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Why India cannot be an Asian power like China

haha and here's the kicker what happened to this "offensive" ? where did it go ?

Here is the impact:

US Congress imposes 'India-centric' riders on aid to Pak - Express India

my friend its our religion that guides us, that is our ideology...like i said you can destroy a nation but you can never destroy an ideology and that is what makes us invincible.

Well your own religious brothers are hell bent on killing your ideology......
What else do I have to say...Look at your country right now.....your army....your people.....your terrorists......its all things Pakistani....hell bent to kill your Ideology.
Two countries with GDP per Capita only one tenth of the developed country are debating against each other to decide who is the super power. How ridiculous.
Here is the impact:

US Congress imposes 'India-centric' riders on aid to Pak - Express India

Well your own religious brothers are hell bent on killing your ideology......
What else do I have to say...Look at your country right now.....your army....your people.....your terrorists......its all things Pakistani....hell bent to kill your Ideology.

uh i dont get why you keep posting stuff that actually helps my argument... where does it say in this ENTIRE post that states is doing this as a retaliation of bumbai attacks... which was my question to begin with.. look this is what im talkin about you couldn't find a single new article where it said that this sanction was imposed on pakistan because India thinks it blew up a hotel,...nothing zilch nada

if thats how we felt about these guys 100% of the nation wouldn't be "hell-bent" on killing them...they're not even muslims... a person calling himself muslim doesnt make him one and you need to look up what islam is about before you call these guys " brothers"
uh i dont get why you keep posting stuff that actually helps my argument... where does it say in this ENTIRE post that states is doing this as a retaliation of bumbai attacks... which was my question to begin with.. look this is what im talkin about you couldn't find a single new article where it said that this sanction was imposed on pakistan because India thinks it blew up a hotel,...nothing zilch nada

if thats how we felt about these guys 100% of the nation wouldn't be "hell-bent" on killing them...they're not even muslims... a person calling himself muslim doesnt make him one and you need to look up what islam is about before you call these guys " brothers"

Now if you want me to find out news item which says following countries change their stance towards Pakistan because of Indias action....I think thats impossible....because countries will never let other countries know that their foregin policy can be changed by any country....

Well I doubt that the entire country is hell bent on killing them..because I read news articles discussing how Pakistanis are only against them because the government has convinced them that the terrorists are supported by India.....and people are buying that crap.........

They are willing to kill them because they believe that they are supported by India ...and anything that has anything to do with India is against Pakistan..so it has to be killed.....
THIS is what i was talking about bro, even if you will be ONE of the superpowers, you cant even be that unless you strive for THE ONLY superpower... you have the resources, the military, the workforce, the economy... first thing you have to do is forget Pakistan and more importantly make Pakistan let go of you, until this feud isnt settled there is no superpower future for you and there is no prosperous future for us... its an endless race, china isn't our friend however it will do whatever it can to keep us in that race and same goes for you and the states. China and US have their own interests and we are just part of those interests.

Being a Chinese and always wanted myself to be in a position to support Pakistan, I have to say I felt a little disappointed to see the 'smart' remark was from a pakistani.
BUT I still believe it's true friendship between China and Pakistan.
Being a Chinese and always wanted myself to be in a position to support Pakistan, I have to say I felt a little disappointed to see the 'smart' remark was from a pakistani.
BUT I still believe it's true friendship between China and Pakistan.

aah ooh sorry to burst your bubble I knw people in sub-continent are emotional fools.. you don't have to show how it is done practically... go cry somewhere else.
aah ooh sorry to burst your bubble I knw people in sub-continent are emotional fools.. you don't have to show how it is done practically... go cry somewhere else.

what is the bubble? you mean true friendship between pak and ch?
sorry i dont think it's bubble. The successfully rolled out of the first jf-17 today strongly showed it's not a bubble.
and i just expressed a little bit disappointment nothing more nothing less, why cry and why somewhere else? let's all take it easy, ok?
sure lets take it easy.. btw read between the lines at times you might get what I meant to say.. I knw it was subtle but I though you would get it.. anyway.. taking things easy is the area in which im pursuing my PHD :D

Peace brother \/
A superpower is a title thats rightfully taken. Now I am not saying this in context of being a pakistani, but if i was a bystander i would ask India, if you claim to be a super power, why do you need to go and complain to the states about Pakistan ? shouldn't you be able to take care of it yourself ?

As far as I think, india thinks or rather aspires to be a super power by looking at its massive economy or military, but that doesnt make it a superpower... what its lacking is actually the thinking of a superpower, its inability to make decisions like a superpower.

It is too early Bro to think like a super power. Our GDP is increasing at good rate but India needs to sustain the growth for a period of time to be a good economic power house. India aspires to be a super power nothing wrong with that but India need to develop in some areas and it is at present in correct path. :cheers:
Being a Chinese and always wanted myself to be in a position to support Pakistan, I have to say I felt a little disappointed to see the 'smart' remark was from a pakistani.
BUT I still believe it's true friendship between China and Pakistan.

i was talkin purely in a context of foreign policy, ofcourse china and pakistan are friends and will be :china:
aah ooh sorry to burst your bubble I knw people in sub-continent are emotional fools.. you don't have to show how it is done practically... go cry somewhere else.

not a smart comment bro, we value china more than anything in the world right now...regardless of what i believe as to why china is helping us .. They ARE helping us and they are the only ones who got our back
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