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Why India Should be a permanent member in UN security council?

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Why India Should be a permanent member in UN security council?

India is a responsible and peace-loving nation with a powerful armed forces firmly under civilian control.

India is a responsible nuclear power with a strong record of non-proliferation.

India has contributed significantly to UN peacekeeping operations.

India is one of the oldest living civilizations and a perennial and prolific fountainhead of influential culture and spirituality.

Yet, India does not find a place as a permanent member of the UN Security Council alongside US, Britain, China, France and Russia.

Is time has come for this to change.

Several influential opinion leaders in leading newspapers have also advocated permanent membership for India in the UN Security Council:

International Herald Tribune: "Clearly, a seat for India would make the body more representative and democratic. With India as a member, the Council would be a more legitimate and thus a more effective body..." -- Robert Wilcox

The Washington Post: "First, as soon as the dust settles in Iraq, we should push for an expansion of the Security Council--with India and Japan as new permanent members" -- Charles Krauthammer

The New York Times: "Sometimes I wish that the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council could be chosen...with a vote by the fans... Then the perm-five would be Russia, China, India, Britain and the United States. That's more like it. India is the world's biggest democracy, the world's largest Hindu nation and the world's second-largest Muslim nation" -- Thomas Friedman

While Britain, France, Russia and many other countries fully support India?s admission to the Council as a permanent member, the U.S. has not yet endorsed India?s request . There is no question that the support of the U.S. would be necessary for India?s admission as a permanent member. Since India has a very strong case for admission as a permanent member, the lack of support from the U.S. thus far is puzzling at best.

In the National Security Strategy of the United States of America released in September 2002, President Bush has said: "The United States has undertaken a transformation in its bilateral relationship with India based on a conviction that U.S. interests require a strong relationship with India. We are the two largest democracies, committed to political freedom protected by representative government.

India is moving toward greater economic freedom as well. We have a common interest in the free flow of commerce, including through the vital sea-lanes of the Indian Ocean. Finally, we share an interest in fighting terrorism and in creating a strategically stable Asia."

Representative Frank Pallone (founder, India Caucus in the US Congress) introduced House Resolution 108 in the United States House of Representatives , supporting a permanent seat for India in the United Nations Security Council on February 26, 2003. Rep. Pallone stated, "I believe it is morally wrong to ignore the voice of over one billion Indian people in security decision-making that affects them, and the rest of the world. India's location, its large population, its history of participating in U.N. peacekeeping operations, and its leadership in the non-alignment movement all justify its bid for a permanent seat on the U.N. Security Council.

All five members of the UN Security Council must realize that having India as a permanent security council member will give the South Asia region a stabilizing force, helping peace efforts in Central Asia and all parts of our increasingly connected world. The United States should follow the lead of one of its most important allies and endorse a permanent seat for India in the United Nations Security Council."

What do u guys say?

Why India Should be a permanent member in UN security council?
Why India Should be a permanent member in UN security council?

India is a responsible and peace-loving nation with a powerful armed forces firmly under civilian control.

India is a responsible nuclear power with a strong record of non-proliferation.

India has contributed significantly to UN peacekeeping operations.

India is one of the oldest living civilizations and a perennial and prolific fountainhead of influential culture and spirituality.

Yet, India does not find a place as a permanent member of the UN Security Council alongside US, Britain, China, France and Russia.

Is time has come for this to change.

Several influential opinion leaders in leading newspapers have also advocated permanent membership for India in the UN Security Council:

International Herald Tribune: "Clearly, a seat for India would make the body more representative and democratic. With India as a member, the Council would be a more legitimate and thus a more effective body..." -- Robert Wilcox

The Washington Post: "First, as soon as the dust settles in Iraq, we should push for an expansion of the Security Council--with India and Japan as new permanent members" -- Charles Krauthammer

The New York Times: "Sometimes I wish that the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council could be chosen...with a vote by the fans... Then the perm-five would be Russia, China, India, Britain and the United States. That's more like it. India is the world's biggest democracy, the world's largest Hindu nation and the world's second-largest Muslim nation" -- Thomas Friedman

While Britain, France, Russia and many other countries fully support India?s admission to the Council as a permanent member, the U.S. has not yet endorsed India?s request . There is no question that the support of the U.S. would be necessary for India?s admission as a permanent member. Since India has a very strong case for admission as a permanent member, the lack of support from the U.S. thus far is puzzling at best.

In the National Security Strategy of the United States of America released in September 2002, President Bush has said: "The United States has undertaken a transformation in its bilateral relationship with India based on a conviction that U.S. interests require a strong relationship with India. We are the two largest democracies, committed to political freedom protected by representative government.

