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Why Indian intelligence doesn't work too well in Pakistan

Agencies such as the CIA, Mossad, and ISI once given real covert power can be very hard to control.

Look at the problems in pakistan:

The civilian government wants one thing, and the military and ISI act against the policy of the elected government.

Giving that kind of power to intelligence agencies is the equivalent of opening Pandoras box.
it really annoys me when i see posts or threads going on about how RAW is active in Pakistan when every Indian knows that RAW can not even choose their daily meals without consent from the PMO the thing that is to fix here is that RAW is controlled by politics other agencies like CIA,Mossad,MI6 etc are all national based rather than political we must do the same with RAW and unleash them on Pakistani terrorist groups and camps.

U r sadly mistaken, though it looks haggard and out of shape, the CBI, Defence intelligence, RAW are very capable and excellent at grass roots level and at highest levels as well. The reason they are not highlighted and in the limelight is they prefer it that way.

but sadly have to pander to the politicians.
Why Indian intelligence doesn't work too well in Pakistan

The answer is that !@#$%^ called IK Gujaral. :angry:

The dirt-bag ruined everything.

कीये कराए काम पर पानी फेर कर चला गया...!
So now no one should complain about RAW involvement with activities of BLA, TTP, Jeay Sindh, Pashtunistan, etc.
Title of this article should have been give RAW free hand in Pakistan. And all Pak sponsored terrorism will disappear in fortnight. Only Man who can give RAW such freedom is Mr. Narendra Modi.

People like I K Gujral and Morarji Desai should be tired for treason. No wonder Morarji Desai was awarded Nishaan-e-Pakistan.
Feud with R&AW
Morarji Desai had described the Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW), India's external intelligence agency, as the praetorian guard of Indira Gandhi and had promised to stop all activities of the R&AW after becoming prime minister. He closed down much of the agency, and reduced its budget and operations. B. Raman, the former head of the Counter-Terrorism Division of R&AW and noted security analyst, reveals that, in an unguarded moment, Morarji Desai indiscreetly told Pakistan's Chief Martial Law Administrator General Zia ul-Haq that his government was well aware of Pakistan's nuclear development
Yes R&aW must be incompetent,oops they don't even have a website or article in Internet. :cheesy: just try to search internet about RAW except wiki & globalsecurity you will find nothing about RAW. First of all why a intelligence agency need to say about their OP's or anything about it ? It must stay behind the screen, even if they assassinate some big-fish it must not look they did it. this is what they do. :smokin:
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