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Why india has to ally with US

alliance with USA not becoming slave of USA learn from Pakistan and do not become dependent on any nation or be a ghulami of one either if anything Gandhi's ideology of Swadeshi has worked for us but its always good to have friends who will be there always like Israel, France, Russia etc
advice to pakistan:get away from the arms of china and stop being their arm against india.
then there may be a possibility of peace b/w india and pakistan.

otherwise india china will confront each other may be after 10 years or 12 years
Some Pakistanis want to offer a military base to China. Some even want the country to be run by China. Do those who have that opinion run Pakistan ? Does it really matter ?

The Pakistani government has already asked us to build a naval base at Gwadar Port.

However, China declined that invitation. The CPC knew that it would only alienate the Pakistani people, since nothing is more aggravating than foreign powers setting up bases in your country.

The current Pakistani government may be on its way out soon. It's better to build a strong relationship with the Pakistani people rather than the Zardari government.
^^^^^ not like elections matter in Pakistan keep on blaming your politicians when the army is in charge of your country Kayani is the one who you should blame not PPP MQM etc

Dumbest post ever. Please when I don't know about India, I don't go and spout propaganda. I advise you to do the same. You've made yourself look like a fool in many people's eyes.

No need to bring Pakistan into this. Align yourself with Imperialist powers and find yourself in a lose-lose situation.
Ally with the U.S ...yes , but that alliance has to be on our own terms and for our benefit.

And the alliance should not be keeping a particular country in mind , China or Pakistan .

then why ally if not for china? the original thread I posted showed the only reason to do so because its impossible for India to handle china's asian aspirations on it own. if india is to have an identity in the region worth anything and not get bullied ....
what are opinions of people have to do with stances of a govt? americans have the lowest opinions of pakistan - does it stop american govt from sending aid or allying on the WOT? Most people I spoke off -was in terms of countries. we are talking about foreign policy and not what citizens think.

Yet another pathetic attempt to drag Pakistan into the discussion -- give it a rest already.

I said that politicians' statements have to be taken with a grain of salt since they don't always represent the truth of a country's stance. Broadly speaking, democratic countries' foreign policy follows public opinion. And most of the countries you mentioned are largely democratic. Their public opinion is wary of China to some extent, yes, but that does not always translate into a hostile stance unless directly threatened. Like I wrote, each country will defend their own interests against an enemy -- China in this case -- but it doesn't mean they will automatically fight someone else's war. Each situation is on a case-by-case basis.

In other words, much to India's dismay, there is no grand military alliance against China.

Every country is coming to India to forge economic relationships and calling it very important ally, opening its markets and forging never before trade deals. if you somehow are convinced that is not true- then have it bud. Like I said your opinion does not matter in the face of facts. back pedal on what? your people to people feelings claim?

Nobody's denying that countries see India as a lucrative market. They also see Brazil, China and Russia that way. Nowhere does it imply that they see India as a global power -- a reality check that you take umbrage with.

topic is at hand is not what you have mentioned. I started the darn topic! I would know- its about India's need to ally with US to keep china's regional and dangerous aspirations in check. yes it includes others in region , I have quoted them and we have read half dozen countries that seeing this influence as troublesome too. Is japan, vietnam, Philpinnes , australia, S. korea, Taiwan not allying with the US? you think thats nonsense then - have it . again your opnion not fact based.

I am not questioning the US involvement. The part I am laughing at is your assertion:

" lo behold- every country is on India's side practically" -reality.

As if countries are given a choice between India and China, and they are lining on on "India's side".

if you think it is about going to war and insist with the thread starter that it is- then have it champ. As I said your opinions dont matter because foreign heads of countries in the region see it my way. so keep screaming it's about going to war ... LOL

You used the word 'military' several times in your opening post. Military alliances are all about willingness to go to war if asked. Is there a military alliance between India and all these countries you mentioned? Will Japan intervene militarily if India and China go to war?

you have contributed zero to the topic at hand and are just upset that India would be allying with the US. and thats the truth... what is your point to the topic at hand. That I hate china? is that your sherlock moment? My opinions espobe used are opinions of many countries in this region and I quoted one and stated 6 others. you want to be China thakedar , then be it man. Nothing to do with the topic at hand. Go read the OT I started..

Why would I be upset if India allies with the US, militarily or otherwise? In fact, I wrote early on that India and the US share a common goal in containing China. It's good that, unlike most of your fellow Indians, you acknowledge it.

Quite frankly, I think it would be a fantastic boon for the region if India cut the charade and acknowledged its true nature.
One of the very first opening arguments of the article is wrong (I've underlined it in the quote):

The China Challenge: A strategic vision for U.S.-India relations

By Lisa Curtis and Dean Cheng

A strong India able to hold its own against China is in America’s interest.

The US knows India is nowhere near China according to any world indicator, but wants to prop it up, to act as a nuisance factor for China. The US wants India to be a thorn in China's side, but if India is able to hold its own against China, it won't be needing the US much longer in the region. That goes against US's interests, & it won't accept that. If India becomes the economic powerhouse China is becoming (or has become today), & displaces the US, China will cease to become the "enemy", & will be replaced by India in the eyes of the US.
Some Pakistanis want to offer a military base to China. Some even want the country to be run by China. Do those who have that opinion run Pakistan ? Does it really matter ?

China is a different topic bro.

Everyone here wants coperation with china.

But not their state to be run by china "I think omar1984 was joking"!!!
The Pakistani government has already asked us to build a naval base at Gwadar Port.

However, China declined that invitation. The CPC knew that it would only alienate the Pakistani people, since nothing is more aggravating than foreign powers setting up bases in your country.

The current Pakistani government may be on its way out soon. It's better to build a strong relationship with the Pakistani people rather than the Zardari government.

You declined because of the secruity situation in that area , just like that 19 billion dollar projected got yanked by the chinese govt. Your aspirations to not do so- is not as noble as you stated...
advice to pakistan:get away from the arms of china and stop being their arm against india.
then there may be a possibility of peace b/w india and pakistan.

otherwise india china will confront each other may be after 10 years or 12 years

It is easier to convince China in that way rather than Pakistan , factually speaking Chinese foreign policy is run more on lines of pragmatism and reason rather than Pakistan's foreign relations which often fall prey to needless emotion and sentiment.
The Pakistani government already asked us to build a naval base at Gwadar Port.

However, China declined that invitation. The CPC knew that it would only alienate the Pakistani people, since nothing is more aggravating than foreign powers setting up bases in your country.

The current Pakistani government may be on its way out soon. Hopefully the next Pakistani government will be more representative of the Pakistani people.

China should get due credit for acting responsibly if the above is indeed the case. However, does it really change the context of this discussion. Pakistan is moving from pillar to pillar desperately to square with India. And it is surprising to see Pakistanis taking the high moral ground in telling us what to do and what not to do. My advice to them : take a walk
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