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Why Iran Is Quite Capable Of “Shooting-Down” US’ Most Advanced Fighter Jets Like F-35s & F-22 Raptors?


American electronic equipment categories for reference:

AN/ALQ-xxx (Multipurpose/Special)
AN/ALR-xxx (Receiver)
AN/ALT-xxx (Transmitter)

An aircraft that is equipped and optimized for SEAD missions will tick all of the categories and/or will be very strong in the AN/ALQ-xxx category particularly. For example:


An aircraft that is equipped and optimized for SEAD missions will have the capacity to detect/spoof/jam/disrupt an A2/AD system and subject it to HARM strikes from considerable distances.

Global Hawk series is equipped with AN/ALR-89 self-protection suite at maximum; this suite does not enable SEAD missions for the host platform. Not even close.


"The Air Force has been trying to convince a skeptical Congress to allow the service to finally divest itself of most of its Global Hawk fleet. The RQ-4 can only be used over permissive airspace and has no ability to penetrate contested airspace, which is becoming a problem as the U.S. shifts its gaze from the wars of the Middle East to the Pacific theatre."

- is LITERALLY stated in 2013 in the following well-informed source:

Perhaps Iran felt that shooting down an RQ-4 would be a solid marketing strategy for one of its A2/AD assets? This is not much of a kill to brag about TBH. Many countries are capable of shooting down UAVs including some of the HALE types.

See above.

Global Hawk class is very expensive due to its sheer size, high degree of automation and incredibly sophisticated ISR equipment. Some of the most expensive technologies in the world are of the ISR variety.

Shall I laugh now?

Yes, and I have adequately covered this theme in my previous response.

RQ-170 = LO-compliant design (Limited ability to penetrate contested airspace). It is optimized for ISR missions which are not advertised to increase their probability of success. There isn't much bragging about success stories in relation due to "secrecy factor."

In case you were wondering, RQ-170 is not a proxy to VLO-compliant B-2A Spirit, F-22A Raptor and F-35 Lightning II which are designed to actively penetrate A2/AD arrangements and partake in offensive missions in contested environments. Just be glad that Iran is untouched by war since 1980s; there are numerous destructive technologies that your country will experience [only] in wartime conditions (God forbid).

RCS reduction is fairly common consideration for numerous military assets including ships since World War 1. This does not suggest that numerous military assets are LO-compliant in the true sense of the word. Global Hawk series is not LO-compliant design in the true sense of the word for instance.


"UAS are weapons systems that consist of unmanned aircraft, a data link segment, and ground control stations to control them, including human operators. Today’s UAS fly relatively slowly and are defenseless in the air. Some have reduced radar cross sections (RCS), giving them a degree of stealth. Today they are useful almost exclusively in permissive environments where the enemy has little or no ability to direct fire at them, including kinetic weapons, jamming, and cyber attacks. They are mainly employed for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR)4 and light strike missions."

- is LITERALLY stated in 2014 in the following French report:

You will find ample explanation in following thread: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/misconceptions-about-the-global-hawk-uav-and-vlo-concepts.675960/

There are claims and counter-claims in this matter and I won't dig into them. Since the operators of an RQ-170 variant were utilizing this UAV in broad daylight conditions over Iran on 5-12-11, Iranian defenses could notice unusual activity and do something about it (Electronic Warfare possibilities). This is sufficient credit from me to Iran.
What will they if one day we shot down an F-22? Would it become an other shit technology sir? They can say our mighty F-22 had luneburg lens on to increase its RCS giving Iranians a chance to shoot it down. See? There will be no shortage of lame excuses.
What will they if one day we shot down an F-22? Would it become an other shit technology sir? They can say our mighty F-22 had luneburg lens on to increase its RCS giving Iranians a chance to shoot it down. See? There will be no shortage of lame excuses.

Who is asserting that RQ-4 and RQ-170 are shit technology? I simply explained to you what these aircraft are in the nutshell.

You missed your chance to do that in 2013.

As for lame excuses, look at developments in Syria...

You missed your chance to do that in 2013.
You exepected an F-4 take one an F-22?

Are you feeling alright? Anything wrong with you?

When an F-4 could recognize an F-22 on its radar scope then it can be considered as a huge Victory for that fighter jet with its upgraded radar by Iranian scientists, and eventually leave the Scene immediately avoiding engagement with the superior one.

