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Why Hindu community leaving pakistan?

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[:::~Spartacus~:::];3286985 said:
whatever is taught in clearly visible in this forum, there are more anti pakistan threads(anti pak sentiments) by indians then anti indian threads by pakistanis, also indians are very much obsessed about pakistan then pakistan are obsessed about indians, on this point you will agree

which has very much got to do with the hatred taught in the schools

They mite be Anti Pakistani threads but Not Anti-Muslim Threads. :) There is a difference.

NOTE : Once again its been requested to pakistanis to take note and understand the fact that no one in the world asks them to be thekedaar of islam. for us you are just pakistanis who are trying to create nuisance in our country just to take away kashmir. we dont treat you as muslims first then pakistanis. its the other way round.
No. you are wrong in understanding the theory itself. Its your misconception that India has expansionist intent and 'AKHAND BHARAT' means bringing all the subcontinent land under India.

1. 2 nation theory - Muslims and Hindus cant live together (dont know what were they doing for past 1000 years if thats da case. :P) and hence 2 different nations has to be created ON BASIS OF RELIGION. (against the conventional thought that nations are created on basis of culture, language and political understanding rather than religion).

and try to make me understand if bangladesh was to be formed based on culture than why not annex west bengal with east bengal where all hindu muslim bengalis join one hand to form one cultural nation state??

They mite be Anti Pakistani threads but Not Anti-Muslim Threads. :) There is a difference.

NOTE : Once again its been requested to pakistanis to take note and understand the fact that no one in the world asks them to be thekedaar of islam. for us you are just pakistanis who are trying to create nuisance in our country just to take away kashmir. we dont treat you as muslims first then pakistanis. its the other way round.

i think you failed to understand pakistan's ideology, and also the fail attempts from indians to troll at pakistan's ideology,religion has every thing to do with pak ideology and your trolling on pakistan

also you guys have trolled every thread related to muslims, remember
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3287022 said:
i have read the book but i dont remember any point you raised, so please find me a context, posting incomplete sentences which dont make senses without context

yes islamic empire was glorious, before that indian subcontinent was ruled by divided mahrajas and was a divided country, taj mehal was not a hindu temple as hindus try to claim but a muslim architecture etc

What happened to all the glorious-ness of Muslims now?? where are the glorious Muslim rulers and their lands and countries now? the west runs half of them and the others languish in squalor. How did gloriousness just disappear from among the Muslims?
What happened to all the glorious-ness of Muslims now?? where are the glorious Muslim rulers and their lands and countries now? the west runs half of them and the others languish in squalor. How did gloriousness just disappear from among the Muslims?
They mite be Anti Pakistani threads but Not Anti-Muslim Threads. There is a difference.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/curren...mmunity-leaving-pakistan-6.html#ixzz235R0sLjm
That should prove that
Where'd I mention Akhand Bharat? 2 nation theory basically states that Muslims and Hindus are two nations. It does not say they can't live together, those are lies which your textbooks may spout. To sum it up in Jinnah's words:

Hindus and Muslims are two different nations. They have their own culture, their own language. The hero of one is the foe of the other

Bhai, whatever maybe your defination, its been slased to pieces with these above words. :D

Temme, what language and culture does a
1. Kerlaite Muslim follow ? Ans : He wears lungi, eats sambhar, speaks malyalam
2. Tamil Muslim follow ? Ans : Same as above but he speaks Tamil and only only tamil. no other language.
3. Bangali Muslim follow ? Ans : He speaks bengali, eats fish and rice
4. Gujrati Muslim follow ? Ans : He speaks Gujrati, eats dhokla with beef, eats khakra, etc
5. UP-Bihari, Punjabi Muslims follow ? Ans : They all speak the local language and follow local tradition. They have been doing this for past 10 millenia from when islam came to india thru sufi saints.

The culture and language of any region is same irrespective of religion. Thats true internationally. dont know why this new perception only in pakistan ? :rofl:

Now go ask your jinnah from where did he said the above words and on what basis? :D
Could you cite an example? And don't quote me, you know most of my posts are troll posts

