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Why have Saudi Arabia, UAE failed to condemn India over Kashmir?

Few Corrections:
1) It was not given; it was taken, as a right (Right of Self Determination).
2) It was not taken from Hindus; but from British, who held the power at that time.
3) It was not "Pure Islamic Nation", but a Muslim majority nation.


Dude, these two are really special. Look at the Mitras other posts about Muslims. This is what their secular Bharat produces. These two are actually arguing for minority rights. Imagine the guys that don't want minority rights.
We are not talking about Gau economics. So of course what you have typed is verbal diarrhea without any basis.
First ask how USA is having just 32 crore population but having higher production than India. The answer is simple- production is a result of manipulation of natural resources by people. So, the most important factor is natural resources. The number of people needed are limited. Don't talk absurdly saying that Muslims earn their food. Muslims do nothing useful and hence need not even be allowed to stay. Someone else can do the job muslims are doing if muslims don't exist in India.

That is what I thought. You cannot do shit but of course, you want to talk big. Didn't Pakistan cross the line on the 27 of February and down 2 of your jets? Im sure at that time you thought the tea was fantastic while you read fake news put out by your government.
Really? That was a big achievement? If that was an achievement, why Pakistan let the pilot go so soon? I don't claim that Indian Mig21 was not shot down. In all probability, India lost su30 and Mig21 and Pakistan lost F16. But still, letting a pilot go so soon shows how weak Pakistani bargaining position was. Moreover, India penetrated 30km into Pakistan and bombed Balakot. Which is superior?

I know, you actually agreed with my point. Of course, you didn't even read the whole conversation I had with your other friend.
I was talking to Xinix. The conversation got clubbed together with this comment. I don't have any argument about this with you. So, kindly ignore.

Dude, these two are really special. Look at the Mitras other posts about Muslims. This is what their secular Bharat produces. These two are actually arguing for minority rights. Imagine the guys that don't want minority rights.
I am not absolutely secular. I am conditionally secular. This means I will tolerate Muslims for a PRICE. India gets FDI and remittance as a price for tolerance and hence there is secularism. If FDI and remittance is reduced or stopped, secularism will also be reduced or stopped.

This is how Indian secularism works. It is a "deal", not a principle. As many PDFers say, it is the Baniya mentality of making deals that is causing secularism
First ask how USA is having just 32 crore population but having higher production than India. The answer is simple- production is a result of manipulation of natural resources by people. So, the most important factor is natural resources. The number of people needed are limited. Don't talk absurdly saying that Muslims earn their food. Muslims do nothing useful and hence need not even be allowed to stay. Someone else can do the job muslims are doing if muslims don't exist in India.
The US produces more because it is a better nation than India. It all aspects it is better. It has a better educational system, better technology, better political system. Not even in 1000 years could you catch up to the United States. I like how you lump all Muslims into one. Muslims or anyone who does "work" earns their own food. The day you start handing people things will be the day the world ends.

Really? That was a big achievement? If that was an achievement, why Pakistan let the pilot go so soon? I don't claim that Indian Mig21 was not shot down. In all probability, India lost su30 and Mig21 and Pakistan lost F16. But still, letting a pilot go so soon shows how weak Pakistani bargaining position was. Moreover, India penetrated 30km into Pakistan and bombed Balakot. Which is superior?

You don't allow people to down your jets willy nilly. They do it by force. So of course, pakistan is much superior to you. You are a nation that is 10x larger than paksitan yet you can only down 1 crow. Balakot images are there for everyone to see. Pakistan came and attacked your supply depots and army headquarters within IOK. the only thing you could do was hide bipin. Now hes back though so that is good.

I am not absolutely secular. I am conditionally secular. This means I will tolerate Muslims for a PRICE. India gets FDI and remittance as a price for tolerance and hence there is secularism. If FDI and remittance is reduced or stopped, secularism will also be reduced or stopped.

This is how Indian secularism works. It is a "deal", not a principle. As many PDFers say, it is the Baniya mentality of making deals that is causing secularism

It is good that you have finally admitted that there are no humans rights within India and you agree India is a contradiction and a nation of liars.
Dude, these two are really special. Look at the Mitras other posts about Muslims. This is what their secular Bharat produces.

I have not any iota of doubt that above 95% of the elite Hindus are fundamentally not of secular mindset. They cannot be. Secularism is only a facade to fool the world and nothing more. Quaid e Azam understood this very well.
Few Corrections:
1) It was not given; it was taken, as a right (Right of Self Determination).

If indeed it was taken.. Then Why East and West Pakistan... why "take" something only to return later ?

So.. No It was "Given" not Taken in the First place. and Your JUST ACCEPTED what was GIVEN.. TWO Pieces of Land SEPARATED by INDIA in the Middle....Given BY the British.

Besides, why forget the Millions of Muslims who Still stayed in India .. What did they get or what did they loose from the "cut" ?
2) It was not taken from Hindus; but from British, who held the power at that time.

Correct. But GIVEn.. not TAKEN.

3) It was not "Pure Islamic Nation", but a Muslim majority nation.

