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Featured Why Indian Army is eyeing a mini ‘suicide drone’ from Israel

Why stop at mini-suicide drones? Why not just commit suicide?

Historically India have looked upon Israel as some sort of savior. Its always been a passion of a nation of 1.2 billion to bow and ask for any assistance from a nation of 4 million. They dont see the humiliation of a nation of this size still inadequate to produce its own drones?
The fact that Israel will see India as a nation to simply bleed for financial gain is beyond the thinking of these little Indians.
The thought of dealing with them gives India a sense of "vee are impartant and supapowaa".
In reality Israel is a nation which attracts the lowest form of human - Zionists - that have no desire to assist little brown people - unless it aids them financially and keeps in check those that they regard as the enemy.
Indian narritive is - work closely with the white man and that will bring them closer to being "accepted".
What a friggin embarrassment but its a fact. Cant protect themselves and have to beg/ask/borrow/buy assistance from a tiny speck of nation built on illegal land.
we sell to democatic country you want to sell to teror organiztions
Shame on u liar, you sold arms o Iran on Israel - Iran contra affairs

And the same weapons have been a reverse engineer by them and now Hibolah is using to kill Israeli, so in effect you Israel sold them this tech for a few dollars shame on you. It's like you will sell your mother for money to your enemies
Historically India have looked upon Israel as some sort of savior. Its always been a passion of a nation of 1.2 billion to bow and ask for any assistance from a nation of 4 million. They dont see the humiliation of a nation of this size still inadequate to produce its own drones?
The fact that Israel will see India as a nation to simply bleed for financial gain is beyond the thinking of these little Indians.
The thought of dealing with them gives India a sense of "vee are impartant and supapowaa".
In reality Israel is a nation which attracts the lowest form of human - Zionists - that have no desire to assist little brown people - unless it aids them financially and keeps in check those that they regard as the enemy.
Indian narritive is - work closely with the white man and that will bring them closer to being "accepted".
What a friggin embarrassment but its a fact. Cant protect themselves and have to beg/ask/borrow/buy assistance from a tiny speck of nation built on illegal land.
That's not true at all, there's always been a lot of positive people to people contact.

We've always been huge supporters of the Jewish state and view ourselves as being on the same team, given the common existential threats we face.

Despite India being ruled for 50+ years by a single left leaning dynasty, who tried hard not to "hurt muslim sentiments" by being close to Israel, the people of India always supported Israel.

Now with Modi Ji and the BJP in charge, bilateral relations have finally started to get to where they always should have been, and are only set to grow further.

They're a good industrious, patriotic and proud people who have accomplished great things with their innovations and tech, and not just in defence btw.

Pakistan should drop their irrational hatred of Israel and forge diplomatic ties with them too.. if Saudia, Turkey, The Emiratis, Egypt etc can.. why not Pakistan too ?

What Modi wanted most was not weapons, but their help and assistance in agricultural tech so we too can turn our barren lands into fertile food producing, job creating hubs.

Zionists Jews are merely supporting the Brahmins (cow worshippers). Zionists and RSS are the one and the same.
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That's not true at all, there's always been a lot of positive people to people contact.

We've always been huge supporters of the Jewish state and view ourselves as being on the same team, given the common existential threats we face.

Despite India being ruled for 50+ years by a single left leaning dynasty, who tried hard not to "hurt muslim sentiments" by being close to Israel, the people of India always supported Israel.

Now with Modi Ji and the BJP in charge, bilateral relations have finally started to get to where they always should have been, and are only set to grow further.

They're a good industrious, patriotic and proud people who have accomplished great things with their innovations and tech, and not just in defence btw.

Pakistan should drop their irrational hatred of Israel and forge diplomatic ties with them too.. if Saudia, Turkey, The Emiratis, Egypt etc can.. why not Pakistan too ?

What Modi wanted most was not weapons, but their help and assistance in agricultural tech so we too can turn our barren lands into fertile food producing, job creating hubs.

