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"why I won't stand with Ukraine"

I hate white racist folks. I ve dealt with them during armed protests outside our masajids here is TX. Anyways, have a nice day!
You said it as if the average White American is a racist which is not true at all
So that makes it okay to massacre over 3 million Brown/Olive-skinned Muslims?

Look at the united European response in support of Ukraine.

Compare that to the Muslim countries where half the countries are ready to kill the other half. If the Muslim world itself is not united to condemn those deaths of Muslims why do you expect anyone else to care?

As the saying goes, if you don't respect yourself, why should anyone else?
The lives of over 3 million Iraqis, Afghans, Pakistanis Syrians etc meant nothing. The lives of the ukrainians mean nothing either.
The west white will always try to cause war and hatre for non white countries. Put them in ruin while they try to benefit from it.

Imperialism and supremacy are always running in their blood. They think only destruction of non white will bring fortune and prosperity for themselves.

You said it as if the average White American is a racist which is not true at all
In fact, most white american are racist.
Look at the united European response in support of Ukraine.

Compare that to the Muslim countries where half the countries are ready to kill the other half. If the Muslim world itself is not united to condemn those deaths of Muslims why do you expect anyone else to care?

As the saying goes, if you don't respect yourself, why should anyone else?

Again, you fail to answer the initial question. Does that in ANY WAY justify the massacre of over 3 million Muslims? You seem to be looking for excuses to justify that.........:disagree:
Again, you fail to answer the initial question. Does that in ANY WAY justify the massacre of over 3 million Muslims? You seem to be looking for excuses to justify that.........:disagree:
Precisely, typical tactics by these CIA bot. When question about their atrocities, they will try shift attention by blaming Muslim or other themselves and claim their dictator killed more.

He talks about how western media and reporters were blatantly showing their white supremacist ideology by saying it's sad what's happening to Ukrainians because they have blond hair and blue eyes, he then says the conflict has revealed the ugly face of the west but he says we shouldn't celebrate the death in Ukraine because not all Ukrainians are white supremacists.
The entire comment section is denouncing and cursing the west.
3iny 3nak,my eye your eye?
Again, you fail to answer the initial question. Does that in ANY WAY justify the massacre of over 3 million Muslims? You seem to be looking for excuses to justify that.........:disagree:

Nobody is justifying the deaths of those people. You said the Western media response is hypocritical and I agree. I told you why that is so. The Western media response has been equally hypocritical when non-Muslim non-whites get massacred in Africa, East Asia, or South America.

The solution is not to cry about Western media; the solution is to make yourself strong.

The Chinese did not sit around crying about Western and Japanese humiliation. They put in the hard work to learn science and technology to become a superpower.

By contrast, most people in the Muslim world and Africa take the easy option to just sit and complain about the West. It's a lot easier just to sit and cry about the evil West than to do the hard work and learn science and technology to compete with the West.
Nobody is justifying the deaths of those people. You said the Western media response is hypocritical and I agree. I told you why that is so. The Western media response has been equally hypocritical when non-Muslim non-whites get massacred in Africa, East Asia, or South America.

The solution is not to cry about Western media; the solution is to make yourself strong.

The Chinese did not sit around crying about Western and Japanese humiliation. They put in the hard work to learn science and technology to become a superpower.

By contrast, most people in the Muslim world and Africa take the easy option to just sit and complain about the West. It's a lot easier just to sit and cry about the evil West than to do the hard work and learn science and technology to compete with the West.

True. But apart from China and a few other Far-Eastern nations, all other non-whites cannot compete with the whites in terms of Science and Technology.
True. But apart from China and a few other Far-Eastern nations, all other non-whites cannot compete with the whites in terms of Science and Technology.

Yes and the problem is not genetics; it's cultural.

Put a Pakistani or Indian or African in the West and they become top scientists and doctors. But put them back in those countries and the probability declines sharply.
Precisely, typical tactics by these CIA bot. When question about their atrocities, they will try shift attention by blaming Muslim or other themselves and claim their dictator killed more.

Really disgusting how these people blame the victims for being massacred. Even more disgusting are the non-whites trying to justify white supremacy...........:disagree:
Here's something for you the Ukrainian army helped invade Iraq and were also in Afghanistan for a number of years under NATO, even though not being a member.




So it's cool for them to invade non-European nations but now when Russia came knocking it was suddenly a war crime, ok......

I feel for the normal folks that is it.
I couldn't give a monkeys *** about white people dying in Ukraine

Go get em Chechens 🏴‍☠️

It's the same with racist Polaks now having to take millions of refugees, I hope they are next
I couldn't give a monkeys *** about white people dying in Ukraine

Go get em Chechens 🏴‍☠️

It's the same with racist Polaks now having to take millions of refugees, I hope they are next
Ukraine is not our problem, therefore I do not care.

Funny Europeans are hypocrites when Kashmir is talked about. They just stay neutral, even in United Nations.

Therefore I am indifferent to Ukraine's suffering.
A country needs education, infrastructure, money, people, markets, and above those, stability first to go on the road towards science tech capability and eventually some commercial and industrial strength which only after that comes political and military power.

Most of those countries that have been bullied, are bullied, will be bullied have not had a chance to even start on the first step of this road. They are not even offered the opportunity for stability.

I think PakistanForever when he says why was massacring millions of brown and Muslim peoples okay and no condemned is him trying to say there is a huge double standard clear for all to see. All who are not in benefit of those wars or recognizing the atrocity and criminality of those wars.

The US waged dozens of wars since WW2. Almost none can be justified even in the slightest way. Their excuses and reasons were more false, exaggerated, poor than Russia's reasons here. At least with Russia here it is somewhat of an existential threat for long term to lose Ukraine influence to US and then host US labs, weapons, missiles, BMD, possibly even nukes.

I can't support Russia because it initiated violence and they are playing for influence as well but they are easier to understand than even Vietnam or Korean wars which had even worse reasons... unless you are the type who benefit from them or feel you are part of that tribe so you must find a way to support Vietnam and Korean wars.

Now US wars since oil crisis in 1970s were even worse. Downright criminal. Their punishment? Only God above can give to those who lied and cheated their way to justifying that level of violence and destruction against the poor and the ones who have posed no threat, and had nothing except some influence over the direct long term interest of US influence over global energy, trade, and money.
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