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Why India must keep LoC in a constant war like situation


What you are suggesting is not enough to make Pakistan change it behaviour. It will just make it more determined. We do not have the capability to change Pakistan's behaviour militarily unless we go MAD.
The idea is to change the strategy we are following for last 30 year without any desired outcome.

Current govt did brought some changes with surgical strike and Balakot to send a message to pakistan.
But they are still reactive measures, targeted terrorists and not PA. Also fraught with international intervention as we stroke deep in Pakistan territory.

1. My idea is purely to punish Pakistan Military within 30KM stretch across LoC.

2. Since we wont crossing LoC physically, it wont bring in international attention.

3. Use of heave artillery on LoC is old game but new capability like precision strike, they have become lot more lethal. Use drone to target acquisition, use AGTM or may use guided MRBL hit pakistani command posts within 30KM range.

3. Yes, Pakistan will retaliate, it will be us vs them rather than us vs pak proxies. And if we keep it limited to 30KM, they too will keep it limited to 30KM on ourside. If they go further we can respond in similar fashion.

4. Pakistan wont start a war, because it wont serve any purpose beside drawing in people of Punjab and Sindhi who are least interested, Pakistan isn't in economic position to wage a full fledged war with India.

3. And biggest gain in this border war will be stoppage to cross border militancy and it's facilitation of near LoC as PA would to busy fighting a real war instead of proxy war with India.
The idea is to change the strategy we

Yes suits India perfectly, politically, strategically...

India is getting a lot of bad press recently first due to the Delhi killings of Muslims with local police supporting the Hindu goons and mob...could be of anyone RSS/VHP/Bajrang Dal, many intl' press called it a pogrom and Indian English media also reported this in a way which was against the Sangh narrative of demonizing Mulisms.

And recently Intl' media like Reuters, NYT, WSJ, the Telegraph reported about Muslims in India targeted with attacks and slur and insults regarding spread of Coronavirus...made to look like a Muslim Corona Jihad against Hindu Bharat.

While these anti Muslims narrative suits the Sangh, the Hindu extremists and all the hardliners there, it doesn't suits the Indian Govt. keeping a facade of secularism and tolerance, so India at intl' stage is getting all the flak from western media for demonizing Muslims and racial discrimination...

So to change that optics and vibes, to shift the focus from Muslim subjugation and demonizing, India has started this used and proven tactics to start blaming Pakistan on Kashmir infiltration...and match it with fake news of surgical strikes, first to gain sympathy and than to talk about bravado. What unites the Indian nation most...blaming Pakistan.

Reuters and many Intl' media is reporting such news...DAWN picked these news.

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The idea is to change the strategy we are following for last 30 year without any desired outcome.

Current govt did brought some changes with surgical strike and Balakot to send a message to pakistan.
But they are still reactive measures, targeted terrorists and not PA. Also fraught with international intervention as we stroke deep in Pakistan territory.

1. My idea is purely to punish Pakistan Military within 30KM stretch across LoC.

2. Since we wont crossing LoC physically, it wont bring in international attention.

3. Use of heave artillery on LoC is old game but new capability like precision strike, they have become lot more lethal. Use drone to target acquisition, use AGTM or may use guided MRBL hit pakistani command posts within 30KM range.

3. Yes, Pakistan will retaliate, it will be us vs them rather than us vs pak proxies. And if we keep it limited to 30KM, they too will keep it limited to 30KM on ourside. If they go further we can respond in similar fashion.

4. Pakistan wont start a war, because it wont serve any purpose beside drawing in people of Punjab and Sindhi who are least interested, Pakistan isn't in economic position to wage a full fledged war with India.

3. And biggest gain in this border war will be stoppage to cross border militancy and it's facilitation of near LoC as PA would to busy fighting a real war instead of proxy war with India.

Pakistan can wage your 30 km limited war and proxy war concurrently.

But the 30 km war will almost certainly convert into a full fledged war. It will not remain limited.

So your solution will not improve the situation but will increase the risk of war.
Eventually there wont be a war, you know why because Pakistan don't want a war and it avoids war at any cost, that's why it resorts militancy in Kashmir rather than take military action in all these years.
You think India won't offend? WRONG. The moment Pakistan lets its guard down on the borders, there will be a war. It's not India that's holding back, it's Pakistan that's making India think over about the consequences of starting a war.
Yes suits India perfectly, politically, strategically...

India is getting a lot of bad press recently first due to the Delhi killings of Muslims with local police supporting the Hindu goons and mob...could be of anyone RSS/VHP/Bajrang Dal, many intl' press called it a pogrom and Indian English media also reported this in a way which was against the Sangh narrative of demonizing Mulisms.
You take these 'international press' too seriously while Taller than mountain friend China wont even give access to these international media and while President of US calls these media 'fake use' everyday.
You know in the grand scheme of things people at helm of the affairs know how these 'international media' operates.
Why India must keep LoC in a constant war like situation what do u think?

One real good reason is India loves to get banged by Pakistanis on LOC.

This constant banging of Indians at LOC, Indians love so much and highly entertaining for Indian breaking news media.
El Sidd abhi to jung shuru nahi hua he aur aap serious ho gaye.
Ganga utli bahe hai Suriya. Jang hogayi phir ham mazaq karenge aap serious honge.
he Green Chaddis, the El Sidds and other 'sophisticated intellectuals' by their self-certification, hate those who refuse to succumb to their bullying.


Everyone's chaddi or bakht except the mighty professional Begnali supremacist.
Ganga utli bahe hai Suriya. Jang hogayi phir ham mazaq karenge aap serious honge.
Yesi koi bat nahi maar kat main humain bhi maza aata hai. We will join the war with our group of lynchers.
Last time I checked loc war like situations created by India in last feb 26th
Pakistan response was massive and Indra lost 2 fighters and a helicopter

lost all courage in IAF to counter PAF and Indian PM saying if we had new fighters from France then the situation would be different which resulted in more moral lost to fight amount IAF

next time the response would be much harder from Pakistan and i hope lesson learned by Indians, I can only hope but looks like they didn’t

when war like situation arises, Pakistani ppl are not afraid or anything like that they are willing to take it further.
Post corona virus world will be totally different, new powers are emerging, new lines are drawn and new partnerships are coming up

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