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Why have Pakistan and India Evolved so Differently?

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Please care to elaborate what is hindu democracy :rofl: and hindooo judicial system :rofl:

Last time i checked muslims are governed under civil Islamic laws in India

Or is it another Joothey And Nonsensical Assertion

I replied your post already.
I am not saying so . I am saying we are located as a gateway between CARs and Indian region. A Buffer Zone. And a Buffer Zone is always the most dangerous.

Indeed If Pakistan was Not located at this place someone else would have and that someone else would also have been in same position.

Above all comparing two countries by anyone when the fact is that at the time of partition Pakistan got nothing everything left there including industries, great infra structure everything, Pakistan had to start from scratches and that too soon after independence faced with State Terrorism from the Hindu India.

Only for being between CARs and India make you advantageous?? Then by your logic India is in better situation for being buffer zone between Pakistan and SE Asian Asia. is it??

In my opinion, Pls stop believing in yourself too much due to this. India can very well utlize water resource for any gateway for CARs with the help of Iran and developing Afghanistan or we can continue our business as usual via Dubai/Middle East.

For the second bolded part :a big facepalm:.
I am not saying so . I am saying we are located as a gateway between CARs and Indian region. A Buffer Zone. And a Buffer Zone is always the most dangerous.

Indeed If Pakistan was Not located at this place someone else would have and that someone else would also have been in same position.

Above all comparing two countries by anyone when the fact is that at the time of partition Pakistan got nothing everything left there including industries, great infra structure everything, Pakistan had to start from scratches and that too soon after independence faced with State Terrorism from the Hindu India.

You are wrong.

You always had a choice. India chose to non aligned to any superpower (although its was inclined towards USSR). While Pakistan let the US use her as a strategic base for financial and military assistance. It was a very smart move and made many in India wonder whether being on the commie side was a good idea! Nehru made a choice and stuck to it. We remained a largely closed nation, refusing any outside interference in our matters. Thus leading to internal growth away from external pressure.

Now looking back I think the Indian government had made the right decision and focused more on the internal matters than external.
Von Hölle;1241381 said:
What is there to discuss here if Pakistanis are content with direction their country is moving in ..then good for them ..because here in India we are!!...who are we to find faults in their system as long they are content with it.

we can say the same about Indians when you guys shy away from accepting ills in Indian society, the flawed claims and so on.

Here we are debating with you on two accounts.

1. Comparing apples with oranges is not fair idea.

2. taking word of a hindutva psyche writer about Islam and Pakistan is like reading saffron brigade
Well if you ask me and the only solution i see to our problems is to get rid of the corrupt system of governance and the currupt officials. We can work and survive learning a lesson from india when she had only russia on her side, and we can do that with China. The main ingredient would be to get rid of the US as a partner, because this is a marriage where the abusive spouse is the one who wins.

the bureaucratic corruption is a British relic...it would take time to wither...
China has worked for Pakistan...she is an asset...but also learn from America and it's influence in the past...
no other country would ever be able to understand your internal problems and external problems the way you'd see yours...
The main reason for most of our problems is the constant threat we feel from each other...that has not allowed Pakistan to be ever able to come to it's true potential...while just owing to our size...we have been able to somehow develop in spite of the conflict...
while you have good potent missile programs and other defense programs in place...it has put brakes on your economic progress...

Don't you see that just like America...China would need you only as long as you'd provide a purpose to her...
India and Pakistan need to absolutely settle their problems...it is not a luxury anymore.
Only for being between CARs and India make you advantageous?? Then by your logic India is in better situation for being buffer zone between Pakistan and SE Asian Asia. is it??

In my opinion, Pls stop believing in yourself too much due to this. India can very well utlize water resource for any gateway for CARs with the help of Iran and developing Afghanistan or we can continue our business as usual via Dubai/Middle East.

For the second bolded part :a big facepalm:.

Read my post again. Buffer Zone is more like a disadvantage than a advantage and you can not change your location its not your choice just like we can not change our neighbours but we learn to deal and live with them.

everyone is doing business as usual thats not something which India claim as a victory as the other players are also doing so according to own interests.
You are wrong.

