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Why IAF does NOT need either Eurofighter or Rafale

Why Indian don't want to go for F 35

India is Non Signatory of below Agreement and it will restrict export control.

We don't want buy just the frame we need all the package that are available for NATO member.

Something Known as an "end-use monitoring" agreement

Acquisition and Cross Servicing Agreement (re-named Logistics Support Agreement to appear more innocuous)

The Communications Interoperability and Security Memorandum of Agreement or CISMOA

The Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement for Geospatial Cooperation or BECA
mmrca is not just a arms sale for india as many forget to look is the total tot that means as these as the best line fighters for their respective countries india will be at par to the country whose fighter is chosen and india need these tech for development of their homegrown amca and other 5th generation fighters eg the universal weapon bus is a tech where india and russia are both behind than the Europeans
It's not a big deal to have 5th gen. fighter or a 4+ fighter as long as the location is Himalayas, where the terrain is a crucial factor. I justify the Indian move to buy 4+ fighters based on a budgetary reason where current 4th and 5th gen fighters primarily defer being based on stealth and not on tactics.
Like earlier said its too risky to be part of JSF program. we can always purchase it later on when we would be able to analyze the experience from its users. For example Mi29 has a airframe defect which even led to accidents and then later grounding of fleet in Russia. As time is passing new and new problems are emerging.

Right now nobody knows how much it will cost to maintain a f35 fleet or servicing issues or spare availability as everything is controlled by US right now. Not to mention its possible that by 2020 US might even offer us F22. But there's also a problem with MMRCA, both finalist are way too expensive.

According to me Gripen was the best option because lets face it we are not that rich. Europe is trying hard to maintain the fleet of Rafale and EF. French might even got bankrupt just by the use of weapons if Libya war might have extended as long as Afghan war. We should be careful at this point considering nobody is getting out of this economic slowdown anytime soon not even india. In fact if this slowdown continues we will start facing what US and europe are facing in a couple years itself, so we need to be wise.

Just because EF consortium is offering a good deal does not mean we should purchase a 115 million $ fighter jet. If you will look at the SAAB deal, they were the ones offering the most to us. In fact they were ready to offer whatever we needed. I hope MOD re and MOF takes a decision keeping in mind all these things.
But would Gripen have given us same level of tot which we may get from raffale or EFT...
the writer is a ignorant defense analyst first of all F-35 can only carry 4 AAM's half of what EFT/Rafale can carry and its payload is similar to that of the non operational LCA. the only way it can effectively be used for air interdiction is if you add external weapons and by doing that you can kiss stealth and combat radius good bye not to mention it's Thrust to weight is not that good being a single engine fighter IAF will not go for a single engine fighter they learned this lesson the hard way from Kargil when flt lt. Nachiteka's MiG-27 had engine flameout

the writer also forgets we are developing FGFA which can counter the J-20. not to mention the MMRCA fighter can go toe to toe with Chinese J-10 fighters and i don't think PLAAF will just dump them for J-20 that is a economical waste. this guy seriously must get paid by lockheed martin to spread BS like this

now other than the factors mentioned above we are talking about buying a 5th fighter jet from the USA if we do get F-35 it will be a watered down version of the fighter. America won't give us the most advanced technology this was a reason as to why F-16 and F-18 were eliminated in MMRCA competition. right now we need another good 4.5 gen fighter to add to force levels which are already low
No defenitly not... however it is not a big deal where the terrain does the most of the things.. Even mig 21 could peform miraculously there...
the writer is a ignorant defense analyst first of all F-35 can only carry 4 AAM's half of what EFT/Rafale can carry and its payload is similar to that of the non operational LCA. the only way it can effectively be used for air interdiction is if you add external weapons and by doing that you can kiss stealth and combat radius good bye not to mention it's Thrust to weight is not that good being a single engine fighter IAF will not go for a single engine fighter they learned this lesson the hard way from Kargil when flt lt. Nachiteka's MiG-27 had engine flameout

the writer also forgets we are developing FGFA which can counter the J-20. not to mention the MMRCA fighter can go toe to toe with Chinese J-10 fighters and i don't think PLAAF will just dump them for J-20 that is a economical waste. this guy seriously must get paid by lockheed martin to spread BS like this

Not necessarily ignorant. The F-35 is in a class by itself. Whether it carries "x" amount of missiles or not is moot only when stealth is also taken into consideration. If it cannot be detected, then a lesser no. of missiles will be necessary. This problem will anyway crop up in the FGFA purchase too & India is committed to buying nearly 250 of those. Would you likewise argue that the EF & the Mki would be able to carry more & the like? Obviously not! The parameters under discussion have to change if the F35 is to be compared with EF or Rafale. The F35 will be a brilliant aircraft & if India can get it, it must! However that is still a while away & it would be silly to further stall the MMRCA decision to accommodate the F35. It will only have to be considered in addition to, not instead of.
Not necessarily ignorant. The F-35 is in a class by itself. Whether it carries "x" amount of missiles or not is moot only when stealth is also taken into consideration. If it cannot be detected, then a lesser no. of missiles will be necessary. This problem will anyway crop up in FGFA purchase & India is committed to buying nearly 250 of those. Would you likewise argue that the EF & the Mki would be able to carry more & the like? Obviously not! The parameters under discussion have to change if the F35 is to be compared with EF or Rafale. The F35 will be a brilliant aircraft & if India can get it, it must! However that is still a while away & it would be silly to further stall the MMRCA decision to accommodate the F35. It will only have to be considered in addition to, not instead of.

if we ever need F35 we should get it in the future when the technology has matured and we have seen how other countries are doing with it. IAF would consider F-35 in the future if AMCA has been scrapped or delayed, custom Indian variant with 2 engine and 2 seat is built for IAF preference, not to mention another reason is that the USA will not give us the most advanced version of the F-35 rather a watered down version why settle for excalibur locked in its sheath when the Russians are practically handing us there most advanced fighter technology with FGFA?
Procuring F-35 = compromising our foreign policy ans security....
No country not even US can afford to maintain entire fleet of 5th gen fighters. every country has to maintain strategic level of 5th gen fighters alongwith lots of 4th gen and 4.5++gen fighters. So MMRCAs being swamped by J20s is impractical....
@Ajai Shukla : I don know why he is in love with F35...

Ajay is highly respectable person. He is wise and have better knowledge on Airforce. These kind of silly comments are not expected from him.

1. J20: PAK-FA will be available little early or later J20. So counter J20 We will have PAK-FA.
2. China has Su30 and J11 as heavy fighter which will be countered by Su30MKI.
3. What bout J10 ??? Looks like Mr Sukla forget J10 and 1000s of MiG21 china has...

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