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Why Hassan Nisar and the Media have Gone against Imran Khan

The primary reason for this criticism is the difference between the promises /claims before the election made by the Kaptaan and his subsequent actions. Let us forget about the U-turn, there are far too many other incidents. Permit me to narrate only three.

Claim. There should be no political interference in the police work.

Reality: DPO of Pakpattan fired over alleged disrespect to the daughter of the “Pirni “begum.

IG Punjab removed over not suspending the policemen involved in the Model Town incident.

IG of Islamabad fired when he was abroad attending a course because he did not attend to the phone calls of Azam Sawati!

Claim: LNG deal was the mother of all corruptions and PTI would renegotiate.

Reality: LNG deal appears to be a good one, where according to the ‘Bloomberg’ report; GOP saved $650-million through shrewd negotiation. PTI gov’t is going to continue.

Claim: Kaptaan promised that he would attend parliament twice a month and face a ‘Question time’.

Reality: Kaptaan himself is nowhere to be seen but shamelessly tweets that by the walk-out opposition is wasting tax payer’s money!

Undoubtedly the politics in our country revolves around the personality and not around the real issues. Also that they inherited an economy in very bad shape, but in the last 5 months PTI gov’t appears to be completely clueless about how to tackle the real issues and gives the impression that they would resolve the economic problems by selling the cars & buffaloes of the PM house.

Can you really blame the media for being overly critical of Imran Khan when he claims that the nincompoop Usman Buzdar is the ‘ Wasim Akram Plus ‘?

Respectfully I suggest that all lovers of Imran Khan must understand that ‘Honesty’ alone is not sufficient to resolve Pakistan’s economic problems. You need ‘Competence’ as well, which the current PTI Ministers appear to be lacking.

All of the above is ‘Manna’ for the media and they are having a field day.
The primary reason for this criticism is the difference between the promises /claims before the election made by the Kaptaan and his subsequent actions. Let us forget about the U-turn, there are far too many other incidents. Permit me to narrate only three.

Claim. There should be no political interference in the police work.

Reality: DPO of Pakpattan fired over alleged disrespect to the daughter of the “Pirni “begum.

IG Punjab removed over not suspending the policemen involved in the Model Town incident.

IG of Islamabad fired when he was abroad attending a course because he did not attend to the phone calls of Azam Sawati!

Claim: LNG deal was the mother of all corruptions and PTI would renegotiate.

Reality: LNG deal appears to be a good one, where according to the ‘Bloomberg’ report; GOP saved $650-million through shrewd negotiation. PTI gov’t is going to continue.

Claim: Kaptaan promised that he would attend parliament twice a month and face a ‘Question time’.

Reality: Kaptaan himself is nowhere to be seen but shamelessly tweets that by the walk-out opposition is wasting tax payer’s money!

Undoubtedly the politics in our country revolves around the personality and not around the real issues. Also that they inherited an economy in very bad shape, but in the last 5 months PTI gov’t appears to be completely clueless about how to tackle the real issues and gives the impression that they would resolve the economic problems by selling the cars & buffaloes of the PM house.

Can you really blame the media for being overly critical of Imran Khan when he claims that the nincompoop Usman Buzdar is the ‘ Wasim Akram Plus ‘?

Respectfully I suggest that all lovers of Imran Khan must understand that ‘Honesty’ alone is not sufficient to resolve Pakistan’s economic problems. You need ‘Competence’ as well, which the current PTI Ministers appear to be lacking.

All of the above is ‘Manna’ for the media and they are having a field day.
Kudos Sir.
It’s the job of the media to come into criticise, after all without criticism, it wouldn’t be democracy rather authoritarianism. So no surprise there. Also the economic indicators are pretty worse off than they were a year and a half ago. Growth rate projection down from 5.9 to 4.2 percent. FDI reduced from 1.3 Billion USD last year to 800 Million USD. Gas prices are up by 100 percent and commodity prices have also gone up significantly due to sudden increase in inflation In the past 6 months. Not to mention the 25 percent hike in dollar rate.
I feel the government should stop blaming the previous rulers now and start delivering. Blaming the previous government is a very typical excuse and one which we ve been hearing from every government that has been coming to power from the past 30 yeArs.

