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Why india has to ally with US

^^^ we don't we don't rely on America for anything and never have in our past besides we've seen what the U.S does to its "allies" we do not want to repeat Pakistans mistakes of cuddling up to Americans then paying for it with national sovereignty
I would prefer our govmt sorts out all o/s issues with Pak so dat it can focus more on china...Pak is much better than china if they are dealt with love and some kind of mutual agreement
Question is why does India need to ally with US?

We have China to the right and Pakistan to the left both countries who'd love to see as suffer hence we need to be allies of the US and NATO else more 26/11's will follow.
We have China to the right and Pakistan to the left both countries who'd love to see as suffer hence we need to be allies of the US and NATO else more 26/11's will follow.

It took you 60 years to realize this? :blah:
China has a hard on for Tawang and Pakistan can't get over the fact they cannot control all of Kashmir and i don't see why they still claim at is there territory as if they can even conventionally win it back 1965 war already showed why that can't happen

India should focus on stats quo agreements with Pak-China but no matter what we are not ceding any territory its either status quo or gtfo.
Dude, that is precisely your problem: a problem stemming from your caste system.

Abandon your fanatic mentality and make friends with your neighbors.

Yes, you can! This life, and next life...

It's not fanatic ,we are so used to being enemies that we'd rather take that than friendship,if we were to become friends we'd have done that right after 1947

This is my view ,foreign relation are dictated by our govts. which give boll***s to what we the general public say.
We have China to the right and Pakistan to the left both countries who'd love to see as suffer hence we need to be allies of the US and NATO else more 26/11's will follow.

Foolish reasoning especially when you analyse past 63 years... Dont you have trust on IA for safeguarding your nation, why so much of trust on US and NATO?
Good luck in making a friend out of Pakistan, and an enemy out of China. You will easily succeed in making an enemy out of China, but I doubt you can make a friend out of Pakistan.

I don't think we really need to make a friend out of Pakistan and enemy out of China - statu-quo suits us pretty well. Remember we have our troops in Kashmir as well as Arunachal.

I don't think Pakistan seriously can do anything about Kashmir, I mean they have more or less exhasuted their options - militarily, diplomatically - by internationalizing and covertly - terrorists/freedom fighters etc. We still administer Kashmir. :)

I never said we need to make an enemy out of China but we need to hold our own if China tries to change the status quo by anything other than the table.:agree:
Why not discuss peace with china and pakistan? Why not our political leaders get together and create an EEC of asia. Why we need outside interference. In this i am as critical of pakistan as of india for being freindly with americans. If a nuke goes off in china pakistan or india our entire neighbourhood will be affected. America will not,

The divide and conquer tactic is recognized by many, but a lot of people still can't realize the scenario behind the China aggression story.
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