I guess You dont know that Your Ciuntry's name is "ISLAMIC REPUBLIC" of Pakistan !

I have not any iota of doubt that above 95% of the elite Hindus are fundamentally not of secular mindset. They cannot be. Secularism is only a facade to fool the world and nothing more. Quaid e Azam understood this very well.

If its a facade why did India have :

- Sikh / Muslim Presidents
- Christian CMs , Presidents of parties
- Muslim Billionares
- Muslim Nuclear / Space Scientists
- Muslim Army Commanders
- Parsi Army Chiefs
- Muslim UN Envoys
- Muslim Chiefs of Intelligence ... can you even Imagine a Hindu Chief of ISI ?
Yep. India is a Muslim country when it suits you. It is a Hindu county when it suits you. It is a secular state since inception when it suits you. It is either 72 or a million years old depending on your mood. It is magical and superstitious sometimes but otherwise a scientific pioneer since time immemorial.

Best of all, you must not harm a cow in India but it is ok to sell one for slaughter abroad.

What a magical place where everybody's dreams come true.
and you can also kill millions in Pakistan in so called sir g kal strikes when ever you are in mood.....and of course indians are at no level to ask for proves.:rofl:
You are a liar.
Even Muslims dont have Equal Rights in Pakistan.. Dont even Talk about Minority Hindus.. or Sikhs...
Bhai.. Pehlse Apnie Scientist ko to Musalmaan bana lo.. fir baat kerna Muslims in India ki...


Plus... This is what an Indian Muslim feels ( This is not from a meek... fearful muslim.. as you might presume.. but some one who ABUSES MODI DAILY ) and SPEAKs WHILE SITTING In PAKISTAN :

"Aaap Hindustaan Ki Muslammaano Chinta karna cchod Dein.. Humne Apna Failsa 1947 me Kar lia..."

Correct. But GIVEn.. not TAKEN.

1) It was not GIVEN, but TAKEN, from British, consequent to a long political struggle. Period.
2) India is a sham and pseudo secular state, as we conceive it. You are free to live in your own delusions and/or deception.

Rest of your post, as usual, is :blah::blah::blah: and does not warrant any serious response.
The US produces more because it is a better nation than India. It all aspects it is better. It has a better educational system, better technology, better political system. Not even in 1000 years could you catch up to the United States. I like how you lump all Muslims into one. Muslims or anyone who does "work" earns their own food. The day you start handing people
What better? Does USA have superman? It is just about natural resources being high in quantity. India can also make do with 115 crore instead of 135 crore people without any problem.

You don't allow people to down your jets willy nilly. They do it by force. So of course, pakistan is much superior to you. You are a nation that is 10x larger than paksitan yet you can only down 1 crow. Balakot images are there for everyone to see. Pakistan came and attacked your supply depots and army headquarters within IOK. the only thing you could do was hide bipin. Now hes back though so that is good.
Anyone can attack posts that are near the border. When did Pakistan Attack any post which is at least 40km from border? India did that in Balakot. The evidence ia also clear as satellite images with holes in roof is visible showing how the penetrator bomb was dropped into the building. Pakistan only showed the bottom areas of the hill to journalists and that too after 45 days. Military work happens quickly. In 45 days, an army as big as Pakistan can rebuild all the bridges of Pakistan. So, 45 days is a big time for an army to do cleanups.

is good that you have finally admitted that there are no humans rights within India and you agree India is a contradiction and a nation of liars
There is no human rights. Human rights are Christian concept. OIC & its it member muslim nations including Pakistan has rejected the western imposed human rights and have proclaimed new set of human rights in 1990 Cairo declaration of Islamic human rights-

When Pakistan itself has rejected human rights imposed by west, why bother talking of human rights in India?
It is good that you have finally admitted that there are no humans rights within India and you agree India is a contradiction and a nation of liars.

Lie, deception and subterfuge are essential ingredients of Hindu culture and civilization and that is how, they survived under a long period of foreign rule.
Bhai, Get over the mindset that > Even If India goes to the Moon it has a Pakistani Connection.
We have other things to do.
First you are trying to show Saudi and UAE were not on Pakistani side...then you reply like this..Your post doesn't match your thinking...

why the insecurities?
First you are trying to show Saudi and UAE were not on Pakistani side...then you reply like this..Your post doesn't match your thinking...

why the insecurities?

With due respect,

The Article is BY "Al Jazeera".. According to the WRITER OF THE ARTICLE > "Saudi and UAE were not on Pakistani side."

Not me.

Proof : If I Start by saying I.. feel blah blah.. You will be the first to delete the Thread.. so my openion doesnt really matter ( In This regard at PDF ) .. The Source does... which in this case is Al Jazeera.
What better? Does USA have superman? It is just about natural resources being high in quantity. India can also make do with 115 crore instead of 135 crore people without any problem.

Not superman, Americans are just better people than you are. They work harder and smarter. You are from a 3rd world country so don't compare yourself to the Americans. If it had to do with the population than the Chinese would be just as bad if not worse than your people. You are a coward nation that cannot compete with better nations. That is why you bully people in your neighborhood. Remember the war of 62, when you were shown your true stature in the world.

