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Why India gets lots of negative views compared to Pakistan by foreign vloggers

Funny how followers of Yogi modi and narsinghanand are crying about few harsh truths in Pakistani books about hindus and Muslims of india but forget what is being taught and preached in india regarding Pakistan..

We atleast accept some of the stuff mentioned in the video is either wrong or worded wrong unlike indians
Indians criticize mo9di and yogi day in day out...some liberal youtube channels biggest in India
I don’t care about Hindus*, I am Muslim first. Being born in a specific place or your ancestors not being able to leave is not an achievement. Badmouthing „your country“ every time you see a camera isn’t an achievement either.

On topic: Muslims are nicer to foreigners because of their religion. Hope this post won’t be deleted.

* for the mods and other Hindu appeasers: no I am not saying to treat them badly or outlaw their religion. I just don’t care about them as much as I care for fellow Muslims.
What else can you expect when their source is an andhbhakt indian whose bio clearly says

राष्ट्रवाद = देशप्रेम + सनातनी सभ्यता और संस्कृति में विश्वास + भारत
भूमि से लगाव + भारत के लोगों से प्रेम

Nationalism = patriotism + faith in Sanatani (hindu) civilization and culture +
Attachment to bharat bhoomi (indian land) + love of people of india

So according to this propagandist indian Muslims are not nationalists only hindus are and then they lecture us 😄
Indians criticize mo9di and yogi day in day out...some liberal youtube channels biggest in India
Good for em.. but most of indian youtubers are andhbhakt one being posted up there 🙂
Indian media gives a clean sterile image of India to people in the west, a shining, incredible India.

At the same breadth it gives a negative image of Pakistan at just about any forum, a failing flailing Pakistan, run amok by jihadists, backward image, they make it a point.

Pakistan media detisted from bashing India for long, also the less hatred for India also resulted in Pakistan not bashing India as they do. The reason for so much hatred for Pakistan in India...all coming full circle in India with hate filled bigots ruling India.

One reason when foreigners visit Pakistan they are pleasantly surprised.

And when they visit India they were also surprised, not a pleasant one.
So according to this propagandist indian Muslims are not nationalists only hindus are and then they lecture us 😄
I know most Hindus here have weird definitions for common knowledge concepts like secularism. Secularism according to Hindu wisdom: Hindus are allowed to do Hindu stuff, Muslims HAVE TO do Hindu stuff in order to be sickular ehhh I mean secular.
I've already seen the "ISI pays them" posts lol....
The thing is India receives many more tourists, hence it has become the norm, and therefore tourists don't get that extra special treatment.
Pakistanis shower love on their smaller batches of tourists. Although if you speak to Indians who travel between both countries, usually Sikhs they will tell you that they find Pakistanis more polite and hospitable.
Punjabis on either side are known to treat guests very well and i will say my family have gone to pakistan to visit gurdwaras they all speak well of the welcome they got. But Punjab apart from Harmandir sahib is not a tourist hotspot. The big tourist areas of India have got used to westerners and being a poor country will try to scam or rob the tourists. My own family ends up taking my stuff when I go punjab the number of phones i giving to people in my village my jeans shirts all given away not robbed but you know what I mean . We are not rich first world nation care has to be taken when out and about
Because firstly, there are too many of them and secondly we are not fond of Cynthia Richie(s) in India.
Well too many of em to rape according to indians 😆 and ik grapes are sour for indians when it comes to the likes of Cynthia richie... a prime example was posted up
Well too many of em to rape according to indians 😆 and ik grapes are sour for indians when it comes to the likes of Cynthia richie... a prime example was posted up
Rape rape rape rape rape rape, will listen to a Pakistani when Pakistan starts sharing it's own rape statistics with UN.
Funny how twisted stuff is presented..
1) Kafir is someone who worships idols and doesn't believe in Islam so why can't one say it as it is ?
2) did Hindus and Sikhs not kill Muslims in 1947 ? Jammu Massacre never happened?
3) Did indians not stab muslims especially Jinnah in back by not giving them representation according to population percentage?

Secondly I dont agree with the wording (which mostly has been changed) but stuff here is somewhat true mate.. dont get salty about it

And I dont have to tell you about hatred against Pakistan and Muslims in india do I ? Be it Karachi Bakery or be it Narsinghanand

Lolx there we go the paid bit 🤣 not even half of em are paid and what really sucks is trying hard to send indian goras and blaming ISI later on for following em 🤣
You do know that it was tit for tat violence during partition I know Sikhs killed Muslims i have seen it here made out to be one sided. It was all sides that did those horrible deeds it was a sad part of history trains arrived in both Pakistan Punjab and Indian Punjab with all occupants massacred
India not safe for female travellers...

