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Why india has to ally with US

Foolish reasoning especially when you analyse past 63 years... Dont you have trust on IA for safeguarding your nation, why so much of trust on US and NATO?

i trust the IA but not my neighbors but still i dont hate my neighbors the most that spot is reserved for the saudi's

Very welcome step. You're not reading anything and just posting selective stuff.

It says Us thinks - strengthened military would deter Pakistan from ‘asymmetrical warfare’ against India.
In India, Pakistan is largely perceived as weak because it cannot—or will not—fight certain domestic militant groups that threaten the government or its neighbors. The primary threat to India is not from the Pakistani military or its nuclear arsenal, but rather from nonstate actors such as Lashkar-e-Taiba, the Pakistan-based terrorist organization that perpetrated several attacks on Indian civilian and military facilities., including the Mumbai attacks in November 2008 (known as 26/11) that killed 166 people.

Similarly, most Indian officials would prefer a strong Pakistan that could reduce the domestic instability spilling over its borders

I fully expected the Chinese to come in with racist comments from at least one- they don't disappoint us do they on these boards (caste system comment was classic). I also expected a troll or two.... however, what I hoped for is more critical thinking from the rest.

This is not about India, Pakistan and China's borders. This is not about India’s internal security concerns with China. It’s about a much larger picture. None of the so called calls for peace make a darn difference to the matter on hand. The Chinese on these boards will try to guide you to think that way because it plays right into their books.

Noticed not one ever denied the fact that the Chinese goal is to reign in Asia, remove all US influence and be able to do what they have done in south china sea. Yes- South China Sea is a future predicator and indicator of how they will strive to always bully nations in the region to their way or high way. Its freaking wake up call, a slap on ones face, a glaring example of what is to come from them.

Keep in mind these are not my personal views only, it is the view of Japan, Korea, Philippines, Vietnam, Australia and INDIA.

You see no amount of peace will stop their aspirations and single goal. That being the master of all in Asia -and a military bully in the region. If India wants to relent that role to them - then fine , be in their shadow and get bullied and expect to be a dud on the international stage.

But - voila! the Indian foreign service heads don't. Every indicator is that they understand that relenting Asia to China is their death knoll. The direction India is headed is where every , I mean every other nation in Asia that matters is going i.e. getting closer to the US to mitigate what would be the most dangerous power in this part of the world - China.

chini ge gulam mut bano, ek second may - ye log appa ka khun pi lenge
India has full right to get screwed over by the US, as they (the US) have done to every other country they've 'allied' themselves with throughout their course in history. The US is no one's friend (& certainly not India's), & will stoop down to unimaginable levels to prove my point.
There are no free honeymoons in International Relations. Relations between two countries are based on mutual benefits. India-USA relationship is also based on profits from each other. In my opinion Pakistani thinks by their heart rather than their brain when it comes to relations with other countries. For example when it comes to India they are emotional. They are emotional when it comes to Palestine and Afghanistan. They are emotional when it comes to china. Pakistan can learn some lessons from India and China for ice cold international politics.My two cents.:)
There are no free honeymoons in International Relations. Relations between two countries are based on mutual benefits. India-USA relationship is also based on profits from each other. In my opinion Pakistani thinks by their heart rather than their brain when it comes to relations with other countries. For example when it comes to India they are emotional. They are emotional when it comes to Palestine and Afghanistan. They are emotional when it comes to china. Pakistan can learn some lessons from India and China for ice cold international politics.My two cents.:)

This thread is not about Pakistan.
India has full right to get screwed over by the US, as they have done to every other country they've 'allied' themselves with in history. The US is no one's friend (& certainly not India's), & will stoop down to unimaginable levels to prove my point.

Lovely to hear how our friends from Pakistan and china always are trying to convince India to give up its partners. after all none has India's best interest like these folks do ;).

Bila- Is this the freedom to dissent part you speak off? Freedom to denigrate the country - ha! I guess US was your enemy when it allowed you into the country... pssst- if you can't even show a modicum of respect foryour country of citizenship- how be do you expect to be taken honorably...
He said: "China's strategic objective is over time to reduce US military influence and, as a consequence, US alliances in East Asia and the Pacific."

Why is that a bad thing?

Are you opposed to it only because China is doing the weakening? Would you object as much if another Asian country, say Japan or India, was replacing the US as the regional power?

Keep in mind these are not my personal views only, it is the view of Japan, Korea, Philippines, Vietnam, Australia and INDIA.

Don't read too much into what Australian politicians say -- especially to American media. The Australian public increasingly Asia-focussed and is in no mood to take sides in any US-China confrontation.
It's threads like these that make me hate Indians. Slavery is a harder to give than cigarettes for you guys..
Why is that a bad thing?

Are you opposed to it only because China is doing the weakening? Would you object as much if another Asian country, say Japan or India, was replacing the US as the regional power?

Don't read too much into what Australian politicians say -- especially to American media. The Australian public increasingly Asia-focussed and is in no mood to take sides in any US-China confrontation.

yes it matters if china does it. LOL. you missed the boat on the OT. India has no aspirations of being the regional bully...

don't read much into australian speak? Its the same speak of half a dozen of other countries in the region.
Lovely to hear how our friends from Pakistan and china always are trying to convince India to give up its partners. after all none has India's best interest like these folks do ;).

The US is not India's partner. I can quote you many incidents where America has not acted favorably to India. I don't blame America for acting the way they do, they're smart & ruthless. If it's anybody's fault, it is of nations that think the US (or anybody else) can be their ally.

Bila- Is this the freedom to dissent part you speak off? Freedom to denigrate the country - ha!

Yes, I have full legal rights to speak my mind, as long as I am not violating any laws.

I guess US was your enemy when it allowed you into the country... pssst- if you can't even show a modicum of respect of your country of citizenship- how be do you expect to be taken honorably...

This thread is not about me. So please, refrain from talking about me & my personal life. It's not the first time you've done this either.
The US is not India's partner. I can quote you many incidents where America has not acted favorably to India.

Yes, I have full legal rights to speak my mind, as long as I am not violating any laws.

This thread is not about me. So please, refrain from talking about me & my personal life. It's not the first time you've done this either.

you can quote till the fat lady sings , but it falls on the plate of " ulterior motives" . For once come with some critical thinking. 'USA bad bad - down with USA' is not it.
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