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Why have most journalists turned against Imran khan?

Abdulrehman 2978

Feb 9, 2021
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Saudi Arabia
Since the first day imran khan became prime minister. One by one almost all of mainstream media journalists have turned against Imran khan. Many of these journalist were staunch supporters of him, by what went wrong.

PM Khan is harshly criticised every day or every news channel on every program. Extreme amount of propaganda is done against him. And routinely fake news against him is spread by some "senior journalist".

In my opinion, the reason is not the way imran khan is running this country, neither his economic policies nor high level appointments. The main reason is Imran khan has effectively put an end to expensive "gifts" given to Mainstream media journalists. In previous governments terms most of journalists were given expensive stuff by the government. They were given expensive plots of land for free. They got millions of rupees every year. Many different gifts. They were continuously invited to parties and served with expensive food and returned with more gifts every time. Journalists were given free rides on Private and government cars, planes and helicopters whenever PM, CM or top government officials went anywhere. They could easily get favours out of government. Their requests was accepted.

But now all of this has come to an end as Imran khan wants to reduce government expenses. The result is you will constantly see journalists for example Rauf klasra, hamid mir etc making entire shows criticising and mocking Khan for serving just tea and water. Many journalists mock him that he doesn't even provide biscuits and luxury foods and gifts. And this will keep getting worse and worse. Just look at any show of Rauf klasra and you can see he has become mentally retarded. He always looks like he's about to cry on tiny things.

Imran khan has hit these journalists on a level never seen before. He has put an end to these people being "playboys"

NOTE : this is my opinion and based on what I see and hear
OK forget media . For few minutes, sit on any shop in Lahore. Like low level Barbar shop or fruit or vegetables shop and ask them what they think about Imran Khan.
People literally cry. And not sure you have seen what Lahore has become regarding waste collection. Simple point is that governance and administration has gone totally non existent. Everything is put in hands of bureaucracy. That man Azam Khan is the culprit but he is only filling vaccum left due to incompetency of govt. And the way he is filling that vaccum is not doing any good to govt.
Since the first day imran khan became prime minister. One by one almost all of mainstream media journalists have turned against Imran khan. Many of these journalist were staunch supporters of him, by what went wrong.

PM Khan is harshly criticised every day or every news channel on every program. Extreme amount of propaganda is done against him. And routinely fake news against him is spread by some "senior journalist".

In my opinion, the reason is not the way imran khan is running this country, neither his economic policies nor high level appointments. The main reason is Imran khan has effectively put an end to expensive "gifts" given to Mainstream media journalists. In previous governments terms most of journalists were given expensive stuff by the government. They were given expensive plots of land for free. They got millions of rupees every year. Many different gifts. They were continuously invited to parties and served with expensive food and returned with more gifts every time. Journalists were given free rides on Private and government cars, planes and helicopters whenever PM, CM or top government officials went anywhere. They could easily get favours out of government. Their requests was accepted.

But now all of this has come to an end as Imran khan wants to reduce government expenses. The result is you will constantly see journalists for example Rauf klasra, hamid mir etc making entire shows criticising and mocking Khan for serving just tea and water. Many journalists mock him that he doesn't even provide biscuits and luxury foods and gifts. And this will keep getting worse and worse. Just look at any show of Rauf klasra and you can see he has become mentally retarded. He always looks like he's about to cry on tiny things.

Imran khan has hit these journalists on a level never seen before. He has put an end to these people being "playboys"

NOTE : this is my opinion and based on what I see and hear
Those expensive gifts were lifafas for the lifafa journos now they don't get those gifts but they surely get real lifafas filled with money.. yellow journalism has f*cked up our media but youtube is the platform where you will see journalists like Sadeeq Jan who are doing good journalism say wrong where govt is wrong and supporting em where they are right and same goes with opposition..
How about he's a crap pm
How about the country's going down the drain
And what will you bring to back your claims up ? Or are you gonna stick yo aboutism?
OK forget media . For few minutes, sit on any shop in Lahore. Like low level Barbar shop or fruit or vegetables shop and ask them what they think about Imran Khan.
People literally cry. And not sure you have seen what Lahore has become regarding waste collection. Simple point is that governance and administration has gone totally non existent. Everything is put in hands of bureaucracy. That man Azam Khan is the culprit but he is only filling vaccum left due to incompetency of govt. And the way he is filling that vaccum is not doing any good to govt.
In every developed country bureaucracy is responsible for running countrys machinery and govt is responsible for guiding em and making policies... and these problems can easily be sorted out through local govt structure which is present in all first world countries... Councils are responsible for solving small problems of an area not govts... govts focus on big issues, foreign policy etc..

