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Why India must keep LoC in a constant war like situation

Why India must keep LoC in a constant war like situation

Keep a war like situation along the LoC would be the panacea for most of our immediate problem in Kashmir.

1. When i say war like situation , i mean Constant barrage of artillery bombardment and ATGM strikes and If possible even MRBL hits at Pakistani positions should be a rule book for India army for some time.

2. India shoud remove it's focus on so called terror launch pad completely to Pakistani military position on Loc and target pakistani military installation even 20 to 30 KM inside LoC.

3. That will serve several purpose simultaneously. First, If there is constant barrage of precision artillery, PA would find it difficult to provide logistics for these terror launch pads. They would be forced to look after their defence rather than giving cover fire for terrorists crossing LoC.

4. Also primary desire for such artillery and AGTM barrage which of course we can afford much more than Pakistan, we would able to exact revenge for our bleeding we suffer in the hands of terrorists in Kashmir.
Pakistan has made insurgency in India best way to bleed us. It's time to take the fight to the enemy. And Pakistani causality in Azad Kashmir force them either to fight us in similar fashion or start negotiation with India on stop cross border terrorism once and for all.

5. Strangely, i see a war situation always curbs militancy inside in Kashmir, every time tension grows between India and Pakistan, kashmiris militancy for some reason comes down, probably they wait with baited breath for signal across the border. Not just militants, Hurriyaat and other over ground workers, stone pelters, in fact general kashmiri populous also start behaving. This was seen during February 2019 when Indo-pak tension was it's peak.

6. As said we can afford a war like situation on LoC financially, logistically and militarily which would bleed Pakistan of both men and money. Such posture along the LoC would hurt Pakistan hard and make it very difficult for them so sustain effective retaliation after few months of war like situation. Once we have upper hand which we would in few months of the operation, we dictate term of the dynamics inside Kashmir. We can stop if get assurance from Pakistan it will draw down in it's age old strategy of snatching Kashmir from India by Jihad in Kashmir.

@Joe Shearer what do u think?

It is probably an effective way, considering that this will severely impact the resources situation for the adversary, but it is inhuman. The cost on the civilian population on the other side will be massive.

There is also the need to be prepared for such a war of attrition.
  1. Logistics? Supply of ammunition? Production of ammunition on a sustained basis? Roads sufficiently strong to take sustained movement of ammunition and personnel and ordnance?
  2. Engineering? Preparation of artillery parks to accommodate sufficient numbers of artillery pieces?
  3. Defences? Provision of air defence against PAF raids and attacks? Provision of sufficient air capability to intercept aerial raids? Provision of additional infantry defences of gun positions, against retaliation that is inevitable?
Not to mention the artillery itself. All the replacement taking place is of better tested range, but much heavier, and towed. Where is this coming from? The options are known: Dhanush, ATAGS and the re-built 130 mm. None is really suitable for deployment in the high mountains.

The effectiveness? Pakistani positions are barely within the 30 kms. range; many are further away.

Yes, it is possible, but there are moral hazards and material obstacles that have to be negotiated. I would hate to see the present government negotiating these, having no confidence in its ability to do the right things.
Budget wouldn't be the biggest constraint as you will face budget constraint too if u think of retaliation,
i want to see India change its strategy from fighting militancy in Kashmir to fighting Pakistan on LoC and fighting Pakistan in Azad Kashmir that in turn will deal with militancy issue in Kashmir in a far more effective way.

I just hope indian army listens to because ur a dumb moron.
First Pakistan have a much better military industrial complex than india, those LOC weapoms and ammo are all locally made, so no huge burden on budget. A war like situation helps Pakistan more and will ignite problems inside Kashmir with weapons smuggled easily.
@Sine Nomine
Lots of thing have changed in last 30 years.
In fact everything has changed, you no longer have an all weather friend in US as like 80s or 90s. China is your new partner but China has too much stake in the game as the region is in its neighborhood.