Shortsighted interpretation. Pakistan is far more situationally similar to Israel than India will ever be. For starters, we both have competent air forces. Secondly, we both have to fend off numerically superior hordes of enemies to preserve our nations' rights of existence. Thirdly, plenty don't like to admit it, but abrahamics have more similarities than dissimilarities in socioreligious terms. BOTH of our modern states were formed to provide sanctuary to a fleeing minority - Jews fleeing from Christians while for us, it was Muslims fleeing from Hindu savagery.

That Israel and India happen to align strategically at present is a pure coincidence and is almost counterintuitive in view of the above realities. The entire Gandhi dynasty opposed Israel on ideological grounds so to dismiss that summarily in retrospect is the height of hubris generation.

In fact, India's ongoing problem is that it routinely accepts its own hubris as substantiated fact.
As I said, left and Islamists have formed an alliance to help each other out when there is a right-wing resurgence around the world. Calling them Nazi has had zero effect on them. What I find Ironic and equally funny is religious theocracies like yourselves preaching to us.

I'll say this, on any day, the liberals in Pakistan if were to come to India will be more to the far right than RSS.
This has to be one of the most stupidest take I have ever seen. It's like a Bihari rapists taunting police and media for calling him rapist and telling them that calling him rapist will not have any affect him to stop his violent tendencies.
Even the Israelis, for whom you right wing bakhts happily bend over didn't hesitate to call you out.
Hitler’s Hindus: The Rise and Rise of India’s Nazi-loving Nationalists
The ‘Hitler’s Den’ pool parlor that shocked me on a round-India trip 10 years ago was no outlier. Admiration for Nazism – often reframed with a genocidal hatred for Muslims – is rampant in the Hindu nationalist camp, which has never been as mainstream as it is now

Not everything is black and white getting elected and becoming a dictator is two different things, and democracy simply means right to choose by public,
He was chosen by people just like BoG(butcher of Gujrat) and then he went on tp consolidate his power by suspending civil liberties and persecuting opponents under trumped up false charges just like you know who.
The term fedayi is derived from Arabic: فدائيون fidā'īyūn IPA: [fɪdaːʔɪjuːn], literally meaning: "those who sacrifice themselves".


suicide squads is basically what it means, no ?
Don't post half-truths just to support your nonsense. From your source:

"refer to various military groups willing to sacrifice themselves for a larger campaign."

My original troll post asked your country to just commit suicide, irrespective of any wider military objective, hence my post stands as accurate and a true reflection of the meaning of suicide. "Fedayeen" does not mean a group just committing suicide. Fedayeen would be comparable to kamikaze bombers in WW2.
Not everything is black and white getting elected and becoming a dictator is two different things, and democracy simply means right to choose by public, Hitler didn't conduct any elections after he became a dictator or after his term ends. Calling Nazi Germany a democracy is a joke.

And no, if Nazi party had German support they wouldn't abolish it, and hunt them down. East or West Germany wouldn't have an issue. Guess you don't know a lick of German history or politics.

He was elected in democratic elections just like Modi, what he did after is called Fascism just like Hindu terrorist ruling your country abolished Kashmiri special status without any say from Kashmiris, or puppet Kashmir assembly, he locked his own Kashmiri puppets for months. Killing Muslims in year long lockdown with judicial impunity. same was case with Hitler just change Muslims with Jews. i can go on and on but its waste of time to discuss this with another fascist..

As for Nazi, well they enjoyed support till they were conquering and winning.. no one like losers.
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Shortsighted interpretation. Pakistan is far more situationally similar to Israel than India will ever be. For starters, we both have competent air forces. Secondly, we both have to fend off numerically superior hordes of enemies to preserve our nations' rights of existence. Thirdly, plenty don't like to admit it, but abrahamics have more similarities than dissimilarities in socioreligious terms. BOTH of our modern states were formed to provide sanctuary to a fleeing minority - Jews fleeing from Christians while for us, it was Muslims fleeing from Hindu savagery.

That Israel and India happen to align strategically at present is a pure coincidence and is almost counterintuitive in view of the above realities. The entire Gandhi dynasty opposed Israel on ideological grounds so to dismiss that summarily in retrospect is the height of hubris generation.

In fact, India's ongoing problem is that it routinely accepts its own hubris as substantiated fact.
Most of Israel are non believers/atheists but are strong nationalists.

