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"why I won't stand with Ukraine"

He talks about how western media and reporters were blatantly showing their white supremacist ideology by saying it's sad what's happening to Ukrainians because they have blond hair and blue eyes, he then says the conflict has revealed the ugly face of the west but he says we shouldn't celebrate the death in Ukraine because not all Ukrainians are white supremacists.
The entire comment section is denouncing and cursing the west.
He is stating the obvious: of course there is an element of implied racism and selfish interest on the part of Europeans. European women and children from your own continent coming from closer to your religion are going to be preferred than those from a different religion from far off lands. Pakistan was open to the Afghans than it would have been to distant refugees , and similarly Turkey to Syrians.

There is no moral high ground the Europeans have, pretend to have, or be expected to have. They are taking care of their own. But where was this stalwart of righteousness video when:
1. Yemeni's have been carpet bombed to dark ages by the UAE and Saudi Arabia
2. UAE, Bahrain established friendly ties with Israel: Palestinians orphaned
3. Months after Modi announced the curbs in Kashmir UAE ruler gave Modi the highest civilian reward.

The ignorance and stupidity in this video should not be why Europeans are taking care of their own, but why Arabs are so forgiving and tolerant of their own rulers/ethnicity abandoning theirs.

The lives of over 3 million Iraqis, Afghans, Pakistanis Syrians etc meant nothing. The lives of the ukrainians mean nothing either.
You are right that nobody can argue that there is a higher plane of morality and this being more evil than the actions in Syria/Afghanistan/Iraq in the last 20 years. It definitely bothers me that death of innocent civilians in Ukraine is the only bad thing thats happened in 40 years. At least the supermarkets are still shelved in the towns.

Yemeni's would love to cherish the sort of life the Ukrainians have since the invasion.

Morality is in the eye of the beholder....
Pakistan tends to ignore the oppression on Uyghurs by China.
The Arabs tend to ignore the fact there rich brethren abandoned Palestenians and Yemenis either through direct violence or ignoring Israels...
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Well Muslims, mainly those around the ME region, have no respect for each other and so why should others respect them?

Saudi at this time is conducting a vicious war that has already killed more than 100,000 Yemenis. It also executed nearly 100 people in a single day!

Pakistan also emotionally used the tragedy of the killings in a school to execute many convicted prisoners on an expedited basis.

Most of thge Arab world is going absolutely nowhere with king/dictator, a little bit of democracy and then dictator.

These Muslim countries need to sort themselves out as otherwise they will be forever left behind in war and/or poverty.
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The lives of over 3 million Iraqis, Afghans, Pakistanis Syrians etc meant nothing. The lives of the ukrainians mean nothing either.
I swear I'll never forgive west for attrocties they committed against us, my heart bleeds for people of Pakistan, especially tribal people who suffered the most

But first order of buisness is kill, hang, assassinate installed Brown sahibs who let it happen

Next grow yourself economically where you can extract costs on people who cross your Nation

The only way forward- you can't be poor and take revenge
This is not how it works
You are misdirecting your anger. You are right to be angry at the hypocrisy of Western media, but the fault is not with the Ukrainian people. They are also victims of the global war machine, just like the Iraqis, Syrians, Afghans, Pakistani, Vietnamese, Rwandans, etc.
The difference is in the value put on the lives of the respective peoples.
The Ukrainians are being talked about as victims. The Iraqis, Syrians, Afghans, Pakistanis etc were talked about as collateral damage.
The terminology used tells you all you need to know.
Muslims don't care at all for each others but expect Europeans to care for them.
Actually they care, its just that West is powerful so they don't let anyone do anything for the Muslims who are in distress, I've seen Americans and Europeans are going to Ukraine to fight, imagine a brown dude go fight in Syria or Iraq or Afghanistan.
Actually they care, its just that West is powerful so they don't let anyone do anything for the Muslims who are in distress, I've seen Americans and Europeans are going to Ukraine to fight, imagine a brown dude go fight in Syria or Iraq or Afghanistan.
we become terrorists when we go and fight for causes we believe in
but whites become noble warriors fighting for freedom and democracy

like I said money rules the world- grow your economies so you can dictate your own rules
The lives of over 3 million Iraqis, Afghans, Pakistanis Syrians etc meant nothing. The lives of the ukrainians mean nothing either.

