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Why India Can't Compete With China in Manufacturing

Its good that you are banned. India is just like you, no substance and trolling only and that is why you are out. :enjoy:

Its the Indian always trying to compete with China and keep clinging to us. Look at youtube. Whenever they is a Chinese technology achievement. The sourgrape Indian will come in and try ruin whatever they can to ease their wound ego with vicious comment. :lol:
Just my two cents.
I have a couple of American (white) friends and believe me, they are really nice people. They don't care much about what goes on out of their country. So....
What we see on youtube everyday are probably most of them being Indians. According to statistics, Indians are the second highest viewer on youtube.
Also, Americans have a peculiar way of speaking on the internet. I can just about point out who is one coz I've been talking to them for ages.
Just my two cents.
I have a couple of American (white) friends and believe me, they are really nice people. They don't care much about what goes on out of their country. So....
What we see on youtube everyday are probably most of them being Indians. According to statistics, Indians are the second highest viewer on youtube.
Also, Americans have a peculiar way of speaking on the internet. I can just about point out who is one coz I've been talking to them for ages.
If I am Indian, I will feel embarrass with so many incompetent and failure despite a nation of its size and population. It seems like India as a nation is good for nothing with nothing significant can be done. The kind of frustration will make you trying to vent the resentment on others. But fortunately, I am not Indian. :enjoy:
Since the time of Indian testing rail gun, putting 104 satellites in orbit and highly successful mars mission, chinese are desperate to prove that they are better though nobody in the world recognize them any dignity or an intellectual race.
Really, many of my foreign friends say that they have stereotype believing that Chiinese people are hardworking and intelligent, myabe only in India people don't believe that, so you can not speak for the whole world.
Really, many of my foreign friends say that they have stereotype believing that Chiinese people are hardworking and intelligent, myabe only in India people don't believe that, so you can not speak for the whole world.

What your friends say to you does not matter. What matters is hom many chinese do we see in premium positions in Europe and west. So far as Indian is concern, numbers are uncountable. So far as china is concern, I do not know even a single name.
What your friends say to you does not matter. What matters is hom many chinese do we see in premium positions in Europe and west. So far as Indian is concern, numbers are uncountable. So far as china is concern, I do not know even a single name.
Funny that Indians measure their worth and success in how many of them are slaving for Europe and the West instead of for the progress of their country India.
You don't know Jack Ma or Alibaba ?
He don't count because he work hard for the success of his own Chinese company, he don't have colonial masters.
Only colonial slaves for Europe and the West are to be counted.

World famous slaves for Microsoft and Google, Satya Nadella and Sundar Pichai are at NOWHERE on Forbes list of Billionaires. Whereas China have
#18, Wang Jinlian
#19, Li Ka-shing
#23, Jack Ma
#31, Ma Huateng
#32, Lee Shau Kee
and more ... .
Funny that Indians measure their worth and success in how many of them are slaving for Europe and the West instead of for the progress of their country India.
You don't know Jack Ma or Alibaba ?
He don't count because he work hard for the success of his own Chinese company, he don't have colonial masters.
Only colonial slaves for Europe and the West are to be counted.

World famous slaves for Microsoft and Google, Satya Nadella and Sundar Pichai are at NOWHERE on Forbes list of Billionaires. Whereas China have
#18, Wang Jinlian
#19, Li Ka-shing
#23, Jack Ma
#31, Ma Huateng
#32, Lee Shau Kee
and more ... .

CHinese are lining up to get US visas and Europe citizen ship and they blame India for slavery. We are sitting on the helm of multinational corporations. We are not slave there doing low skill cook, waiter and Piza delivery boy there.
CHinese are lining up to get US visas and Europe citizen ship and they blame India for slavery. We are sitting on the helm of multinational corporations. We are not slave there doing low skill cook, waiter and Piza delivery boy there.
Your low IQ don't understand that the Chinese will go where ever that life is easier.
It is so competitive in China, and so much easier to get ahead in the US and Australia and much better salaries for now.
Similarly in Singapore, students go to the US and Australia for graduate studies because it is too competitive here.
Me too, I don't mind having Europe citizenship where I don't need to work and have wide and clean living spaces.

You use "We" to describe yourself.
So are you Sunda Pichai and Satya Nadella and their comtemporaries, or one of those millions of slaving off shoring workers in shit filled environment.
From reading your stupid post, people will think there are no Chinese scientist or engineers in the US and there are only Indian CEOs, no Indian cooks or waiters.
Your low IQ don't understand that the Chinese will go where ever that life is easier.

I know your high high IQ and I agree with you that even a cook life in US or Europe is better a so called luxury or posh life (Slavery of CPC) in china.
I know your high high IQ and I agree with you that even a cook life in US or Europe is better a so called luxury or posh life (Slavery of CPC) in china.
Why your obsession with cooks ?
Maybe Indians are so busy looking for the next open place to make a dump they don't know that chefs are much respected in the US and Europe.
You got no shame talking about slavery, you who are from a country famous for Child Slavery.
India’s not so hidden shame: Child slavery and bonded labour
INdia Child Slavery ch366763.jpg

Why your obsession with cooks ?
Maybe Indians are so busy looking for the next open place to make a dump they don't know that chefs are much respected in the US and Europe.
You got no shame talking about slavery, you who are from a country famous for Child Slavery.
India’s not so hidden shame: Child slavery and bonded labour
View attachment 443391

What is wrong with the picture. They are free citizens of democratic country and not the slaves of a totalitarian regime who even do not even have the access to free media.
What is wrong with the picture. They are free citizens of democratic country and not the slaves of a totalitarian regime who even do not even have the access to free media.
More like these children are sentenced to a life of hard labor in air polluted environment.
Free citizens don't do hard labor since childhood in a life shortening polluted environment.
Please learn what is shame.
Why your obsession with cooks ?
Maybe Indians are so busy looking for the next open place to make a dump they don't know that chefs are much respected in the US and Europe.
You got no shame talking about slavery, you who are from a country famous for Child Slavery.
India’s not so hidden shame: Child slavery and bonded labour
View attachment 443391
The curry nigger is obsessed with iron rods into..... You know what I mean.
I honestly don't why some Indian members get so offended when they go out of their way to visit not only a Pakistani Forum but a Chinese section of it. It's like like walking into a minefield and being surprised as they get blown up and blaming the people who place mines. Do you guys simply like the shit coming from people's mouths or do certain Indian members lack common sense? Or does it work like "He who must not be named"? Say the word "India" three times fast and a a random BJP/RSSer appears! Seriously, I want to know!
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The curry nigger is obsessed with iron rods into..... You know what I mean.

You may only know what you say better. We know that there are lots of B**t hurts. They keep envying and we keep progressing. We are laying down the foundation of Indian which was famous for her glory. I only expect more and More B**t hurt.

More like these children are sentenced to a life of hard labor in air polluted environment.
Free citizens don't do hard labor since childhood in a life shortening polluted environment.
Please learn what is shame.

Ya they may do hard work but they are not made slaves of ruling regime in reeducation camps.
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