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Featured Why Indian Army is eyeing a mini ‘suicide drone’ from Israel

This has to be one of the most stupidest take I have ever seen. It's like a Bihari rapists taunting police and media for calling him rapist and telling them that calling him rapist will not have any affect him to stop his violent tendencies.
Even the Israelis, for whom you right wing bakhts happily bend over didn't hesitate to call you out.
Anything other than a useless rant?
He was chosen by people just like BoG(butcher of Gujrat) and then he went on tp consolidate his power by suspending civil liberties and persecuting opponents under trumped up false charges just like you know who.
I have no idea who you are talking about? If it's Modi, I'm not aware of him prosecuting his opponents or suspending civil liberties. Or are you talking about Indira Gandhi and the Emergency, which may be quite right. She's probably the only elected dictator in India who came close to being total dictator but was voted out.

He was elected in democratic elections just like Modi, what he did after is called Fascism just like Hindu terrorist ruling your country abolishing Kashmiri special status without even ask own Kashmiri puppets and locking them for months. Killing Muslims in year long lock down with judicial impunity. same was case with Hitler just change Muslims with Jews. i can go on and on but its waste of time to discuss this with another fascist..

As for Nazi, well they enjoyed support till they were conquering and winning.. no one like losers.
haha drawing false equivalence. He didn't suspend civil liberties in Kashmir, he unified the laws of Kashmir to that of other Indian states and lockdown are nothing new to Kashmir, when a state actively sponsor militants these measures should be taken to end secessionist movements. Afterall democracy do not guarantee secessionist ideas.

Calling Modi, Nazi fascist without knowing a anything about Nazism or fascism will fly in your circle of dummies, not anywhere else.
Aww so sweet.
it's actually true

all of it is true..

you read right

israelis at the dargah

"dajjal" (whatever that means) at the gates.. as someone said in that Saudia photoshoot thread ?

kya problem hai ?

And here we go again with latest from the Brown Nazi ecosystem....rewriting India's historic relationship with Israel as if it was held hostage by the Muslims of India.
wtf man

there's a lot of people coming from there every year, many of them repeat visitors

good people.
it's actually true

all of it is true..

you read right

israelis at the dargah

"dajjal" (whatever that means) at the gates.. as someone said in that Saudia photoshoot thread ?

kya problem hai ?
No no, honestly truly. I enjoy hearing your coming of age tales. Please post them as an instagram story. Until the unfortunate Galwan episode, India was comparable to China, maybe Russia. Nowadays, you're buying Israeli mijjiles to shoot your own helicopters and taking Israelis on kebab tours, so you must automatically be their buddies and socioeconomically at their level now.

Surely they're not - like every Vladimir, Billy-Bob and Avraham around the world - just selling Modi weapons to make a buck off a schmuck? Right?

Have you ever swum in the Dead Sea in Israel? You'd love it. So clean and healthy. Plenty of health products are derived from the Dead Sea. It's a spiritually cleansing experience - I attest to it. You should go with your kebab tours group....I wonder if India has something similar to offer for the return leg of this particular traveller exchange?


ever swum in the Dead Sea in Israel?
I actually have, from the Jordanian side no less (as a wee one) :)

dead sea hurt my peepee and eyes, I remember that well.

but really.. it's actually not that out the pale for Israelis to come visit here

once here, they can go wherever the hell they want

there's tonnes of foreigners most Jumma Raats at that dargah, not a big deal

also dotted by "mullah" cuisine joints, that street.. people go there all the time for the food

really not a big deal, or, only as big a deal as Chinese tourists on 5th Avenue or Trafalgar square would be.

Israelis are obviously banned in Pakistan, but even other international travelers are a novelty there.

I understand why you wouldn't understand.. kind of.
I actually have, from the Jordanian side no less (as a wee one) :)

dead sea hurt my peepee and eyes, I remember that well.

but really.. it's actually not that out the pale for Israelis to come visit here

once here, they can go wherever the hell they want

there's tonnes of foreigners most Jumma Raats at that dargah, not a big deal

also dotted by "mullah" cuisine joints, that street.. people go there all the time for the food

really not a big deal, or, only as big a deal as Chinese tourists on 5th Avenue or Trafalgar square would be.