Pakistan failures to achieve its target in kashmir or elsewhere are its own failure and not merely a case of not attempting.

If there was ever a time to for India to take aggressive stance on LoC, it's now.

Arty,MBRL and ATGM have all gone for precision strike and can cause havoc even in entrenched bunkers which was not case 10 years.

Yes, in a limited space, Pakistan can bring in similar resources but the question can it sustain and absorb attrition at a similar rate given the disparity of resources between the two countries. A numerical equal loss would be bigger loss for you because your base is smaller than India.

Hasn't India already adopted that aggressive stance with its recent actions of using amongst others the Bofors guns ?
If Indian attacks us it would be the best thing ever. This would be an act of war against Pakistan, a Chinese ally.

We would win soooooo big

Indian Army has found a very expensive way for Pak Army for continuous proxy war against India....
Why India must keep LoC in a constant war like situation

Keep a war like situation along the LoC would be the panacea for most of our immediate problem in Kashmir.

1. When i say war like situation , i mean Constant barrage of artillery bombardment and ATGM strikes and If possible even MRBL hits at Pakistani positions should be a rule book for India army for some time.

2. India shoud remove it's focus on so called terror launch pad completely to Pakistani military position on Loc and target pakistani military installation even 20 to 30 KM inside LoC.

3. That will serve several purpose simultaneously. First, If there is constant barrage of precision artillery, PA would find it difficult to provide logistics for these terror launch pads. They would be forced to look after their defence rather than giving cover fire for terrorists crossing LoC.

4. Also primary desire for such artillery and AGTM barrage which of course we can afford much more than Pakistan, we would able to exact revenge for our bleeding we suffer in the hands of terrorists in Kashmir.
Pakistan has made insurgency in India best way to bleed us. It's time to take the fight to the enemy. And Pakistani causality in Azad Kashmir force them either to fight us in similar fashion or start negotiation with India on stop cross border terrorism once and for all.

5. Strangely, i see a war situation always curbs militancy inside in Kashmir, every time tension grows between India and Pakistan, kashmiris militancy for some reason comes down, probably they wait with baited breath for signal across the border. Not just militants, Hurriyaat and other over ground workers, stone pelters, in fact general kashmiri populous also start behaving. This was seen during February 2019 when Indo-pak tension was it's peak.

6. As said we can afford a war like situation on LoC financially, logistically and militarily which would bleed Pakistan of both men and money. Such posture along the LoC would hurt Pakistan hard and make it very difficult for them so sustain effective retaliation after few months of war like situation. Once we have upper hand which we would in few months of the operation, we dictate term of the dynamics inside Kashmir. We can stop if get assurance from Pakistan it will draw down in it's age old strategy of snatching Kashmir from India by Jihad in Kashmir.

@Joe Shearer what do u think?

All your plans for peace have a roadmap to war.

Classic fascism. I like how you tagged the most professional Akhand Bharat Bakht too.

Your most immediate problem in Kashmir is not its demographics but it's geography.

I was looking at the alleged Covid19 viral mapping done by India. Impressive strategic work there if i must say.

How long do you think can the central government hold on?
Hasn't India already adopted that aggressive stance with its recent actions of using amongst others the Bofors guns ?
Yes, basically do it everyday and not just as one off incident. India should remove it focus from targeting terror launch pads across border to all Pakistani posts within its heavily artillery range. Each and every one of them should targeted and destroyed. Yes, Pakistan will retaliate but that will serve our purpose as instead up fighting with proxies and it'll have to face up India directly. It will boost morale of Indian forces too and help in dealing with insurgency as PA would engage in looking after its own trenches rather have time to facilitate launch pads for terrorists crossing LoC.
Yes, basically do it everyday and not just as one off incident. India should remove it focus from targeting terror launch pads across border to all Pakistani posts within its heavily artillery range. Each and every one of them should targeted and destroyed. Yes, Pakistan will retaliate but that will serve our purpose as instead up fighting with proxies and it'll have to face up India directly. It will boost morale of Indian forces too and help in dealing with insurgency as PA would engage in looking after its own trenches rather have time to facilitate launch pads for terrorists crossing LoC.
I have a better idea. Use IAF
All your plans for peace have a roadmap to war.