India is moving toward greater economic freedom as well. We have a common interest in the free flow of commerce, including through the vital sea-lanes of the Indian Ocean. Finally, we share an interest in fighting terrorism and in creating a strategically stable Asia."

Representative Frank Pallone (founder, India Caucus in the US Congress) introduced House Resolution 108 in the United States House of Representatives , supporting a permanent seat for India in the United Nations Security Council on February 26, 2003. Rep. Pallone stated, "I believe it is morally wrong to ignore the voice of over one billion Indian people in security decision-making that affects them, and the rest of the world. India's location, its large population, its history of participating in U.N. peacekeeping operations, and its leadership in the non-alignment movement all justify its bid for a permanent seat on the U.N. Security Council.

All five members of the UN Security Council must realize that having India as a permanent security council member will give the South Asia region a stabilizing force, helping peace efforts in Central Asia and all parts of our increasingly connected world. The United States should follow the lead of one of its most important allies and endorse a permanent seat for India in the United Nations Security Council."

What do u guys say?

Why India Should be a permanent member in UN security council?
I don't think the Indians are right now worthy of a permanent security council seat. They have a lot of border disputes, internal tensions and large scale poverty as compared to the other permanent members. China their nearest comparison in terms of economy has 1.8+ billion population and at the same time has barely a reported 100 million plus people suffering from poverty while India having a lesser overall population has more than 250 million people suffering from severe poverty--- roughly 30 times the entire Swiss population and almost twice the population of Russia suffering from severe poverty alone!

With so many problems, I don't think they are ready yet. I oppose this. Feel free to disagree.
I don't think the Indians are right now worthy of a permanent security council seat. They have a lot of border disputes, internal tensions and large scale poverty as compared to the other permanent members. China their nearest comparison in terms of economy has 1.8+ billion population and at the same time has barely a reported 100 million plus people suffering from poverty while India having a lesser overall population has more than 250 million people suffering from severe poverty--- roughly 30 times the entire Swiss population and almost twice the population of Russia suffering from severe poverty alone!

With so many problems, I don't think they are ready yet. I oppose this. Feel free to disagree.
Border disputes, poverty? Why are these considered for the membership?
Every country has some sort of problem one way or other. Please clarify.
I don't think the Indians are right now worthy of a permanent security council seat. They have a lot of border disputes, internal tensions and large scale poverty as compared to the other permanent members. China their nearest comparison in terms of economy has 1.8+ billion population and at the same time has barely a reported 100 million plus people suffering from poverty while India having a lesser overall population has more than 250 million people suffering from severe poverty--- roughly 30 times the entire Swiss population and almost twice the population of Russia suffering from severe poverty alone!

With so many problems, I don't think they are ready yet. I oppose this. Feel free to disagree.

Wasn't china given the UN Permanent membership with more problems and unsettled border disputes ( They had disputes with Russia, Japan, Malaysia, India, Mongolia, British (Hong Kong)), Poverty ( Mao's Cultural revolution) at that point of time.

Why the above points should be used against India ? Why should India be treated any differently, Same is case with Brazil & South Africa ( There is plenty of poverty in Brazil & South Africa)

Please feel free to disagree now. :thinktank:
The below article aptly explains why India has the credentials to be in UNSC

Read on....

India´s Bid for a Permanent Seat on the UN Security Council

by: Mukesh Advani

There are compelling reasons to consider India?s appointment as a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council (the ?Council.?) At the present time, the Council does not fully represent the world population, such as developing countries, and anachronistic in character.

The impact of actions of the Council is felt, with near total exclusivity by developing countries. Yet they have little influence in its decision-making. This is so despite the fact that more than 150 countries endorsed, at the millennium summit, the need for a reformed council that was more representative. This has in the past and continues to hinder the Council?s ability to tackle threats to international peace and security. In 1965, the membership of the Council was expanded from 11 to 15. There was no change in the number of permanent members. Since then, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of Member States of the UN and considerable change in composition of the General Assembly, where overwhelming majority of members are developing countries.

The present composition of the Council, particularly the permanent members´ category, is weighted heavily in favor of industrialized countries. This imbalance must be redressed in an expansion of the Council, by enhancing the representation of developing countries. While Britain, France, Russia and many other countries fully support India?s admission to the Council as a permanent member, the U.S. has not yet endorsed India?s request (President Clinton during his visit to India as President indicated that the U.S. would seriously considers supporting India?s claim). There is no question that the support of the U.S. would be necessary for India?s admission as a permanent member. Since India has a very strong case for admission as a permanent member, the lack of support from the U.S. thus far is puzzling at best. India is well qualified by any objective criteria for permanent membership of the Council.