Israelis are obviously banned in Pakistan, but even other international travelers are a novelty there.

I understand why you wouldn't understand.. kind of.
I tell you what, even I will visit India as long as you personally are around to regale me with your charming anecdotes and coming of age travel diaries.

Israeli citizens can travel to Pakistan by the way from third countries.

Given their 100% hit rate against Indian aircraft, I think we should certainly welcome their SAM defence contractors - via an appropriate third country of course.

After they're done, we can send them on for that dip in the Ganges they're so eagerly awaiting. Muzzie kebabs (non-beef of course!) and mughal architecture aside, I'm sure they want to see what REAL Hindustan has to offer the discerning tourist.

Thanks for the chat.
Not taking action for fear of escalation is as good as death

your military fearing the safety of West Pakistan stuck to defensive posture against India (unlike in 1965) during the last major war, How did that go for Pakistan?

Too little, too late. You’re facing a few hundred of these vehicles carrying over a few thousand of Sula89, with integrated mission parameters. You don’t just buy a weapon and it’s ready for use the next day. The point was, going by the escalation ladder, India doesn’t have any further options left on the table, once China puts bombers in the area. They’re making it difficult for themselves. That’s all.
I tell you what, even I will visit India as long as you personally are around to regale me with your charming anecdotes and coming of age travel diaries.

Israeli citizens can travel to Pakistan by the way from third countries.

Given their 100% hit rate against Indian aircraft, I think we should certainly welcome their SAM defence contractors - via an appropriate third country of course.

After they're done, we can send them on for that dip in the Ganges they're so eagerly awaiting. Muzzie kebabs (non-beef of course!) and mughal architecture aside, I'm sure they want to see what REAL Hindustan has to offer the discerning tourist.

Thanks for the chat.
8k ke zmane mein bhi black and white mein lagey raho

chalo, vo aap pe depandz hai
we sell to democratic country you want to sell to teror organiztions

Although I would partially agree with your point,
But to consider BJP/RSS government a terror organisation wouldn't be wrong either. They are terrorising their citizens, especially Muslims,
and having killed nearly 100,000 Kashmiri's isn't exactly a democratic act of kindness, it's genocide.

Didn't Israel also help the South African apartheid regime develop nuclear weapons,
shame on you, of all the people you should know better.
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Something tells me they just fany the idea of some additional level of plausible deniability to claim the destruction was "intentional" whenever they accidentally shoot their own drone down inside India or its crashes due to their bad maintenance habits



According to SIPRI data (1950 to 2019) Indian Armed Forces are holding two type of loitering munitions.

Harpy in qty 40 and Harop in qty 50 and possibly 10 Heron TP armed version of IA UAV.

Harop can carry 23 kg warhead. Range is 1000 km.

Harpy can carry 32 kg warhead. Its range is 500 km.

Interestingly 50 Harop cost them 100 million dollars!!!!
According to SIPRI data (1950 to 2019) Indian Armed Forces are holding two type of loitering munitions.

Harpy in qty 40 and Harop in qty 50 and possibly 10 Heron TP armed version of IA UAV.

Harop can carry 23 kg warhead. Range is 1000 km.

Harpy can carry 32 kg warhead. Its range is 500 km.

Interestingly 50 Harop cost them 100 million dollars!!!!
Since these drones are very small (2.5 m x 3 m), they will be very hard to detect, Pakistan Armed Forces must work on the strategy of deception like Chinese are doing.

Deployment of dummy targets at various location and partially "paint" these targets with some IR and radio emission signature so that they look real from air.

In addition to this, better and heavy camouflage of air defense weapons and equipment along with adequate protective armor will be the necessity to counter such threat.
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Since these drones are very small (2.5 m x 3 m), they will be very hard to detect, Pakistan Armed Forces must work on the strategy of deception like Chinese are doing.