We are currently talking about SAM sir and your post bears no value.
You exepected an F-4 take one an F-22?

Are you feeling alright? Anything wrong with you?

When an F-4 could recognize an F-22 on its radar scope then it can be considered as a huge Victory for that fighter jet with its upgraded radar by Iranian scientists, and eventually leave the Scene immediately avoiding engagement with the superior one.

We are currently talking about SAM sir and your post bears no value.
In case you were wondering, the F-22A Raptor incident happened near the Iranian border as well. Whatever happened to Iranian A2/AD arrangements at the time? They forgot to shoot down or something? Aren't Iranian Saeqeh modernized variants of the original F-4?

My responses are in view of arguments presented in this thread (nothing I said is funny or illogical). You are needlessly overreacting and making fun of my posts on the other hand; your post # 38 is trolling in fact. I am not amused.
In case you were wondering, the F-22A Raptor incident happened near the Iranian border as well. Whatever happened to Iranian A2/AD arrangements at the time? They forgot to shoot down or something? Aren't Iranian Saeqeh modernized variants of the original F-4?
They didn't violate our airspace, trust me, if they did so then it was shot down.

It is not logical to down a plane over international airspace unless it violates it.
My responses are in view of arguments presented in this thread (logical and technical explanation of things being discussed). You are needlessly overreacting and making fun of my posts on the other hand; your post # 38 is trolling in fact. I am not amused.
My apologies. Go on. I know you won't change your mind, neither could i. In your eyes Americans are undisputed but i have no doubt they are not.
They didn't violate our airspace, trust me, if they did so then it was shot down.

It is not logical to down a plane over international airspace unless it violates it.
Is that so? IRIAF scrambled two Iranian Saeqeh jet fighters to intercept an American MQ-1 Predator UAV that was operating near Iranian border. The UAV was detected and being responded to irrespective of it being over international airspace at the time. Problem was that F-22A Raptors emerged and surprised Iranian defenses in the process. Now who is making excuses here? This is why it is important for you to think rationally and not make fun of posts that you completely failed to understand.

My apologies. Go on. I know you won't change your mind, neither could i. In your eyes Americans are undisputed but i have no doubt they are not.
So Iran have surpassed USA in developing advanced technologies? Rest of the world needs to catch up to Iran I suppose? I didn't knew.
Is that so? IRIAF scrambled two Iranian Saeqeh jet fighters to intercept an American MQ-9 Predator UAV that was operating near Iranian border. The UAV was detected and being responded to irrespective of it being over international airspace. Problem was that F-22A Raptors emerged and surprised Iranian defenses in the process. Now who is making excuses here? This is why it is important for you to think rationally and not make fun of posts that you completely failed to understand.

So Iran have surpassed USA in developing advanced technologies? I didn't knew. My apologies.
What you Posted is a fan boy written article like your own posts. F-22 flew under Phantom and told them go Home.. Are you that naive to believe this piece of propaganda? Is that how 2 Professional pilots talk to each? Go Home? Are you serious?
The true stroy was that Iranian fighters successfuly managed to intercept the approaching drones and forced it into taking direction of their airbase. There you have American Fantasy, fighters missed the drone and drone flew to its homebase while laughing. You are posting American garbage written by stupid fanboys without considering your own place as a moderator.
On the other hand, Americans have always been obedient to Iranian orders in Persian Gulf, only in one case they dared our airdefense system and they got their behind handed to them. Immediately Trump appeared on social media while thanking Iranians for not shutting down the manned aircraft of USAF flying beside RQ4. Lmao,
This is what Iranian made airdefense systems did that you have to just dream of doing so :
Iran captures RQ-170 with electronic warfare forcing the drone to land safely
View attachment 734615

Iran downs RQ4 using homemade airdefense systems.
View attachment 734616View attachment 734617