If the PtI government doesn’t strut delivering, people will start losing faith.

Yes, and now only if those statements of yours had some sound logic in them.

1) Criticism is different from spreading propaganda and pessimism. If you can't differentiate between the two then that's a problem. What we have in the media is Pessimistic propaganda that is not helping anyone.

2) Economic indicators are down because the last government was running things on artificial numbers which every one knew will come to haunt whoever comes next. And if you expect the current government to inherit an effed up economy and fix it in a matter of months or even a couple of years, then you must be joking to yourself?

3) Commodity prices are up because government doesn't have enough reserves to prevent inflation and give relief to the poor.

4) You need to feel that the government is right to criticize the previous government because the previous governments were all effed up. You can't bring about a change without mentioning what was wrong and how you fixed it.

5) Delivery starts after diagnosing the problem. The diagnosis doesn't happen over night. It takes time, judge them after they have completed 5 years and question them on their achievement.
But is there a question on the measures they have taken so far, and if they are not far better than most of us have seen any other government deliver within a span of a few months?

The primary reason for this criticism is the difference between the promises /claims before the election made by the Kaptaan and his subsequent actions. Let us forget about the U-turn, there are far too many other incidents. Permit me to narrate only three.

Claim. There should be no political interference in the police work.

Reality: DPO of Pakpattan fired over alleged disrespect to the daughter of the “Pirni “begum.

IG Punjab removed over not suspending the policemen involved in the Model Town incident.

IG of Islamabad fired when he was abroad attending a course because he did not attend to the phone calls of Azam Sawati!

Claim: LNG deal was the mother of all corruptions and PTI would renegotiate.

Reality: LNG deal appears to be a good one, where according to the ‘Bloomberg’ report; GOP saved $650-million through shrewd negotiation. PTI gov’t is going to continue.

Claim: Kaptaan promised that he would attend parliament twice a month and face a ‘Question time’.

Reality: Kaptaan himself is nowhere to be seen but shamelessly tweets that by the walk-out opposition is wasting tax payer’s money!

Undoubtedly the politics in our country revolves around the personality and not around the real issues. Also that they inherited an economy in very bad shape, but in the last 5 months PTI gov’t appears to be completely clueless about how to tackle the real issues and gives the impression that they would resolve the economic problems by selling the cars & buffaloes of the PM house.

Can you really blame the media for being overly critical of Imran Khan when he claims that the nincompoop Usman Buzdar is the ‘ Wasim Akram Plus ‘?

Respectfully I suggest that all lovers of Imran Khan must understand that ‘Honesty’ alone is not sufficient to resolve Pakistan’s economic problems. You need ‘Competence’ as well, which the current PTI Ministers appear to be lacking.

All of the above is ‘Manna’ for the media and they are having a field day.

1) Interference with Police?
These police higher ups were brought in by whom? Are they not creating trouble for the government by being disobedient?
Political interference and lack of response are two different things.

When you tell your subordinates to do something, and they refuse, what will be your next step? Praise them for their disobedience and promote them?

How do you know half of these are not media cooked stories like the DPO pakpattan? Where is the proof that helps you reach that particular conclusion? Or did you ended up accepting some one else's narrative for it without convincing your mind with evidence?

2) You are not in knowledge of all the inner gimmicks of things till you reach the office. LNG deal and the foerign policy associated with it would be enough to make some one change their mind on it. It's called understanding something and correcting ones approach.
The term U-turn is coined and narrated by stupid brains, who never changed their idea of something when they learnt something new.