As for your whole "people of the book" unity spiel.. lol

Happen to have a lot of real world interaction and some enduring friendships with Israelis, I kinda know how their society works.

+10 internets for the air force jibe, btw, well played

numerically superior hordes ? no, they're waay worse situated where they are, surrounded by a hostile people (if not governments).. don't have a border with their iron brothers, the 'murricans either.

It is much more than "align strategically at present" and weapons deals on the macro geopolitical level. We're friendly with the people, and have been so for a long time.

I've seen for myself what PTSD does to some of these young post draft soldiers, and know a guy who is now a bit of a hermit and lives in the mountains, former IDF who saw a lot of 'stuff'

so despite the differences, different races, culture, religion etc.. based on personal anecdotes, I think there's a genuine friendship there.. fvck wars and weapons, there really is a some kind of relationship here.

We once took a reasonably big group of them, some of whom were just out the draft.. to hazrat Nizamuddin for all the jumma raat festivities once. None of them had seen Islamic culture that up close before, and all of them poker face lied about where they were from when curious locals asked them, it was hilarious :lol:

anyway.. India/Israel friendship is real.. Saudi/Sisi's Egypt, Turks, The Emiratis... all those guys are learning to get along with Israel.

Pakistan should too.

My original troll post
+100 vedic internets to you <3
Most of Israel are non believers/atheists but are strong nationalists.

As for your whole "people of the book" unity spiel.. lol

Happen to have a lot of real world interaction and some enduring friendships with Israelis, I kinda know how their society works.

+10 internets for the air force jibe, btw, well played

numerically superior hordes ? no, they're waay worse situated where they are, surrounded by a hostile people (if not governments).. don't have a border with their iron brothers, the 'murricans either.

It is much more than "align strategically at present" and weapons deals on the macro geopolitical level. We're friendly with the people, and have been so for a long time.

I've seen for myself what PTSD does to some of these young post draft soldiers, and know a guy who is now a bit of a hermit and lives in the mountains, former IDF who saw a lot of 'stuff'

so despite the differences, different races, culture, religion etc.. based on personal anecdotes, I think there's a genuine friendship there.. fvck wars and weapons, there really is a some kind of relationship here.

We once took a reasonably big group of them, some of whom were just out the draft.. to hazrat Nizamuddin for all the jumma raat festivities once. None of them had seen Islamic culture that up close before, and all of them poker face lied about where they were from when curious locals asked them, it was hilarious :lol:

anyway.. India/Israel friendship is real.. Saudi/Sisi's Egypt, Turks, The Emiratis... all those guys are learning to get along with Israel.

Pakistan should too.

+100 vedic internets to you <3
Good for you guys. Sounds like hindjew relations are going full Bhai Bhai.

I actually agree on one single point - that Pakistan should engage positively with Israel, however, it should be mainly to undercut your lot ...but anyway, that ship may well have sailed decades back.
Good for you guys. Sounds like hindjew relations are going full Bhai Bhai.

I actually agree on one single point - that Pakistan should engage positively with Israel, however, it should be mainly to undercut your lot ...but anyway, that ship may well have sailed decades back.
History shows jewhindu relationship will last as long as Jews can take full advantage of their brown friends. For Indians to feel the relationship would be one of advantageous to both sides shows yet again their international immaturity - if Israel can sell substandard sh1t to India for an inflated price then all iz well.
Bro I find the fact 1.4 billion have yet again had to bow to population of 4 million speaks volumes in itself.
I think Modi eat al believe the more white hands they shake - the lighter the Indian skin will become
Good for you guys. Sounds like hindjew relations are going full Bhai Bhai.

I actually agree on one single point - that Pakistan should engage positively with Israel, however, it should be mainly to undercut your lot ...but anyway, that ship may well have sailed decades back.
Might be hard for you to believe this, but.. first off, most of the group were young'uns, mixed in with a few (India traveler) vets

K, let's go to Jama Masjid and the Hazrat shrine, eat some korma and kebabs, and groove to some qawalli, then !

"will they hate me for being Israeli ?"

such innocent kids, total sweethearts, man.

they're a good bunch, people need to get out of their bubbles and actually get around and meet people more.

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