Deployment of dummy targets at various location and partially "paint" these targets with some IR signature so that they look real from air.

In addition to this, better and heavy camouflage of air defense weapons and equipment along with adequate protective armor will be the necessity to counter such threat.

Do we have any loitering munition?
Why Indian Army is eyeing a mini ‘suicide drone’ from Israel Published July 15, 2020 | By
admin SOURCE: THE WEEK The Hindustan Times reported on Monday that the Indian Army is looking to acquire two kinds of ‘miniature’ unmanned aerial vehicles. One type of UAV is the US-built RQ-11 UAV, meant to fly at altitudes of around 500 feet and provide intelligence about enemy positions and troop movements. The other type of weapon eyed by the Indian Army is the FireFly ‘loitering munition’ built by Israel’s Rafael. In simple language, a loitering munition is a UAV that carries a warhead to attack a target on the ground while flying over (‘loitering’) over the war zone. Loitering munitions have been around for four decades now, with Israel considered to be the pioneer of such ‘suicide’ drones. While the early generation of loitering munitions were meant to attack air defence radars, newer systems can hit multiple types of targets on the ground, including enemy personnel in entrenched positions. The Indian Air Force operates the Israeli-made Harpy loitering munition and its upgraded the version, the Harop. India is believed to have first purchased the Harop in 2009 in a deal worth $100 million, according to The Jerusalem Post. Loitering munitions like the Harpy and Harop can loiter for up to six hours and have sophisticated sensors; the Harop has a 23kg warhead. In comparison, the FireFly drone has a total weight of 3kg, with a 350gm warhead, according to a Rafael brochure. The FireFly has two sets of rotors. Rafael claims a kit comprising 3 FireFly loitering munitions and their associated equipment weighs 15kg. The use of rotors, like a helicopter, negates the need for catapults or launch rockets to get the UAV airborne. The FireFly can fit in a backpack. The battery-powered Firefly can conduct both surveillance and attack missions and can thus be recovered after use. According to Rafael, it has an endurance of 15 minutes when carrying a warhead. The endurance can be doubled if the warhead is replaced with a second battery. The FireFly has a publicised range of 500metres for urban combat and a range of 1,000 metres for open areas. The FireFly can be controlled by a datalink by a soldier who has a tablet. C4ISRNET, a US publication, traced the evolution of the FireFly to multiple conflicts, including the Six-Day War of 1967 between Israel and Arab nations. C4ISRNET reported recently “FireFly was designed over the last 15 years based on sketches produced as far back as the Six-Day War, when Israeli soldiers had to fight in the early morning amid trenches in Jerusalem during the Battle of Ammunition Hill. Also taken into account during the design period were Israel’s experiences fighting militants in close combat in urban areas, such as the Gaza Strip, as well as knowledge of the difficulties armies have faced in fighting in places like Mosul, Iraq, against the Islamic State group.” Israel decided to buy the FireFly for its military in May this year. A Rafael official told C4ISRNET “targets [of FireFly] are insurgents or suppressing machine guns or a sniper”. Writing in India Defence Review in May this year, retired Lt General Prakash Katoch noted, “Loitering munitions can provide a breakthrough against enemies well protected by their surroundings, like built-up areas, as also top attacking tanks and armoured vehicles. These munitions are considered a mix of cruise missiles and drones. Loitering munitions can be launched by small body of infantry, giving them their own precision guided indirect firepower.” Referring to small loitering munitions, Katoch wrote, they are “are technical solution to an age-old problem for hitting enemy on the other side of a hill shielded from observation or fire by terrain, like mortars in defiladed positions, or fly into windows to take out enemy positions during urban combat”.

idrw.org .Read more at India No 1 Defence News Website https://idrw.org/why-indian-army-is-eyeing-a-mini-suicide-drone-from-israel/ .
Why Indian Army is eyeing a mini ‘suicide drone’ from Israel?

Sample, because Indians don't have brain to produce them self

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