Anyone can attack posts that are near the border. When did Pakistan Attack any post which is at least 40km from border? India did that in Balakot. The evidence ia also clear as satellite images with holes in roof is visible showing how the penetrator bomb was dropped into the building. Pakistan only showed the bottom areas of the hill to journalists and that too after 45 days. Military work happens quickly. In 45 days, an army as big as Pakistan can rebuild all the bridges of Pakistan. So, 45 days is a big time for an army to do cleanups.

The intent to attack balakot had nothing to do with the army. If you attacked the Pakistani army there would have been war. You attacked some trees and ran away and Pakistani Air force retaliated swiftly and justly. Why do you care what Pakistan showed to journalists? why not speak about neutral satellite imaging? The army would not be able to hide the death of 350+ madrasa students, Pakistanis are not as gullible as you guys.. Don't be navie.

There is no human rights. Human rights are Christian concept. OIC & its it member muslim nations including Pakistan has rejected the western imposed human rights and have proclaimed new set of human rights in 1990 Cairo declaration of Islamic human rights-

When Pakistan itself has rejected human rights imposed by west, why bother talking of human rights in India?

You are the first person to argue that there are no Human rights. I am guessing you mean there are no human rights for people in India. The modern concept of human rights does not come from a Christian world view. It actually comes from the "secular social contract" and philosophy developed during the enlightenment. Even before that, people did have laws and rules that gave individuals human rights. (IE code of hammurabi) So please go read your history from a non-Indian source.

As far as OIC is concerned, Why do you care what they have to say? Anyways, read what is in your link. It does not disagree with the concept of human rights. It disagrees with the secular world view of human rights. It does not agree with making laws that go against the laws laid out by Allah (sharia). Many of the social reforms in the western world come from a Muslim caliph. Don't be a hypocrite.
I don't think so....if India is a small fish then why US and Isreal are asking Arabs to toe the line for India?

I guess Pakistan needs to change it's perception of current times and countries....especially about India.

Because Isreal/Zionist are fatten the sheep called India to be send on suicide mission to Pakistan. They want Pakistan neutralised come what may, so they can start their messianic time. Understand first who are mover and shakers of Zionist movement.

If India is a small fish, why would USA bother to ask Saudi to toe Indian line? Why don't you think that India is the big fish in the pond? After all, India is just next doors to Middle east and has lot of military fire power and strategic leverage as in having large muslim muslim population who can be expelled to cause refugee crisis in middle east

Not superman, Americans are just better people than you are. They work harder and smarter. You are from a 3rd world country so don't compare yourself to the Americans. If it had to do with the population than the Chinese would be just as bad if not worse than your people. You are a coward nation that cannot compete with better nations. That is why you bully people in your neighborhood. Remember the war of 62, when you were shown your true stature in the world.
Better in what manner? American culture is too lax, not hard working or smart working. It is simply due to natural resources. Countries like UK and France went down drastically when they lost their colonies as they lost their supply of resources. Similarly, China has massive natural resources. So, talking nonsense without understanding reality is pointless.

The intent to attack balakot had nothing to do with the army. If you attacked the Pakistani army there would have been war. You attacked some trees and ran away and Pakistani Air force retaliated swiftly and justly. Why do you care what Pakistan showed to journalists? why not speak about neutral satellite imaging? The army would not be able to hide the death of 350+ madrasa students, Pakistanis are not as gullible as you guys.. Don't be navie.
It was never Madrassa students. It was Mujahideen and hence were not having any social values.

I don't see why India would ho in that deep and then bomb some trees.
You are the first person to argue that there are no Human rights. I am guessing you mean there are no human rights for people in India. The modern concept of human rights does not come from a Christian world view. It actually comes from the "secular social contract" and philosophy developed during the enlightenment. Even before that, people did have laws and rules that gave individuals human rights. (IE code of hammurabi) So please go read your history from a non-Indian source.

As far as OIC is concerned, Why do you care what they have to say? Anyways, read what is in your link. It does not disagree with the concept of human rights. It disagrees with the secular world view of human rights. It does not agree with making laws that go against the laws laid out by Allah (sharia). Many of the social reforms in the western world come from a Muslim caliph. Don't be a hypocrite.
There is no secular social contract. This is an arbitrary concept without basis and relies on Christian Renaissance values. In real world, it is rights with duties or a balance between what a man must do to get some returns. The idea that some one has rights just because of birth is absurd. So, when anyone talks if human rights without talking of duties, he is being absurd ir spreading propaganda.

Because Isreal/Zionist are fatten the sheep called India to be send on suicide mission to Pakistan. They want Pakistan neutralised come what may, so they can start their messianic time. Understand first who are mover and shakers of Zionist movement.

Do you understand that by India getting favourable treatment, these countries are losing some favours for themselves? Why would anyone do that?

Are you seriously saying that Pakistan is the most important country in the eyes of USA and hence it is worth sacrificing their interests to help India destroy it?

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