West always has condemned any terrorist attacks on Pakistan. Moreover Pakistan loss was nott in the war but whatever the loss of life were is because of its own people who are part of different different terrorist groups. Remember it is United States only who killed heads of TTP in drone attacks otherwise your own politicians love to have talks with TTP. Apart from that all the destruction and chaos in Afghanistan is creation of yours since 1980's.
The difference is in the value put on the lives of the respective peoples.
The Ukrainians are being talked about as victims. The Iraqis, Syrians, Afghans, Pakistanis etc were talked about as collateral damage.
The terminology used tells you all you need to know.

Which is why we need racial solidarity between Pakistani people. Start loving and caring about one another. Also, unless absolutely necessarily avoid those races we have historically been enemies with and did not get along with.

West always has condemned any terrorist attacks on Pakistan. Moreover Pakistan loss was nott in the war but whatever the loss of life were is because of its own people who are part of different different terrorist groups. Remember it is United States only who killed heads of TTP in drone attacks otherwise your own politicians love to have talks with TTP. Apart from that all the destruction and chaos in Afghanistan is creation of yours since 1980's.

Funny how none of the above was happening before the americans landed in afghanistan in october 2001.......... I wonder why?........ :disagree:

I swear I'll never forgive west for attrocties they committed against us, my heart bleeds for people of Pakistan, especially tribal people who suffered the most

But first order of buisness is kill, hang, assassinate installed Brown sahibs who let it happen

Next grow yourself economically where you can extract costs on people who cross your Nation

The only way forward- you can't be poor and take revenge
This is not how it works

Bro, what goes around comes around. We need to become rich, successful and powerful so that one day even if it takes thousands of years, we get revenge over our enemies.
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Funny how none of the above was happening before the americans landed in afghanistan in october 2001.......... I wonder why?.......

Because you sold your people to US for few dollars. You bombed the same people who helped you liberate a portion of Kashmir. As other posters stated muslims are the worst enemy of Muslims. Who created war in Syria ? Not West.. Who has invaded Yemen and massacred hundred of thousand of people ? Who did Armenian genocide ? You were not saint either when Muslims had the power so preach somewhere else.
Because you sold your people to US for few dollars. You bombed the same people who helped you liberate a portion of Kashmir. As other posters stated muslims are the worst enemy of Muslims. Who created war in Syria ? Not West.. Who has invaded Yemen and massacred hundred of thousand of people ? Who did Armenian genocide ? You were not saint either when Muslims had the power so preach somewhere else.

So that justifies the whites killing 3 million Muslims?.............:disagree:
He is stating the obvious: of course there is an element of implied racism and selfish interest on the part of Europeans. European women and children from your own continent coming from closer to your religion are going to be preferred than those from a different religion from far off lands. Pakistan was open to the Afghans than it would have been to distant refugees , and similarly Turkey to Syrians.

There is no moral high ground the Europeans have, pretend to have, or be expected to have. They are taking care of their own. But where was this stalwart of righteousness video when:
1. Yemeni's have been carpet bombed to dark ages by the UAE and Saudi Arabia
2. UAE, Bahrain established friendly ties with Israel: Palestinians orphaned
3. Months after Modi announced the curbs in Kashmir UAE ruler gave Modi the highest civilian reward.

The ignorance and stupidity in this video should not be why Europeans are taking care of their own, but why Arabs are so forgiving and tolerant of their own rulers/ethnicity abandoning theirs.

You are right that nobody can argue that there is a higher plane of morality and this being more evil than the actions in Syria/Afghanistan/Iraq in the last 20 years. It definitely bothers me that death of innocent civilians in Ukraine is the only bad thing thats happened in 40 years. At least the supermarkets are still shelved in the towns.

Yemeni's would love to cherish the sort of life the Ukrainians have since the invasion.

Morality is in the eye of the beholder....
Pakistan tends to ignore the oppression on Uyghurs by China.
The Arabs tend to ignore the fact there rich brethren abandoned Palestenians and Yemenis either through direct violence or ignoring Israels...
There is no such thing as morality, consistency, justice, truth or fairness in statecraft.
There are only interests.
There are no rules other than those that are used by the powerful countries to get what they want and to keep the weaker countries down.
Only might is right.

When it comes to international relations, it really is the m law of the Jungle and anyone who disagrees hasn't been paying attention.
Regardless of those terrible comments by the Western media,
regardless of atrocities by Ukrainian neo-Nazis on ethnic Russians,
regardless of whether you believe NATO expansion was the catalyst,
regardless of whether you believe Zelensky is a Western puppet,

the fact remains that ordinary Ukrainian civilians are victims in this conflict and they deserve our sympathy and support.
if our bretherns lives didnt matter to them but money mattered more if palestine wasnt going through it for 77 years and no one cared and even supported the oppressor, then iam not obliged to have any sympathy towards this situation
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