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Why India must keep LoC in a constant war like situation

You are right and this is what has already been decided by India last year.
Altgough for now intensity has been kept at Lvl 3 (you are suggesting Lvl 5).
Take it upto level 100 and shove that back into the place on which you have been kicked on many times out of PDF and where sun doesn't shines.
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Current gen of Bharatis havn't seen juggernaut of Pakistani proxy and spec war machine,thanks to a bastard we watered down our operations otherwise there was a time,LOC was hardly concern of IA,daily pitched battles and ambushes of FF's were enough.

What makes you think we can't afford?
If you failed to dictate your terms in past 70 years,you won't be able to do it in next 70 years also.
On lighter note,both sides are really dug up very deep,a sustained bombardment can curb movement at best,that too when Arty,MBRL and ATGM's are fired barrage after barrage.
@Sine Nomine
Lots of thing have changed in last 30 years.
In fact everything has changed, you no longer have an all weather friend in US as like 80s or 90s. China is your new partner but China has too much stake in the game as the region is in its neighborhood.

Pakistan failures to achieve its target in kashmir or elsewhere are its own failure and not merely a case of not attempting.

If there was ever a time to for India to take aggressive stance on LoC, it's now.

Arty,MBRL and ATGM have all gone for precision strike and can cause havoc even in entrenched bunkers which was not case 10 years.

Yes, in a limited space, Pakistan can bring in similar resources but the question can it sustain and absorb attrition at a similar rate given the disparity of resources between the two countries. A numerical equal loss would be bigger loss for you because your base is smaller than India.
Why India must keep LoC in a constant war like situation

Keep a war like situation along the LoC would be the panacea for most of our immediate problem in Kashmir.

1. When i say war like situation , i mean Constant barrage of artillery bombardment and ATGM strikes and If possible even MRBL hits at Pakistani positions should be a rule book for India army for some time.

2. India shoud remove it's focus on so called terror launch pad completely to Pakistani military position on Loc and target pakistani military installation even 20 to 30 KM inside LoC.

3. That will serve several purpose simultaneously. First, If there is constant barrage of precision artillery, PA would find it difficult to provide logistics for these terror launch pads. They would be forced to look after their defence rather than giving cover fire for terrorists crossing LoC.

4. Also primary desire for such artillery and AGTM barrage which of course we can afford much more than Pakistan, we would able to exact revenge for our bleeding we suffer in the hands of terrorists in Kashmir.
Pakistan has made insurgency in India best way to bleed us. It's time to take the fight to the enemy. And Pakistani causality in Azad Kashmir force them either to fight us in similar fashion or start negotiation with India on stop cross border terrorism once and for all.

5. Strangely, i see a war situation always curbs militancy inside in Kashmir, every time tension grows between India and Pakistan, kashmiris militancy for some reason comes down, probably they wait with baited breath for signal across the border. Not just militants, Hurriyaat and other over ground workers, stone pelters, in fact general kashmiri populous also start behaving. This was seen during February 2019 when Indo-pak tension was it's peak.

6. As said we can afford a war like situation on LoC financially, logistically and militarily which would bleed Pakistan of both men and money. Such posture along the LoC would hurt Pakistan hard and make it very difficult for them so sustain effective retaliation after few months of war like situation. Once we have upper hand which we would in few months of the operation, we dictate term of the dynamics inside Kashmir. We can stop if get assurance from Pakistan it will draw down in it's age old strategy of snatching Kashmir from India by Jihad in Kashmir.

@Joe Shearer what do u think?
Whyy?? Why do you think India or any other country should stay in a constant war like situation? What do we have to gain from war??
@Sine Nomine
Lots of thing have changed in last 30 years.
In fact everything has changed, you no longer have an all weather friend in US as like 80s or 90s. China is your new partner but China has too much stake in the game as the region is in its neighborhood.

Pakistan failures to achieve its target in kashmir or elsewhere are its own failure and not merely a case of not attempting.

If there was ever a time to for India to take aggressive stance on LoC, it's now.

Arty,MBRL and ATGM have all gone for precision strike and can cause havoc even in entrenched bunkers which was not case 10 years.