3) Kaptaan is busy travelling to countries to set the economy right and to get the foreign policy working and standing on the right pillars.
While the parliament is nothing but a juma bazaar of thugz who ask and discuss illogical bullshit. Everyone who has already been going there is fed of the ignorance based discussions they have to involve themsleves in. And then the parliament expects Kaptaan to tell them about the secret dealings with the other countries and make us a laughing stock in foreign community.
Those things kept in mind, he should never visit that gathering of retards, and hopefully soon the parliament wont exist and we'll have a better way of governance.

4) No one said they were going to fix the economy by selling buffaloes, and cars. And whoever is claiming so is being the propagandist or a victim of the propaganda. And that exactly is the problem.
The primary reason for this criticism is the difference between the promises /claims before the election made by the Kaptaan and his subsequent actions. Let us forget about the U-turn, there are far too many other incidents. Permit me to narrate only three.

Claim. There should be no political interference in the police work.

Reality: DPO of Pakpattan fired over alleged disrespect to the daughter of the “Pirni “begum.

IG Punjab removed over not suspending the policemen involved in the Model Town incident.

IG of Islamabad fired when he was abroad attending a course because he did not attend to the phone calls of Azam Sawati!

Claim: LNG deal was the mother of all corruptions and PTI would renegotiate.

Reality: LNG deal appears to be a good one, where according to the ‘Bloomberg’ report; GOP saved $650-million through shrewd negotiation. PTI gov’t is going to continue.

Claim: Kaptaan promised that he would attend parliament twice a month and face a ‘Question time’.

Reality: Kaptaan himself is nowhere to be seen but shamelessly tweets that by the walk-out opposition is wasting tax payer’s money!

Undoubtedly the politics in our country revolves around the personality and not around the real issues. Also that they inherited an economy in very bad shape, but in the last 5 months PTI gov’t appears to be completely clueless about how to tackle the real issues and gives the impression that they would resolve the economic problems by selling the cars & buffaloes of the PM house.

Can you really blame the media for being overly critical of Imran Khan when he claims that the nincompoop Usman Buzdar is the ‘ Wasim Akram Plus ‘?

Respectfully I suggest that all lovers of Imran Khan must understand that ‘Honesty’ alone is not sufficient to resolve Pakistan’s economic problems. You need ‘Competence’ as well, which the current PTI Ministers appear to be lacking.

All of the above is ‘Manna’ for the media and they are having a field day.

Thats fair enough but what is the alternative?

Its either Imran or zardari/sharif mafias?

There are no other competent leaders. By slamming Imran you give space to the mafias.

Unfortunately this is the situation. Imran in the 90s and 2000s was magnificent but shiitty Pakistani society eroded him down to this mess.

Pakistan needs a number of honest competent leaders but not sure where they will come from. It really is social darwinism at its finest.

Pakistan has major structural issues where criminality of leadership is legitimized by the courts, bribery and favor for a favor is deeply embedded. Watch narcos tv show to give you an idea what Colombia went through.

The change Pakistan needs is generational and even then it might not be possible. Unfortunately progress is well past our lifetime and Pakistan will be a poor mans Nigeria for a very long time. Its shame there was so much promise but bad decisions upon bad decisions and this is how the world works.
> Corrupt politicians paid Channels to run their pro propaganda

> Corrupt politicians in Prison

> Now Channels don't get the Free Money

> No FREE money no lavish , salaries for Reporters
The primary reason for this criticism is the difference between the promises /claims before the election made by the Kaptaan and his subsequent actions. Let us forget about the U-turn, there are far too many other incidents. Permit me to narrate only three.

Claim. There should be no political interference in the police work.

Reality: DPO of Pakpattan fired over alleged disrespect to the daughter of the “Pirni “begum.

IG Punjab removed over not suspending the policemen involved in the Model Town incident.

IG of Islamabad fired when he was abroad attending a course because he did not attend to the phone calls of Azam Sawati!

Claim: LNG deal was the mother of all corruptions and PTI would renegotiate.

Reality: LNG deal appears to be a good one, where according to the ‘Bloomberg’ report; GOP saved $650-million through shrewd negotiation. PTI gov’t is going to continue.