Some of the reasons the U.S. should whole-heartedly to support appointment of Indian as a permanent member include: India has more than a billion people, representing about one sixth the population of the whole world, and it is the largest functional and stable democracy in the world. It is a model for the third and post communist worlds. India?s gross domestic product is the 4th highest in the world. It is one of the fastest growing economies in the world as a result of liberalization of trade policies in the last decade. India, with its ancient civilization, rich heritage, deep rooted democratic system and growing economic potential has the credentials to champion the cause of the developing nations which need proper representation in the Council. India had been one of the few countries, which had participated, in all the military operations the Council had undertaken thus far. Presently, India is ranked as the second largest troop contributor to the UN. It shows strong commitment to the UN Charter, international leadership and contribution to the world peace. India had been the bulwark of the Non-Alignment Movement during the cold war years and continues to be a major force in that sphere.

India is and will be a major player of the world in helping the UN?s efforts to eliminate nuclear arms from the face of earth. India has a vast pool of Technicians and Scientists. This could make India a frontier country as the world move more and more towards information age. India is one of the few countries which have made huge strides in the Space technologies. India is strategically situated in the Asian continent. The twenty-first century is expected to be a century of Asians. India could emerge as a buffer for market for other countries against the Chinese, if China decides to assert its influence in future as many fear that it would. Indian army is considered one of the most disciplined army in the world. This will become important to the United Nations and Security Council, as it will be called upon to play a major in role in resolving future conflicts. India had always been looked upon by the third world to provide a moral leadership in voicing its views. India could emerge as a model for other countries in establishing a secular order. Further, this could act as model in handling diversity in religion, race, caste, language and culture.

India can help the UN to work towards the problems of poverty, illiteracy, urban sprawl, natural calamities etc. India being the sufferers of these evils can contribute a great towards formulating a workable approach at the UN on these issues. In summary, the Council?s expansion is essential to make it more representative. The fact of India with over a billion population, representing about one sixth the population of the whole world, not being a permanent member of the Council, seriously undermines the representative nature of the Council. India is well qualified by any objective criteria for permanent membership of the Council. Indeed, as the world´s largest democracy, ancient civilization, a rapidly growing economic power and a major contributor to peacekeeping operations, India has a natural claim to a permanent seat in the Council.
Why India Should be a permanent member in UN security council?

India is a responsible and peace-loving nation:taz: with a powerful armed forces firmly under civilian control.

Lol ha ha ha ha ha :rofl::rofl:
Just cant stop laughing at the opening sentence of this article .
No need to read any more .

ps another crap from strategypage.com
How could a country with a global index like this deserve a permanent member in UN sec? tell me about it.

Global Hunger Index (GHI)

India’s score is 23.7, with a rank of 66th out of 88 countries, categorized under Alarming

The Human Development Report UNDP

India 134 out of 182 countries , categorized under Medium Human Development

Global Peace Index

India’s ranked 122 with 2.422 score

Global Corruption Index

Transparency International has downgraded India’s ranking from 72 to 85 in the list of world’s corruption-plagued countries

WEF The Global Gender Gap Report

India ranked 114 lisetd very poorly on the economic, education and health subindexes.

WEF Global Information Technology Report

India is down four places this year, at 54th

CIA world fact book on Account Balance

India listed as 182, the Current account balance of India is -37,510,000,000 (minus)
WHO | WHOSIS | Search
India on various Global ranking studies India Fact Book
Germany, Japan, India, Brazil, South Africa
Population is the advantage of India
How could a country with a global index like this deserve a permanent member in UN sec? tell me about it.

Global Hunger Index (GHI)

India’s score is 23.7, with a rank of 66th out of 88 countries, categorized under Alarming

The Human Development Report UNDP

India 134 out of 182 countries , categorized under Medium Human Development

Global Peace Index

India’s ranked 122 with 2.422 score

Global Corruption Index

Transparency International has downgraded India’s ranking from 72 to 85 in the list of world’s corruption-plagued countries

WEF The Global Gender Gap Report

India ranked 114 lisetd very poorly on the economic, education and health subindexes.

