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Why India gets lots of negative views compared to Pakistan by foreign vloggers

There are two kinds of experience regarding India when it comes to white tourists...and there IS ABSOLUTELY no in between...

There is the white tourist who falls in love with India..These are basically the spiritual types
There is the white tourist who is absolutely shocked to the core by the filth,poverty,female harrassment, noise pollution in India

The former is 10 percent the latter is 90 percent...there is absolutely no in between...But the voice of the former is so huuuuuuge, that they absolutely drown out the complaints of the larger 90 percent...This is basically the breakdown among Germans as well..more like 15% to 85% here.....There is no body who feels meh or just about okay with India as a tourist..Either they feel extreme love or extreme revulsion...
You also have the beach set that basically do hotel beach hotel beach and restaurant they do also come back. A good looking white women showing a bit of leg will feel so insecure that a fact . Some indian men have no shame at how they stare . I have told this story here before but will again. After marriage me and my wife came to punjab . One day we had to do something called jathera and we stop to drink something cold this one guy basically was looking at my wife . He did not stop even after I said to his mate to stop you either let him continue or have my new wife think I'm a fool I smashed him and my cousin smashed him in the head with coke bottle. My wife was not in a skirt she wearing punjabi clothes she a good looking women but there are plenty in Punjab. No fucking shame even with me there they cant help themselves. My wife was born in states and she hated it only after I took her and kids back for a few years she loved it. We dont do it in west so it ignorance and disrespect. Plenty of good in india and plenty to hate for tourists I think you got it right maybe 20 per cent love it . I think the stares need to stop and in tourist hot spots they proberly have . Things will get better it not a hindu thing but men who have no respect .
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India is living in inflated, exaggerated & media propaganda, with a lot of make believe Bollywood movie fantasies for average Aadmi.
India is living in inflated, exaggerated & media propaganda, with a lot of make believe Bollywood movie fantasies for average Aadmi.
Bollywood is an escape for common folk Indian serials are a drug for moms and torture for the kids. Life is hard nothing wrong with some escaping it for a few hours.
Yes, Pakistan with its geographic location will become political center of Earth n lal topi will take decision for the earth n humanity. Realizing this all gorra are applying butter with special efforts, they want to be part of your good books. Afterall who wanno mess with lal topi.

Nah, forget about poor Pakistan, lets talk about "Supapowa" India. All most everyone finds it filthy, very insecure, people scamming the foreigners, women are attacked, most foreign women say India is highly insecure for women. It is noisy, polluted , dirty but somehow, you are top of the tree on the human chain.

At least in your dreams and Bollywood movies with stolen themes. Reflect , if you have any part of your brain working.
Now compare the vlogs of Nora, the female dutch traveler traveling alone and of jetlag warriors and dozens more of India and Pakistan.

Most are praising Pakistan hospitality over indians, cleanliness in Pakistan and dirt and squalor in India.

And scamming too, most said it is at another level in India, unheard of in Pakistan, or negligible.

Groping and molesting issues in India of females was cited often.
Well why have we failed in tourism (though things may slowly be changing) while they still flock to India like lemmings? I agree that objectively speaking, most people would have a superior experience in Pakistan, however we have failed as a nation to market ourselves properly. Of course, it's a double edged sword - too much tourism is damaging to natural features, but we should be doing better than we are.
Yes, Pakistan with its geographic location will become political center of Earth n lal topi will take decision for the earth n humanity. Realizing this all gorra are applying butter with special efforts, they want to be part of your good books. Afterall who wanno mess with lal topi.

Don't worry about us. Worry about over 732 million indians who defecate in the open:

Bollywood is an escape for common folk Indian serials are a drug for moms and torture for the kids. Life is hard nothing wrong with some escaping it for a few hours.
But nothing is being done in improving the "Reality of India" yet everything is propagated through Bollywood movie fantasies??

Looks things aren't gonna change for Aam Aadmi?
Don't worry about us. Worry about over 732 million indians who defecate in the open:

If we do so, how are these goora gonna make negative image for India??
Nah, forget about poor Pakistan, lets talk about "Supapowa" India. All most everyone finds it filthy, very insecure, people scamming the foreigners, women are attacked, most foreign women say India is highly insecure for women. It is noisy, polluted , dirty but somehow, you are top of the tree on the human chain.

At least in your dreams and Bollywood movies with stolen themes. Reflect , if you have any part of your brain working.

Even after all the things mentioned, this gorra are gonna again visit India. Probably to remind us how bad our nation is..
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