Like "Hindus were civilized by Muslim", other member wrote"A good Hindu is a dead Hindu" , there is another guy named Hussain who went for open insult of Hindu Gods, the Bangladeshis too do such things of open insulting. There are many more. Not to forget 1000 yrs rule claim.
indian muslims have been discriminated in india and every pakistani based on indian news is convinced of that so please dont try to tell us if two nation theory is valid or not, also the responses if majority of bangladeshi posters who live miles apart yet closer to pakistanis then indians also tells us about the validity of two nation theory if you gonna judge through this forum dynamics alone etc

indian closeness to zionism and support for all cruelty done on muslims US and all other western powers is also a validity of hindu minds which defer from muslim minds, and the two nation theory
India as a whole has no problems with Muslims. They face persecution, but it's now just isolated events in remote areas (yes, I know you guys are gonna say Barbi Masjid, but one major event doesn't make us an anti-muslim state). Our previous President was a Muslim right? This thing about us hating Muslims is just propaganda, and sensationalist media reports, to try and get Kashmir to seperate.
Like "Hindus were civilized by Muslim", other member wrote"A good Hindu is a dead Hindu" , there is another guy named Hussain who went for open insult of Hindu Gods, the Bangladeshis too do such things of open insulting. There are many more.
You're quoting my sock!
Bhai, whatever maybe your defination, its been slased to pieces with these above words. :D

Temme, what language and culture does a
1. Kerlaite Muslim follow ? Ans : He wears lungi, eats sambhar, speaks malyalam
2. Tamil Muslim follow ? Ans : Same as above but he speaks Tamil and only only tamil. no other language.
3. Bangali Muslim follow ? Ans : He speaks bengali, eats fish and rice
4. Gujrati Muslim follow ? Ans : He speaks Gujrati, eats dhokla with beef, eats khakra, etc
5. UP-Bihari, Punjabi Muslims follow ? Ans : They all speak the local language and follow local tradition. They have been doing this for past 10 millenia from when islam came to india thru sufi saints.

The culture and language of any region is same irrespective of religion. Thats true internationally. dont know why this new perception only in pakistan ? :rofl:

Now go ask your jinnah from where did he said the above words and on what basis? :D

but does a hindu keralite prays like a muslim keralite prays, does the muslim keralite eat pork, and does the muslim keralite recite bhagwat gita then quran? does he admire the ancient illeterate hindu caste system then islamic system, does he bow to shiclingum then pray towards khana e kaba?
Bhai, whatever maybe your defination, its been slased to pieces with these above words. :D

Temme, what language and culture does a
1. Kerlaite Muslim follow ? Ans : He wears lungi, eats sambhar, speaks malyalam
2. Tamil Muslim follow ? Ans : Same as above but he speaks Tamil and only only tamil. no other language.
3. Bangali Muslim follow ? Ans : He speaks bengali, eats fish and rice
4. Gujrati Muslim follow ? Ans : He speaks Gujrati, eats dhokla with beef, eats khakra, etc
5. UP-Bihari, Punjabi Muslims follow ? Ans : They all speak the local language and follow local tradition. They have been doing this for past 10 millenia from when islam came to india thru sufi saints.

The culture and language of any region is same irrespective of religion. Thats true internationally. dont know why this new perception only in pakistan ? :rofl:

Now go ask your jinnah from where did he said the above words and on what basis? :D
Idiot, idiot, idiot.

The common denominator in all that is Islam. Believe it or not, every Muslim has some similarity in culture
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3287064 said:
indian muslims have been discriminated in india and every pakistani based on indian news is convinced of that so please dont try to tell us if two nation theory is valid or not, also the responses if majority of bangladeshi posters who live miles apart yet closer to pakistanis then indians also tells us about the validity of two nation theory if you gonna judge through this forum dynamics alone etc

indian closeness to zionism and support for all cruelty done on muslims US and all other western powers is also a validity of hindu minds which defer from muslim minds, and the two nation theory

That notion is to quench your ego.
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3287038 said:
and try to make me understand if bangladesh was to be formed based on culture than why not annex west bengal with east bengal where all hindu muslim bengalis join one hand to form one cultural nation state??

i think you failed to understand pakistan's ideology, and also the fail attempts from indians to troll at pakistan's ideology,religion has every thing to do with pak ideology and your trolling on pakistan

also you guys have trolled every thread related to muslims, remember

Arre yaar, ye annexure wanexure medivial stories hain. come out and live in present. nobody wants to annex noone. America se marwa marwake tum schizhophrenic ho gaye ho yaar. The fact is india wants to keep kashmir. If youa allow it and dont create problems, no one will ever interfere in your lives.Get this simple fact ASAP. India and Pakistan are enemies only due to kashmir. Others are just schizophrenic outbursts of extrimists.

And dont give us **** bout muslims and islam. We in india have seen muslims from every part of india following seperate cultures and speaking seperate languages. Islam of pakistan isnt Islam of world. The theories are different if what you believe is common for other pakistanis.

Indians know islam well so come out of the fact that india is all all all about hindusism and minorities are just a 10th grade humanity. If that was the case then APJ Abdul Kalam wont have made AQ Khan steal from different countries to make a nuke. :D .

Muslims in India have achieved much much more than Pakistani muslims can ever think of. Now that my brother is TRUE. :D
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