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"why I won't stand with Ukraine"

Ukraine can get fucked for all I care. Nothing infuriates me more than western hypocrisy.
This is exactly the point: we are good to call out western hypocrisy but forgive (subconsciously) the misery inflicted by arab leaders.

But there are no winners in this. Ukraine/Russia account for almost 25% of global wheat production.

Arab and muslim countries that don't have agricultural resources are highly dependent on the wheat production from Ukraine/Russia. Turkey , Egypt, Lebanon import more than 50% of wheat from a combo of these countries (Turkey is 70%). All of Lebanon's refineries are geared for Russian oil: their diesel production has pretty much become 0.

What this means, the arabs and muslims in the less well off countries will have their already miserable lives become more miserable as food supplies are cut-off. And much like oil markets, it won't be localized to them. Food prices in Pakistan will go up even higher.

So while its easy to write this off, nobody escapes the consequences and the hungry will get hungrier around the world. No other wheat country can compensate for the drop in production.

He talks about how western media and reporters were blatantly showing their white supremacist ideology by saying it's sad what's happening to Ukrainians because they have blond hair and blue eyes, he then says the conflict has revealed the ugly face of the west but he says we shouldn't celebrate the death in Ukraine because not all Ukrainians are white supremacists.
The entire comment section is denouncing and cursing the west.
I've seen similar sentiments with Africans, Asians, Latinos, Muslim world etc.

Really disgusting how these people blame the victims for being massacred. Even more disgusting are the non-whites trying to justify white supremacy...........:disagree:
The most widely used tactic of the genocidal whites to justify their crimes against the non whites is this, Blaming the victims! "The Muslims were fighting each other before so that gives us the permission to kill 3 millions of them" Also the genocidal white trash rednecks use the same talking point to white wash the Native American genocide " The Native Americans were fighting each other so we had to go in there and kill them All!"
The most widely used tactic of the genocidal whites to justify their crimes against the non whites is this, Blaming the victims! "The Muslims were fighting each other before so that gives us the permission to kill 3 millions of them" Also the genocidal white trash rednecks use the same talking point to white wash the Native American genocide " The Native Americans were fighting each other so we had to go in there and kill them All!"

whites by their very nature are hypocrites/racists. They consciously or subconsciously do not regard non-whites as humans. In fact they see us as being lesser than animals. That is why they feel nothing and can justify the massacre of countless millions of non-whites.

The excuses you have stated above are not surprising. What is surprising are the NON-Whites who try to justify white slaughter of non-whites. The 2 groups who do this the most are indians and Filipinos.
If there's a chemical attack in Ukraine, it's got to be another 'white helmet' attack meant to stoke a WW3 or raising an Iron Curtain 2.
If you ask me this entire Ukrainian war has USS Liberty written all over it. Americans are falling into traps of Israeli lobbies and dual citizenship actors in Washington.

US generals on many occasions have said that our national security policies are partly compromised by Israel.

He talks about how western media and reporters were blatantly showing their white supremacist ideology by saying it's sad what's happening to Ukrainians because they have blond hair and blue eyes, he then says the conflict has revealed the ugly face of the west but he says we shouldn't celebrate the death in Ukraine because not all Ukrainians are white supremacists.
The entire comment section is denouncing and cursing the west.
He is spot on .
This war has shown
1. Western media is 100% fake and racist.
2. Western people are easily led and manipulated by the media. One day Russians are welcome the next day they steal everything from rich Russians
3. The entire west knew oligarchs money was illicit and welcomed it. But now they have turned on the same people they welcomed. 2 faced
4. Almost all rich oligarchs have Israeli citizenship
5. AZOV nazis are very well armed and operate in Ukraine under a fascist Jewish leader of Ukraine who has Israeli citizenship
6. Israeli lobby in America USA and Europe is behind the anti Russian drama due to Russian stance in the middle east
7. Turkey and its drones are the winners
8. Javelin and nlaw rule the battlefield
9. The tank is dead ... RIP the Tank
Don't worry guys Ukrainians surely do not care if you stand with them or not. We "the western world" as you call it will do everything to help them and that is the most important thing.
Don't worry guys Ukrainians surely do not care if you stand with them or not. We "the western world" as you call it will do everything to help them and that is the most important thing.

Not bothered. We just hope you lot are busy slaughtering eachother so that you can leave us alone.
Don't worry guys Ukrainians surely do not care if you stand with them or not. We "the western world" as you call it will do everything to help them and that is the most important thing.
Hope them changing their profile picture and trending #PrayForUkraine is working out well for Ukraine...
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Not bothered. We just hope you lot are busy slaughtering eachother so that you can leave us alone.

Come on dude.

We should not be wishing death on innocent civilians who had no hand to play in the wars in the ME and other Muslim countries like Pakistan.
Come on dude.

We should not be wishing death on innocent civilians who had no hand to play in the wars in the ME and other Muslim countries like Pakistan.

When the goras stop slaughtering millions of Brown/Olive-skinned Muslims then perhaps l may agree with you. Till then, I honestly couldn't care less.
The West has taken off their pants this time, throwing away all the political ideas they have been promoting to China for decades.
What private property is sacred and inviolable, I disagree with you, but I will defend to the death your right to speak freely. These principles of brainwashing in the West for decades have all been abandoned by the West itself.
Sanctions on Russia are so ridiculous that they even ban Russian breeds of cats
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