Yes, in a limited space, Pakistan can bring in similar resources but the question can it sustain and absorb attrition at a similar rate given the disparity of resources between the two countries. A numerical equal loss would be bigger loss for you because your base is smaller than India.
LOL last time when both armies faced such a standoff during musharraf era indians suffered heavy losses. By the way this strategy will also invite international sanctions and hatred towards india crippling the economy so good luck with it. Secondly we will be able to hit you harder since Pakistan has a great intelligence network in kashmir which will keep us informed of all the movements and positions and indians will be trapped from two sides. So go try it good luck with that.
Why India must keep LoC in a constant war like situation

Keep a war like situation along the LoC would be the panacea for most of our immediate problem in Kashmir.

1. When i say war like situation , i mean Constant barrage of artillery bombardment and ATGM strikes and If possible even MRBL hits at Pakistani positions should be a rule book for India army for some time.

2. India shoud remove it's focus on so called terror launch pad completely to Pakistani military position on Loc and target pakistani military installation even 20 to 30 KM inside LoC.

3. That will serve several purpose simultaneously. First, If there is constant barrage of precision artillery, PA would find it difficult to provide logistics for these terror launch pads. They would be forced to look after their defence rather than giving cover fire for terrorists crossing LoC.

4. Also primary desire for such artillery and AGTM barrage which of course we can afford much more than Pakistan, we would able to exact revenge for our bleeding we suffer in the hands of terrorists in Kashmir.
Pakistan has made insurgency in India best way to bleed us. It's time to take the fight to the enemy. And Pakistani causality in Azad Kashmir force them either to fight us in similar fashion or start negotiation with India on stop cross border terrorism once and for all.

5. Strangely, i see a war situation always curbs militancy inside in Kashmir, every time tension grows between India and Pakistan, kashmiris militancy for some reason comes down, probably they wait with baited breath for signal across the border. Not just militants, Hurriyaat and other over ground workers, stone pelters, in fact general kashmiri populous also start behaving. This was seen during February 2019 when Indo-pak tension was it's peak.

6. As said we can afford a war like situation on LoC financially, logistically and militarily which would bleed Pakistan of both men and money. Such posture along the LoC would hurt Pakistan hard and make it very difficult for them so sustain effective retaliation after few months of war like situation. Once we have upper hand which we would in few months of the operation, we dictate term of the dynamics inside Kashmir. We can stop if get assurance from Pakistan it will draw down in it's age old strategy of snatching Kashmir from India by Jihad in Kashmir.

@Joe Shearer what do u think?

Last time you tried any real military mobilization in 2002; you lost close to 1,800 Men, Women, and Weapons due to mishaps without us firing a single bullet. What makes you think Pakistani Forces would just sit back, we’ve shown you in Feb 27th 2019 that we will respond back. So this wishful thinking will not go anywhere.

Not to forget in 2008 you tried mobilizing again and backed out.

Even now more of your men are slipping and falling into rivers. Least not forget the Kashmiri Militias who killed your Paras recently. If we wanted to give you a death by thousand cuts we can easily do it.
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Sure Pakistan going to retaliation, and the low level skirmish may go for some time before one or other party gives in but Pakistan will suffer casualties too. Currently it's Indian forces who are bleeding in Kashmir. Pakistan enjoys seeing India bleed in hands of its trained insurgents. Once fighting starts out at LoC, pakistani forces would have to focus on themselves rather than train Jihadis.

