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Why India is keeping a close eye on Pakistan PM’s visit to Nepal

Hmm an Indian telling this is laugh able. With completion of CPEC and one road one belt it will be economical for Nepal to use that route if they wanted.
What laughable is your euphoria on hearing Nepal, despite getting smacked multiple times by Nepal police, you still talk for their welfare. I guess your hate for India is way more than the setbacks with Nepal.

And I hope Nepal export things to India through CPEC.

Some of those wheat trucks that India sent to Afghanistan were looted by Taliban. Isn't that true?
I think you missed some news after that. Turns out it was fake news, by 'you know'.
They can if they want to. And for what, to ship to India?

No, bypass India altogether.

We did that temporarily too. Because of the riots close to the border. If you can block for a political reason, we can do the same.

We didn't block for political reason but for terrorist activity that was traced to Afghanistan. There is a huge difference. You chocked Nepal to grinding halt. We have never let that happen to Afghansitan.

You are typing nonsense. There is no refinery in Nepal. (Maybe your next argument will be Pakistan will create a refinery) They import refined petrol and diesel. You can create all the trade routes around the world originating in Pakistan. Then you can dream of beating India in the trade with every other country. Nobody gives a damn.

It doesn't matter how we reach or what we do, the result is shown as your trade with Afghanistan going down and our trade with Afghanistan going up. It's good for us.

It all makes sense, you just don't want to admit. LOL.
No, bypass India altogether.
You wish.
We didn't block for political reason but for terrorist activity that was traced to Afghanistan. There is a huge difference. You chocked Nepal to grinding halt. We have never let that happen to Afghansitan.
You have your reasons, we have ours. Well, China blocked trade with Mongolia for allowing Dalai Lama. Do they block trade with India for letting Dalai live in India? No. So, it's just power games.

It all makes sense, you just don't want to admit. LOL.
Same can be said about you too.
India think all of his small neighbors are slaves like Bangladesh
Not India but Indian govt and to be reasonable India did in past had a great influence. but this over confidence and taking them for granted has changed situation.

Now these nations are indeed exploring different venues which are give them great rewards as well.
You wish.

Its not a wish, but a strategic plan. That's why PM is in Nepal.

You have your reasons, we have ours. Well, China blocked trade with Mongolia for allowing Dalai Lama. Do they block trade with India for letting Dalai live in India? No. So, it's just power games.

You are just acting as a bully to a small and helpless country. Huge difference. Pakistan, despite many provocation from Kabul regime, never brought Afghansitan to it knees.
What laughable is your euphoria on hearing Nepal, despite getting smacked multiple times by Nepal police, you still talk for their welfare. I guess your hate for India is way more than the setbacks with Nepal.

And I hope Nepal export things to India through CPEC.

I think you missed some news after that. Turns out it was fake news, by 'you know'.

You Indians only post that kind of nonsense when you can not digest reality.
You Indians only post that kind of nonsense when you can not digest reality.

That's what you deserve.

Its not a wish, but a strategic plan. That's why PM is in Nepal.

You are just acting as a bully to a small and helpless country. Huge difference. Pakistan, despite many provocation from Kabul regime, never brought Afghansitan to it knees.
The point is when our national interest is not met, and we will do whatever necessary to contain violences close to the border. We don't want the struggle to spill over to our regions, especially into WB, where Nepali origins are demanding a seperate state for Gurkha origins. So, we did what we should be doing, pressurize Nepal.

Rest is your imagination, nobody is bullying Nepal. India - Nepal relation is way better than we have with any other neighbor, bar Bhutan.
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