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Why India is not a superpower

Here is a typical article from the Indian media:

India 2025: What kind of superpower? - Economic Times

And here is a typical article from an Indian "think tank":

The Fall of the Dragon - IDR

The article above from an Indian "think tank", gleefully predicted that China would collapse during the 2008 Credit Crunch. But as always, it backfired on them, and now India is the one with sinking 6.1% growth and massive debt and deficits.
talking about potential and prospect is not boasting. If you are not confident you cant acheive anything.
And what is your problem if indians talk among each other that they have the potenital? why does it irk the chinese so much?
the article just says that we have the potential to become great due to our political institutions provided we play our cards right. so what??????

have you just landed on earth?
these are just two tipical indian boasting, I not even mentioning like 40% NASA are indians, or India is space power, or IT powerhouse, or shining, or brain of modern society...etc

So what.. wher eis the boating here. have you heard of positive reaffirmation

ever heard of SWOT analysis. when you want to achieve something you try to take what are going in favour of you and how to use that to achieve your ends.
Quoting from this article:

Six Reason Why India Will Beat China | Newsflavor

Ever wondered who will win the economic competition between China and India? Here are the six short answers to your question – the reason why India will become the next Asian Tiger while the Chinese dragon be humiliated.

And do you know what is the best part? This boastful article was published in 2008, four years ago. :rofl:

Let's look at the situation now in 2012. China's economy is four times bigger than the Indian economy, and currently growing at 9.2%... while India has massive trade deficits, budget deficits, and now their economic growth has fallen to 6.1%.

As usual, the Indian boasting and looking down on their neighbours has backfired on themselves.
i think indian growth rate of 6.1% was of quarter but over all rate was 6.8%:blink:

Do not think too much about their numbers. The sense of numbers for the rich in China is totally different. Look at the following example in which the banks in China are cheating the simple people who deposit their money in these banks. And then the rich like to get profits, do they not?

Colossal Profits of China's Banks

China's real economy experienced difficulties last year, slowing its growth rate after impacts of the international financial crisis. But China's banking industry has maintained strong growth momentum, with a new high of 40 to 50% growth in profit.

Financial experts believe that the colossal profits Chinese banks have made come from the rate margin. For instance, at this moment, the one year deposit rate of domestic banks is 3.5%, while the one year rate on loans is 6.6%, with a spread of more than 3%.

Liang Lijun, Associate Professor of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, says the rate margin is the traditional way for banks to make money, but it is usually about 1% in mature western banking systems.

"The rate margin in China is set by the People's Bank of China, which is said to be about 3%. But while the deposit rate is fixed by the central bank, banks can raise the rate on loans. If the loan rate doubles, the spread will be 10%."

The state-owned banks bear the responsibility of supporting the middle and small sized companies as well as micro enterprises. But the fact is, these companies either can't borrow money from the banks, or they can't afford the excessively high loan rate.

Depositors, on the other hand, are also victims. With the CPI growth rate of 5.4% last year, the one year deposit rate was only 3.5%. That is to say, banks are taking the hard earned money of common people as a result of the negative interest rates. Song Ruliang, professor with China Communist Party College appeals to domestic banks to make some changes.

"Depositors are stake holders. The more they save, they more they lose. I think the commercial banks should have the conscience to find a way to reduce the financial loss of their depositors."

Besides huge margins, commission charges under various names are another major source of bank profits.

Commercial banks had only about 3 hundred charge items in 2003, but the number has leaped to over 3 thousand now, ten fold within seven years. According to the reports of 12 listed commercial banks, the commission charges of the first six months of 2011 made more than two hundred billion yuan, constituting half of their total net income.

Experts point out that colossal profits of commercial banks are not good for the real economy. The current banking system makes commercial banks the only winners. A healthy and fair banking pattern needs to be established
Quoting from this article:

Six Reason Why India Will Beat China | Newsflavor

And do you know what is the best part? This boastful article was published in 2008, four years ago. :rofl:

Let's look at the situation now in 2012. China's economy is four times bigger than the Indian economy, and currently growing at 9.2%... while India has massive trade deficits, budget deficits, and now their economic growth has fallen to 6.1%.

As usual, the Indian boasting and looking down on their neighbours has backfired on themselves.
please look at credibility of website.. in india there is a lot of freedom to express.. you will find MORE articles on why india will never match china... To make this meaningful those articles will also need to be considered
LOL, this is the normal situation on this forum. The Indians outnumber us 20 to 1 here, yet they can never win any argument, and end up resorting to racial slurs against Chinese people instead.

Check out this poor intimidation attempt below. :lol:

:rofl: sometimes your comments really give away the impression that you are indeed a woman.

First you go all blue on the Indians about the toilets and the poverty and link it to India not be a super power and what not. And then when someone shows you the mirror about the truth in your own country about the social discrimation that is the favourite way of the rich in Hong Kong and other parts of China against the normal poor citizens then you start crying all red and foul.

If you really care so much about your sensitivities then be sensitive to others too and no one will then bother you. You keep out of my potty and I will keep out of your sensitivity :rofl:
:rofl: sometimes your comments really give away the impression that you are indeed a woman.

First you go all blue on the Indians about the toilets and the poverty and link it to India not be a super power and what not. And then when someone shows you the mirror about the truth in your own country about the social discrimation that is the favourite way of the rich in Hong Kong and other parts of China against the normal poor citizens then you start crying all red and foul.

