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Why India Can't Compete With China in Manufacturing

You may only know what you say better. We know that there are lots of B**t hurts. They keep envying and we keep progressing. We are laying down the foundation of Indian which was famous for her glory. I only expect more and More B**t hurt.

Ya they may do hard work but they are not made slaves of ruling regime in reeducation camps.
The children are pictured working in a construction site shoveling gravel.
So the environment should be hot and dusty.

You think this is hard work and not something you see criminals made to do in hard labor camps ?
And you think it is OK for Indian children to be doing this instead of going to school ?
I am speechless !!!
Indians have high threshold for tolerating SHAMELESSNESS.
Nobody can compete with China. To think otherwise one must truly live in another dimension. We all have heard the same old excuses, India is ONLY 30 years behind China, it's growing faster than China. These idiots think in 3 decades from now India is on equal footing as with China or like some who is convinced surpassed China. I got news for them, how about NEVER. Once China becomes the biggest economy (if it isn't already :rofl:) no country can surpass China. There's a reason why China has been the biggest economy for thousands of years. America can only enjoy the title of the biggest economy for a few decades :rofl: poor Yankees. Good luck to these slumdogs surpassing Germany, Japan and USA :lol:
The children are pictured working in a construction site shoveling gravel.
So the environment should be hot and dusty.

You think this is hard work and not something you see criminals made to do in hard labor camps ?
And you think it is OK for Indian children to be doing this instead of going to school ?
I am speechless !!!
Indians have high threshold for tolerating SHAMELESSNESS.

There are many hard works. Whether you do out of will or you are made to do so is a question. This is where this labors and CPC torturer camps differ.

Nobody can compete with China. To think otherwise one must truly live in another dimension. We all have heard the same old excuses, India is ONLY 30 years behind China, it's growing faster than China. These idiots think in 3 decades from now India is on equal footing as with China or like some who is convinced surpassed China. I got news for them, how about NEVER. Once China becomes the biggest economy (if it isn't already :rofl:) no country can surpass China. There's a reason why China has been the biggest economy for thousands of years. America can only enjoy the title of the biggest economy for a few decades :rofl: poor Yankees. Good luck to these slumdogs surpassing Germany, Japan and USA :lol:

Downfall of china has begun. Many substitutes are emerging for their cheap labor and china can not make any high quality goods which others may buy. good days of china are over that is why all this frustration and abuse from poor chinese.
There are many hard works. Whether you do out of will or you are made to do so is a question. This is where this labors and CPC torturer camps differ.

Downfall of china has begun. Many substitutes are emerging for their cheap labor and china can not make any high quality goods which others may buy. good days of china are over that is why all this frustration and abuse from poor chinese.

has begun? be more explicit. What has begun? What are the signs? PROOF PROOF PROOF, can you show them or are you just throwing garbage here on this thread?
has begun? be more explicit. What has begun? What are the signs? PROOF PROOF PROOF, can you show them or are you just throwing garbage here on this thread?

Declining GDP inspite of manipulation, Declining Foreign exchange reserve, inability to handle small countries like Vietnam, Philippines, japan etc. Unable to control south china sea, humiliation in doklam etc and many more.
No wonder I have been ordering so much stuff from AliExpress - always happy to support our loving neighbors to the North.
has begun? be more explicit. What has begun? What are the signs? PROOF PROOF PROOF, can you show them or are you just throwing garbage here on this thread?
In the next 10 days, according to the original grand plan of 2017, india will finally deliver its promise, world's fastest supa computa.

"Never heard of Baidu, Tencent"... This damn fool..
List of largest Internet companies
View attachment 442936
This must be a fake IT company rank....
Indian call centers and code writing companies should be among the largest.


It's really sad if we fall to the level that need to compete against Indians..

We aim high and go far. We need beat Germans, Japs and Americans in all field.

Beating the Indians is like a lion beating an ant, not a feat to be proud of..
So true...
India is a basically an agrarian country with very primitive industrialisation.
They have to compete with Sub-Sahara Africa first in this age of automation, AI and quantum technology.
First of all, before delivering their 2017 fastest supa computa according to their will-to-do list,
they have to do better than North Korea in terms of making people full.....
And at the same time, as shown in the following map, give their women more basic nutrition.....

Anaemia as a public health problem by country- Non-pregnant women of reproductive age.png
That is a stupid approach to advance their economy in fact.
It is manifesting the poor foresights of its leaders all along.
There are economies in the world which strives principally on service sector and they are having high per capita GDP. But of course there are preconditions for these service dependent economies to be successful.
In fact I don't see anything substantial and categorically that India excels over China, let alone Greater China.
However, having said those above, we as a whole of the Chinese Race, should move on further.
Forget about the Indians for a while unless they are obnoxiously provocative:

like the Donglang standoff;

like their exercise recently in the Andelmen and Nicobar islands targetting China;
In a clear message to China, India concludes massive military exercise off Andaman
Updated: Nov 24, 2017

like their weaponry developments and successful tests of new weapons like these:
India’s nuclear program was aimed at China, not Pakistan
By Danish Amjad Alvi Published: August 6, 2015

India Just Successfully Test Launched a Missile That Could Blow Up China

India’s successful test of nuclear-capable Agni 5 leaves China worried
PTIPublished Dec 28, 2016

India Planning Missile To Target All Of China From South Bases: US Report
July 13, 2017


Their media behaves like a little kid. Blow China, aimed at China, eye on China.
Their top boss is very immature in the head. Who with a right mature mind says shit like this?

you call that proof? Indian education just took a nosedive
It's called RSS brainwashing and it's very successful. Lol...
It's called RSS brainwashing and it's very successful. Lol...

That's a wonderful achievement by SP12. They are basically eliminating more kids in five years than the population of many middle-sized countries but people have no clue about it.

North Koreans must be better aware of the world around themselves than demographic dividents.
Nobody can compete with China. To think otherwise one must truly live in another dimension. We all have heard the same old excuses, India is ONLY 30 years behind China, it's growing faster than China. These idiots think in 3 decades from now India is on equal footing as with China or like some who is convinced surpassed China. I got news for them, how about NEVER. Once China becomes the biggest economy (if it isn't already :rofl:) no country can surpass China. There's a reason why China has been the biggest economy for thousands of years. America can only enjoy the title of the biggest economy for a few decades :rofl: poor Yankees. Good luck to these slumdogs surpassing Germany, Japan and USA :lol:
Did they ban you for speaking the truth? You can't speak the truth here.
I do not even know why people try to compare China and India. China is much ahead of India and is even displacing the developed countries like US & Germany.
What your friends say to you does not matter. What matters is hom many chinese do we see in premium positions in Europe and west. So far as Indian is concern, numbers are uncountable. So far as china is concern, I do not know even a single name.
Best example of slave mentality at work

While you are being so proud that many oversea Indians are working for those multinationals, oversea Chinese are busy building their own empires, here is a few that founded the companies that most people heard of.
Lee Ka Lau, Francis Lau, Benny Lau, and Kwok Yuen Ho founded ATI in 1985 as Array Technology Inc.
Jensen Huang along with other two founded Nvidia in 1993 and hold the position of CEO until today.
Jerry Yang and David Filo founded Yahoo in 1994.
Steve Chan cofounder of Youtube.
John J. Sie founded Starz Inc, the world's largest pay TV programmer.
James Chu, the founder of Viewsonic, one of the largest computer monitor brands.
David Sun, founder of Kingston Technology, one of leading flash memory producer.
Min Kao, founder of Garmin, GPS navigation unit brand.
And ther list goes on and on.
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