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Why Hamas started the war in Gaza



Two wrongs don't make a right.

Lets try to keep it civil
Always remember if Hitler was wrong then Israel is very much wrong ... And this picture was for showing mirror to Israelis .....

Seriously? Remind me of the part where Jews launched suicide bomb attacks against Germans, or launched rockets against Germans, or gassed millions of Palestinians to death, or put millions of them in ovens.

There's a line of decency that must not be crossed. It's a good thing most Westerners don't see these kind of posts, Pakistan's reputation is bad enough as it is.

To maintain credibility, criticism has to reflect reality.
Seriously? Remind me of the part where Jews launched suicide bomb attacks against Germans, or launched rockets against Germans, or gassed millions of Palestinians to death, or put millions of them in ovens.

There's a line of decency that must not be crossed. It's a good thing most Westerners don't see these kind of posts, Pakistan's reputation is bad enough as it is.

To maintain credibility, criticism has to reflect reality.

I don't care what you think about Pakistan ... But plz remind me when Hitler was occupied brutally Jews land.....????????
I don't care what you think about Pakistan ... But plz remind me when Hitler was occupied brutally Jews land.....????????

Huh? He killed Jews who were German citizens, and thus had the same right to live in Germany that he did. But that wasn't enough. Then he invaded Czechoslovakia, Poland, France, the Ukraine, Russia, and killed all of their Jews, or ordered his puppet governments to kill Jews across the countries of Europe.

Is it possible you're learning this for the first time?
Huh? He killed Jews who were German citizens, and thus had the same right to live in Germany that he did. But that wasn't enough. Then he invaded Czechoslovakia, Poland, France, the Ukraine, Russia, and killed all of their Jews, or ordered his puppet governments to kill Jews across the countries of Europe.

Is it possible you're learning this for the first time?

That was world war and he captured Christian's states not Jews ... But Jews has occupied Palestinian's state illegitimately ... And now they are become crying baby that Palestinians are beating us so we are bombing to them ... You Americans are really hypocrites ... Pathetic :bad:
That was world war and he captured Christian's states not Jews ... But Jews has occupied Palestinian's state illegitimately ... And now they are become crying baby that Palestinians are beating us so we are bombing to them ... You Americans are really hypocrites ... Pathetic :bad:

But Jews were citizens of those states. It's incomprehensible why you think it's OK for Hitler to murder his fellow citizens, and then go into other countries and murder their citizens. Not soldiers, civilians. But that's war, you say. Really?

And you call me hypocritical?

As far as Israel and the legality issue: if it's straightforward, why doesn't Pakistan have it resolved through the UN, the same organization that brought Israel into being?
But Jews were citizens of those states. It's incomprehensible why you think it's OK for Hitler to murder his fellow citizens, and then go into other countries and murder their citizens. Not soldiers, civilians. But that's war, you say. Really?

First of all I am not OK of genocide of Jews by hitler but you are OK of genocide of Palestinians by Israel .........

And you call me hypocritical?

This is hypocritical behavior that on one hand you condemn to Hitler to killing innocent Jews but other way round you support to Israel to kill to innocent Palestinians ..............

As far as Israel and the legality issue: if it's straightforward, why doesn't Pakistan have it resolved through the UN, the same organization that brought Israel into being?

If UN would have been capable then this issue had resolved for decades ... Israeli aggression on Palestine was never ever legitimated ... How could you justify it ........

Im sorry, i dont speak stupid.

In fact stupidity in you blood ..........
First of all I am not OK of genocide of Jews by hitler but you are OK of genocide of Palestinians by Israel .........

I'm not OK with it, but has there ever been a war without civilian casualties? Even worse, when it's what is called "total war," when essentially all of society is mobilized to fight the war, it's virtually impossible to avoid civilian casualties.

Remember, Hamas doesn't wear a uniform. And to clarify, I'm not OK with the death of Palestinians, but where do you distinguish between collateral death and genocide? I don't see how this is a genocide, given the intent of the attacks is not directed against the general Palestinian population.

This is hypocritical behavior that on one hand you condemn to Hitler to killing innocent Jews but other way round you support to Israel to kill to innocent Palestinians ..............

I didn't bring Hitler into this, you brought him in by praising him and saying he was right. If you need me to say it explicitly, I condemn the killing of Palestinian innocents when such killing can be avoided (i.e. not collateral death in the killing of a combatant). The vast majority of Jews that Hitler killed were not combatants, and indeed, were already segregated from the rest of the population, so collateral death was not possible. Do you retract your statements of praise for Hitler?

If UN would have been capable then this issue had resolved for decades ... Israeli aggression on Palestine was never ever legitimated ... How could you justify it ........

Is this not then an indication that the legal question is far more complicated than is generally portrayed? If Israel's territorial boundaries were clear, then the UN would have already recognized a Palestinian state. It's because the boundaries are unclear, and the ownership of territory earmarked for a Palestinian state is disputed that the situation has not been resolved already.

In any case, my point is that let's keep the discussion based on merits of the case at hand. Calling Hitler into the equation, especially with calls for genocide, do nothing for the discussion except provoke discord. It's hard to maintain the moral high-ground and call for Israel to stop when you are calling for Jews to be killed (and not just Israeli Jews, all Jews).

America isn't perfect, but at least we try and make a moral argument for our actions instead of just calling for slaughter based on blood-lust.

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