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Why have Saudi Arabia, UAE failed to condemn India over Kashmir?

Yep. India is a Muslim country when it suits you. It is a Hindu county when it suits you. It is a secular state since inception when it suits you. It is either 72 or a million years old depending on your mood. It is magical and superstitious sometimes but otherwise a scientific pioneer since time immemorial.

Best of all, you must not harm a cow in India but it is ok to sell one for slaughter abroad.

What a magical place where everybody's dreams come true.

We have a sizeable muslim population is what I meant. Maybe that, along with the obvious economic factors was weighing on the minds of the Saudis and Emiratis.

India is a pseudo-secular country that has a small Muslim population. Less than 15 percent of Indians are considered Muslims. Even then you shit skins have the IOK( majority Muslim are) under siege and have stolen all their rights. Tell me what is Muslim about India? is the open idol worship. I'm assuming you are an Indian because that's the only reason you would say something as stupid as that.
200 million +

wrap your head around that for a moment.
Read my signature. What wins? Dollars or Pakistan?

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One day, one days Pakistani's will learn there is no such thing as ummah. The Arab idea of ummah is my problem is yours, my wealth is mine. Your problems are yours. Even language exposes the schizophrenic thinking. You often hear the "Arabs and Muslims". What is that supposed to mean? Are Arabs apart from Muslims?

Ask the Turks what happened in 1920. The desert sheikhs that people on PDF revere stabbed the Ottoman Empire causing it's demise. Most of these kingdoms are products of the treachery and deciet that brought the Ottoman Empire down.
Spot on! The are nothing but merchants

I don't think so....if India is a small fish then why US and Isreal are asking Arabs to toe the line for India?

I guess Pakistan needs to change it's perception of current times and countries....especially about India.

Mate he is saying India has large Muslim population...and on suiting thing, everyone does that...play your game as it suits. See how your government is changing narratives in past 40 days after India removed A370 from Kashmir...
First It Started with India cannot annex disputed land - world'd response there is no annexation, they are free to change their laws.
Then narrative changed to Muslim "genocide" - Ummah response - Don't link it to Muslims it's a bilateral thing between India Pak
Narrative changes to "Human Rights" - again no response from the world
Now narrative is Kashmir can cause nuclear war, everyone will be impacted...let's see what is world's response going to be now...
What I am trying to highlight is everyone changes,say what suits to them...we do that, so does India.
You are right. India is a big player especially economically. Arabs have deep interests with them whether you like it or not. For past 20 years we have adopted such ways which has made us redundant. People do not believe us...

We have a sizeable muslim population is what I meant. Maybe that, along with the obvious economic factors was weighing on the minds of the Saudis and Emiratis.

200 million +

wrap your head around that for a moment.

200 million+ doesn't make you a Muslim country wrap your turban around that.
200 million+ doesn't make you a Muslim country wrap your turban around that.
It doesn't make India muslim country but makes India a big contributor to Islam. There is 0 reason why India should contribute to Islam if muslim countries act against India. It ie Indian leverage to expel 200 million Muslims and make massive refugee crisis which makes India dominant player in Islamic world.
It doesn't make India muslim country but makes India a big contributor to Islam. There is 0 reason why India should contribute to Islam if muslim countries act against India. It ie Indian leverage to expel 200 million Muslims and make massive refugee crisis which makes India dominant player in Islamic world.

What has India contributed to Islam or the Islamic world?
Why is that a valid point?

Tell that to cow lynching mob that kills 100s of Muslims just because they are Muslims. How about the people in Kashmir who you have put under a siege.. and how about the Muslims that are killed during communal riots all over Hindu India. You are a liar and that is a very valid point.

Well, Come and talk when you have a HINDU PM.
We have had a Muslim President , Muslim Intelligence Chief etc. Even our UN Envoy is a Muslim.

Open Your Eyes and Think.. Read... Uderstand Beyond the "Obvious" things told to you.

India Media may say.. All Pakistanis Want to Attack India 24x7... Is It ? or I can use my Neurons.. Can we ?

What has India contributed to Islam or the Islamic world?
For Starters....
Well, A Muslim in India, developed an ICBM for 20% Muslims in India.

One More...
It was India in 1947...which gave the "cut" for a Pure Islamic Nation.
Well, Come and talk when you have a HINDU PM.
We have had a Muslim President , Muslim Intelligence Chief etc. Even our UN Envoy is a Muslim.

Open Your Eyes and Think.. Read... Uderstand Beyond the "Obvious" things told to you.

India Media may say.. All Pakistanis Want to Attack India 24x7... Is It ? or I can use my Neurons.. Can we ?
We don't need a Hindu pm you retard. We don't claim to be secular or a Hindu country. Good job hiring some uncle tom muslims that are barely Muslims by their own admissions.