Classic fascism. I like how you tagged the most professional Akhand Bharat Bakht too.

Your most immediate problem in Kashmir is not its demographics but it's geography.

I was looking at the alleged Covid19 viral mapping done by India. Impressive strategic work there if i must say.

How long do you think can the central government hold on?
El Sidd abhi to jung shuru nahi hua he aur aap serious ho gaye.

You think @Joe Shearer most professional Akhand Bharat Bakht ? Yese badnam na karo.

Baki rahi Covid19 ki baat, Modi he toh mumkin he.
El Sidd abhi to jung shuru nahi hua he aur aap serious ho gaye.

You think @Joe Shearer most professional Akhand Bharat Bakht ? Yese badnam na karo.

Baki rahi Covid19 ki baat, Modi he toh mumkin he.

You bhakts hate those who refuse to subscribe to your notions.
The Green Chaddis, the El Sidds and other 'sophisticated intellectuals' by their self-certification, hate those who refuse to succumb to their bullying.
I must be doing something right.
Why India must keep LoC in a constant war like situation

Keep a war like situation along the LoC would be the panacea for most of our immediate problem in Kashmir.

1. When i say war like situation , i mean Constant barrage of artillery bombardment and ATGM strikes and If possible even MRBL hits at Pakistani positions should be a rule book for India army for some time.

2. India shoud remove it's focus on so called terror launch pad completely to Pakistani military position on Loc and target pakistani military installation even 20 to 30 KM inside LoC.

3. That will serve several purpose simultaneously. First, If there is constant barrage of precision artillery, PA would find it difficult to provide logistics for these terror launch pads. They would be forced to look after their defence rather than giving cover fire for terrorists crossing LoC.

4. Also primary desire for such artillery and AGTM barrage which of course we can afford much more than Pakistan, we would able to exact revenge for our bleeding we suffer in the hands of terrorists in Kashmir.
Pakistan has made insurgency in India best way to bleed us. It's time to take the fight to the enemy. And Pakistani causality in Azad Kashmir force them either to fight us in similar fashion or start negotiation with India on stop cross border terrorism once and for all.

5. Strangely, i see a war situation always curbs militancy inside in Kashmir, every time tension grows between India and Pakistan, kashmiris militancy for some reason comes down, probably they wait with baited breath for signal across the border. Not just militants, Hurriyaat and other over ground workers, stone pelters, in fact general kashmiri populous also start behaving. This was seen during February 2019 when Indo-pak tension was it's peak.

6. As said we can afford a war like situation on LoC financially, logistically and militarily which would bleed Pakistan of both men and money. Such posture along the LoC would hurt Pakistan hard and make it very difficult for them so sustain effective retaliation after few months of war like situation. Once we have upper hand which we would in few months of the operation, we dictate term of the dynamics inside Kashmir. We can stop if get assurance from Pakistan it will draw down in it's age old strategy of snatching Kashmir from India by Jihad in Kashmir.

@Joe Shearer what do u think?
And you have a delusion that you won't get answered ??? Every action of yours will be answered with double ratio. This is not 1971 any more. Janab every action will have doubled reaction
Why India must keep LoC in a constant war like situation

Keep a war like situation along the LoC would be the panacea for most of our immediate problem in Kashmir.

1. When i say war like situation , i mean Constant barrage of artillery bombardment and ATGM strikes and If possible even MRBL hits at Pakistani positions should be a rule book for India army for some time.

2. India shoud remove it's focus on so called terror launch pad completely to Pakistani military position on Loc and target pakistani military installation even 20 to 30 KM inside LoC.