You always had a choice. India chose to non aligned to any superpower (although its was inclined towards USSR). While Pakistan let the US use her as a strategic base for financial and military assistance. It was a very smart move and made many in India wonder whether being on the commie side was a good idea! Nehru made a choice and stuck to it. We remained a largely closed nation, refusing any outside interference in our matters. Thus leading to internal growth away from external pressure.

Now looking back I think the Indian government had made the right decision and focused more on the internal matters than external.

We have to choose between choices though hard one but at the same time benefiting one too.

You can not compare India with Pakistan viz a viz its choices with regards to strategic location
we can say the same about Indians when you guys shy away from accepting ills in Indian society, the flawed claims and so on.

Here we are debating with you on two accounts.

1. Comparing apples with oranges is not fair idea.

2. taking word of a hindutva psyche writer about Islam and Pakistan is like reading saffron brigade

ok so do you agree that we have evolved differently?
Let us ignore whatever that clown wrote...and focus just on the topic...
Read my post again. Buffer Zone is more like a disadvantage than a advantage and you can not change your location its not your choice just like we can not change our neighbours but we learn to deal and live with them.

everyone is doing business as usual thats not something which India claim as a victory as the other players are also doing so according to own interests.

Decide first what you want to convey.. you are changing stance on every post.
Secondly, You cant change your position but you can change your friends and foreign policy. The fault has been done earlier and paid by you now. Again I repeat, Nations dont have advantage/disdavantage its leaders and their policy makes it so. If Zia ul Haq keeps him aside from Afghan war you would not be in that where you are right now from Afghan side. Similarly if your Kashmir policy would not be like this then "We" were not in this situation and I blame Mr Ayub Khan and Mr Musharraf for the same.
We have to choose between choices though hard one but at the same time benefiting one too.
what was the choice...and how do you benefit from it?
You can not compare India with Pakistan viz a viz its choices with regards to strategic location
what is this strategic location you keep on talking about?
open any country's geography note-book and you'd find that all the countries of the world have something strategic in regard to their geographical location...
Why have Pakistan and India Evolved so Differently?

the only ans is religion.......

religions have done no good for humanity , it has only divided ppl
Well any decison not in favor of muslims will be by default wrong for you guys. Guess what India is not some insane hand chopping Islamic country where one needs to be muslim to raise its voice.. India is secular nation where each one have the voice. Being minority does not mean that every thing will be imposed on the majority. In India those who have problem have the option for going to supreme court.

Now since you have brought up the topic can you please disect the verdict and tell me on what grounds was it wrong if the place was more than just another temple for hindus where as at the other hand there was a mosque which was not being actually use not in use by the muslims.

1. Giving verdict based on hindu beliefs is a big slap on secularism and your justice system.

2. Allowing an imaginary character "ram" lala as a player to fight the case is another slap on the so-called secular democracy.

3. The hindu judge was forcing Muslim party to settle babri mosque land case outside the court with saffron Hindu fanatics which is another blow to justice and a slap on fair judicial process.

4. distributing the land a major part among hindu groups and giving outside the mosque land to Muslims is mockery of justice that too on the basis of an imaginary character implies the hindu belief was the basis which is not conforming with idea of a secular judicial system.


RIP to Indian Orange judicial system too

People in Pakistan have more problems then in India over Babri verdict. After all you guys need to find a reason to justify your existance. ::

The Indians hoisting Pakistani flag in Indian state of Assam as symbol of voice against the tyrants, in itself a big justification for reality of Pakistan.

bhartis can keep themselves in denial mode about existence of Pakistan but it does not affect us at all
what was the choice...and how do you benefit from it?

Why you chose US over China recently ??

what is this strategic location you keep on talking about?
open any country's geography note-book and you'd find that all the countries of the world have something strategic in regard to their geographical location...

We are not talking about ALL countries of the world as for now.

Its bharat aka India and Pakistan your Hindu writer is talking about and we are telling him he should not come up with this outdated claim because India has not seen any big proxy involving super powers and hostile nations around.

You have strategic location that is China and in that case you still have to face some big proxy. may be in future and then we can talk about how it affects you but for the time being nothing of the sort.

We started from scratches and you had a sound base for growth ranging from education system to defence and industries.
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