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Why India Should be a permanent member in UN security council?

UN security council will not add any one in future,bcs P5 would not share their power,even USA does not allow Japan enter ;If one country want to pass a Resolution,he must persuade other 4,it is hard to image when you want to pass a resolution you should persuade more countryies 8 or 10?????
Can any sane minded knowledgeable person tell me the "qualifications" required to be a Permanent UNSC member?
Solve Kashmir Issue and we shall vote for you.
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Sure brother.. why dont you start by asking China to return their part of Kashmir first..then we can sit and talk about it..what do u say?:cheers:

I would have preferred pakistan keeping that part of kashmir rather than pakistan "donating" it to china. It could have been "aapas ki baat" between pakistan and India.
I would have preferred pakistan keeping that part of kashmir rather than pakistan "donating" it to china. It could have been "aapas ki baat" between pakistan and India.

Thats what I meant in my post.. it would have solved the Kashmir issue and also would have solved India - China border issue...
China supportive of India's UN aspirations: Pratibha Patil

NEW DELHI: China 'understands' and 'supports' India's desire for a permanent seat in a reformed United Nations Security Council, President Pratibha Patil said Monday as she returned from her state visit to that country.

"I focused attention on India's aspiration for permanent seat in a reformed United Nations Security Council. President Hu (Jintao) and Premier Wen (Jiabao) were understanding and supportive for India's desire," Patil said in a statement made on board her special aircraft.

Her special aircraft landed in Delhi about 4.30 p.m after her six-day trip that took her to Beijing, Luoyang and Shanghai.

She said President Hu also reiterated support for India's candidature for a non-permanent seat in the UNSC for 2011-2012.

"My interaction with the Chinese leadership was warm, friendly and cordial. Our discussions were constructive, wide-ranging and fruitful. We agreed to expand, deepen and diversify the strategic and cooperative partnership between our countries," added Patil.

Both sides also pointed out that relations between the two Asian powers were of global import. "We acknowledged that the India-China relationship has gone beyond its purely bilateral aspect and also has a global dimension," she said.
You do your job. Let others do their's.

think about this.. Kashmir issue is between India, Pakistan and Kashmiris... Inorder to come to a solution ..first of all all the Kashmir should be present between all the three parties at the discussion table... then we can talk about the possible solutions for it.. but China having some part of the Kashmir doesnt make sense for all of us to discuss about resolving that issue..
US 'committed' to consider India for UNSC membership

Posted: Thu Jun 03 2010, 19:44 hrs

Calling India a "rising global power", the US on Thursday said it was "definitely committed" to consider New Delhi for a permanent membership in an expanded UN Security Council and pitched for its greater role in meeting challenges in the region like securing Afghanistan.

Launching the first-ever Strategic Dialogue with External Affairs Minister S M Krishna, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sought to dispel "doubts" that the US sees India "only or mainly in the context of Afghanistan and Pakistan" and that America "will hasten our departure from Afghanistan leaving India to deal with the aftermath."

She said America felt that India had not "fully embraced" its role in regional and global affairs and said the US was "definitely committed" to consider New Delhi for a permanent membership in an expanded UN Security Council.

"We don't have any way forward yet on the United Nations Security Council reforms but we are obviously very committed to considering India," she said, addressing a joint press conference with Krishna after the inaugural session of the Strategic Dialogue.
Personally i think this Security Council is needless. My reasons are

If a country decides do something condemned by others like invasion of a country, u know who i am talking about right? can the other council members stop them? no then what is the use of such a membership.

Our country could grow even under severe technological sanctions then why can't we go ahead with the same attitude in future too.

Power is not given it is taken, we should not be begging for it. As the case with the sanctions placed on showed, when the countries understood that we were growing inspite of them they chose to join us rather than ignoring us. In the same way they will give into this matter too so we should not be groveling for this seat.
think about this.. Kashmir issue is between India, Pakistan and Kashmiris... Inorder to come to a solution ..first of all all the Kashmir should be present between all the three parties at the discussion table... then we can talk about the possible solutions for it.. but China having some part of the Kashmir doesnt make sense for all of us to discuss about resolving that issue..

Do you want to be in UN security council or not? if yes, then as I say.
Border disputes, poverty? Why are these considered for the membership?
Every country has some sort of problem one way or other. Please clarify.

Sorry you have to be responsible country and the one who respects and act upon UN resolutions for asking for a permanent seat in UNSC.

India is a country that had been violation many International laws and also one of the first country in the region that had started Terrorism exporting and training terrorists for waging terrorism in the neighbouring countries.

India by no reason can be member of UNSC
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