And our people dont even know ABC of economy and you expect they will know what is happening? Their opinion is based on what these lifafas say most of the time..
Since the first day imran khan became prime minister. One by one almost all of mainstream media journalists have turned against Imran khan. Many of these journalist were staunch supporters of him, by what went wrong.

PM Khan is harshly criticised every day or every news channel on every program. Extreme amount of propaganda is done against him. And routinely fake news against him is spread by some "senior journalist".

In my opinion, the reason is not the way imran khan is running this country, neither his economic policies nor high level appointments. The main reason is Imran khan has effectively put an end to expensive "gifts" given to Mainstream media journalists. In previous governments terms most of journalists were given expensive stuff by the government. They were given expensive plots of land for free. They got millions of rupees every year. Many different gifts. They were continuously invited to parties and served with expensive food and returned with more gifts every time. Journalists were given free rides on Private and government cars, planes and helicopters whenever PM, CM or top government officials went anywhere. They could easily get favours out of government. Their requests was accepted.

But now all of this has come to an end as Imran khan wants to reduce government expenses. The result is you will constantly see journalists for example Rauf klasra, hamid mir etc making entire shows criticising and mocking Khan for serving just tea and water. Many journalists mock him that he doesn't even provide biscuits and luxury foods and gifts. And this will keep getting worse and worse. Just look at any show of Rauf klasra and you can see he has become mentally retarded. He always looks like he's about to cry on tiny things.

Imran khan has hit these journalists on a level never seen before. He has put an end to these people being "playboys"

NOTE : this is my opinion and based on what I see and hear

Most media houses were paid large amounts for "advertising" by previous governments. It kept them onside. This government is refusing to do so.
the whole world has acknowledged he has done well after inheriting an economy in freefall.

thanks to people like you that voted in Nawaz Sharif and Dar.
Thank you for your input, how is Manama, are you being a good boy and not in trouble with HM Hamad.
No one has acknowledged that pmik has achieved anything except any nation with maleficent intentions against Pakistan or international institutions that don't won't prosperity in Pakistan.
Of course Dar is bad because for them 5.8% GDP growth was filling their agenda. But with a healthy decline they must be ecstatic.
Those expensive gifts were lifafas for the lifafa journos now they don't get those gifts but they surely get real lifafas filled with money.. yellow journalism has f*cked up our media but youtube is the platform where you will see journalists like Sadeeq Jan who are doing good journalism say wrong where govt is wrong and supporting em where they are right and same goes with opposition..

And what will you bring to back your claims up ? Or are you gonna stick yo aboutism?
Unemployment, increased poverty, high inflation
Negative growth
Take your pick, please use or find a brain
Most media houses were paid large amounts for "advertising" by previous governments. It kept them onside. This government is refusing to do so.
I'm just surprised at how and why in previous government journalist were literally given land by ministry of broadcast for free
How can anyone claim to be a patriotic Pakistan and be satisfied with this government and this prime minister is strange
I'm just surprised at how and why in previous government journalist were literally given land by ministry of broadcast for free
Maybe like Kamran khan, but he's been telling the truth for a day or so
Thank you for your input, how is Manama, are you being a good boy and not in trouble with HM Hamad.
No one has acknowledged that pmik has achieved anything except any nation with maleficent intentions against Pakistan or international institutions that don't won't prosperity in Pakistan.
Of course Dar is bad because for them 5.8% GDP growth was filling their agenda. But with a healthy decline they must be ecstatic.

Unemployment, increased poverty, high inflation
Negative growth
Take your pick, please use or find a brain
Spongeboy me Bob PMLN was using artificial methods to make it seem economy was growing. But In reality rupee was being made stable by taking heavy loans. Massive subsidies were being given on energy and petrol to make it seem to people PMLN Is all great is stuff. WHAT PLMN did to Pakistan is exactly what happened to Venezuela.
How can anyone claim to be a patriotic Pakistan and be satisfied with this government and this prime minister is strange
Because he is doing what we expected from him. He is fixing the basics of this country instead of building useless metro train. Pakistans economy started going down after Nawaz sharif was disqualified in 2017. shahid khaqan and miftah intentionally and deliberately wrecked the economy because they knew they won't get elected again. By intentionality murdering economy they thought next government would be overthrown. But imran khan has stabilized economy and put it on growth again even if took 2 years. He has still done it. He has turned a wrecked economy into a successful one. Last year was wasted due to corona virus
COVID-19 outbreak affected many livelihoods and struck a blow to efforts of Khan administration to revive Pakistan's economic situation and improve livelihoods. Is this Khan's fault as well?

COVID-19 continues to damage families in the present. How many are taking precautions? Whenever you dial someone, you hear the tape about taking precautions but many do not care.

Pakistani Media and sensible criticism are antithesis of each other.
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