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Featured Why Indian Army is eyeing a mini ‘suicide drone’ from Israel

Might be hard for you to believe this, but.. first off, most of the group were young'uns, mixed in with a few (India traveler) vets

K, let's go to Jama Masjid and the Hazrat shrine, eat some korma and kebabs, and groove to some qawalli, then !

"will they hate me for being Israeli ?"

such innocent kids, total sweethearts, man.

they're a good bunch, people need to get out of their bubbles and actually get around and meet people more.
Aww so sweet.

Lalit is finally excused from call centre duties, getting out and about, meeting Israeli hipsters for kebabs in the Muslim quarter and what not.

Bandcamp here we come!

"Grooving to qawalli".... @Musings
Aww so sweet.

Lalit is finally excused from call centre duties, getting out and about, meeting Israeli hipsters for kebabs in the Muslim quarter and what not.

Bandcamp here we come!

"Grooving to qawalli".... @Musings
This is the exact issue I mentioned last week - when Indians try so hard to simulate - in fact a trend where they attempt to become more white than the Whiteys. Nitin by the way becomes Nathan and Miyank becomes Mike - you know the type?
This is the exact issue I mentioned last week - when Indians try so hard to simulate - in fact a trend where they attempt to become more white than the Whiteys. Nitin by the way becomes Nathan and Miyank becomes Mike - you know the type?
Bipin becomes Bob, Vikram becomes Vagene? Is that right?
Fidayeen tactics are not in our rulebook.

images - 2020-06-27T222642.949.jpeg
They’re going for an emergency buy for these cos Chinese had officially notified the Indians about presence of Sula89 systems at Depsang planes, flanking Gawlan Valley.

Indians foolishly are investing into a tit for tat platform, chinese will up the ante further by staging high altitude bombers next.
Not taking action for fear of escalation is as good as death

your military fearing the safety of West Pakistan stuck to defensive posture against India (unlike in 1965) during the last major war, How did that go for Pakistan?
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That's not true at all, there's always been a lot of positive people to people contact.

We've always been huge supporters of the Jewish state and view ourselves as being on the same team, given the common existential threats we face.

Despite India being ruled for 50+ years by a single left leaning dynasty, who tried hard not to "hurt muslim sentiments" by being close to Israel, the people of India always supported Israel.

Now with Modi Ji and the BJP in charge, bilateral relations have finally started to get to where they always should have been, and are only set to grow further.

They're a good industrious, patriotic and proud people who have accomplished great things with their innovations and tech, and not just in defence btw.

Pakistan should drop their irrational hatred of Israel and forge diplomatic ties with them too.. if Saudia, Turkey, The Emiratis, Egypt etc can.. why not Pakistan too ?

What Modi wanted most was not weapons, but their help and assistance in agricultural tech so we too can turn our barren lands into fertile food producing, job creating hubs.


And here we go again with latest from the Brown Nazi ecosystem....rewriting India's historic relationship with Israel as if it was held hostage by the Muslims of India.
Why stop at mini-suicide drones? Why not just commit suicide?

That something you convince your enemy to do not the other way around

Example -

Shortsighted interpretation. Pakistan is far more situationally similar to Israel than India will ever be. For starters, we both have competent air forces. Secondly, we both have to fend off numerically superior hordes of enemies to preserve our nations' rights of existence. Thirdly, plenty don't like to admit it, but abrahamics have more similarities than dissimilarities in socioreligious terms. BOTH of our modern states were formed to provide sanctuary to a fleeing minority - Jews fleeing from Christians while for us, it was Muslims fleeing from Hindu savagery.

That Israel and India happen to align strategically at present is a pure coincidence and is almost counterintuitive in view of the above realities. The entire Gandhi dynasty opposed Israel on ideological grounds so to dismiss that summarily in retrospect is the height of hubris generation.

In fact, India's ongoing problem is that it routinely accepts its own hubris as substantiated fact.
Biggest difference between Pakistan and Israel however, Israel was decisively defeated in the 6 day war and its nations was partitioned into two whereas the opposite was achieved by Pakistan

however, it should be mainly to undercut your lot ...but anyway, that ship may well have sailed decades back.
Pakistan can use its clout in IMF, Arab world,Turkey, China to pressurize Israel

Lucky for India, Pakistan has not done so
That something you convince your enemy to do not the other way around

Example -

Biggest difference between Pakistan and Israel however, Israel was decisively defeated in the 6 day war and its nations was partitioned into two whereas the opposite was achieved by Pakistan

Pakistan can use its clout in IMF, Arab world,Turkey, China to pressurize Israel

Lucky for India, Pakistan has not done so
they can tell us to who sell weapons arab nations?
You can sell em your arse on a platter n they will still manage to fk up.
Case in point is your bison upgrade and spyder sam whose sole kill remain an indian mi17.
We fucked up big time with missile boats we got from Soviets as well, so not surprising
we sell to democatic country you want to sell to teror organiztions

This is the biggest joke I have ever heard on PDF or any other forum, however, not I am not amaze at all, cuz its coming from a Israeli post.

I reckon its time for a reality check with some heavy dose of facts.

Lets start with, who is a terrorist or what is terrorism?

It is the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims, by definition. Now is there any other country in the world which has killed more innocent civilian's than USA along with Israel & Endia? Answer is No, because history tells us what Israelis have been doing with Palestinians from many, many years, does anybody calls Israelis terrorist? Against, answer is No. And what Modi and his regime have been doing with minorities, specially Muslims in India and in Kashir, has nobody called Modi a terrorist or India a terrorist country - again answer is BIG NO.

More to the point, what US has done in Japan (Hiroshima & Nagasaki), Vietnam, Iraq, libya Middle east and Afghanistan, doesnt it fall under the category terrorism - 1000% yes, it does. Can anybody dare to call any US president, Israel prime minister's or Modi a terrorist, because onus is on them of killing God knows how many innocent civilian's including children's, women and elderly people. Answer is no, why? Because they are champion's of propaganda war.

Therefore, in my book, by definition Benjamin Netanyahu, Narendra Modi, Bush George W.Bush (Senior & Junior both), Barack Obama & Donald Trump, they all are terrorist.

Last but not the least, you also gave Endia Israeli SPICE-2000 to use against Pakistan, in Feb 2019, however, world witnessed how Endia dished those out to Pakistan and ran away with their tail between their legs.
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Possibly to destroy air defence system but they have just 500meter range so bunkers may be.
That something you convince your enemy to do not the other way around

Example -

Biggest difference between Pakistan and Israel however, Israel was decisively defeated in the 6 day war and its nations was partitioned into two whereas the opposite was achieved by Pakistan

Pakistan can use its clout in IMF, Arab world,Turkey, China to pressurize Israel

Lucky for India, Pakistan has not done so
Yes how quickly I forget. I also forgot how Israel helped arm a Pakistani SAM battery to shoot down an Indian helicopter and straight after asked Pakistan to send more rupees to replenish the victorious SAM battery.

GoP will gladly send money to israel for such weaponry.
Long live abrahamic friendship.

That was a sad day though because India lost 1 helicopter vs. Pakistan's loss of 2 jets and a pow Pakistani Sikh pilot beaten by kashmiris and handed over to GoI along with the wreckage of 3 paf fighters. This forced Pakistan to surrender Kashmir and China to withdraw from Galwan a year later. Still, thanks Israel for the Spyder missiles.



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