Eventually there wont be a war, you know why because Pakistan don't want a war and it avoids war at any cost, that's why it resorts militancy in Kashmir rather than take military action in all these years.
u guys are stupid at best and hopeless at worst ...
Just to get this right through ur thick skull...we fought almost a decade long war against terrorism and crossborder terrorist insurgency...we are experienced more than ever. so in my humble opinion Pakistan is gonna be a bad choice for testing ur Rafaels against...!
Quoting Maj gen Asif ghafoor here:"we have studied u for 70 long yrs ... watched you, prepared our capability for you. Our response will also be for you."
Lots of thing have changed in last 30 years.
In fact everything has changed, you no longer have an all weather friend in US as like 80s or 90s. China is your new partner but China has too much stake in the game as the region is in its neighborhood.
I pity on your knowledge about Pakistan,Pak-US alliance has always been on need to need basis while Sino-Pak relation have been at same level as they are today from last 60 or so years.
Pakistan failures to achieve its target in kashmir or elsewhere are its own failure and not merely a case of not attempting.
You have to pit huge chunck of resources in IOJ&K,on top of that it's a place from where most of security issues for Bharat keep on coming,including a war which may cost it total destruction along with enemy.
From past 20 or so years Pakistan has practically done nothing on Kashmir issue,it's you guys who have kept it alive.
If there was ever a time to for India to take aggressive stance on LoC, it's now.
Why it's not doing so than?
Arty,MBRL and ATGM have all gone for precision strike and can cause havoc even in entrenched bunkers which was not case 10 years.
I will like to clear your idiotic assumption,Indian hasn't got tons and tons of guided munitions like you are thinking and bunker are made to withstand such muntions.
Yes, in a limited space, Pakistan can bring in similar resources but the question can it sustain and absorb attrition at a similar rate given the disparity of resources between the two countries. A numerical equal loss would be bigger loss for you because your base is smaller than India.
Pakistan can match anything which Bharat can throw on,only thing which stops your state from mounting an advanture is fear of getting things out of hand and backlash that would follow it.
@Sine Nomine
Lots of thing have changed in last 30 years.
In fact everything has changed, you no longer have an all weather friend in US as like 80s or 90s. China is your new partner but China has too much stake in the game as the region is in its neighborhood.

Pakistan failures to achieve its target in kashmir or elsewhere are its own failure and not merely a case of not attempting.

If there was ever a time to for India to take aggressive stance on LoC, it's now.

Arty,MBRL and ATGM have all gone for precision strike and can cause havoc even in entrenched bunkers which was not case 10 years.

Yes, in a limited space, Pakistan can bring in similar resources but the question can it sustain and absorb attrition at a similar rate given the disparity of resources between the two countries. A numerical equal loss would be bigger loss for you because your base is smaller than India.
Sth is hurting you deep inside....
Hindutva ground forces are more concentrated and will suffer more in direct fire.
They cant launch an offensive, as it will reduce their strength inside the occupied territories.
Their plan is using special forces operations and artillery to hurt Pak posts.
Pakistan as usual fires back and has demonstrated the ability to target hindutva army which is acknowledged by the enemy as well.
When statements like 'Pakistan is sponsoring terrorism' are doing the rounds, it means the casualties are piling up.
One does believe, hindutva military will get frustrated and either cross the IB or LOC by air.
In that even one would recommend to eliminate personnel and dont make it public unless the other side makes it so. The message will be sent.
@Sine Nomine
Lots of thing have changed in last 30 years.
In fact everything has changed, you no longer have an all weather friend in US as like 80s or 90s. China is your new partner but China has too much stake in the game as the region is in its neighborhood.

Pakistan failures to achieve its target in kashmir or elsewhere are its own failure and not merely a case of not attempting.

If there was ever a time to for India to take aggressive stance on LoC, it's now.

Arty,MBRL and ATGM have all gone for precision strike and can cause havoc even in entrenched bunkers which was not case 10 years.

Yes, in a limited space, Pakistan can bring in similar resources but the question can it sustain and absorb attrition at a similar rate given the disparity of resources between the two countries. A numerical equal loss would be bigger loss for you because your base is smaller than India.

What if pakistan launches drone or air strikes in response.. And whip lashes your whimpy little air force like a trampy whore when it responds... Would. You escalate??

U see I m very impressed by what turks have done and toying idea of negating your artillery with drones
I think world communty don't bother much as long as Pakistan and pakistan duel it out on LoC or in Kashmir. In fact i woud say india and Pakistan exchange nuclear weapon (joke) on Loc, then too world community wont bother.

The thing is if India can sustain punitive camping and punish pakistan on LoC and Azad Kashmir, it will exacting price from Pakistan for supporting militancy in Kashmir.
The idea is simple, yes India will take casualties than what it suffers in Kashmir but so do will Pakistan which currently doesn't pay any price for supporting cross border terrorism.

Pakistan doesn't want world's involvement. The minimum that Pakistan need is to keep world's attention at the same time keep Kashmiris struggle alive. Nothing more better than bhart terrorist giving pakistan an opportunity this way. Pakistan will keep hunting Bharti terrorists.

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