3. That will serve several purpose simultaneously. First, If there is constant barrage of precision artillery, PA would find it difficult to provide logistics for these terror launch pads. They would be forced to look after their defence rather than giving cover fire for terrorists crossing LoC.

4. Also primary desire for such artillery and AGTM barrage which of course we can afford much more than Pakistan, we would able to exact revenge for our bleeding we suffer in the hands of terrorists in Kashmir.
Pakistan has made insurgency in India best way to bleed us. It's time to take the fight to the enemy. And Pakistani causality in Azad Kashmir force them either to fight us in similar fashion or start negotiation with India on stop cross border terrorism once and for all.

5. Strangely, i see a war situation always curbs militancy inside in Kashmir, every time tension grows between India and Pakistan, kashmiris militancy for some reason comes down, probably they wait with baited breath for signal across the border. Not just militants, Hurriyaat and other over ground workers, stone pelters, in fact general kashmiri populous also start behaving. This was seen during February 2019 when Indo-pak tension was it's peak.

6. As said we can afford a war like situation on LoC financially, logistically and militarily which would bleed Pakistan of both men and money. Such posture along the LoC would hurt Pakistan hard and make it very difficult for them so sustain effective retaliation after few months of war like situation. Once we have upper hand which we would in few months of the operation, we dictate term of the dynamics inside Kashmir. We can stop if get assurance from Pakistan it will draw down in it's age old strategy of snatching Kashmir from India by Jihad in Kashmir.

@Joe Shearer what do u think?
Who will stop Pakistan from starting a war.
Pakistan did gibralter. India adopted same strategy.
Pakistan started op grand slam in response and india was forced to start a war.
Why India must keep LoC in a constant war like situation

Keep a war like situation along the LoC would be the panacea for most of our immediate problem in Kashmir.

1. When i say war like situation , i mean Constant barrage of artillery bombardment and ATGM strikes and If possible even MRBL hits at Pakistani positions should be a rule book for India army for some time.

2. India shoud remove it's focus on so called terror launch pad completely to Pakistani military position on Loc and target pakistani military installation even 20 to 30 KM inside LoC.

3. That will serve several purpose simultaneously. First, If there is constant barrage of precision artillery, PA would find it difficult to provide logistics for these terror launch pads. They would be forced to look after their defence rather than giving cover fire for terrorists crossing LoC.

4. Also primary desire for such artillery and AGTM barrage which of course we can afford much more than Pakistan, we would able to exact revenge for our bleeding we suffer in the hands of terrorists in Kashmir.
Pakistan has made insurgency in India best way to bleed us. It's time to take the fight to the enemy. And Pakistani causality in Azad Kashmir force them either to fight us in similar fashion or start negotiation with India on stop cross border terrorism once and for all.

5. Strangely, i see a war situation always curbs militancy inside in Kashmir, every time tension grows between India and Pakistan, kashmiris militancy for some reason comes down, probably they wait with baited breath for signal across the border. Not just militants, Hurriyaat and other over ground workers, stone pelters, in fact general kashmiri populous also start behaving. This was seen during February 2019 when Indo-pak tension was it's peak.

6. As said we can afford a war like situation on LoC financially, logistically and militarily which would bleed Pakistan of both men and money. Such posture along the LoC would hurt Pakistan hard and make it very difficult for them so sustain effective retaliation after few months of war like situation. Once we have upper hand which we would in few months of the operation, we dictate term of the dynamics inside Kashmir. We can stop if get assurance from Pakistan it will draw down in it's age old strategy of snatching Kashmir from India by Jihad in Kashmir.

To make a nation change its behaviour, you have to give it unbearable cost. Nations have immense capability to take punishment. Russia lost 15 million in world war 2 and did not stop fighting.

What you are suggesting is not enough to make Pakistan change it behaviour. It will just make it more determined. We do not have the capability to change Pakistan's behaviour militarily unless we go MAD.

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