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Why India must keep LoC in a constant war like situation

Since it's a war Pak needs weapons, tactics, strategies etc.

Here's a suggestion from this Fakir for taking out the Indian positions at the LOC keeping in line with Babur Han's guns and matchlocks against Sultan Lodhi's humongous forces at the First Battle of Panipat. When the Turkish folks, by HIS PERMISSION, get into the fighting mode Satan takes refuge in Hell....

Tactics to destroy the Indian bunkers, artillery/armored positions, weapons/fuel dumps etc. en masse: Use AKINJI HALEs to drop Kamikaze ALPAGU drones in a fleet formation

1. ALPAGU 2 Kamikaze drones to detect the target, and crash and detonate warheads on it :
  • The system, weighing only 3.7 kg, can be deployed and operated by a single person. Launched from a portable pneumatic launcher, the Alpagu 2 can perform high-precision surveillance and reconnaissance missions (autonomous or manual modes) to neutralize threats within a tactical range of 5 km.
  • Alpagu facilitates its autonomy through sophisticated computer vision and deep learning algorithms, such as tracking, detection, and classification of static/moving targets. The system includes the fixed-wing UAV, the launcher system and ground control unit.
  • The Alpagu can operate in day and night missions, with a range of 5 km and an endurance of 10 minutes. It features a cruise speed of 58 km/h, a maximum speed of 80 km/h and a maximum operational ceiling of 400 m. The system can be deployed in 45 seconds and is powered by a single LiPo battery.
2. ALPAGUs will be dropped in a fleet formation from AKINJI on conventional or sub-conventional targets. Each ALPAGU will detect and attack a separate target if necessary. And, all C4I are by autonomous machines
3. ALPAGUs will be able to intelligently take counter-measures against the protective shield of and measures from the targets, and smartly take them out. It'll be much more smarter than smart munitions
4. As for AKINJI HALE, it itself is capable of autonomous flight and fight without any ground controls whatsoever!! Six different AI platforms with Deep Learning capabilities are integrated into it!! It is equipped with AESA radar, EW capabilities, BVR missiles etc. to protect itself. Moreover, communications with the command center is via indigenous micro-satellites with inherent EW capabilities, which are damn hard to detect and destroy in a "Space War" scenario
A lot people are literally inviting a ban - strange how so many bimbos are still lurking around.
Well, this is actually what Pakistan wants too. Pakistan doesn't want to get into war but keep these skirmishes which will remind the world about the nuclear Flashpoint in Indian occupied Kashmir. Whatever gives Kashmir free publicity. Pakistan can continue these ops very easily. Especially since the war on the western theater is coming towards its end there won't be a need of 1.5 lakh Pakistani forces there. Not to mention that the forces need some real time training and what is better than what you are putting forward. Both countries had been doing this in 90s until when musharraf did ceasefire agreement because he had to focus on wot and he thought that he could solve issues with manmohan on Kashmir with dialogs. But we found out that Bharti are untrustworthy.
I think world communty don't bother much as long as Pakistan and pakistan duel it out on LoC or in Kashmir. In fact i woud say india and Pakistan exchange nuclear weapon (joke) on Loc, then too world community wont bother.

The thing is if India can sustain punitive camping and punish pakistan on LoC and Azad Kashmir, it will exacting price from Pakistan for supporting militancy in Kashmir.
The idea is simple, yes India will take casualties than what it suffers in Kashmir but so do will Pakistan which currently doesn't pay any price for supporting cross border terrorism.

You are right and this is what has already been decided by India last year.
Altgough for now intensity has been kept at Lvl 3 (you are suggesting Lvl 5).
I have heard about Dehli and Lucknow's contribution towards Pakistan Movement. Would love to have those areas on Pakistani map
We wiped them out of india during 1947 ... They now live in ghettos as ostracized mujhajirs
6. As said we can afford a war like situation on LoC financially, logistically and militarily which would bleed Pakistan of both men and money. Such posture along the LoC would hurt Pakistan hard and make it very difficult for them so sustain effective retaliation after few months of war like situation. Once we have upper hand which we would in few months of the operation, we dictate term of the dynamics inside Kashmir. We can stop if get assurance from Pakistan it will draw down in it's age old strategy of snatching Kashmir from India by Jihad in Kashmir.
@Signalian @PanzerKiel your views?
Recently i am watching a lot of videos about hunza valley ... Would like it to be a part of india
It won't be as simple as amending a clause or by blocking communications.
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