice and appreciation is served there.
They even elected a pakistani migrant as their mayor .

I ain't saying to give pak to Brits , but I admire their justice . Our own educated wannabe goras at that time did severe damage to us by surrendering to every desire of Brits .
There you go, I already told we were different entities. Read again. You can't predict how wealthy each of these princely states will be. Since their was a change in power.
If each of these states was allowed to flourish, I am sure they would have been much richer than they currently are, India has proved to be diabolical for these nations, I bet Tamil Nadu would have been far richer than it currently is.Kudos
If each of these states was allowed to flourish, I am sure they would have been much richer than they currently are, India has proved to be diabolical for these nations, I bet Tamil Nadu would have been far richer than it currently is.Kudos

How exactly?! Please provide your game plan for how these states will "flourish" individually.

The collective nation of India is the fastest growing economy in the world. Our collective identity makes us a huge market of consumers and investment. Individually, this would not be possible.
I feel like many of you are simply projecting your biases here.

Land sharing, water sharing, trade routes, access to ports, foreign relations are all things to be considered with individual states. It would be a nightmare to be in that scenario!
A divided India would simply become a playground for powers. Much like what Afghanistan is today.
How exactly?!
The collective nation of India is the fastest growing economy in the world. Our collective identity makes us a huge market of consumers and investment. Individually, this would not be possible.
I feel like many of you are simply projecting your biases here.

Land sharing, water sharing, trade routes, access to ports, foreign relations are all things to be considered with individual states. It would be a nightmare to be in that scenario!
A divided India would simply become a playground for powers. Much like what Afghanistan is today.
Exactly. For example, lets consider Pakistan and Bangladesh to be Indian states who got independence, we all can see how they turned out to be despite being homogeneous.
India as we speak is diverse and unified. so not sure who else I speak for if not the Indians who believe in the concept of India.
You want 30 different countries in India is it?
I mean we have problems with neighboring states on land and water issues. You think 30 states will pose any less problems?!
India is indeed diverse, and I personally appreciate that very much.

However, once out of the big city bubble, we see a lot of tribalism amongst the many diverse groups.

It is unwise to label all these 'tribalists' as primitive and bigoted people, their behaviour is just base animal instincts/human nature.

Ultimately, I think Indians of all stripes will stick together and rough out periods of political instability but certain foreign influences on some of these groups must be contained.

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