Claim: Kaptaan promised that he would attend parliament twice a month and face a ‘Question time’.

Reality: Kaptaan himself is nowhere to be seen but shamelessly tweets that by the walk-out opposition is wasting tax payer’s money!

Undoubtedly the politics in our country revolves around the personality and not around the real issues. Also that they inherited an economy in very bad shape, but in the last 5 months PTI gov’t appears to be completely clueless about how to tackle the real issues and gives the impression that they would resolve the economic problems by selling the cars & buffaloes of the PM house.

Can you really blame the media for being overly critical of Imran Khan when he claims that the nincompoop Usman Buzdar is the ‘ Wasim Akram Plus ‘?

Respectfully I suggest that all lovers of Imran Khan must understand that ‘Honesty’ alone is not sufficient to resolve Pakistan’s economic problems. You need ‘Competence’ as well, which the current PTI Ministers appear to be lacking.

All of the above is ‘Manna’ for the media and they are having a field day.

All fair points, expect for the last one. The opposition does not even let IK's ministers speak you expect the PM of Pakistan to go there and be disrespected by some jahil Noony who worships Nawaz? Did you forget what was happening when IK was elected in the parliament? Whether you like IK or not, the position of the PM of the country has a certain respect associated with it. You cannot have matric fail donkey eaters disrespecting the sanctity of the position.

Watch a session of the parliament, whenever someone like a Faisal Vawda, or Murad Saeed or Fawad Chaudry get up to speak they are welcomed with hooting, hollering and constant bickering from the opposition benches. Then when they respond in kind the paid media labels them as ill-mannered and uncultured.
These rates are according to the viewing of the Channels. The more viewed they are, more costly they are! K-2 Channel is viewed in Hazara region and peoples watch for Hindko programs or news or updates on local areas.

You cannot compare Serena Hotel Islamabad to some shabby Hotel in Pir Wadahai area (Rawalpindi). But if you can bring the rent of a room in Serena Hotel Islamabad to Rs. 500/- per night, I will appreciate that.
Just look at the current rates and the new ones
It's not about channels. It's about overall reduction of rates.

Just look at what they inherited a practically non functional bankrupt country.
Well I am not gonna comment on what happened to the rest of the media. But Hassan Nisar is very unbiased and I knew from the beginning, he’s gonna oppose Imran Khan if he ever come into power.
Just look at the current rates and the new ones
It's not about channels. It's about overall reduction of rates.

Just look at what they inherited a practically non functional bankrupt country.

The government is banktrupt not the country.
The point is that I remember what Zardari and his accomplices did to the economy and the country and what the situation was like after they left. But I feel most of you here don’t. There was no electricity, growth rate was around 1.8 percent and inflation was at an all time high. I could name a number of other things that were messed up. But despite the fact that the Ganja brothers are corrupt or whatever, I as a citizen saw evident improvement not only in our economy but in a number of other areas. Now the thing is, if you had even the slightest idea about economics, you’d know that figures can be manipulated for a week a month or even a few months but not for five years. Also, when you manipulate figures, it doesn’t take 5 years for the effects to come out. That’s because unlike a person’s home’s economy the country’s economy is connected to the international economy. So I feel this notion of manipulation barely holds weights as I’ve been hearing this since the 90s. Every new government uses this card to defame the previous one to hide their failures and so does the opposition that want to come to power.

It’s just that most people here are so politically motivated that they forget or ignore the facts. Only when you Look at things from an independent observer’s point of view do you see the reality.
So I’d advise you all to put aside your political affiliations and see what’s real and what’s propaganda otherwise by the end of the current five years you ll only realise that you wasted your time fooling yourselves.
This narrative that every failure of the current government is because of the doing of the previous government will not stick and eventually people will start turning against the elected government unless Khans cabinet starts delivering and brings about some visible beauty improvement in the country. If they don’t deliver, if prices of commodities and utilities keep rising at the rate that they are, people will lose faith and eventually This government will be no different to the than the previous one. After words alone dont fill the belly of the poor.
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