WEF Global Information Technology Report

India is down four places this year, at 54th

CIA world fact book on Account Balance

India listed as 182, the Current account balance of India is -37,510,000,000 (minus)
WHO | WHOSIS | Search
India on various Global ranking studies India Fact Book

when country like china become member with this

human right reports on China

Essential Background: Overview of human rights issues in China (Human Rights Watch, 31-12-2005)

http://www.hrw.org/english/docs/2006/01/18/china12270.htm]Essential Background: Overview of human rights issues in China (Human Rights Watch, 31-12-2005)

main points are

Restrictions on Freedom of Expression
Labor Rights
Religious Belief and Expression
Petitioners––The Xinfang System
Xinjiang and the “War on Terror”
Forced Evictions
Human Rights Defenders

Tibet Justice Center - Tibet Justice Center Reports - UN Interventions
http://www.tibetjustice.org/reports/un/unint2.html]Tibet Justice Center - Tibet Justice Center Reports - UN Interventions


so whts the problme with china
when country like china become member with this

human right reports on China

Essential Background: Overview of human rights issues in China (Human Rights Watch, 31-12-2005)

http://www.hrw.org/english/docs/2006/01/18/china12270.htm]Essential Background: Overview of human rights issues in China (Human Rights Watch, 31-12-2005)

main points are

Restrictions on Freedom of Expression
Labor Rights
Religious Belief and Expression
Petitioners––The Xinfang System
Xinjiang and the “War on Terror”
Forced Evictions
Human Rights Defenders

Tibet Justice Center - Tibet Justice Center Reports - UN Interventions


so whts the problme with china

The reality is China happened to be one of the five members of SEC and India is still bagging for one, see the difference? :argh:
The reality is China happened to be one of the five members of SEC and India is still bagging for one, see the difference? :argh:

when ur leaders are ready to support india so what can stop us

ohh sorry u cant say anything to ur gov otherwise u got :sniper: this :lol:
The reality is China happened to be one of the five members of SEC and India is still bagging for one, see the difference? :argh:

Your commment is childish to the core.

It is no secret China is a member of P5 and India is not. Perhaps you should read the title. The point here is "why or why not" India should be added to it.
Your commment is childish to the core.

It is no secret China is a member of P5 and India is not. Perhaps you should read the title. The point here is "why or why not" India should be added to it.

Read carefully and then shoot, i already given my POV in #8, my reply was due to your beloved countrymen thats failed to address my post.
I don't think the Indians are right now worthy of a permanent security council seat.

I don't think 'worthy' is the right word here. A nation with 15% of the worlds population deserves a voice, however I do agree that India isn't capable of contributing in a meaningful manner just as yet.

They have a lot of border disputes, internal tensions and large scale poverty as compared to the other permanent members.

Agreed. India needs to consolidate its position at home.

China their nearest comparison in terms of economy has 1.8+ billion population and at the same time has barely a reported 100 million plus people suffering from poverty while India having a lesser overall population has more than 250 million people suffering from severe poverty--- roughly 30 times the entire Swiss population and almost twice the population of Russia suffering from severe poverty alone!

True. Japan would be the obvious choice at the moment.

With so many problems, I don't think they are ready yet. I oppose this. Feel free to disagree.

I hope, as do all Indians, that the situation improves in the coming decade. Economic reforms have gone well and the economy has doubled in size since 2001 and is set to double to above 2 trillion by 2015. If we can maintain the momentum, by 2020 India's economic, diplomatic and military might will be impossible to ignore.

When we're ready, we won't need articles to justify why we 'deserve' a spot. Respect is earned.

Nations are built by its people. We need to work hard not just for ourselves but for the country too, not just at home but where ever we are. Our influence should be undeniable by both our friends and detractors.

Jai Hind.

Edit: Guys, don't bash China just cause some guy's trying to flame. In any case whatever he said is true, we need to work hard and improve the situation at home.
I don't think the Indians are right now worthy of a permanent security council seat. They have a lot of border disputes, internal tensions and large scale poverty as compared to the other permanent members. China their nearest comparison in terms of economy has 1.8+ billion population and at the same time has barely a reported 100 million plus people suffering from poverty while India having a lesser overall population has more than 250 million people suffering from severe poverty--- roughly 30 times the entire Swiss population and almost twice the population of Russia suffering from severe poverty alone!

With so many problems, I don't think they are ready yet. I oppose this. Feel free to disagree.


Plz refer to the highlighted part of your post.

I am sorry to say that you have proved your credibility and information "zero".

It seems you don't know anything about the world or UNSC or china.

When china was made UNSC member at that time china has more poverty, more internal tensions and border dispute then India. China is the only country in the world with the largest number of border dispute with the all of its neighbors. India only has border dispute with pakistan and china. But, china still has border dispute with Vietnam, Japan, Taiwan, India etc. etc. The UNSC works on democratic principles but china's dictator govt. don't believe in democracy it is a open mockery of so called free and fair world.

If there is any justice in the world the largest democracy in the world, the fourth largest military power, 11th largest economy, most peace loving nation, a country who have so much contributed towards this world must be given UNSC membership.


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