Yes and easy to prove 😁
Drones are one thing, fighters on the other hand are in another league considering they are more fast agile and with counter measures. Even the article above states the same.
Shooting down of drone does not equate to shooting down of a highly advanced jet such as the F-22 or F-35.
Bombers on the other hand are a different case as they too are large and slow. However any bombing run over Iran will first be cleared by strikes from cruise missiles or F-22 and 35s to clear out Sams.
What you Posted is a fan boy written article like your own posts. F-22 flew under Phantom and told them go Home.. Are you that naive to believe this piece of propaganda? Is that how 2 Professional pilots talk to each? Go Home? Are you serious?
The true stroy was that Iranian fighters successfuly managed to intercept the approaching drones and forced it into taking direction of their airbase. There you have American Fantasy, fighters missed the drone and drone flew to its homebase while laughing. You are posting American garbage written by stupid fanboys without considering your own place as a think Tank.
On the other hand, Americans have always been obedient to Iranian orders in Persian Gulf, only in one case they dared our airdefense system and they got their behind handed to them. Immediately Trump appeared on social media while thanking Iranians for not shutting down the manned aircraft of USAF flying beside RQ4. Lmao,
True story? It is your word over known accounts. Typical deflection.

Refer back to your post (# 46) above; you boasted about shooting down an F-22A Raptor, and I simply reminded you that Iran missed its shot in 2013 in post (# 47) above. You then came up with following response: "They didn't violate our airspace, trust me, if they did so then it was shot down" in your next post (# 51) above. Your statement does not make an iota of sense in view of the fact that 2 x IRIAF fighter jets were scrambled to intercept an MQ-1 Predator UAV operating near Iranian border even though it was in international airspace at the time. So IRIAF decided to intercept a UAV operating near Iranian border but forgot about F-22A Raptors in the mix? Does this make sense at all? It would be logical for IRIAF to attempt to intercept all types of aircraft that are found to be operating near Iranian border upon detection. But logic does not matters when deflection is the INTENT, right? You decided to make fun of my posts (see previous page), and now you are making illogical excuses for Iranian failures as well. You need to reflect on your responses in fact.
Guys forget about fanboy posts and listen to Army Commander and his words about neutralizing the threat of American stealth platforms.

A nice read. 👍
See above.

Global Hawk class is very expensive due to its sheer size, high degree of automation and incredibly sophisticated ISR equipment. Some of the most expensive technologies in the world are of the ISR variety.

Shall I laugh now?
All the specifications which US had published about RQ170 turned out to be false (during Iran's inspections), even it's mission or operators! so I wont care about a single line of their claims about the $220 million MQ4C future drone, what's inside or isn't.

yet this is what they say:
To improve survivability, the Global Hawk is fitted with a Raytheon developed AN/ALR-89 self-protection suite consisting of the AN/AVR-3 laser warning receiver, AN/APR-49 Radar warning receiver and a jamming system. An ALE-50 towed decoy also aids in the deception of enemy air defenses

MQ4-C body is also made of radar absorbing materials, when flying in high altitude it's shape also doesn't reflect the radar waves. compared to U2 which was designed to penetrate deep into enemy airspace, it's much more stealthy.

There is a big paradox between stealth and ISR missions, yet Overall MQ4C is the ultimate combination of them.

If Americans say this bird can't survive in battlefield, it doesn't mean any other bird can, it just means spending $220 million on it is a waste of money, the same with several other failed projects.
yet this is what they say:
To improve survivability, the Global Hawk is fitted with a Raytheon developed AN/ALR-89 self-protection suite consisting of the AN/AVR-3 laser warning receiver, AN/APR-49 Radar warning receiver and a jamming system. An ALE-50 towed decoy also aids in the deception of enemy air defenses
Question is... Did IRGC got their hands on these systems from the wreckage salvage operation?
Perhaps Iran felt that shooting down an RQ-4 would be a solid marketing strategy for one of its A2/AD assets? This is not much of a kill to brag about TBH. Many countries are capable of shooting down UAVs including some of the HALE types.
its a marketing point as the equipment was the most advanced available for the drones and could not detect the missile locking into it
Who is asserting that RQ-4 and RQ-170 are shit technology? I simply explained to you what these aircraft are in the nutshell.

You missed your chance to do that in 2013.

As for lame excuses, look at developments in Syria...
provide me a single evidence about that incident . a photo , a video , some audio recording ?
In case you were wondering, the F-22A Raptor incident happened near the Iranian border as well. Whatever happened to Iranian A2/AD arrangements at the time? They forgot to shoot down or something? Aren't Iranian Saeqeh modernized variants of the original F-4?
first , I have problem it happened and no its not upgraded F-4 its Modified F5
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