Well, Come and talk when you have a HINDU PM.
We have had a Muslim President , Muslim Intelligence Chief etc. Even our UN Envoy is a Muslim.

Open Your Eyes and Think.. Read... Uderstand Beyond the "Obvious" things told to you.

India Media may say.. All Pakistanis Want to Attack India 24x7... Is It ? or I can use my Neurons.. Can we ?

For Starters....
Well, A Muslim in India, developed an ICBM for 20% Muslims in India.
How did that contribute to Islam? He built an ICBM for you and you put Kashmir under siege.
What has India contributed to Islam or the Islamic world?
Feeding 20 crore Muslims is the contribution to Islam. It forms 11% of Muslim population of world. Another 20% Muslim population of Bangladesh and Pakistan also rely on Indian tolerance to survive. This is Indian contribution
We don't need a Hindu pm you retard. We don't claim to be secular or a Hindu country. Good job hiring some uncle tom muslims that are barely Muslims by their own admissions.

So, if you cannot give respect and equality to your minorities.. cut the crap.. and your BS about Indian Muslims who have EQUAL Eights and Powers like Indian Hindus.

Leave Muslims... I can name... HUNDREDS or Sikhs.. Christians.. Parsi.. Jain.. and Buddhists who RULE India and are As Powerful as any Hindu.
Feeding 20 crore Muslims is the contribution to Islam. It forms 11% of Muslim population of world. Another 20% Muslim population of Bangladesh and Pakistan also rely on Indian tolerance to survive. This is Indian contribution

How do you feed anyone? I'm sure the majority of Muslims in India actually earn their money and buy their food. Why don't you come to Pakistan or Bangladesh with your military? Talk is obviously very cheap.
How did that contribute to Islam? He built an ICBM for you and you put Kashmir under siege.

You guys dont have the Audacity to talk about "K" word while you Ignore the "J" word. Period.
So, if you cannot give respect and equality to your minorities.. cut the crap.. and your BS about Indian Muslims who have EQUAL Eights and Powers like Indian Hindus.

Leave Muslims... I can name... HUNDREDS or Sikhs.. Christians.. Parsi.. Jain.. and Buddhists who RULE India and are As Powerful as any Hindu.

When did India give equal rights to other minorities? Im sure you gave Sikhs equal rights when you drove tanks into the golden temple. You are a liar.

You guys dont have the Audacity to talk about "K" word while you Ignore the "J" word. Period.

What is the J word?
How do you feed anyone? I'm sure the majority of Muslims in India actually earn their money and buy their food. Why don't you come to Pakistan or Bangladesh with your military? Talk is obviously very cheap.
Define earn? In what way Muslims earn their food? Muslims in India don't contribute anything meaningful. They are only allowed to stay due to goodwill and hence they just do some work to ensure that none is sitting idle. But the work has little use and India van do without the Muslims and in fact be better without muslims as more resources will be freed up.

India will come to Pakistan and Bangladesh with military if a line is crossed.
Well, A Muslim in India, developed an ICBM for 20% Muslims in India.
Did Kalam develop missiles? What about Vikram Sarabhai who started the rocket program? Don't tell lies to impress others. Second, Kalam was fond of Gita and was not a Muslim by choice. He was only a Muslim by birth and was hindu by choice.
Define earn? In what way Muslims earn their food? Muslims in India don't contribute anything meaningful. They are only allowed to stay due to goodwill and hence they just do some work to ensure that none is sitting idle. But the work has little use and India van do without the Muslims and in fact be better without muslims as more resources will be freed up.
We are not talking about Gau economics. So of course what you have typed is verbal diarrhea without any basis.

India will come to Pakistan and Bangladesh with military if a line is crossed.

That is what I thought. You cannot do shit but of course, you want to talk big. Didn't Pakistan cross the line on the 27 of February and down 2 of your jets? Im sure at that time you thought the tea was fantastic while you read fake news put out by your government.

Did Kalam develop missiles? What about Vikram Sarabhai who started the rocket program? Don't tell lies to impress others. Second, Kalam was fond of Gita and was not a Muslim by choice. He was only a Muslim by birth and was hindu by choice.

I know, you actually agreed with my point. Of course, you didn't even read the whole conversation I had with your other friend.
One More...
It was India in 1947...which gave the "cut" for a Pure Islamic Nation.

Few Corrections:
1) It was not given; it was taken, as a right (Right of Self Determination).
2) It was not taken from Hindus; but from British, who held the power at that time.
3) It was not "Pure Islamic Nation", but a Muslim majority nation.

Another 20% Muslim population of Bangladesh and Pakistan also rely on Indian tolerance to survive.


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