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Why India Can't Compete With China in Manufacturing

I heard that Didi Chuxing was going to compete against Waymo and other big players to build autonomous vehicles. Gigantic Chinese domestic auto market is the holy grail that everyone wants to capture. Good luck to Didi.
India has no chance, even if labor cost is dirt cheap. Manufacturing today is not entirely about cheap labor. Else there are millions of cheap Arab women hungry for job, but can just sit at home do nothing other than spend 10 minutes putting on burka.

China strength in manufacturing is she manage to concentrate every single supply chain. If Apple want 1 million IPhone within one week, who can deliver? Someone must quickly find within 100 km OLED vendor, battery vendor, PCB maker, chipset foundry (this is 800 km away in Taiwan but still near), get their managers to meet (they must speak the same language), and start product of parts in 1 days. Then 3 days later, the parts will move to Foxconn and get assembled.

No country other than China can pull this off.

No use for cheap labour if India cannot get every single supply chain in the country.
What your friends say to you does not matter. What matters is hom many chinese do we see in premium positions in Europe and west. So far as Indian is concern, numbers are uncountable. So far as china is concern, I do not know even a single name.

English and connection is the reason.
Nobody can compete with China. To think otherwise one must truly live in another dimension. We all have heard the same old excuses, India is ONLY 30 years behind China, it's growing faster than China. These idiots think in 3 decades from now India is on equal footing as with China or like some who is convinced surpassed China. I got news for them, how about NEVER. Once China becomes the biggest economy (if it isn't already :rofl:) no country can surpass China. There's a reason why China has been the biggest economy for thousands of years. America can only enjoy the title of the biggest economy for a few decades :rofl: poor Yankees. Good luck to these slumdogs surpassing Germany, Japan and USA :lol:
To be fair the slumdogs Indians will become the fifth largest economy soon.

We should be honest.

But Indians need to admit that their Industry and Services is not that good though.
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English and connection is the reason.

Hindu is an Aryan race, and they are Caucassoid (Dravidians are close in culture and facial features other than skin color).

All Pan Aryan race are able to rise in white man land. You see lots of Slavic, Germanic, Latin, Semitic descendant who make it to the top in the west, but not much mogoloid.
Can’t compare China and India as India desire Supa Powa status and affirmation from its colonial master. China has no such desire.
Finally yesterday India achieved their grand plan, the fastest supa computa of the world.

Congrats to all PDF RSSers.

I used to joke about their 2017 Supa Computa promise.

I sincerely apologize.
"Why India Can't Compete With China in Manufacturing"? In a nutshell, it is because Indians have not yet realized what exactly holds their country back, which CPC realized about China at their founding almost 100 years ago. A complete social revolution will help, until then, India will always be like the India has always been.
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As per government officials, domestic production of electronics for 2016-17 stood at $49.5 billion, above $43 billion spent on imports.

by Rinchen Norbu Wangchuk1 day ago


In a significant development for India’s reputation as a manufacturing hub, the domestic production of electronics has shot past imports for the first time in 2016-17. After oil, it is India’s penchant for electronic products that facilitate the most significant drain on our foreign exchange reserves.

Speaking to the Times of India, government officials have stated that figures for domestic production of electronic goods for 2016–17 stood at $49.5 billion, above the $43 billion spent on imports. After years of criticism, this probably one of the earliest signs that the Make in India initiative has made some inroads towards improving the state of the domestic manufacturing sector.

Favourable business policies for the domestic electronics sector have undoubtedly played their part, particularly in the manufacturing of smartphones, set-top boxes, televisions and other appliances.

For representational purposes (Source: pxhere)
In the past two years, many domestic units have availed of government’s Modified Special Incentive Package Scheme (M-ISPS) and electronics manufacturing cluster (EMC) initiative.

What has also worked for the government is implementing duty incentives for local manufacturing firms, which has driven various multinationals operating in India like Foxconn from Taiwan, Apple, and China-based Oppo, Xiaomi, and Huawei to not only manufacture in India but even source their parts from local suppliers.

Read also: How Can the Indian Economy Get a $957 Billion Boost? AI Is the Answer

Also, the government raised the customs duty on a whole host of electronic imports, especially those from China, which continues to flood our market with their products. What this spike in the domestic manufacturing of electronic goods has done is apparently create more jobs for our young demographic that is struggling for employment.

Read also: Only 1.7% of Indians Pay Income Tax, but Not for the Reasons You Think

It is imperative to note that this jump in domestic manufacturing was not sudden, but a result of steady year-on-year growth. From $30 million in domestic production of electronic goods and $37.6 billion for imports in 2014-15, it grew to $37.4 billion and $41 billion respectively. What we saw in 2016-17 was just a continuation of this apparent changing dynamic in the domestic manufacturing of electronic goods.

“The policy initiatives of the Modi government have resulted in accelerating local manufacturing in electronics. We are confident that this momentum will be sustained in the coming years,” said Information Technology Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad, to the Times of India.
Since the time of Indian testing rail gun, putting 104 satellites in orbit and highly successful mars mission, chinese are desperate to prove that they are better though nobody in the world recognize them any dignity or an intellectual race.
The few Brahmins are the cognitive elites that Indians can utilized. Indians can always make use of 3rd party supply chain to build a product (aka system integration).

Meanwhile, Mao has given something great to China. Mao dictate that Chinese make every single thing themselves, partly due to lesson learned from embargo since China fought USA in Korea,


Google the above term. Every time Chinese create something, they stress they made it themselves 100% (although it is often bragging). But this psyche has enable Chinese to be economically nationalistic.

Without such collective mentality, a nation can only be part of global supply chain -- in another words, you are just a economic/industrial traitor or comprador.

You need a Mao to be China. Indian has no Mao, she has Gandhi, a stooge and coward.
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