If you really care so much about your sensitivities then be sensitive to others too and no one will then bother you. You keep out of my potty and I will keep out of your sensitivity :rofl:

LOL, so typical, resorting to personal attacks when you can't argue on the topic. :lol:

If you notice, I did not mention the word "toilet" even ONCE on this entire thread.

But hey, don't let "facts" get in the way of your Indian arguments. :cheesy:
chinas downturn is inevitable. keep building those crazy infrastructure projects which are borrowed. one thing we gotaa agree chinese ppl are extremelyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy shrewd. when crisis came they started borrowing from their own banks to hide real debts from world. ur regime is bankrupt buddy. says ur own top prof at hongkong. all ur projects cities are built by borrowing keep goain on we want u too. u will be forced to stop growth like us and europe. all top economists have said the same thing.

Chinese TV Host Says Regime Nearly Bankrupt | Business & Economy | China | Epoch Times
chinas downturn is inevitable. keep building those crazy infrastructure projects which are borrowed. one thing we gotaa agree chinese ppl are extremelyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy shrewd. when crisis came they started borrowing from their own banks to hide real debts from world. ur regime is bankrupt buddy. says ur own top prof at hongkong. all ur projects cities are built by borrowing keep goain on we want u too. u will be forced to stop growth like us and europe.

Chinese TV Host Says Regime Nearly Bankrupt | Business & Economy | China | Epoch Times

Epoch Times, that website run by the Falun Gong? :lol:

Come on, make some effort. There are plenty of reputable international media sources out there (the Economist, Financial Times) that write negative things about China's economy pretty much every day.

And I actually enjoy reading them because they argue on the basis of facts, rather than the Indian method of arguing, i.e. based on wet dreams instead of facts.
Epoch Times, that website run by the Falun Gong? :lol:

Come on, make some effort. There are plenty of reputable international media sources out there (the Economist, Financial Times) that write negative things about China's economy pretty much every day.

And I actually enjoy reading them because they argue on the basis of facts, rather than the Indian method of arguing, i.e. based on wet dreams instead of facts.

dude u can search them urself even top nobel prize winning economists have said it. and u know whats the funny thing if u keep going on debt america will never come to u and say stop dont do it. they want u to go on debt and join their league.

"despite Lang’s polished appearance on his high-profile TV shows, he said: “Don’t think that we are living in a peaceful time now. Actually the media cannot report anything at all. Those of us who do TV shows are so miserable and frustrated, because we cannot do any programs. As long as something is related to the government, we cannot report about it.”
LOL, so typical, resorting to personal attacks when you can't argue on the topic. :lol:

If you notice, I did not mention the word "toilet" even ONCE on this entire thread.

But hey, don't let "facts" get in the way of your Indian arguments. :cheesy:

Come on stop complaining now. Or on the good side, you could take a lesson just not to troll claiming what Indian news credibility fascinations are. There actually have been NO facts in that argument. And the topic is pretty well argued if you would like it.

Putting a spin on internal things is not so much fun when someone else does it to you. Is it not? :) Then run to the nearest sensitivity station :rofl:

And just to put it right to you. It is not the potty pots that make a strong nation. It is the sense of belongingness. In India there is now on the way a bill to introduce universal healthcare. Which basically means that no hospital in India can then dare close its doors to the poor or to any mother who is about to give a birth to a child. That is how strong nations are created. And that is a pretty good fact. :)
Epoch Times, that website run by the Falun Gong? :lol:

Come on, make some effort. There are plenty of reputable international media sources out there (the Economist, Financial Times) that write negative things about China's economy pretty much every day.

And I actually enjoy reading them because they argue on the basis of facts, rather than the Indian method of arguing, i.e. based on wet dreams instead of facts.

we indians are not even interested in arguing with u guys.

u guys will keep taking debts and force development. eventually u will either have to give up growth or will be forced to do so by the whole world. america and europe wont mind at all china committing suicide of its own economy.

Chinas debt-to-GDP higher than Portugals ratio: China likes to say its debt-to-GDP ratio is 17%. Not so fast. The respected Beijing-based research firm Dragonomics says it is 89% of GDP, worse than Portugals 83% of GDP, and the U.S.s 79% by 2015. Stephen Green, China economist at Standard Chartered Bank, figures Chinas total debt, including contingent liabilities, is 77% of GDP. Chinas balance sheet is notoriously murky.

Read more: http://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/...worse-than-portugal-1014895568/#ixzz1pMHbJ1QH
And just to put it right to you. It is not the potty pots that make a strong nation. It is the sense of belongingness. In India there is now on the way a bill to introduce universal healthcare. Which basically means that no hospital in India can then dare close its doors to the poor or to any mother who is about to give a birth to a child. That is how strong nations are created. And that is a pretty good fact. :)

LOL you have some serious obsession with toilets. :lol:

You even hallucinated that I was talking about them, when I wasn't! Anyone can check the previous posts to see that you just imagined it.

Though since you insist, I will make sure to include it in the future. :wave:
LOL you have some serious obsession with toilets. :lol:

You even hallucinated that I was talking about them, when I wasn't! Anyone can check the previous posts to see that you just imagined it.

Though since you insist, I will make sure to include it in the future. :wave:

The Dogs

Is that What the Mainlander Calls you? :lol:
LOL you have some serious obsession with toilets. :lol:

You even hallucinated that I was talking about them, when I wasn't! Anyone can check the previous posts to see that you just imagined it.

Though since you insist, I will make sure to include it in the future. :wave:

waiting for the ticking bomb to explode. america is desperate too when u disclose the biggest scam ever in history of mankind. get ready for 2-3 % growth

How Can China Save Europe When It's Defaulting On Its Own Debt? - Forbes
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