1) Kafir is someone who worships idols and doesn't believe in Islam so why can't one say it as it is ?
There is a difference in how you project the difference. If you are merely saying that there are some cultures / religions where idol worship is done and we are naming them 'Kafir', thats fine. But attaching any negative connotation to it is prejudicial and horribly insensitive to the Hindus living in your country.

2) did Hindus and Sikhs not kill Muslims in 1947 ? Jammu Massacre never happened?
Either teach about killings on both sides or dont teach at all. Half-knowledge is more dangerous than no knowledge at all.

3) Did indians not stab muslims especially Jinnah in back by not giving them representation according to population percentage?
Jinnah wanted religion based electorates and Congress was not agreeable to that. Then Jinnah wanted religion based partition, and Congress reluctantly agreed. Where is the back-stabbing here?
Pakistan's surprise, Hunza, Gilgit Baltistan. Best travel video about the local people of Hunza.

northwest is what sets Pakistan really apart from India....(not Peshawar tho)...i guess Balochistan is also diff from India....it's the edges of India like far northern belt, north east and some edges of south like kerala with diversity of mountains and beaches within a small strip.........What really sets India apart is the richness of its big wildlife that is unmatched anywhere else outside of sub-Saharan Africa...and even SSA doesnot get the alpine megafauna like snow leopards etc like India does...India has excellent conservation legacy inspite of being dirt poor....This is one of the rare things that India can be TRULY proud of globally...Northern forests of europe as conserved as they may be, they are just managed gardens..nothing truly wild about them....

One thing I never get is White people's obsession with Indian spirituality especially Hindu spirituality...I guess successive Indian governments have done a lot in promoting certain aspects of Hinduism like Yoga, Vegetarianism, Hare Krishna sects, meditation, tantric massage etc etc

But that can overgloss the fact that much of Hinduism is no different than Haitian or African witchcraft, witch doctory and animism...possibly with deep roots in India since well before the time of agriculture

One thing I must say as I go forward in my 30s, I have a much deeper appreciation of Nehru and I think he was the best thing that could have happened for India with the possible of exception of Subhas Chandra Bose...Highly atheistic, agnostic, anti-superstition, anti-Hindu, pro-Buddhist....He was instrumental in restablishing India's image as the birthplace of Buddhism and did fund a lot of Buddhist studies....

But slowly we are again losing touch with our Buddhist legacy, which has a much cleaner,better, rational image than 90% of Hinduism...

On a different note, there is a certain vested group in Pakistan which is hellbent in projecting Pakistan as nothing more than an enlarged version of the Muslim locales of Mumbai, Chadni Chowk of Delhi, Bara Imambara of Lucknow

I mean Pakistan is so so so much more!! How many know that Pakistan is one of the hotspots of snow leopard population in the world? Snow Leopard was first filmed anywhere in the world in Pakistan in 2006 with BBC Planet Earth documentary

I had been seeing some Pak dramas based around North West around couple of years back (though fell of the wagon later)...The Pakistanis there seemed more like wealthy Afghans with the landed culture of upper tier rural Punjabis.........

This plays into politics as well ...I can understand when Kashmiri seperatists from India take refuge in Pakistan...I for life of me can never understand why somebody like Dawood Ibrahim from Mumbai would find such reception and shelter from Pakistan

These people are hellbent on projecting Pakistan as nothing more than a muslim version of India internationally and in the process shooting themselves in the foot (If Pakistan s Muslim version of India, then it's just the second India...Just like how Canada or Australia are poorer copies of USA, given that all of them are large off-shore White Anglo Protestant colonies away from Europe)
You raise some interesting points and I will address them later when I get the time but bear in mind that we are all human beings and neighbours. So if your expecting the contrast to be on the this side of the border we will have three legs and you guys ill have four you will be sorely disappointed. Differances are always subtle. I mean if you have ever crossed French/German border or Irish/British border or German/Polish border you would see would need a electron microscope to tell the differance. It's just same from same from same from same. But all those countries have built up differant brand identities. A Punjabi is more differant from a Tamil then a German is from Dutch. A Pakhtun is more differant from a Bihari then a French is to German. Keep this in mind.

Pakistan has so much to offer. However the country has been peddled as a cheap, knock down version of India. Which it is NOT. And this has ruined our image.
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